The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 967

As for the South China government, in recent years there has been more and more economic and trade cooperation with Italy, with a trade volume of more than 100 million US dollars. Every year, Italy imports a large amount of rubber fragrance palm oil tin and other commodities from South China, and later also imported high-tech industries including refrigerators and radios. At the same time, Italy also exports machinery, electrical and mechanical equipment and various commodities to South China. The relationship between the two parties is good.

"That's true."

The Governor also laughed. He did not think that the Chinese came to Africa all the way to overthrow the dominance of Italy. The Chinese went to Africa to earn a living. In fact, the principle is the same as that of the southern Italian farmers who went to the United States to earn a living. Ziano said. , The Governor also let go of a little worry in my heart.

The situation in the Sirte area makes Ciano feel anxious. Chevron Petroleum has already created established facts. Their project is progressing very fast. The Italian oil company has not yet entered the Sirte area. Chevron Petroleum has already started there. The pipes are laid.

Following the success of the No. 1 oil well, Chevron Oil Company has drilled another ten wells in a row, and the oil field has begun oil production operations.

The Italians have no hope of swallowing Chevron’s oil fields. Their goal is to obtain the production capacity of Chevron’s oil fields in Libya and at the same time speed up their entry into the Sirte area to find their own oil fields.

In order to better obtain the situation in the Sirte area, Ziano placed the negotiation site in Benghazi near Sirte Port. He finally met the Yankee Sinclair who was a headache for the Governor.The two sides started a new round of negotiations in Benghazi.

As soon as they met, the two sides had to shout as usual.

Eni, the head of the Italian oil company, proposed to purchase Chevron Petroleum's assets in Libya, and the two parties established a joint venture to jointly develop Libyan oil.

Sinclair categorically refused and pointed out that the idea of ​​Italians wanting to pick peaches was stupid.

Eni became angry and clamored that Chevron could not extract oil in Libya without the approval of the Italian government and would never want to get a drop of oil.

Chevron Oil Company disagrees, saying that Italians "can try."

The two sides were at war for a while, and the US Atlantic Fleet was passing through the Strait of Gibraltar, heading for Libya in friendly escort by the Royal Navy.

During this period, a group of militants broke into the No. 1 oil field at night, trying to ignite the oil well that was in operation.

The oil company security team attacked decisively and exchanged fire with the invading militants. Gunshots rang throughout the night.

Under the command of Zhou Ziqiang, the security team dispatched heavy machine guns and mortars to kill and wound nearly a thousand militants at the cost of 11 casualties, shattering the military adventures of some people.

It is said that the governor's house in Tripoli, where the news spread, was so popular that the governor was so popular that he threw cups, beat and scolded the colonial regiment for waste, even a group of mercenaries could not beat it.

What gave him a headache was that the Arab native soldiers of the colonial regiment died when they died, but the Italian officers inside were arrested. Now the governor's palace is indisputable.

Fortunately, neither party has made any public intentions, and the Government House still has a chance to quell the incident.It was only after this battle that it took several years for the Governor's Palace to resume its military presence in the Sirte area. The Port of Sirte was in fact controlled by Chevron Oil.

The Italians have not lost much, and their original presence there is very weak.

A group of uninvited guests came to the port of Tripoli, and a group of sea giants appeared. The three battleships of the USS Colorado, the USS Maryland, led by the US fleet of more than a dozen warships, made a murderous friendly visit to the Italians. Many people were frightened, because the tonnage of this squadron was already equal to the total Italian naval fleet.

The Italian Navy also sent a fleet to welcome the American visit.

"Your warship appeared on the coast of North Africa. It looked unfriendly." The Italians accused the Americans.

"We're just passing by. Let's take a look at our old friends. Don't be nervous. Didn't our Great White Fleet also visit Europe back then? This time the scale is smaller." The American said.

"Where are you going?" the Italian asked again.

"The Middle East, through the Suez Canal, into the Indian Ocean to the East." The American answered.

"So you still care about the British! They don't welcome you across the Suez Canal!" The Italian smiled.

"Normal transfer, our destination is Hawaii." The American replied calmly.

The United States squadron slid around the world, and finally joined the Pacific Fleet.When passing by South China, looking at the Yankee warships, the South China Navy was drooling with envy, and proposed to the government to buy the Yankee warships to be dismantled. They said that the South China Navy did not have a battleship and was embarrassed to go out, but unfortunately it failed. As wished.This is something.

In short, the arrival of the fleet has helped Chevron Oil Company a great deal and protected the company's oil fields.Since then, oil negotiations quickly entered the subject.

Chapter 204 Italian Oil Industry Ambition

Ziano looked at Sinclair sternly.

"Chevron has no intention of questioning Italy's ownership of Libya, nor will it give up the company's autonomous management rights. We have the right to dispose of our oil. Italy can be our priority cooperation partner, but you must show sincerity instead of force buying. Sell!

If every customer is like yours, then Chevron will not be eligible to be the negotiation object of your government today."

Sinclair believed himself.

If you want to buy my oil, you can, the price must be fair, and the attitude must be flat.

Chevron Petroleum has opened so many oil fields overseas. If the country where you are located is like yours, it will cover the output of Chevron Petroleum. How can Chevron Petroleum become a world predator?How can the U.S. fleet come to support it?

"What about the sincerity of your company?" Ciano asked with a smile.Want to hear Yankee's offer.

In fact, the best plan is to establish a joint venture between the two parties to jointly develop Libyan oil.

It's a pity that Chevron Petroleum offers too high a price, and Italians don't have that much money. Chevron Petroleum is of course unwilling to sell the oil fields that have been put into production at a low price, so the joint venture plan aborted.

"Half capacity, according to international oil prices!"

Sinclair said concisely.

According to preliminary estimates, the production capacity of Sirte No. 1 oil field can reach 50,000 barrels per year, half of which is 250,000 barrels, which is basically the same as the current production capacity of Italian oil companies. Italy has to import oil from Romania and other places every year, and there is basically no oil resources in the country. , So in any case, Ciano will take Libyan oil in his hands.

Ciano shook his head quickly: "Half of the production capacity is too small, at least 80%, and the price cannot be calculated according to the international oil price, we require at least 3% cheaper."

"Can the Italian oil company digest so much oil? As far as I know, the size of your refinery..."

Sinclair did not argue with the ridiculous price given by the Italians, and at this point, his face was disdainful.

Want a 3% discount?

Could it be more shameless?

The so-called Italian oil company sounds very powerful. It still has some strength in Italy, but it is a sheep's head that is linked to the government. In fact, the oil refining capacity is very limited and there is no extraction capacity. It depends on Romania every year. Importing crude oil, even at the expense of collaborating with the Soviets, in order to obtain a little crude oil in the Baku area.

In Italy's refined oil market, the British and American oil giants basically accounted for more than half.

For Sinclair's disdain, Ziano did not look angry. Compared with giants like Chevron, the Italian oil company is still too small, and it is normal for Yankees to be arrogant.

When he came, the leader told him to do it beautifully, not only to obtain Libya's oil resources, but also to obtain oil processing capabilities from Chevron Petroleum. Ciano hopes to cooperate deeply with Chevron Petroleum.

Ciano was silent for a while, then slowly said: "With economic development, Italy's future oil consumption may exceed 10,000 barrels per year. Your company does not have to doubt our desire for oil processing capabilities.

I know that the potential of your company's oil fields in Libya is definitely more than 50,000 barrels. Otherwise, Chevron, which produces more than 100 million barrels of oil per year, would invest so much in Libya?

I heard that the chairman of your company, Henda Brown, came to Libya some time ago to check the oil fields here?

Isn’t your company interested in the Southern European oil market?

Italy is your rare partner, why not put aside the hypocritical temptation, meet frankly, and cooperate deeply?"

Sinclair glanced at Ziano and saw that he had a sincere face, calm eyes, and a city-like appearance. It was not easy to see his inner thoughts. He thought: This young man doesn't seem to be relying on a woman's superiority. Have greater ambitions and seem to want Chevron Petroleum's technology?

Chevron Petroleum has been coveting the oil market in Southern Europe for a long time, otherwise it would not invest in Libya and the Middle East. Italy is a large country in Southern Europe and it is also the strategic channel for Chevron Petroleum to enter the European continent from Southern Europe.

If Italy is won, then France, Germany, Austria, and Poland will open up the vast market.