The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 831

The faces of the foreign ministers were not so good-looking, the sound of the rumbling cannons on the sea seemed to slap their faces.

The British Minister Mark looked at the American Minister Shulman complainingly: "Damn it, China can produce large-caliber artillery. This will seriously threaten the security of the concession."

"German Krupp helped them." The French Minister immediately added, but did not get the approval of the British Minister.The British Minister Markle glanced at the Frenchman, but did not speak, then looked at the American Minister.The French teamed up with Belgium to tear down the Ruhr, but it is impossible to lock up all the German engineers.

The Japanese Minister Yoshihime responded: "Yes. If it is not restricted, the Chinese will challenge the pattern of Asia, and the Empire of Japan is willing to support all reasonable actions by the United Kingdom."

"This little dwarf has jumped out again? It's really annoying? With the Asian pattern, do you British and Japanese get less benefit in China?"

The American envoy gave a faint look at the Japanese envoy, and was about to say something, but suddenly heard a voice shouting: "What is the little Japan? There is a kind of sending soldiers to fight Shanghai! The British are not stupid, so why are you Japanese? How about taking chestnuts from the fire?"

Chapter 111

As soon as these words came out, the U.S. envoy did not speak at all.The expressions of the British and Japanese Ministers changed a little, especially the Japanese Minister Fangqian blushed and his neck was thick, and he was very angry to come and punch the arrogant guy in front of him.

But looking at the rude South Chinese, moving his hands, it is estimated that the short Fangqian will suffer.

"You are rude!" Fang Qian pointed to the Nanhua Minister.

"You are polite."

"Baga, your conscience is very bad."

"Does your little Japanese have a bad conscience? Otherwise, there will be an earthquake in Tokyo? God and Buddha are punishing you."

"Baga, I..." The Japanese Minister Fangqian's eyes widened, and he stared at the gloating face in front of him. His anger almost burned his sanity. "Don't think that you Nanhua has done bad things on the Indonesian archipelago. I know, one day we will be fair!"

The Japanese thought they were so angry that they suddenly accused Nanhua from China, and Nanhua said something about the Javanese.

"Oh? To be fair? Is it possible that the joint fleet wants to go south?" Minister Nanhua sneered, not at all scared by the Japanese threats, his eyes flashed with disdain, "What a good person? Which country is innocent? of?"

The American Minister Shulman was happy to watch the show, squinted and did not speak, the cunning Yankee, who has always made a fortune in a muffled voice.

Two yellow faces appearing in the mission to quarrel, seems to be a new thing?

In fact, it's not new anymore. If these two guys don't deal with each other, it is no longer a matter of one day or two. Every time they meet, they quarrel. This is spread by the upper class in Shanghai.

British Minister Mark Lei touched his forehead with a headache, trying to maintain the style of a British gentleman.

It was the Minister of South China, a fellow named Zhang, who was said to be a staff member of American China Bank, who suddenly became the Minister of South China. This change is really trivial. Who doesn't know that China and South China are in the same group.

Well, everyone is a colonist, and they are not clean.

Regarding the words of the Nanhua Minister, everyone hadn't heard it.

The Americans, the damn chaos, the old love and the empire, they are getting mixed up with the Chinese, what a headache!

The British minister thought to himself that he wanted to punch Shulman in the ambiguous face.

Unless you go crazy, the UK will not easily conflict with the Chinese. British companies don’t need to invest in China as few as American companies. Although they are not closely related to Chinese companies like some American companies, heavyweight consortia such as HSBC and Jardine Matheson It has also strengthened its cooperation with the US and China. How could it rush to fight with each other because of an exercise, and cause British-funded enterprises to suffer losses in China?

Although the British suffered a loss in the textile industry because the Chinese raised tariffs, in terms of financial securities railway, both Jardine and HSBC and the local banks in London are closely related to the South China economy.

On the contrary, Japanese companies have been rejected by the Zhi Gong Dang. Japanese textiles have almost no market in South China. They want to use force to open the South China market.

But we can't let the Japanese succeed, and we can't win him from the fire.

British Minister Mark Lei calmed down. Did the Chinese build a fort soon? It was just a bluff and a guilty conscience. Could it be possible to rush to the sea?

"What about the Germans? Are they entangled with the Chinese?" The French minister said again, feeling the need to brush up on his presence.

The joint venture factory of the Krupp family and Meihua Company in South China has long been a secret. This time the large-caliber artillery was produced from South China and shipped to Shanghai in secret. God knows if the Germans want to arm the Chinese.

If they could, the French would like to seize every German merchant ship in Shanghai.

The American Minister Shulman gave the French a look. The least reliable is the French. Our American creditors have not urged you to repay the debts in France. You are fine, and you rushed up in a hurry to tear down Ruhr. The other debtor supported was ransacked again, and the remaining mess was not paid by the American taxpayers.

It's really unpopular. It is estimated that the British think so, and they don't want France to dominate Europe.

To say that the US envoy has any dissatisfaction, it is that South China has developed too fast, which vaguely threatens the Philippines.

It is a pity that now is the era of Uncle Andrew's rule. The big money holders of the Republican Party have colluded with the US-China consortium, allowing the Chinese to become stronger day by day.

The American people are happy. They live happily in their homeland and they don’t bother to care about the outside world. How can their little minister’s worries be compared to hundreds of millions of dollars in investment in South China and South China? important?

Shulman secretly liked to laugh at his own troubles. He is the ambassador to China, not the governor of the Philippines. What is he doing so far?

In the face of the envoys of various countries, he couldn't raise any interest.

"What's the matter with the Chinese? Don't we and you French also get entangled?" Nanhua Minister Zhang was unhappy, and gave the French a blank look.Although Nanhua has no place in the ministerial corps, since it is here, how can such a bastard be disgusted?

"But you are the South China ambassador!" The French minister muttered in French, elegant and less irritable.The French have no navy in the Far East, so it depends on the United Kingdom and the United States.

"Then I am also Chinese! Our relatives and our hometown are all in China, so why are they not Chinese?"

Minister Zhang was righteous and assertive. This guy was a bit arrogant, and pointed to the American Minister, "If you don’t believe me, ask Mr. Schulman, isn’t their home in the UK? When the Germans were beaten last time, the Americans didn’t stand with their British ancestors. Are you together?"

"Well, Mr. Zhang, don't show off your eloquence." Shulman said a little displeased.

British Minister Mark Lei felt the same way, and nodded, that guy is always energetic in spoiling the situation.

The French Minister shrugged and stopped talking.Since even the Guangzhou Bay colony has been acquired by China, the little turmoil in China now is not a big deal to the French. It is still in Europe, and German talents are a big concern.

At this time, there were rumbling noises from the sky, like the sound of airplanes.

The bomb fell on the sea from the plane, blowing up the two target ships that had been "internally injured" by the fortress artillery just now. Black smoke rose from the ship and gradually sank into the river.

"Oh my god!"

"If a warship of a great power enters the Yangtze River, the Chinese will also throw bombs on us?"

"Aircraft can blow up a ship, although it is not a warship!"

"If you encounter a real warship, the aircraft will no longer work! The decisive battle at sea depends on the battleship!"

Minister Zhang of Nanhua listened to the exclamations coming from his ears, and he was secretly proud and relieved.Don't look at him just now. In fact, he is quite bottomless. Whether the warships of the great powers go to Shanghai or New Tangshan, it is a disaster.

When it was said that it was too late, suddenly a plane flew over in the sky, circled the Mi Ziqi warship, and flew away.

"Damn it, is this a provocation?..."

An angry voice reached Minister Zhang's ears. He frowned and complained inwardly that the troublesome pilot was too reckless.

The quarrel of the mission Situ Nan could not hear and they had no time to take care of it. Situ Nan said that the military used slow bombers to slowly fly over the target ship. The target was an old ship on the sea, with a scale of 3,000 tons. If you don't get on the big ship, you can be willing to pay for it. It is much more expensive than the other wooden ship that was sunk by shelling.

The bomb fell and the target ship caught fire.

The appearance of the aircraft has attracted a new round of attention from the audience.