The King of Advertising

Chapter 174 Reward You Once

On the way back to the No. 3 camping area, Qiu Xu exhorted: "Xixi, don't talk about my temporary brain twitching behavior!"

"Well, follow your orders, don't tell me, promise to keep the secret, and don't tell me if you die!"

Although Lin Xi's statement was loud, Qiu Xu saw the corners of her mouth and eyes that turned up, and knew that the little guy would still speak out.

Qiu Xu didn't bother to do useless work, so he repeatedly told him.

He noticed that Lin Xi's clothes had a lot of lines cut by the shrubbery, and asked, "I didn't take care of anything else when I was carrying you. Did you get scratched by shrubs or thorns?"

"No? Ah, arm, look!"

Having said this, Lin Xi's small mouth slumped, and pitifully rolled up his sleeves, and handed his left arm to Qiu Xu's eyes.

On the fairly fair left forearm, there were two scratches more than ten centimeters long, and blood stains leaked out from serious places.

Qiu Xu glanced at it and said, "Slight skin injuries, wait until the zoo's infirmary is disinfected with alcohol."

"I can kill you with saliva first..."

"No need to!"

Lin Xi hurriedly retracted his arm, and said with a look of disgust: "I have saliva."

"Husband, are you hurt?"

Qiu Xu already felt that his legs were aching fiercely.

He bent over and rolled up the trousers of the khaki pants, and found that his legs were crisscrossed with blood-staining scratches.

Lin Xi squatted down, stroking his calf, and asked with a look of concern and distress, "Ah, so many scars! Husband, don't it hurt?"

Qiu Xu pretended to be quite indifferent and said, "It's not even a minor injury, it doesn't hurt at all!"

"Wait, disinfection will be fine..."

During the words, the two returned to the Cayenne car in the No. 3 camping area.

To their surprise, the meat slices, cold cuts and stew on the folding table were not damaged at all.

When they ran away, they forgot to turn off the gas stove, and they were shut down by others.

It's just that the slices of beef on the roasting pan are already burnt to eat.

Qiu Xu looked around.

There are sparse trees, low shrubs and grasses, and the rustling of the mountain breeze, which is exactly the same as what he saw and heard when he first came here.

However, the feeling to him was completely different.

Qiu Xu always felt a bit cold on his back. It seemed that there was still a tiger hiding somewhere in the woods, staring at it, waiting for an opportunity...

He and Lin Xi looked at each other, and said in unison: "Let's go back!"

It took Qiu Xu and Lin Xi three to five minutes to throw everything into the car indiscriminately, ignite the car, and leave the camping area at the fastest speed...

Qiu Xu kept driving until he left the forest area of ​​Qinglong Mountain.

"Xixi, call Uncle Feng and I will tell him about the creativity of the print advertisement."

Lin Xi responded and quickly dialed Feng Gangting's cell phone and hung the Bluetooth headset on Qiu Xu's ear.

"Uncle Feng, Xixi and I are now on the way back to the city. We talked about the design of the zoo's print advertisement on the phone."

"Have you got an idea so soon?"

The voice of Feng Gangting from the phone was full of surprise.

Qiu Xu smiled lightly: "It's just an immature idea, please consider it, Uncle Feng."

Next, he recounted the half-fallen car window, half-human face and half-tiger face advertisement design described to Lin Xi.

"Uncle Feng, this is a graphic advertising design that I like very much. The picture is not complicated, but it is simple and straightforward to highlight the tour characteristics of the zoo's wild beasts."

"Moreover, this picture has a strong sense of substitution and an immersive feeling."

"However, this design has a significant shortcoming..."

Before Qiu Xu could say it, Feng Gangting's regretful voice came from the phone, "This shortcoming refers to the half-open window?"

Qiu Xu hummed in the phone.

Feng Gangting sighed lightly: "Since the incident in which a brain-disabled woman got off the car and was bitten by a tiger in the zoo in Beijing, we have paid special attention to safety issues."

After a pause, he went on to say: "Qiu Xu, your advertising design is very good, to be honest, but it is easy to mislead tourists, and I can only abandon it with great regret."

"Qiu Xu, are there any other designs?"

Qiu Xu pondered and said, "There is an alternative idea."

Hearing this, Lin Xi moved closer to Qiu Xu curiously.

"This is not my original creation, but an imitation. Uncle Feng, recently a photo of holding hands to travel is popular on the Internet..."

Qiu Xu explained in detail: "It is from the perspective of her boyfriend, a beautiful girl appears in the photo holding a hand."

"Uncle Feng, have you ever seen such a composition photo?"

Feng Gangting's joyous voice came when the phone was neutral, "You mentioned that, I really remember that I have seen many such pictures."

"My second son and his girlfriend followed suit and took similar pictures."

"Qiu Xu, what do you mean?"

Knowing that Feng Gangting has understood what he meant, Qiu Xu further explained: "It is to replace the beautiful girl in the photo with a wild animal that you can enjoy watching."

"The background, just replace it with the gate of the zoo, or other iconic attractions."

Qiu Xu imagined starting to paint, "driving on the highway, a lifelike spray painting comes into view from far and near..."

"A cute and pleasant little wild animal, holding your hand, will take you to the Qinglongshan Wildlife Park."

"It is estimated that this will arouse the desire of many people, especially teenagers and children."

Feng Gangting's applauded voice came from the phone, "Okay, very good."

"Qiu Xu, I do believe now that you are a talented advertiser."

"Your graphic advertising design was adopted by our Qinglongshan Wildlife Park."

Qiu Xu happily said, "Thank you, Uncle Feng, for your approval."

"When I go back, I will immediately ask my partner to design a few samples."

"They will also send someone to discuss with you about advertising production and placement..."

After hanging up Feng Gangting's call, Qiu Xu heard Lin Xi's excited voice, "Husband, you are really amazing. You came up with such an excellent new advertising design so quickly."

Qiu Xu pretended to say indifferently: "It's so normal. It's not original, but just expanded and applied other people's ideas."

Lin Xi admired and said: "This is also very powerful, why other people can't think of this expansion!"

She said regretfully: "It's just your original half-human half-tiger..."

Qiu Xu confidently said: "It can't be wasted. There are many similar free-range safari parks abroad, and you can sell this idea to them."

Lin Xi laughed and said, "That's true. Advertising is to promote marketing art, and art knows no borders..."

She turned her head to look at the scenery outside the window, turned her head to look at Qiu Xu who was driving, bit her lower lip, and whispered: "My husband, I know there is a small river not far away."

"Uncle Feng once led my dad, and I went fishing there..."

Ruddy stained Lin Xi's cheeks, "The place where Uncle Feng led us to go fishing, the scenery is pretty good, the important thing is that it is quite quiet, no one knows..."

Although Qiu Xu sometimes had brain twitching behaviors, he was very clear at this moment and immediately understood Lin Xi's suggestion.

"Xie Xi..."

Lin Xi hummed like a mosquito: "You performed very well today, um, very good."

"I was naturally moved in my heart, so I decided to sacrifice myself and give you a big reward..."