The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 926

For a while, hundreds of large and small plantations appeared in the Java region of the Middle East. The owners were mostly Chinese, as well as British, Dutch and Japanese.

For people like Song Ailing and Sun Dianying who bought a lot of land in South China, in order to develop the land, they needed to recruit labor. They didn't need to recruit local labor in South China, and they could directly recruit labor from the local and send it to South China.

Song Ailing was still worried about the land, so she followed the Nanhua delegation to Nanhua, accompanied by Jiang Weiji, and inspected the 100,000 mu of land he had bought.

What made her unhappy was that during the period, she encountered protesting natives. They protested against the Chinese taking away their land and forests and entangled hundreds of people to resist.

However, when Jiang Weiji returned to Surabaya with a blue complexion and the internal police force was deployed to mobilize Surabaya. In the next few days, the protesting natives never appeared in Song Ailing's sight.

She was curious to ask Jiang Weiji, where are the natives?

Jiang Weiji answered her with a smile. In order to compensate the natives for their land, the government set aside an island off the sea for them to live and work in peace.


According to the agreement reached between the two countries, the two governments will establish a green channel for immigration, and the immigration bureau and the local government will work together. After the victims receive simple training in the country, they will be directly assigned to plantation farms and factories across South China.

Chinese who have lived in Nanhua for one year automatically acquire Nanhua nationality, and the Nanhua and Wuhan governments recognize each other's dual nationality.

For domestic investors who invest in land in South China, although management is a bit troublesome, it is affordable to hire disaster victims to work in South China at a very low price.

Nanhua has a special agricultural management company. The landlord can contract the land to the agricultural management company to obtain stable income, or the agricultural management company can collect management fees from the landlord, and plant rubber palm oil, sisal, pineapple, rice, etc. for the landlord according to the contract. The crop, the harvest is paid by the landlord.

Or the landlord would give out the land, and the agricultural management company would give out manpower, material resources and management techniques to distribute the income of the plantation in proportion.

After several years of experimentation, the agricultural management company model has become more and more mature in South China, and the scale has grown to 20,000. It is a semi-official and semi-market organization company with South China characteristics after the establishment of the Corps.

The South China Government and the South China Development Bank have spared no effort to endorse agricultural management companies and provide various policies and financial support.

Considering that she might make more money by running her own business, Song Ailing didn't hand over the estate to the agricultural management company. She still cooperated with some friends to start her own plantation company.

Of course, this does not include Sun Dianying.

After Sun Dianying learned that Jiang Weiji had also contracted the land to the agricultural management company, he decisively contracted the land to the agricultural management company. The small land pleased the high level of the Nanhua government, and also indicated that he would inherit Jiang Weiji’s unfinished business, and he was wholeheartedly "suppressing the bandits". year!

Occasionally, I will practice the business experience taught to him by Jiang Weiji and provide resources such as coal, sand and gravel to Surabaya.

Of course, the main business is still on the land. After the land just bought is handed over to the agricultural management company, Sun Dianying and the others have a chance to seize more new land under Jiang Weiji's hint.

The officers under them all learn from each other, these guys are rude in their methods, and strong buying and selling are their characteristics.

In the next few years, except for being assassinated once by a native young man who had a broken family and lost three hairs, Sun Dianying was almost unscathed, but instead seized more land.

This is the situation in East Java in the 1920s. Everything is barbaric, and it moves forward in barbarism.

Especially after Sun Dianying's family members and friends from Shandong, Henan, followed to develop in South China, hundreds of thousands of people poured into East Java, and the war between the two ethnic groups for living space is coming!

In order to alleviate the burden of Chinese immigrants, the South China Government Immigration Bureau subsidizes Nanxing Steamship Company tens of millions of yuan every year. Nanxing Steamship Company opens regular flights in Guangzhou, Shanghai, Xiamen, Ningbo and other places, and cooperates with the domestic local governments to organize Chinese immigration to South China.

As mentioned above, Wang Tieniu and his son, because it is a private trip, their ferry tickets to Nanhua are as high as 100 yuan, and the special immigration fleet of the Immigration Bureau and Southern Star Shipping Company to Nanhua is free!

The premise is that the labor contract is signed and guaranteed by Nanhua Agricultural Management Company or other enterprises. In fact, the Nanhua enterprise has paid the ship fare in advance.

Chapter 179

Zaifeng, who lives in the Tianjin concession and has often lived in the Shanghai concession for a period of time in recent years, was in Shanghai at this time. He was shocked to hear that Dongling had been stolen. The patriarch of the Aixinjueluo family was suddenly deceived.

He quickly sent a telegram to Tianjin and ordered people to inspect the imperial mausoleum on the spot. His people could not enter the mausoleum, but the man who guarded the tomb learned that an army did come in and made trouble for a while, and then left. Now another army has arrived, and it seems to be fighting against Tanglin's idea.

Sun Dianying's department left, and Ma Futian's department of Fengjun came in. Martial law was imposed after entering.

Who is Ma Futian? He quickly figured out his condition. When the news spread to Shanghai, Zai Feng secretly felt bad and became anxious.

It is a pity that the former regent no longer has the prestige that he had when he was in power.

In the past few years, under the instigation of others, he invested huge sums of money in Nanhua. Fortunately, the money was not squandered, and he made a lot of money.

Although there is no power, money can still do a lot of things. After several inquiries, Zai Feng unexpectedly found an unexpected clue.

The servant who had just helped Zaifeng to inspect Nanhua's industry returned to Shanghai and reported to Zaifeng about the land auction in Nanhua.

It is not the first time that Zaifeng has invested in land in Nanhua. In this land auction planned by Jiang Weiji, Zaifeng bought several thousand acres in East Java near Surabaya.

Zaifeng was very happy to hear the report from the servants. However, from the servants, Zaifeng learned that Sun Dianying's subordinate was transferred to Nanhua today, and he became a serious "little prince" in Nanhua.

Even more coincidentally, Zaifeng's land was next to Sun Dianying's land.

The servant was also witty, and soon became acquainted with some officers and soldiers under Sun Dianying, and roughly touched the situation of Sun Dianying's transfer of thousands of miles, and did not dare to neglect, and hurried back to Shanghai to report to Zaifeng.

"In this way, Sun Dianying has already gone to Nanhua and has established a relationship in South China. If the Dongling incident is related to Sun Dianying, some people in Nanhua can't get rid of the relationship. No, there are people in Wuhan, they are also suspect!"

Zaifeng said to himself, his handsome face became a little sullen, his brows were raised, and he was shocked and angry!

The clenched fist trembled slightly, and he tried his best to control the anger in his heart.

The relationship between the Nanhua and Wuhan governments is so good that they wear almost the same pair of trousers. Without their acquiescence, how could Sun Dianying's army of more than 10,000 people quietly go to Nanyang?

They must have reached an agreement!

Doesn't Sun Dianying's "flee" just show some people's guilty conscience?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt insider. He almost encountered a big conspiracy, because he had to face the most powerful force in the country, and he had no power and power to fight against the government.Even if he was sitting at home, the invisible pressure suddenly hit his face, making him breathless!

"No, I can't just leave it like that! I have to say something!"

Zaifeng still couldn't swallow this breath, and made a decision in his heart.

"The prince..." the servant said worriedly, but he didn't say anything afterwards. The meaning was very clear. Don't be impulsive, your old man!

"Relax, I have a sense of measure."

Zai Feng nodded and said solemnly.

After thinking about it, among the people I know, America and China Bank may be the more reliable one.

Because there are many cooperations with American and Chinese Bank, except for part of Zaifeng's assets in HSBC, most of the rest are invested in American and Chinese Bank, and invest in the projects recommended by American and Chinese Bank, and have some friendship with American and Chinese Bank.

Moreover, this friendship was formed with Lin Yimin, the former president of American and Chinese Bank (China), and now Finance Minister Lin Yimin. Zaifeng thought that perhaps he could get some news from Lin Yimin.

Soon, he flew from Shanghai to Wuhan by plane and found Lin Yimin.

Lin Yimin was a little surprised by Zaifeng's arrival, but he still welcomed him warmly.

Not to mention that some members of Zaifeng and the Aixinjueluo family led by Zaifeng cooperated with American China Bank and invested in South China, which helped Lin Yimin not to be a small help. From the personal relationship, Lin Yimin thinks that Zaifeng is still OK. Yes, you can count on friends!

Facing Zaifeng's vague temptation, Lin Yimin began to pretend to be unaware. When Zaifeng expressed his attitude, he asked directly: "Did Sun Dianying steal Dongling?"

Lin Yimin was silent for a while before nodding slowly.