The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 550

It is difficult for those English gentlemen to judge for a while, how many secrets of South China are still hidden in those dense rain forests.

At least from public information, Medan has a small but rapidly expanding iron and steel industry that can produce rifles and some artillery, as well as bullets and artillery shells. Although the scale is not very large, but from this aspect Look, it's much better than the Dutch in Jakarta.

What is more surprising is their army.

A fairly large-scale air force, a powerful army, and a navy that makes people a little scrupulous. These arms can also cooperate well and get rid of the ignorant Dutch and Indian colonial forces at once.

Although Clifford is not a soldier, he secretly compares it in his heart. If he is replaced by the British army, the result will not be much better.

Of course, the powerful Royal Navy of the United Kingdom is far from comparable to the two small boats of the South China Navy. If it is not estimated too much, the Royal Navy Squadron of Singapore can log in to Medan at any time.

Oh, I almost forgot. Nanhua has built several forts in Belawan. If the Royal Navy comes hard, it is estimated that it will lose a little bit.

Going ashore is easy, but when going ashore, you have to face hundreds of thousands of the South China Army, which can give the British a headache.Although the British Empire is powerful, it is full of enemies.

The use of naked force is the most stupid thing. The Boer War almost wiped out the British treasury more than a decade ago, so that Morgan had to find a loan.

Although I got gold and diamonds from South Africa in the end, the painful price paid made London remember.If Britain were to destroy South China, at least it would pay no less than the Boer War. Will the British who have just experienced the world war be willing to pay more than a billion pounds in military expenses and tens of thousands of people to help the Dutch?

"Obviously, South China has the support of the Americans, at least in part. The Americans who are anxious do nothing to dig the corner of the empire. They must be careful not to follow their way."

Clifford thought to himself.

Chen Youren didn't speak, thinking: "The British are very mature and their diplomatic methods are flexible and changeable. Generally speaking, they will not walk naked on the table unless necessary.

Now Nanhua is like a gangster who is robbing. It is the mountain bandit who has seized another group of declining bandits, and he has snatched a lot of good things. It was when he was irritated by desire, he sharpened his knife and was jealous.

If others want to snatch his trophy, they must fight to the death, or at least do it.

The British are delicate and expensive. They have too many beautiful things. Although some covet other people's treasures, it is a bit unrealistic to ask them to lay down and fight to death.

Chen Youren is very aware of the British concerns, so he agrees with South China's attitude of neither humble nor arrogant.

Both of them are thinking about their own thoughts and constantly analyzing the current situation, which is a bit more patience.The secretary had already come in and added coffee to them twice, but after talking about the weather, they seemed to be addicted to the smell of coffee.

After a while, Clifford finished his last sip of coffee and said with a smile: "This Sumatran coffee is really good. It has a unique flavor and is different from other regions. I like it very much."

"I wonder if Mr. Chen is willing to continue sharing with us?" Clifford said, with a pair of gentle blue eyes falling on Chen Youren's face.

"Of course. We have always been very generous to our friends and are willing to share this wonderful thing with gentlemen like Mr. Clifford. In fact, we still have many friends, and we are willing to share with them."

Chen Youren smiled.

Nanhua does not refuse to be a friend of the British, but also makes other friends.If Britain is unwilling to accept South China’s friendship, South China will go to others.

Clifford heard that Chen Youren's subtext is that he is not afraid of the British blockade, and South China is confident that it will win the support of other countries.

"Damn Yankee! For his own benefit, did he support Nanhua without regard to the principle of white supremacy?" Clifford cursed in his heart.

He probably forgot that more than a decade ago, the British also supported a country to deal with Russia, which was also white. Now this country has grown up and started to counteract the British.

"Okay! I understand what you mean, Chen." Clifford laughed, knowing that the other person is also a cunning and patient person, he simply pointed out, "What do you want?"

"Living space, and dignity." Chen Youren said simply.

"Living space? I think you already have it. I think the Dutch will give you enough respect in the future, why is enough to stop?" Clifford said.

"We have exercised restraint. It is a little strange, why did the British army enter our territory and wound our soldiers? Sir, I think you understand what I mean." Chen Youren looked at Clifford a little harshly , To protest against the small actions of the British behind.

"Is there such a thing? We are at the invitation of a friend to help with the housework. I don't think it has anything to do with other people?" Clifford opened his eyes and said nonsense, as if it were taken for granted.

"Maybe you made a mistake, went to the wrong place, your friend lied to you, there is not something that belongs to him." Chen Youren retorted.

"Really?" Clifford said nonchalantly, "However, our property has been seriously infringed, and our oil company has been treated unfairly by you. I would like to hear your explanation."

After speaking, Clifford squinted at Chen Youren, and said in his heart: Britain’s oil interests in Borneo must not be lost.

Chapter 107

"I think there are some misunderstandings. We respect the interests of the United Kingdom very much and have done nothing to harm your company.

On the contrary, we have brought a lot of business to your country’s companies, but your country’s warships have arrived at our port, which is really hard to understand."

Chen Youren looked at Clifford without backing up.He has grasped the pulse of the British: they are afraid of losing the oil interests of the Indonesian archipelago.

Is that to protect the oil fields of Shell Oil Company?

Clifford was dissatisfied, knowing that the other party was quibbling.

Faced with a master sophistry, entangled with him, there will be no results in the end.

But with the Royal Navy, those Chinese dare not deprive Britain of its oil fields.

Thinking about this, Clifford no longer entangled Barry Barry’s confrontation, and instead proposed today’s biggest goal.

He stared at Chen Youren for a few seconds with a serious expression: "Mr. Chen, I want to know your attitude towards Jakarta, the true final attitude.

This question is very important because it relates to how the British Empire evaluates you."

What does this British guy mean?Warn South China to stop, want to endorse the Dutch or buy time for the Dutch?

Chen Youren frowned. Java Island naturally cannot give the Dutch. If the Dutch are given a chance to breathe, who knows if they will find trouble with Nanhua in the future?

The Dutch are definitely not reconciled, and will provoke troubles, posing a great threat to the security of South China in the future.

If the Dutch let the British into the Java Sea, then South China would be threatened at all times.

In any case, the Dutch rule in Java must be ended!

Chen Youren smiled slightly and said frankly: "We naturally want to live in peace in Jakarta. In fact, they did not give us a way to survive, so we were forced to defend ourselves.

How we treat them depends on how they deal with us.After all, we Chinese have paid countless hardships for the development of Nanyang for hundreds of years, but the reward is humiliation and unfairness!

The Dutch treat us like pigs and dogs, and we just want to find a way to survive. Is this wrong?"

Chen Youren said with a look of grief and indignation. In fact, this is also part of the British.

If they were not forced to be helpless, would the Chinese leave their hometown to venture out?The foreigners messed up the homeland of the Chinese people and made people unable to live, so they had to fight hard.

Clifford was silent for a while, his face blank, as if thinking and feeling.However, where the British Empire rules such a nation, how can you feel guilty for the suffering of others?

After Clifford and Chen Youren talked about it, he probably has tested Nanhua's attitude, knowing that these people want to replace the Dutch as the masters of the Indonesian islands.

They have a tough attitude and do not give in easily, which is a headache.At the same time, he was careful not to offend the British, and wooed some British businessmen to provide them with resources through orders.

So watching India's iron ore, veil, and grain continue to enter Medan, Singapore's Governor's Mansion cannot stop it.

In addition to British merchant ships, there are also merchant ships from the United States, France, and Italy that go to and from Medan. They all come to earn money from the South Chinese.