Walking into the staircase meeting room, Qiu Xu found that the room that could accommodate two or three hundred people was already full.

He came to the back and sat down in a relatively remote place...

At two noon, the meeting started on time.

The principal first made a speech, first analyzing the situation of the college entrance examination in the country and Binhai next year, then expounding the glorious history of the school, and optimistically predicting the college entrance examination results of this year's students.

Next, the director of teaching gave a speech and gave a detailed account of how parents take care of the students' learning and physical and mental growth to avoid excessive mental stress...

This long-haired one or two-hour meeting made Qiu Xu a little impatient when he listened. He directly pressed the recording function of his mobile phone and began to wander around the world by himself...

In a daze, Qiu Xu was awakened by the noisy standing up, his eyes were restored to focus, and he found that the parents around him got up and left their seats!

Is this the end of the parent meeting?

Qiu Xu put away his mobile phone, left his seat, and was about to drive away from the back door...

"Qiu Xu, the parent meeting is not over yet, the next step is to hold the parent meeting in class units!"

Lei Zhiyao's voice surpassed the barriers of dozens of parents, and clearly passed to Qiu Xu's ear drum, who had reached the back door.

Qiu Xu looked at the expression "I knew you would slip" on Teacher Lei's face, smiled sly, and had to walk back...

"Brother Qiu, what a coincidence, we met again."

Qiu Xu didn't realize that the guy squeezing from the side had come for himself until his hand was held enthusiastically.

The flat head, square face, especially the neat word Hu, made Qiu Xu immediately recognize him.

After all, I only met each other last night, and Qiu Xu hadn't even forgotten his age.

He chuckled and replied, "Boss Hu, hello, the world is really small!"

"Hehe, I believe this is fate even more."

Hu Chuanbo was very happy and said: "My son Hu Yuanhang is in the second class, and his mother has always come to the parent conference."

"Today his mother can't come, but I just have time. Brother Qiu, you said this is not fate, what is it?"

"It's fate indeed!"

Qiu Xu said perfunctorily, but said in his heart, according to what you said, the one or two hundred parents who were present today are all related to you.

"My sister is in Class 3."

Qiu Xu explained and then reminded: "Let's go to the class parent conference!"

Hu Chuanbo let go of Qiu Xu's hand and warmly invited him and said, "After the end, let's have a cup of coffee together?"

"Look at the time!" Qiu Xu replied vaguely...

Qiu Xu followed dozens of parents and Lei Zhiyao walked into a conference room and sat down, and listened to his passionate speech.

"Parents, our third class, among the sixteen senior third classes, the average score ranks second."

"One of the top ten in the year, nine of the top 100..."

Qiu Xu wanted to yawn again, but sitting under Lei Zhiyao's nose, he could only endure it.

Fortunately, this teacher Lei didn't talk too much nonsense, and soon entered the communication link to answer the questions that parents care about.

Half an hour later, as several main teachers came to the meeting room, the scene became a group on-site consultation mode surrounded by a few or a dozen parents.

Standing outside the encirclement centered on Lei Zhiyao, Qiu Xu pretended to have questions to ask.

"Are you Qiu Ran's parent?"

Hearing this unkind questioning, Qiu Xu turned around and saw a woman who looked at least fifty years old and had many fine wrinkles on her face.

Qiu Xu said nonchalantly, "I am Qiu Ran's brother, what can you do?"

The woman looked at Qiu Xu and said, "I wanted to take this opportunity to talk to your father or mother."

"Since you are here, please tell your parents and restrain Qiu Ran more."

"Senior year of high school, we must focus on learning."

Qiu Xu's face sank, and he asked, "Auntie, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Don't you understand?"

The woman said mockingly: "Let your sister not provoke my son at all times."

"Now it's a key senior year, so you can't be distracted."

Lei Zhiyao, who had been following Qiu Xu secretly, noticed the movement here, accused the parents in front of him, and came to Qiu Xu.

"Mother Li Liang, is there any place I can help?"

Li's mother immediately smiled and said, "Teacher Lei, thank you for adjusting a seat to Li Liang."

"I just talked to Qiu Ran's brother and urged them to study well."

Lei Zhiyao smiled and said: "Mother Li Liang, I just want to talk to you about Li Liang's study."

"Let's go outside..."

When Lei Zhiyao and Li's mother were out of the conference room, Qiu Xu was again caught up with a smile by a student's mother.

"Are you the student's brother?"

"Has it been twenty-five?"

"Have a girlfriend?"

"Oh, what a pity."

"Hey, you can also make a friend first. I have a niece, look, this is her picture..."

Qiu Xu couldn't resist the enthusiasm of the other party. He ran out of the meeting room under the pretext of asking Teacher Lei.

When he came to the corridor, he saw that Li's face was terribly ugly, turned his head to see himself, opened his mouth, and finally did not say anything.

Mother Li owed to Lei Zhiyao, turned around and left.

Qiu Xu approached Lei Zhiyao and asked bluntly: "Teacher Lei, what is it?"

Lei Zhiyao looked at Mother Li's back and whispered softly: "It's just a hazy youthful sentiment."

He turned his head to look at Qiu Xu and added: "I'm not talking about Qiu Ran, but about Li Liang."

"I saw some signs, so I moved his position farther."

Lei Zhiyao smiled again: "Your sister Qiu Ran, she is much better than you, smart and hardworking, her grades have been stable in the top ten in the class."

"Try harder, Binhai University, it is stable."

Qiu Xu also smiled and said, "My family has always used me as a negative teaching material, and has high hopes for her."

He proudly said: "Teacher Lei, my sister's appearance is pretty good. Please pay more attention to it. Don't let those bastards with bad intentions interfere with your studies."

Lei Zhiyao screamed loudly and said with a funny face: "You are so embarrassed to say such things, back then you..."

"But how many girls are disturbed in their studies."

"Is this the reincarnation of heaven?"

Qiu Xu smiled and said: "Mr. Lei, I didn't take the initiative to harass people, most of them are passive."

He pretended to be screaming: "Many ordinary boys will never know how proactive a girl will be when facing a handsome and talented person like me."

"Nowadays, walking on the street and being stopped by a beautiful woman asking for a phone call, it often happens."

Lei Zhiyao sneered disdainfully, and ridiculed: "Girls are all so active, don't you still have a girlfriend?"

Upon hearing this, Qiu Xu wanted to refute.

Just thinking about it, this might hurt the self-esteem of this teacher Lei, and then affect Qiu Ran's study.

Qiu Xu decided to acquiesce and endure it.

Anyway, the chances of meeting in the future are very few, and the younger sister's study is the most important thing.

Just listen to Teacher Lei’s sincere words: "A good girl will naturally leave you when she understands your true situation."

"Society is very realistic, handsome, and can't be eaten."

Lei Zhiyao stretched out his hand and patted Qiu Xu on the shoulder, and said, "I'd better make money first and be able to support myself."

"Qiu Xu, I know you studied graphic design in college. Qiu Ran said, your technique is still improvised."

"In this way, I know a guy who is very nice!"

"She is very talented in doing VI design for companies. She opened a studio and contacted clients. She has a lot of work on her hands."

"You can take some work to do it first, but the more you put it away, the more you get born..."

Qiu Xu knew that Teacher Lei was kind, and said perfunctorily: "Thank you, teacher, you give me that person's phone number, and I will contact you."

Qiu Xu wrote down a name and phone number, and asked about Qiu Ran's study situation, and then left.

He had just walked out of the school building when Hu Chuanbo emerged from nowhere.

"Brother Qiu, it's still early, have a cup of coffee together?"