The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 735

Most of the first-class cabins are wealthy Chinese businessmen in Shanghai, and there are also many foreigners with high noses and blue eyes. As we all know, in the West, people of color such as Chinese cannot take first-class cabins. This bad habit also spread to Shanghai.

With the rise of Japan, the situation of a large number of Japanese ships is spreading around the world, especially in East Asia. Japanese shipping companies monopolize the routes from Japan to China. This prejudice gradually changes. Japanese wealthy businessmen can finally enjoy first-class treatment, and Mitsubishi Shipping Company is even more so. The pride of the Japanese.

Southern Star Shipping Co., Ltd. is the second shipping company to break this discrimination. It took the opportunity to play a national brand and called on Chinese people to take Chinese-owned shipping companies. The treatment of Chinese first-class cabin has also changed due to the development of Chinese shipping. Almost all Chinese businessmen choose A steamship of the Southern Star Shipping Company.

With its attentive service, relatively low prices, and national sentiments, the Southern Star Shipping Company has squeezed out foreign shipping companies from the shipping markets of South China and China since its opening, and more foreign merchants have begun to choose the cheap and good-quality Southern Star. Shipping company.

The sound of the low ship opened the horn for the Pacific Ocean to enter the South Seas, and the huge chimneys emitted black smoke, which suddenly blackened the sky. Under the pull of the small steamer, the Taiping ferry slowly sailed out of the harbor, like a dragon diving into the Pacific.

A Japanese warship passed by, a skinny soldier looked at the figure of the Taiping Wheel, put down his binoculars, and muttered: "Nanhua will definitely become the imperial enemy in the future!"

In order to take care of these Shanghai gentry and celebrities, the boat not only carefully provided Ningbo dishes, but also invited theatrical troupes to perform. Except for a few young people studying abroad, most Chinese gentry like to watch the theater in the quiet small theater on the boat.

The more brightly decorated and luxurious ballroom downstairs is filled with Westernized celebrities, mostly foreign compradors or young masters.Accompanied by jazz music, the suits and cheongsams sang and danced, not at all bored by the sea journey.

"This is the first time the old man has made such a good boat. They did a good job!" Zhu Wulou stroked his beard and just came out of the theater. He was very satisfied with the service on the boat. What made him happier was that he met on the boat. Many business celebrities.

Chen Guofu took his wife to the dance hall downstairs and danced. The entertainment program on the boat is rich. If you don't dance and vent, you can only stay in the room and have sex.

It was this sea trip that caused Chen Guofu to do something. Soon after he went to Nanhua, his wife Zhu Ming became pregnant, saving this guy the embarrassment of being childless in parallel space.

The happiness of the Chen couple was based on the pain and embarrassment of Jiang Jingguo, a simple farmer. Every night, he was stunned by the sound of the next door. He was puzzled and annoyed, but he had no choice but to get up and light up the lamp. After reading it at night, I later recalled: the boat is very big, it shocks me, and occasionally it is very loud, so that I can not sleep... After getting off the boat, I suddenly understood the truth of life....

When the ship arrived in Ningbo, Jiang Jingguo unexpectedly found that his mother, Ms. Mao, was also on the ship. He was pleasantly surprised.

"Your father said that you are going to study in Nanhua, let me accompany you, and send someone to pick me up, so I am here." Ms. Mao looked at her faintly heroic son with a kind face and pride in her heart.

"Now it's okay, the family is reunited! Congratulations!" Chen Guofu was happy for Ms. Mao's arrival. He did not expect that Fengyue-loving uncle actually took the Huanglian Po from home to Nanhua. It seems that he wants to The determination to work in Nanhua is great!

Three days later, when the Taiping arrived at Nansha Port in Guangzhou, many guests came on board, and the first-class cabin became more lively, especially the bullish Guangdong bosses. Talking about Nanhua is like visiting relatives.

When Chen Guofu inquired, he was secretly surprised. It turned out that those Cantonese guys really didn't brag. Someone in the family was an official business in Nanhua, and there were a lot of fertile land and thousands of workers in Nanhua.

Some are even better, saying that his family also invests in the Southern Star Shipping Company, and even digs for oil in South China, holding shares in large companies such as the South China Railway Company and the US-China Steel Company.

"This little Guangdong guy is bullish, hum!" Zhu Wulou was a little angry and stabbed the crutches down. Since the ship passed Guangzhou, there were more Cantonese on the ship that he could not understand, and even the crew on the ship had changed. Sing Cantonese opera.

"My father-in-law, don't be angry. They are all incompetent guys who jump out. The real big people are not so superficial, so why bother?

I heard from my uncle that the Industrial and Commercial Bank opened by Zhejiangese in Nanhua is not as bad as the bank opened by Guangdongese."

Chen Guofu smiled.

"That's true." Zhu Wulou nodded and said impulsively, "If Nanhua really wants to have gold everywhere as they say, this time I will open the bank to Nanhua. Think about it, there are more and more Jiangsu and Zhejiang merchants now. When I went to Nanhua, the contact between Nanhua and Shanghai became more and more frequent. Isn't this a good opportunity?"

"The old gentleman is also from Zhejiang? Want to open a bank?" A young man appeared in front of Zhu Fifth Floor and smiled, "Now Zhao Tiancheng..."

Chapter 37 Taiping Wheel: Rich and Poor

"Where is Mr. Zhou from?"

Zhu Wulou looked curiously at Zhou Tiancheng in front of him. He was thirty years old, with dark skin and a kind of self-confidence to be successful in his career. The Ningbo dialect is not very authentic, and his accent should be from Wenzhou.

"I was born in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, but my ancestors went overseas to earn a living a hundred years ago. I grew up in Japan, then went to the United States and went everywhere. It was a small achievement, but I didn't expect the Tokyo earthquake last year..."

When Zhou Tiancheng said this, he felt sad and seemed to evoke sadness: his father Zhou Wanshun was the president of the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce in Japan. In the earthquake, thousands of Chinese nationals died not only from the earthquake, but also from the poisonous hands of the Japanese mob. The Zhou family's property was also lost in this natural and man-made disaster.

Although Zhou Tiancheng didn't say anything further, Zhu Wulou, Chen Guofu and others also felt sad and secretly sighed.

The Tokyo earthquake last year shocked the world. All kinds of inhuman abuses suffered by Chinese expatriates spread widely in the Chinese world. Nanyang and the southern regions controlled by the Zhi Gong Party set off an anti-Japanese wave.

In South China, the Japanese are the most offensive objects. Boycotting Japanese goods has become the mainstream public opinion. New Tangshan, Medan, Surabaya and other cities with a Chinese population account for a large number of Japanese pubs and shops have been destroyed. Japanese brothels have even more. It became the target of everyone's vent. In just one month, 10,000 Japanese prostitutes were deported.

The battered Japanese government had no time to take care of it. It was not until the loss of control was almost out of control and the Japanese warship visited Singapore to visit the south.

"Everyone is responsible for the prosperity of the country. But the situation is not as expected!" Chen Guofu sighed.

"Yeah." Zhou Tiancheng nodded, his face stern, "I believe that things are man-made." He secretly clenched his fists, a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes, he immediately relaxed, and his face returned to calm.

After the earthquake, the Beiyang government and the leaders of the big gang of warlords were willing to give their benevolence and actively rescued the Chinese compatriots in Japan, but did not have the mind to suffer overseas. Zhou Tiancheng was heartbroken. He, a "heavenly abandoned people", was determined to join South China After finishing his overseas business, I am ready to start a business again in Nanhua.

The topic of unpleasantness is over. Zhu Wulou asked Zhou Tiancheng how to invest in South China. He is an old fox with rich experience. Although his style is relatively conservative and his thoughts are a little rigid, he has a more consistent way of seeing people. I think this Zhou Tiancheng dares Dare to fight, and rich overseas experience, should be a good partner.

"South China's economy is developing rapidly, just like a large construction site. Everyone pays attention to efficiency and it is very convenient to do business. Opening factories, mines, and farms are the most popular nowadays. The application is submitted to the Ministry of Commerce and approved within three days. .

In the past two years, rich people are willing to invest money in South China. Many of them are gentry from Shanghai, Guangzhou and other places, and there are also tycoons from the north. I heard that there are also aristocrats in the Manchu and Qing dynasties.Northerners generally like to buy land and houses. Rich people buy thousands of acres without blinking an eye. Southerners are more keen to open factories and do business."

Zhou Tiancheng introduced that when he talked about business, he got excited, and by the way, he returned to Zhu Wulou to analyze the characteristics of people from various provinces in South China.

For example, the people who love to do business are generally Cantonese, while the number of people from Jiangsu and Zhejiang is relatively small. They are generally engaged in business and education. Those who like to be soldiers are generally from Shandong and Guangxi.

There are also Fujianese and people from inland provinces. Each has its own characteristics. The closer to the coastal areas and open-minded people, the easier it is to get mixed up in South China, because the South China government encourages and creates a good business atmosphere.

Although these anecdotes are not necessarily accurate, they are also very interesting after Zhou Tiancheng's mouth.

Hearing that all the Manchu nobles in the north went to invest in Nanhua, Zhu Fifth Floor was moved, and he felt that if he knew the queen dowager, he should go to Nanhua earlier.

"Aren't those people in the north and the Nanyang Chinese rivals? Why?"

Zhu Fifth Floor doubted.Nanyang Chinese have always been the stronghold of the anti-Qing dynasty, why—?

"It's all about the old calendar, now I don't pay much attention to it.

The current domestic practice is fundamentally different in South China. Commercial competition is emphasized here. Officials are not as popular as businessmen. Let me tell you, there is a joke in South China. The government is actually the steward of Meihua.Mr. Chen worked at Shanghai American China Bank. You should know about the company."

Zhou Tiancheng turned his head to Chen Guofu. After talking to him, he realized that Chen Guofu had given up his position in Shanghai, and he secretly regretted it.

"Yeah. Meihua employees have a lot of rules and face. Colleagues even joked that Meihua first had South China."

Chen Guofu nodded.

"Actually, I am also an employee of Meihua, but I am not in China, but Singapore. There, I can be said to be here. If Mr. Chen is interested in developing in Malaya and Indochina, you can contact me."

Zhou Tiancheng readily gave Chen Guofu his business card, which read the manager of the investment department of Meihua Property (Singapore).

"Meihua Properties?"

Chen Guofu seems to have heard of this name somewhere, and can't remember it for a while, but it's definitely not a simple company.

"Meihua Products is a branch of the Meihua system. It has a wide range of operations, covering trade, manufacturing, technology, finance, etc., and we do almost any business, but we generally operate directly, but through investment in related companies.

In the past, the business focus was on Guangzhou and Hong Kong, but now it is ready to shift to Malaya, Siam and French Indochina.Mr. Chen has working experience in American China Bank. It would be of great benefit to us if he could join us.

At the same time, the banking industry is also one of our operations, but not in South China, but in cooperation with local Chinese businessmen."

After Zhou Tiancheng finished speaking, he smiled slightly. His task is to take advantage of the unique advantages of the Chinese, and by supporting Chinese capital in Nanyang, so that the Chinese forces in Nanyang can be integrated into the US-China Consortium to accomplish things that the US-China Bank is inconvenient to do.

Chen Guofu was secretly grateful for Zhou Tiancheng's importance, and his father-in-law Zhu Wulou looked at him encouragingly. When he was hesitant to agree to Zhou Tiancheng, a dignified old lady was assisted by a twenty-something young man with the head and the brain.