The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 702

This solved the referee's mental illness. He turned around, staring at the South China players, and sent off the four South China players in a thunderous manner.

At this time, the linesman and the police at the scene rushed over to stop the situation in time.The doctor also rushed into the arena and carried the injured player out.It took more than ten minutes, because they did not prepare enough stretchers.

The referee was obviously looking for balance, and the South China team was obviously dissatisfied, especially the players who were later shown the red card. Are they ten meters away from the conflict site?

Is it a foul to look with your eyes?

"I will punish you all if anyone is causing trouble." The referee warned that he was going crazy, his face was violent, his patience had reached the limit.

"Don't make trouble, fight hard!" Dai Chuanxin woke up in time and severely stopped the unwilling South China players.

Accompanied by the staff, a total of eleven athletes left the stadium, including five from Poland and six from South China.There are a total of 22 players in the football match, and now half of the players are lost, setting a record of no one before and after.

After the South China team added one injured player, the balance was restored, six against six, which seemed fair.

The two sides returned to the scene of the game, and the referee, who was secretly relieved, couldn't help but warn the players on both sides.Of course, I haven't forgotten to give Nanhua a penalty!

The South China team seized the opportunity and made a free throw to rewrite the score to 2-1.

In the next game, both sides slowly regained their senses. Although the smell of gunpowder was still full, they both restrained each other. Otherwise, if something happened, the football field would be empty.

In the next match, the referee strictly controlled the physical contact between the two parties, the whistle was constant, and a trace of spark was not let go, and the conflict was nipped in the bud.

Overall, the rest of the game is quite boring.

"That's such a bastard! I really can't stand it anymore." Situ Nan curled his lips and looked at the referee who was like an enemy, with a funny heart.

Russ nodded, agreeing.However, the player sent off by the red card may be suspended. Thinking of the next punishment, he frowned and his face stretched.

Compared with the depressed Ras, Situ Nan was in a much better mood.

In fact, he didn't pay much attention to the results of the competition. What he focused on was to start South China as a country through the Olympics and let more people know about this emerging Chinese country.

Back in the locker room, the sent off team members gradually calmed down, and it felt a bit embarrassing to fight on such an important occasion.

When Situ Nan came in, the atmosphere was a little dull.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Situ, I let you down, I didn't control it just now. Alas..." Dai Chuanxin said with some guilt.

The other people also lowered their heads, their eyes a little dodging, and they dared not look at Situ Nan.They all knew that Situ Nan was a person of great status.

"Do you think so?" Situ Nan looked at these children who seemed to have made a mistake, and was a little funny. When these guys were on the court just now, all of them looked like tigers.

"Xiaoxin! You did a great job just now! How did you punch the guy who owed you a right uppercut?" Situ Nan smiled and gestured.Just now Dai Chuanxin moved too fast, he didn't see clearly.

Situ Nan didn't blame them?

In the locker room, everyone looked at the happy Situ Nan in doubt, how did it feel that the other party wanted to play in person?

"Mr. Situ, you..." Dai Chuanxin hesitated.

"Do you think I blame you? No! No! I am proud of you! Compared to the results of the competition, I value your courage! That's right! Foreigners should be shown our courage! Isn’t this a tortoise when the bullying is over?"

Situ Nan patted Dai Chuanxin on the shoulder, and said earnestly, "It's not right to hit someone, but it's even more wrong not to hit someone. You are all elites in the army, and you may be on the battlefield in the future. I want to give you a word-to be a person. It makes sense, but first you have to practice your fists!"

"Yeah. I remembered." Dai Chuanxin nodded and turned to his teammates and said: "As South China soldiers, we shook hands with people friendly with our right hand and fist with our left hand. Who dares to bully us, put both hands together."

"Shake hands with the right hand, fist with the left hand, who dares to bully us, put both hands together." The team members shouted in unison, their eyes firm.

"By the way, how was that kid just now? He has good skills!" Situ Nan asked again, never expecting that there would be such a powerful football player in the military.

"In the medical room, I will show you." Dai Chuanxin said.

Seeing that Situ Nan was interested in that player, he introduced his situation to Situ Nan on the side of the road.

It turned out that the player was not a soldier, he was a football boy from Hong Kong, and a professional football player. The South China government finally collected it.

But the interesting thing is that the football team that guy plays is called the South China team.The South China team is a strong football team in Hong Kong. It is backed by the US China Consortium, so it is natural to play for the South China Football Team.

Football is very popular in Hong Kong. Hong Kong's special status gives Hong Kong football the opportunity to regularly compete with football teams in the Commonwealth. The level is very high. As for the decline, it will be decades later.

After the establishment of South China, sports have developed rapidly. South China, which is deeply influenced by American education, pays great attention to sports. In terms of education, it is completely different from the traditional Chinese practice of despising sports and reading dead books.

Football, basketball, boxing and other sports that advocate physical confrontation are particularly supported by the South China government. In order to cultivate a new generation of healthy and strong citizens, they are willing to spend money to build similar sports facilities and add a large number of physical education courses to their education subjects. To a certain extent, military national education is also being implemented.

"What's the name of that kid?" Situ Nan asked with interest.

"Li Huitang!"

Li Hyetang?

Situ Nan thinks this name is a bit familiar, is it another historical celebrity?

With a little doubt, Situ Nan walked into the medical room set up by the organizing committee.

"Captain!" Seeing Dai Chuanxin's tall figure, Li Huitang's eyes lit up with a smile on his face. The scene on the court just now was still in his mind. Dai Chuanxin maintained himself so much that he couldn't help being moved.

"Mr. Situ!" Li Huitang saw Situ Nan behind Dai Chuanxin, and he politely greeted him again.

"Is it okay?" Situ Nan asked with concern.

Looking at the young Li Huitang and the scene on the court just now, Situ Nan thought of the alien Ronaldo.

Li Huitang is only 19 years old and has a promising future. If he trains well, he may not be able to train a star for China.

"It's okay! When the other party rushed over, I had already done a protective action, but I didn't expect..."

The doctor told him just now that he would not be able to play for the next month.He couldn't win glory for the country and missed the big stage of the Olympic Games. He felt very sorry.

Situ Nan called a doctor to understand the situation. Indeed, as Li Huitang said, the Nanhua team lost the football genius in the next game.

"Recover well, you are still young and have a bright future." Situ Nan comforted.

Regarding the doctor's examination, Situ Nan was not convinced, and then ordered Li Huitang to be sent to the best hospital in Paris for examination, and to use the best medical skills to ensure that the Chinese football genius is healthy.

"You do it yourself! Ask Zhang Bangxian if you have any questions." Situ Nan said to Dai Chuanxin.This guy Wu Yong is brave enough, but he will not be able to play in the next game. He happens to be free to accompany Li Huitang to the hospital.

"Mr. Situ has a big tone! Captain, he has a big background, right?"

Seeing Situ Nan's back, Li Huitang was speechless.As far as he knew, Dai Chuanxin was a senior officer in Nanhua, but in front of Situ Nan, he seemed to be several ranks short.

"What are you doing with so many questions? Just kick your ball!" Dai Chuanxin said with no anger, thinking that he had been instigated by the kid Li Huitang just now, and he was actually pretending to be dizzy on the court. What a shame!I must be teased when I go back.

Thinking of this, his face is a little hot!

"Make all bad ideas!"

Chapter 13 Peugeot