The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 576

Reyes was moved by Situ Nan's prospects. The only thing that worries him is that the oil palm production period will take more than 8 years, which is a bit long. For him, who is short of funds, it is not a small pressure.

Situ Nan understands his worries. In fact, he didn't expect the other party to invest too much money in it. He was just optimistic that he had experience in managing large farms. With Han Gang's relationship, he also took Reyes by the way.

"You don't have to worry about funding, just do what you can, and the rest of Meihua will take care of it. To put it bluntly, I position your role as a small shareholder and farm manager.

I plan to plant 500,000 hectares of oil palm in South China within 10 years. The investment scale will reach 30 million US dollars. It is estimated that more than 1 million workers will be employed!Think about it, what an exciting thing that a huge new industry will develop in your hands in the future!"

"30 million U.S. dollars, 1 million workers?" Reyes was stunned by Situ Nan's generous work!He swallowed hard, feeling that his heart was about to jump out.

"You heard that right! There are not only your and me investment, but also the investment of the South China government, they will give it all convenience." Situ Nan believes that in ten years, the scale of Nanhua's oil palm plantation industry will reach at least three or four. One hundred million U.S. dollars.

Of course, the most valuable is the land. After reclamation, the barren marshland has become a beautiful palm forest, and the land price will be several times the original.

"Reyes, what are you hesitating about? In my opinion, this is an investment no less than the oil industry. Master, count me!" Han Gang said simply.

"Okay!" Situ Nan promised.I think Han Gang, a senior general in the South China Army, actually has investments in Meihua.As early as when he was in a security company, Situ Nan established a security team welfare fund, which is somewhat similar to the participation of security team members in social security.

Later, the welfare fund also participated in the investment of major companies such as Meihua Company and Occidental Petroleum. Although the shares are not many, they add up to a lot.

Players like Han Gang who followed Situ Nan in the early days have more than $100,000 in the welfare fund account alone!It's a real iron crop, if Nanhua doesn't fall.

"I can also participate, can it?" Wu Manli said, seemingly interested.She was very sensitive when she heard about 1 million people, saying: The Intelligence Bureau must keep a close eye on this company.

Situ Nan was noncommittal at Wu Manli's joining in the fun, glanced at Wu Manli, and nodded.Xindao: You mother-in-law doesn't need money, so why should you join in the fun?Speaking of investment projects, Nanhua has a large number of good projects, such as transportation, energy, machinery manufacturing, real estate, and so on.

Generally speaking, if you have money or power, you can carve up a certain industry, such as the Huang Zhonghan family sugar, petroleum, shipping, the rubber of the Tan Kah Kee family, the tin industry of the Li Yuanshan and Hu Guolian families, the wood industry of the Li Qingquan family, and the Jian Zhaonan family. Tobacco industry, Hu Wenhu family's pharmaceutical and printing industry...

They all have this close relationship with Meihua Company. The family business also contains the shares of Meihua Company. At the same time, they are shareholders of Meihua Company. They cross each other and are closely integrated.

Meihua Company became a South China country, and these Chinese families shifted their industrial focus from Malaya to South China, tacitly carveing ​​up related industries and achieving monopoly to a certain extent.

With so many investment opportunities in Nanhua, it is a bit unrealistic for others to invest in the relatively productive oil palm plantation industry. The only ones capable of doing this are Situ Nan and Meihua.

After negotiation, Situ Nan, Meihua Company, and the South China Government (shared by land) jointly invested US$2 million to establish an oil palm industry company. Situ Nan was named Jinguang Company.

Situ Nan handed the Cotai Company to a young man named Huang Cong. Huang Cong is the manager of Meihua Company in charge of the oil palm business in Malaya. Now he is sent back to Nanhua, just in time for him to show his ambition.

Of course, the shareholders of Sinar Mas also include Reyes, whom Situ Nan invited to invest. Reyes serves as the plantation manager of Sinar Mas, responsible for the plantation management of Sinar Mas. I believe his experience will bring huge benefits to the new Sinar Mas .

I believe that with the expansion of investment, Cotai Co., Ltd. will definitely shine like the international giant that Situ Nan knew in history.

Oil palm is only one of the major industries of Sinar Mas. The abundant forestry resources in Sumatra and Borneo also give Sinar Mas a great potential in the timber and paper industries.

Do not underestimate the wood industry. In the era when steel has not been widely used in the private sector, the wood industry is also a major industry. Cummins has to pay the timber merchants millions of dollars in costs each year.

And Situ Nan knows that a timber merchant in the United States has a net worth of more than 160 million US dollars!

"Huang Cong, Nanhua's situation has determined that for a long time to come, you will have to rely on exporting agricultural resources to obtain industrialization funds. Therefore, you have to cut trees and farm at the same time. The burden is not light!"

Situ Nan looked at the head of the Cotai Company with a smile.

"Mr. Situ, please rest assured, even if all the forests on the island are brought down, I have to exchange enough funds for the industrialization of Nanhua." Huang Cong assured.

Situ Nan laughed as soon as he heard it. It was impossible to cut down the forests of the Indonesian archipelago. When Lao Tzu came, the forest coverage of Sumatra and Borneo was as high as 70 to 80%?This is the result of Indonesians' daily deforestation.

"You cut all the forest, we can't live anymore." Situ Nan smiled.

He took out a drawing, and said: "This is a chain saw. It is very efficient for logging. The United States and Germany already have molded products."

"Okay!" Huang Cong carefully put the blueprint in his arms to turn the swamp forest into an oil palm forest. It is really inconvenient without the big killer like a chain saw.

"Also, regarding your previous mining location, I have a suggestion. It is best to be in south-central Sumatra and western Borneo, where there is abundant coal, which can provide enough energy for the industrialization of South China."

Situ Nan exhorted.

The bulk of the cargo exported from the Indonesian archipelago is coal except for oil. It has the advantages of shallow burial, low ash content, low sulfur content, and high calorific value. It is most suitable for large-scale mining.

The only pain is that it is covered by dense forests and the transportation is not very convenient. However, with the development of Nanhua, the coal industry will definitely become one of the pillars of Nanhua's industry.

Situ Nan told Huang Cong of this situation, hoping that Sinar Mas could clear the obstacles for the development of the coal industry.

"I know what's going on." Huang Cong nodded.

After Huang Cong left, Wu Manli walked in and looked at Situ Nan, who was still looking down in thought. Aren't you too tired?"

"Haha. Make more arrangements when you have time, and make more money by the way, otherwise, how can you afford to support a large group of your wives?" Situ Nan smiled, and copied Wu Manli into his arms.

"It's really a big carrot." Wu Manli smiled, but let Situ Nan play with her, using a woman's tenderness to soothe Situ Nan's pressure.

Regarding the construction of Nanhua, Situ Nan and Yao Hongmin had a lot of discussions. Nanhua has almost no shortage of resources, just the same-iron!

This is the worst.

When Situ Nan came in the previous life, Indonesia was a large Southeast Asian country, but it was a small steel country with an annual output of only two to three million tons.

"Iron ore is a trouble. We have explored a lot of places and searched for a lot of oil, but iron ore is rarely found. The quality of the iron ore found is not good, and the mining cost is too high to pay." Yao Hongmin frowned.

"In any case, the steel industry must not fall. The Japanese said, I think it's good, that is-steel is the country!

An important indicator for measuring the world's major powers is steel production. Without steel, there would be no industrialization. Our investment in the oil palm industry is at best an appetizer. Compared with the steel industry, it is not as important as the steel industry. Therefore, even if it goes bankrupt, we have to start the steel industry.Situ Nan reminded.

"Yes! We have achieved good results in Medan. Without the steel mills and arsenals in Medan, we could not defeat the Dutch so easily.

It is a pity that there are too few high-quality iron ore near Medan, and it will be lighted in a few years.We have to wonder where to find a lot of high-quality iron ore.Otherwise, the shipbuilding and machinery industries may not develop in the future, and the construction of urban factories will also be hindered."

Huang Zhonghan said, he is the Minister of Industry...

Chapter 125: Nanhua's Road

"The huge island of Java does not have a decent steel plant, and the total steel output of the island is almost zero. Except for the farm, we have not left a nail! The Dutch are really bastards! They are far from the British!"

Speaking of the steel industry on Java Island, Yao Hongmin couldn't help but blame the Dutch for occupying the pit.Compared to the British who invested heavily in industrial construction in India, the Dutch are not a whole street behind.

"The Dutch are not stupid, they are very shrewd. People have long known the importance of industry. Countries such as Britain and Germany have become first-class powers through the development of industry, and they have left the former sea coachman a few streets behind and become neighbors. Can the Dutch not know the truth?

They desperately squeezed and exploited the Indonesian archipelago, and actually used a large amount of funds for the country's industrial construction, enhanced the local national strength, and maintained its advantage over the colonial indigenous people. The Indonesian archipelago provided cheap raw materials and markets for the Dutch industrialization.

Had it not been for our presence, the Dutch would have eaten the Indonesian archipelago to death, and the hundreds of millions of people on the island would serve the millions of people in Europe."

Situ Nan explained with a smile.

The Dutch were indeed a bit too much. Situ Nan paid special attention to Jakarta, and there was no iron shop.

If other factors are not taken into account, Java Island is evergreen in all seasons, full of lush greenery, and fertile land. It is an ideal homeland praised by poets.

"One poor and two white, then one poor and two white. Didn't we have nothing in Medan? The big deal is to work for a few more years. I believe that as long as we work together and make a concerted effort, the steel industry will be built!"

Situ Meideng smiled confidently, turned to Situ Nan, and said: "You were being held and pinched. I know you must have a way?"