The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 764

Having said this, Zhao Hengti stopped talking, raised his head and secretly paid attention to Wu Peifu's face.He was embarrassed and blushed when he thought of his dignified warlord fleeing alone.

He secretly argued in his heart: "It's not a crime of war! Even if you can deal with it enough, you may not be able to retreat and get a life back, you are lucky."

"Do airplanes and tanks really have such power?"

Wu Peifu frowned, as if he didn't believe it, and glanced at Zhao Hengti, with a sneer on his face, as if to say: Exaggerating the enemy more shows your incompetence.

He has also seen aircraft and chariots. There were many aircraft and chariots in the battle between the Zhi army and the Feng army, but they were not as exaggerated as Zhao Hengti said. The tank was broken into pieces when it was bombed with a cannon.

In the dug fortifications, the role of tanks is not invincible.Moreover, this thing is so expensive, the Zhijun and Fengjun are not equipped with much equipment, and when they encounter positions that are difficult for infantry to gnaw, the generals are willing to move these expensive infantry nanny.

As for the plane, it's like a wasp. It won't be fatal to be stung, right?

The Northern Expedition Army dispatched a large number of planes, which made Wu Peifu a little numb.However, this is not an insurmountable difficulty.Wu Peifu still didn't believe in the combat effectiveness of the Northern Expedition.

When it comes to fighting, who is better than yourself?If it hadn't been for Feng Yuxiang's stabbing in the back-thinking of this, Wu Peifu's face was sad.

As a defeated general, he couldn't show Zhao Hengti's face. After a few words of relief, he turned his eyes to Xiao Yaonan's face.

"I didn't believe it at first, but the same thing happened in Miluo and Yueyang. Our army fights back desperately, it is not brave, but the flesh and blood can't stop the iron armored cannon.

The enemy's planes are overwhelming and they know our army's actions well. The artillery positions and marching teams are almost impossible to fight back under the bombardment of enemy planes!If it weren't for following the Yangtze River-alas!"

Xiao Yaonan sighed heavily, and would never forget the scenes of planes covering the sky during the day, killings everywhere at night, the Beiyang army was defeated and fled hurriedly.

Xiao Yaonan's sigh hit Wu Peifu's heart like a heavy hammer. Not to mention the well-equipped Northern Expedition Army, it did not expect to have night combat ability.

Night combat requires high training for the army. Because of malnutrition, many Chinese soldiers have night blindness, and the elite troops of Beiyang have no night combat ability.

Wu Peifu was even more jealous. He thought to himself: The training level of the Northern Expeditionary Army may surpass that of his own army. How is this possible?

Thinking of this, Wu Peifu's brows tightened, his expression grim.

At this moment, he couldn't get discouraged, so he calmed down and shouted sharply: "The enemy relies on sneak attacks to make them proud for a while. I have to wait for a long time and don't have to be discouraged! What big storms and waves have not been seen? Are you afraid that the southern barbarian will not succeed?"

After being drunk by him, Xiao Yaonan and others refreshed, nodded and said yes, regaining some confidence.

Beiyang is a strong army in the world, and the straight army is an elite of Beiyang. Wu Peifu is even a first-class fighter. Although he lost a battle in the north, Xiao Yaonan and others don’t think that Wu Peifu’s command can’t work. Only, dignified on the battlefield, Wu Peifu is still a trustworthy general.

Everyone started with Wu Peifu. Within the Zhili line, Wu Peifu is well-received and is still a well-known sign, with influence all over the north and south of the Yangtze River.

When Wu Peifu was in Wuhan, the Beiyang Army found the backbone and slowly recovered from the panic.Taking over the command from Xiao Yaonan, Wu Peifu deployed troops and generals to organize the Wuhan defense line and ordered the Northern Army troops in Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu and other places to move north along the river to support Wuhan.

The order was issued, and Jiangsu Supervisor Qi Xieyuan, Zhejiang Supervisor Sun Chuanfang and others also responded enthusiastically, claiming to fight the Northern Expedition to the death.

In fact, the thunder is heavy and the rain is small.Neither Qi Xieyuan nor Sun Chuanfang were willing to send troops to support Wu Peifu. Just after the Soviet-Zhejiang War had fallen, Lu Yongxiang retired to Shanghai and energized him.Although Zhejiang is lost, the rich Shanghai is still in control.

Qi Xieyuan was secretly sulking and didn't get Shanghai, and Zhejiang was "stolen" by Sun Chuanfang again. He was licking his wounds secretly. How could he be in the mood to take care of Wu Peifu?

After driving off Lu Yongxiang, Sun Chuanfang finally got his wish and became the governor of Zhejiang. He was busy digesting the new territory, and he would not take the chestnut out of Wu Peifu's fire.

There are also Kuomintang troops in southern Fujian. I heard that the Northern Expeditionary Army is also preparing to send out the East Road army northward, and the spearhead is directed at Zhejiang and Jiangsu. Why did they just finish the flames and hurt their vitality?

The people like Qi Xieyuan and Sun Chuanfang were not there. Apart from giving some "heart-warming" support and sending some supplies, they could not send a soldier.

When the news reached Wuhan, Xiao Yaonan scolded Qi Xieyuan and Sun Chuanfang with anger."It's all a group of white-eyed wolves? Without the support of Yushuai, they could have fought Lu Yongxiang? Now they turn their faces and deny people!"

Wu Peifu naturally understood the internal situation here, as if he had expected it, he smiled and believed, "It's okay, it's enough."

Now, gathering one hundred thousand troops to station in Hubei, ordering all directions to make Wu Peifu feel confident. Under his command, there are Xiao Yaonan, Liu Yuchun and other Beiyang warriors, who gathered the stars for a while. He is full of confidence and can make the Northern Expeditionary come back. Come out and teach the Southern Army a profound lesson.

People in the Republic of China have a hobby, that is, they like to turn on electricity whenever they want, and they often fight non-stop telegraph wars or verbal wars.Wu Peifu's telegram from Wuhan to Guangzhou, Situ Nan found it interesting, not most surprised, he was used to the style of this era.

I secretly said: Compared with Weibo a hundred years later, it takes a few hundred dollars to power on just a few hundred words, which is too expensive.However, this star Wu Peifu is going to die too, right?

After the Beijing coup, Wu Peifu clearly realized that Feng Zhang was ambitious and wanted to fight for the central government, and Feng Yuxiang was not good at being with him. It didn’t take long for the two to bite the dog, so he chose to abandon Zhili, Henan. On the territory of the region, the troops will be deployed south to support Wuhan.

Luoyang and other places are still under the control of Wu Peifu. The arms and ammunition produced by the Luoyang arsenal that he painstakingly manage are being shipped to Hubei. After Wu Peifu plans to repel the Northern Expedition, he makes a comeback and goes north to collect Feng Yuxiang.

Wu Peifu was right, but things would not be what he wanted, and the Northern Expedition Army would not give Wu Peifu a chance.

Just when Wu Peifu dispatched troops, Situ Yong's Second Front Army made another effort and entered Hubei along the Guangdong-Han Railway. The two sides fought fiercely in Xianning, an important town in southern Hubei.

Once Xianning was lost, Wuhan was in danger. Now that the war has spread to Wu Peifu’s ass, how can he sit still?

Hastily resorted to all his strengths, dispatched troops to defend Xianning.

The small city of Xianning gathered more than 100,000 troops from both sides to form a large barracks. The gray Beiyang army and the northern expedition army in yellow and green camouflage were very distinct.

History has striking similarities. The Beiyang Eighth Division commanded by the direct Titan Liu Yuchun was stationed in Xianning. The Beiyang Army built a large number of strong fortifications in places such as Tingsi Bridge and Hesheng Bridge outside the city of Xianning. Several attempts by the Northern Expeditionary Army were Repulsed, dropping more than a hundred corpses and hurried back.

"Damn, finally hit a hard bone!"

In the former enemy headquarters of the Northern Expedition, Situ Yong opened his neckline, his eyes exuding great fighting spirit.

The early battles went too smoothly. In the field battles, tanks and armored vehicles opened the way and easily tore through the enemy's line of defense. The following troops completed the encirclement of the enemy.

With the help of the Air Force all the way to the head, the road to the north was almost like a broken bamboo. It was not the main force of the Northern Army that I encountered in Hunan. Therefore, there was no decent resistance, and the whole army was arrogant.

The terrain around Tingsi Bridge is difficult for the armored forces to advance. The armored brigade commanded by Guderian only had 10 tanks and 30 armored vehicles. Most of the others broke down because of the damage to the off-road parts.

"It's a good thing to suffer and calm down." Bai Chongxi smiled, without frustration on his face. If the Beiyang Army can deal with it easily, would the Zhi Gong Party still need to bury its head and work hard for four years?

"However, when our main force comes up, the Beiyang Army will not be able to hold it! They are just struggling to death."

Bai Chongxi said again.In his opinion, Wu Peifu's Northern Army was nothing more than the same, compared to the Dutch army in the South China War of Independence.

Since he can beat the Dutch to the ground, what is Wu Peifu?

A staff officer was immediately recruited and ordered the troops behind to speed up northward.

Thinking of something, Bai Chongxi said to Situ Yong again: "It is not difficult to defeat the enemy. I am afraid that they will retreat. If the enemy defends Wuhan and fights on the streets, we will lose a lot. Why..."

Upon Bai Chongxi's reminder, Situ Yong immediately realized that Xianning was the gateway to Wuhan. If he lost his defense, he would expose Wuhan to the artillery fire of the Northern Expedition. Wu Peifu could not bear the price. He would definitely send his troops south to defend Xianyang.

"Okay! Let's attack without breaking, drag the enemy first, Wu Peifu must send the main force south to support, hehe, they are dead!" Situ Yong nodded and laughed.

The Second Front marched all the way north and rushed straight to Hubei, and suffered almost no loss. The firepower was much stronger than that of the enemy, causing serious ammunition consumption.

Since the start of the war, the Guangdong-Hanzhou Railway has been overloaded, plus the previously secretly hoarded materials, the frontline army squandered enough to satisfy the consumption of ammunition in exchange for the lives of its own soldiers.

In civil wars, there are always as many troops as there are. Guns are worth more than human lives, but this situation is not suitable for the Northern Expedition.

"We still have to urge the logistics department to bring the supplies as soon as possible. Tanks and auto parts should be replenished as soon as possible, and the fuel for the aircraft should not be delayed."

Bai Chongxi continued to issue orders.More than one hundred tanks and chariots of the Armored Brigade and 200 planes of the Air Force are the most powerful weapons in the hands of the Second Army, and they have an immediate impact on the Northern Army.

"Damn, I don't believe that all the Beiyang troops are King Kong, and I'm not afraid of the bombs falling on their heads! Damn, when we surround them and cut off supplies, Wu Peifu will probably cry, right?"