The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 683

Nicholas?Tesla channeled himself, looked at the tall antenna behind him, thrust into the sky, standing by the Atlantic Ocean.The grinning sea breeze and turbulent seas really have a bit of pride in changing human history.

Nicholas more than twenty years ago?Tesla had this idea when he invented the radio, but later he was fascinated by the research of radio's elegant piezoelectric technology, and suffered setbacks, and many plans had to be abandoned.

The success of the recent global wireless broadcast experiment gave him a lot of confidence. After finishing the experiment in San Francisco, he rushed to New York non-stop.He wants to prove himself-Nikolai?Tesla is back!

"Picture transmission? Interesting!" Situ Nan nodded, feeling relieved.Now Cummins Electric has developed very well in the field of power generation and transmission. High-voltage lines are being erected everywhere, so there is no need for unrealistic radio transmission technology.

Radio technology is mainly used to transmit information and energy. Wait for the next century!

Now Nikolai?Tesla Lab is on the right path, Stuart's forward-looking and Nikola?The combination of Tesla's genius will definitely lead the way in the future of TV and radar.Situ Nan was always thinking about the huge market.

He encouraged: "Come on! Dear Mr. Tesla!"

The experiment is about to begin, Nikolai?Tesla left Situ Nan on the sidelines, went into the launch tower and fiddled with the machines he had carefully set up.

Situ Nan stepped aside, his eyes on Nikolai?Dorothy, Tesla's female assistant?Enter Scarlett and ask: "Miss Scarlett, you are still so touching. Thank you for taking good care of my friend."

"It's my honor." Dorotti smiled gracefully and glanced at Situ Nan, secretly grateful that it was this young man who broke into the Blackstone Hotel and changed Nikolai?The fate of Tesla includes Dorothy himself.

Maybe she doesn't have much scientific talent, but put Nikolai?It is not easy for Tesla to take care of it systematically.What is rare and precious is that before meeting Situ Nan, Nikolai?When Tesla was frustrated because he didn't have the money to pay the taxes, the woman never left.

Now the embarrassing days are over, Nikolai?Tesla has become a respected scientist again, and his achievements in radio are increasing.

And Dorotti also became Nicolas?The manager of Tesla assets, Nikola?Tesla's shares in Cummins Electric are also managed by Dorotti. Can you see her and Nikola?The close relationship between Tesla.

"Miss Scarlett, you..." Situ Nan suddenly found out with a little surprise that the belly of the woman standing in front of her bulged, not very obvious, so Situ Nan didn't notice it at first.

"Is it true?" Situ Nan asked.

"Yes." Dorotti smiled happily and looked up at Nikolai who was experimenting not far away?Tesla.

"His?" Following Dorotti's gaze, he locked Nikolai who was busy with the technicians?Tesla.

"En." Dorotti nodded, his eyes a little proud, and gently stroked his abdomen, his expression softened.

Nicholas?Tesla has a queen?!

Facing Dorothy’s affirmative eyes, Situ Nan was convinced: The relationship between the weirdo and Dorothy has finally come to fruition. It seems that the old age of this amazing genius in history will not be as lonely and helplessly as history, in a cold. In leaving.

"Awesome!" Situ Nan cheered secretly, if it weren't for fear of affecting the experiment, he really wanted to cheer on the spot.

"Congratulations! This is the best news. It is more important than the hell experiment." Situ Nan embraced Dorothy excitedly.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of George, who was doing charity in the Rochester countryside?Eastman hoped that he would be effective in receiving the Chinese medicine acupuncture massage recommended by Situ Nan.From the bottom of my heart, Situ Nan hopes his friends are healthy and happy.

Situ Nan no longer cared about the experiment, and discussed parenting with Dorothy with great interest.

"It seems that I have to hire more people for Nikola? Tesla Labs, otherwise Nikola? Mr. Tesla will be too busy to take care of the children's family in the future."

Situ Nan smiled.

His suggestion is necessary. Dorotti was very pleased to hear it, and said: "I know there is a nice man named De Forrester, the owner of a radio company in San Francisco and an outstanding radio engineer. ."


This name sounds familiar, is it another great god?

Situ Nan responded immediately.

Seeing Situ Nan's interest, Dorothy added: "Mr. De Forrester is the inventor of the triode. Mr. Tesla appreciates this invention. Cummins Electric purchased the technology of the transistor amplifier from Mr. De Forrester. Patent. Originally, Mr. De Forrester wanted to join this experiment, but unfortunately, temporarily because of the San Francisco company, he couldn't come."

Having said this, Dorothy looked sad.

When she said this, Situ Nan finally remembered that De Forrester was the "father of electron tubes" in history!At the same time, the British electrical engineer Fleming who invented the diode was also honored.

Seeing Dorothy look a little regretful, Situ Nan said sensitively: "What? Is there anything troublesome happened to Mr. De Forrester?"

"Yes. His company in San Francisco is not doing well. It seems that he has been in trouble recently. The partners have embezzled the company's property."

Dorotti explained.

Looking at Situ Nan with some eager eyes, she talked about DeForrester in detail.

Situ Nan was silent and listened carefully.

Basically De Forrester is Nikolai?Another version of Tesla, where scientists are in business, was a complete failure.Have a chance to talk to that De Forrester.Situ Nan had an idea in his heart.

"It seems that it is wise to hand over the management of Mr. Tesla's laboratory to Miss Scarlett. Is Miss Scarlett interested in taking a more important position at Cummins Electric?"

Situ Nan invited.This Dorothy was dexterous and knew that he was interested in DeForrester. The words just now faintly revealed that Situ Nan would merge DeForrester's company.

"Thank you. I still prefer to take care of Nikolai. I want to arrange everything in a great way." Dorotti declined, touching his abdomen with a contented smile.

The experiment took a short time, less than half an hour, and most of the time was spent on debugging the instrument.

While Situ Nan and Dorothy were sitting by and drinking coffee, the tower on the mountain suddenly came out and cheered. A young technician rushed out excitedly and shouted: "It's a success! It's a success! We uploaded the picture to London! "

"What a nice guy! That guy is as crazy as his mentor, sometimes he doesn't leave the lab for a few months." Dorothy laughed.

"Really?" Situ Nan smiled. He saw the young technician's yellow face, black tousled hair, a little pale face, and a little bit of pimples on his face, which seemed a bit childish.

It should be a Chinese engineer trained at William University, and then lucky enough to enter Nicolas?Tesla laboratory.Except for the Chinese, are Japanese people unable to enter Nikolai?Tesla Labs.

Although I don't know the name of that lucky guy, Situ Nan is also happy for his growth.

"Congratulations, my friend!" When Situ Nan came to the launch tower, Nikolai?Tesla walked out blushing.

"Thank you. This is a message just sent from London. They have received the picture we transmitted. Look at it!" Nikolai?Tesla smiled and handed the tele-paper to Situ Nan.

"Very good!" Situ Nan took a look. The distorted handwriting on it should be Nikolai?Tesla's handwriting, just now Nikola?Tesla personally translated the telegram sent back from the UK.

This is a good thing, worth cherishing!

Situ Nan carefully put the telegram into his pocket after reading it.

"Isn't this something to be happy about?" Nikolai?Seeing Situ Nan's plain face, Tesla asked as if he was not surprised at all.

"Of course, I'm very happy." Situ Nan frowned, hesitated, and said: "This is an amazing experiment, but it won't be of much use for the time being. It would be great if it could be combined with the movie."

Situ Nan looked at Nikolai expectantly?Tesla.Nicholas?As soon as Tesla rolled his eyes, he immediately understood what Situ Nan meant.

Movies are actually playing pictures continuously, using radio technology to transmit pictures, and then restore these pictures, and then play them one by one. Doesn't it realize the transmission of videos?

"Oh my God, the movies that will be shown in New York in the future can be seen in San Francisco!" Nicola?With a wonderful expression on Tesla's face, he looked at Situ Nan with some surprise.

"Understood? This is not only a radio, but also a TV set!" Situ Nan smiled. In terms of technology, Nikolai?Tesla is really a genius, and also a rich genius at Lenovo.

"What a great idea. We should also add sound to the movie." Nicola?Tesla nodded.