"Kukuku, the time has finally come. The time has come to get the S-Class title. Al, I will focus on the" giant firedragon "fight. I'll take command of the unit."

"Sai. Are you sure you want to fight the giant Fire Dragon?

"Naturally. That's why we're here with the big alliance. Where's your reason to come here and go back?

"I've already collected enough rare metal. I fulfilled my orders from the Alliance. Troops are exhausted by a powerless march. It's time to pull it up here..."

"Don't be silly! Can you come this far and pull back? Look, let's go."

"Oh, wait."

Sayne doesn't even listen to Al stop. He moves on.

(Can't you? If this happens, Sai can't stop you anymore)

Al looks back at Chirali and his troops.

The alliance guilds, who seemed temporarily to regain morale with Sayne's breakthrough, soon began to show passivity.

Try not to wear yourself out and let The Guardian of the Magic Leadership fight.

Thanks to this, the adventurers of "Guardian of the Devil's House" were completely exhausted.

"What have you done? Lieutenant."

The cheerful one of "Guardian of the Devil's House" speaks.

"No, I was wondering if it would be okay to keep fighting like this. Even if we survive the battle with the giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir), we'll have to go down the mountain after that."

"What? With the captain's" Dragonhead Cage Hand (Dragoon) "you can handle it. Plus, some of the Alliance guild guys. Elite that stayed so far with them. I don't care if you go down the mountain."

(Hopefully they'll be on your side)

Al turned back the chirali and descent route.

The bandit guild guys who seemed to threaten their backs were creepy enough to lurk the ringing.

But this move was supposed to be grasping.

It's just that if you do Dragonhead's Cage Hand, you're shooting it all up.

The Bandit Guild must be lurking right behind us.

The end of the battle was opened when Sayne stepped into the gray ground (showing the territory of the 'Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir)').

"Let's go." Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir) "!"

Sayne rushed out all at once toward the 'Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir)'.

Even the "Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir)" perceives Sein approaching.

Lift that long sickle in a slow motion and point it towards Sain.

"It's late!"

Sain activates Dragonhead Cage Hand (Dragoon).

The cage hand (gauntlet) becomes a cannon, and the magic formations stretched out in the barrel glow.

The flames generated by Sain's skill 'Blast Magic' converge in the cylinder and are emitted at once.

Even the "Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir)" exhaled the breath of fire (braces) and shot each other.

The breath of fire (brace) in "The Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir)" was nothing like the exhalation of "The Fire Dragon (Fafnir)" and "The Fei Dragon (Wyburn)" until then.

Its flames, thick and tall, pushed over like a tsunami and seemed to swallow a whole bunch of adventurers consisting of more than a hundred.

However, "Dragonhead Cage Hand (Dragoon)" was superior in its injection power.

The flaming bullet released from "Dragonhead Cage Hand (Dragoon)" cleaves the flaming tsunami and strikes directly at the forehead of "The Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir)".

"Okay, I did it."

The wall-like flames of "The Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir)" struck a backpacking force that cut a thousand pieces in the scatter and refrained far behind Sain.

"The breath of fire is coming. Set up the" Shield of Fire Bullets "!

Arul commanded me to scream.

The breath of fire (brace) of the "Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir)" was certainly torn apart by the "Dragonhead Cage Hand (Dragoon)," but still the fragment was as large as a rock, becoming a ball of flame, scattered and causing great damage to the surroundings as it jumped on the ground and the slopes of the mountains.

They burn down even the scarce plants, melt the rocks, and strike at the adventurers without attenuating their fires.

The Guardians of the Devil's House quickly set up their shields.

The Alliance Alliance Allies hid behind the Guardian of the Devil's House.

"The Shield of Fire Bullets" bounces back countless chunks of flame.



"Fire Ore (Firerest)" embedded in several "Fire Bullet Shields" is destroyed.

The flames continue to strike adventurers who have lost the protection of the Ore that Plays Fire (Firerest).

"Wow, my shield is broken!

"Restorative magic!

"And the magic of the water system."

Fire extinguishing activities and recovery made the troops busy.

"Guys, let's lower the front row of the troops by about twenty meters. It's too dangerous here."

Al ordered.

(Though exhausted, "Fire Bullet Shield" is destroyed by the breath of fire (brace) weakened by "Dragonhead Cage Hand (Dragoon)". What firepower. It's like a disaster. This is S-Class Monster: The Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir). Is Sei okay?

When Al looked at Sain, he was in this burning field, intact, facing the 'giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir)'.

Are you all right?

Al strokes his chest down in a ho.

"Huh. That's oddly important for taking a blow."

That's what Sayne says and provokes.

But "The Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir)" only moved oddly slowly like a rusty machine.

"Have you lost your hegemony without a challenger for a while? If you're not coming from that way, I'm coming from that way."

Sain activates the Dragonhead Cage Hand (Dragoon) to inflict a further blow.

"The Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir)" sees it and finally raises its heavy hips and begins to open its mouth like a billionaire.

They also shot a flaming bullet and a breath of fire (brace) at each other.

The results were exactly the same as earlier.

"Dragonhead Cage Hand (Dragoon)" puts a crack in the rocky body of "Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir)".

The fire breath (brace) of the "Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir)" shreds the equipment of the adventurers as they diffuse.


"Whoever has a broken shield, stand down."

"Please, heal over here..."

(Damn. I want to cover Sai, but I'm afraid of the breath of fire (braces) so I can't get close. And that's odd)

Al looks suspiciously at the Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir).

(From earlier on, I don't feel intent on defeating this one at all, even though Sei is getting a little flirty. It's like you never give a shit about this one)

Sayne also felt itchy.

(The damage itself should be doing... but I don't feel very responsive)

It was mutual in firepower, but if Sein fired from earlier on, he would shoot over there too. Repeatedly, it felt more like he was being shot than he was shooting at anyway.

(Are you after the gas shortage over here? Either way, the shooting won't bring a ratchet. To make them care to move from their enemies......)

"You think we have to do more damage? I don't know!"

Sayne runs into the pocket of "The Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir)".

"I'm gonna punch the Dragonhead Cage Hand in closer range!

Then "The Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir)" has spread its rock wings.

The giant wings that just cover the sky strip away the entangled rocks just by spreading them, and the rocks become rubble and stone rain, pouring around the seine.


(Gu, this rubble, the power itself is no big deal, but too many. I can't go any further)

I have to stop. Sain stops his leg.

In time, 'The Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir)' retreats and takes its distance again.

(CHUCKLES, this guy's getting the distance again. Are you going to be a protracted war?

"Sei, use this!

Al threw a shield toward Sain.

"Oh, thank God."

Sein receives a shield and sets it up for the giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir).

Now we'll be able to approach it even if it rains debris.

Then all of a sudden, "The Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir)" turns its back against Sein.

Quickly, let the tail wrapped in a gothic rock be like a whip and slap it on Sein.


Sayne gets no bouncing at the back with a single hair in between.

"Ha, you're finally fighting back, aren't you? Don't you like being approached?

Sayne says so, this time trying to keep in touch with his enemies without inadvertently approaching them, circling around and circling behind 'The Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir)'.

Though "The Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir)" slowly turns his body around, he can't keep up with Sein's Jung-min (Agility) and lets him out of his sight.

(The "Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir)" body has changed direction! Now!)

"Archer Squad, forward. Take a bow and arrow. But don't get too close. No deep pursuit, just cover."

Al sees' The Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir) 'redirect his body, causing those who still have room in their uniforms to move forward and attack.

Their unleashed arrows did not lead to decisive damage to the 'Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir)', but were nevertheless sufficient to deflect the attention of the 'Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir)' and blunt the movement.

The slightest gap thus created was too much to create a good opportunity for Sain to approach the 'Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir)'.

"I got it!

Sayne dived into the pocket of "The Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir)," and when he formed into the gap between his legs (here he could also avoid a tail attack), he shot "The Dragonhead Cage Hand (Dragoon)" from close range to the earthen belly.

The body of "The Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir)" rocks with gakun.

Sayne chuckled damned.

(Hands on...... Ali!

From the bullet that was shot in, the crack spreads as it swells, and the rocky skin that wraps around the 'Giant Fire Dragon (Grand Fafnir)' begins to crumble.