The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 1000

Many people believe that as long as more funds are invested to rescue the market, the storm will pass soon.

Perhaps Morgan thought the same way, trying to rescue the market through the power of Wall Street Bank.

"Stone, what do you think?" Little Rockefeller asked Situ Nan suddenly.

Situ Nan didn't say anything at the meeting. The William Consortium was spoken by Robles and William Fargo. In fact, no one would ignore the silent Situ Nan.

"I saw chicken drumsticks and steak!"

Situ Nan slapped haha, as if freed from the suffering, and apologized, "Gentlemen are all insightful, I appreciate it. But I care more about my belly."

Morgan raised his head, and the clock on the wall told this group of rich men, it was almost eight o'clock in the evening!

"Once the stock market crashes, no one can run away, and everyone will suffer heavy losses. Gentlemen, it's time to give up their differences."

Morgan emphasized.

Situ Nan did not refute, with a faint smile on his face, and listened to Morgan's words.

Robles and William Fargo also expressed that they would consider the same interests of Wall Street and strengthen the connection and cooperation with other banks. There is no real promise.

If the William Consortium rebelled against it, and the meeting failed to reach an agreement, Morgan would have long been annoyed and regretted having invited these spoilers.

The William Consortium is self-contained and powerful. It seems that they have also prepared for this crisis. On the contrary, they will be more troublesome. They can only wait for the trouble to find them. Now they can only secretly keep them in mind.

Seeing that he was about to talk about the collapse, Little Rockefeller said, "We are preparing to establish a bailout fund. Are Robles Securities and Wells Fargo on the sidelines?"

This question is more practical, save the market?

Don't be so noble, the last time the old Morgan rescued the market, he made a real profit--

Under little Rockefeller's questioning, Situ Nan and Robles had planned for a long time, saying that they would follow the elements.

Looking at Morgan's eagle-like eyes, he swept across himself from time to time, "It's dead! It's better for you! This is not an ordinary stock disaster!"

Situ Nan sneered inwardly.

I was even more determined to take advantage of this unprecedented stock market crash to defeat the Wall Street League led by Morgan.

When countless banks and financial institutions in the United States went bankrupt, Morgan himself was badly injured. He could only watch the William Consortium name Morgan’s friends one by one. Those who did not accept William’s rule would be defeated. Maybe Morgan’s friends today will kneel tomorrow. Licking the others!

Isn't the urinary nature of capital like this?

The next day, Situ Nan, Robles and others left the Viking. At yesterday's meeting, several parties were full of conflicts. There was a briefing, and no one was convinced!

"It seems that they have made a lot of determination, Citi Rockefeller is on their side."

Robles vs. Stuart, apart from the William Consortium, several other consortiums are more or less on the side of Morgan in order to continue the prosperity of the past decade.

"They are not willing, they are just riding a tiger. Even if we are prepared, we will lose a lot, not to mention them!"

Situ Nan said seriously. Robles naturally understands the truth, but now he is nothing more than confidence. "The Securities Regulatory Commission is in vain. Wall Street is a system of its own and is not regulated. God can't save the city. Hoover's remarks are nothing but a laughing stock. .

People who believe that the unregulated, greedy and selfish capital market will always flourish are either with ulterior motives or fools!

Are you afraid of them?"


Robles sneered: "Look at how I look back and clean them up!"

Chapter 225

"Forget it, maybe you can get through with a little more insistence!" Carl Hawke said with a fluke.

The Hawke family's steel company and shipyard were facing a severe debt crisis. He had a bad talk with Morgan. Perhaps Situ Nan was an opportunity, but he still did not speak, and finally left the Viking with a frown and a serious face.

Without waiting for Robes to take action, the next day, Citibank President Charles Michel optimistically declared: "There is no fundamental problem with the stock market, and there is no problem with the credit structure of American business development. Brokers are suffering from loan phobia."


"Of course, I also know that some people try to mislead investors, give them inappropriate information, and profit from it."

His words immediately pushed Moody's Fitch Ratings to the forefront. Several major banks on Wall Street mentioned this point imperceptibly.

This gave the media a chance to write brilliantly. Even under the influence of Situ Nan, the statistician Roger Babson, who recently frequently reported that "the stock market will crash" remarks, was no exception, and published some more " "Bail the market" and "optimistic" articles such as this.

Robes Securities, which is pessimistic about the stock market, has also been affected, and some well-informed people vaguely know that they are shorting the stock market.

Even Andrew Mellon called Situ Nan and Robles, warning that shorting the stock market would bring political risks.

However, the arrow had to be sent on the string, and Andrew Mellon failed to save the hearts of Situ Nan and Robles.

October 24, this day is destined to be written into history, because it is Black Thursday.

As soon as the market opened in the morning, Livermore smashed a large selling order, and the stock price burst like a bankrupt. People one after another sold stocks and changed hands all day long. The stock exchange's automatic publishing machine could not keep up with the stock market. The transaction status did not show the last transaction until more than an hour after the market closed.

President Hoover was attending a naval equipment conference when he suddenly received news that the Wall Street stock market crashed and he could no longer do it. He quickly returned to Washington to give a speech, preaching that the U.S. economy is no problem, and trying to restore people's confidence in the stock market.

In the past ten years, Washington has always adopted a laissez-faire attitude towards Wall Street, and this laissez-faire attitude is often praised by all walks of life.

It is unrealistic to want to reverse the situation at once and turn the tide.

Several major banks in New York quickly formed a "rescue fund" of US$20 million, and Richard Wenny, the president of the stock exchange, personally purchased shares in the hope of turning the tide.

Some death squads learned that Morgan and other bankers were also joining in the rescue, but what they didn't know was that before the stock market stabilized, those bankers went short backhand and fled.

On October 29, the darkest day arrived.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the New York Stock Exchange had just opened.

"It fell, it fell again!"

"General Electric has fallen to $45!"

"Chrysler Motors, Bethlehem Steel also fell!"

"Oh my God!"

Violent orders swept over, everyone was selling regardless of price, brokers were surrounded by groups, and the trading floor was in chaos.

The capital market cannot see the bloody storm, and the cruelty is better than the bloody storm.

Ah, no more, a trader couldn't stand the stimulus, and suddenly fell from a heart attack, causing a riot on the scene.

The investor agent's face was gloomy, and he subconsciously covered his heart, wondering if he would fall down in the next moment.

"Quickly dump the stocks, dump them all, damn it, did you hear that!"