This world has the famous Coca-Cola, as well as world beverage brands such as Sprite, Jiyang, and Fei Rui, but Qiu Xu has never heard of that Pepsi.

In the world before the new birth, Pepsi and Pepsi, through various interesting advertisements, each other and belittled each other, but Qiu Xu has a deep memory.

I have been in the advertising industry for a while, and Qiu Xu is more and more sure that the two Coke companies should have a tacit understanding and purposefully promote such mutual marketing and promotion.

Under this marketing promotion, the two companies have gained a large number of die-hard supporters all over the world, defeating one after another, and firmly occupying more than 80 global carbonated drinks market.

Noting the contradiction between Luyuan Beverage and Kushuang Company, Qiu Xu naturally thought of the well-known enemies of Kekou and Pepsi.

"The best way to cultivate the loyalty and stickiness of consumer groups is undoubtedly to establish a common target and enemy to attack."

Qiu Xu said eloquently: "With the current market position and size of Luyuan Beverage and Cool Cool, as well as some entanglements between the past and the present, it is undoubtedly the most suitable for each other to become enemies."

Hearing this, Lu Xingfa and Xiong Naidi looked at each other and said with a smile: "Indeed, our two families have also fought with each other several times before, and now the flames of war will reignite, which is expected."

As Xiong Naidi rolled up his sleeves, he laughed and said, "Come on, who is afraid of whom?"

Qiu Xu also smiled and said: "In this fight, we must also pay attention to style and level. We must enhance each other's reputation and appeal in the fight, and enhance the value of the brand."

Xiong Naidi said seriously: "I would like to ask Mr. Qiu to give me some advice."

Qiu Xu pondered and said: "It's not impossible to kill one thousand enemies and hurt yourself eight hundred in a price war."

"But the purpose must be clear, such as expanding the market, dealing with slow-moving beverages, or jointly suppressing other competitors and so on."

He chuckled and said, "Like the situation in the regional market where the boss and the second child fight, but the third child disappears, you two can organize it over and over."

The two old foxes, Xiong Naidi and Lu Xingfa, who are clear at one point, looked at each other with meaningful smiles on their faces.

Qiu Xu continued: "In terms of the big picture, the competition between your two families must be elegant and not vulgar."

After a pause, Qiu Xu took a sip of water and continued: "For example, for example, Luyuan can shoot such an advertisement..."

He gesticulated and slowly described, "A five or six-year-old kid pulled open the large refrigerator at home and looked up at the storage compartment filled with various drinks."

"He first took two bottles of cool drinks and put them on the ground."

"After that, he stepped on the cool drink and finally got the Luyuan drink on a higher level."

Hearing Lu Borong here, he couldn't help but smile happily: "The very interesting advertising design, although it belittles Cool, but it does not make cool consumers feel particularly offensive."

"This kind of competition is really wonderful."

Xiong Naidi nodded in agreement, and said, "Although this kind of advertisement is derogatory, it also has a certain promotional effect on our coolness."

"Then, as our cool counterattack..."

Qiu Xu smiled and said, "Cool is naturally able to shoot similar advertisements to fight back."

"For example, if the scene is replaced by a vending machine, children have to buy two bottles of Luyuan beverages to step on their feet in order to be able to press the pickup button on a higher level."

Qiu Xu added: "You two should act like gentlemen who love and kill each other."

"You can attack each other's shortcomings and deficiencies, but you can't break the lower limit and create an event that will cause consumers on one side to completely reject it."

Qiu Xu emphasized: "The focus of your mutual attack should be mainly reflected in the difference in taste and philosophy, just like the dispute between northerners and southerners of salty and sweet tofu."

Lu Xingfa nodded slowly and thoughtfully said: "It's like Mr. Qiu's previous suggestion, try to make our new beverage a cultural symbol and symbol..."

"Through the battle with Kushuang, we also put eye-catching labels on our products to differentiate consumers."

"The simple description is that consumers who like to drink sweet tofu brain choose Luyuan beverage."

"And those who like to drink salted tofu, choose Kushuang Company."

Qiu Xu said in an expert manner: "It can be understood this way."

At this time, Xiong Naidi clapped his hands gently, and said with a red face: "According to this marketing plan, if everything goes well, the entire domestic beverage market will be occupied by our two divisions."

"In addition to the sweet tofu nao and the salty tofu nao, do you like the third flavor?"

"Mr. Qiu, you really didn't disappoint me."

Xiong Naidi gave Qiu Xu two thumbs up and praised: "Great talent, you are an absolute marketing talent..."

"This million, I'm the one who speaks, it's yours."

He looked at Lu Xingfa again, and said with a smile: "The marketing plan Mr. Qiu just mentioned, Luyuan Beverage is also a big beneficiary, don't you say it?"

Xiong Naidi said with sarcasm: "You won't be too difficult, you can't even get this little money?"

Lu Xingfa made a light cut and said disdainfully: "This, you don't need to remind me at all."

"Mr Qiu's contribution to our Luyuan Beverage is clear to us."

He looked at Qiu Xu and said sincerely: "When the company's current marketing and promotion activities come to an end, we will naturally have a lot of thoughts."

Qiu Xu hypocritically declined: "President Lu is polite."

"For the previous cooperation, I have received reasonable and sufficient remuneration from Luyuan Beverage, and there is no need to express it."

Lu Xingfa laughed and said, "The main reason is that we took advantage of Mr. Qiu's not-so-famous..."

Next, several people discussed the details of the operation.

Lu Xingfa and Xiong Naidi are both old fritters in business. After Qiu Xu gave out his ideas and framework, he didn't need to make suggestions for specific measures.

At the end of the banquet, Qiu Xuzhuang accidentally said that as a producer, an urban light comedy about the marriage and love of leftover men is about to be filmed.

The two bosses who asked Xiange to know Yayi immediately said boldly that they would definitely sponsor them. One or two million is nothing.

Qiu Xu said politely, three hundred thousand is enough.

You can sign another supplementary clause, and then appropriately add additional advertising fees based on ratings, popularity and popularity.

Xiong Naidi smiled and said, "Mr. Qiu, you have great confidence in the success of the TV series."

Qiu Xu asked truthfully: "On the contrary, it is lack of confidence. After all, in this respect, I am a complete layman."

"In case this TV series goes viral, everyone is happy, you are willing to add advertising fees, but not..."

At nearly ten o'clock in the evening, Qiu Xu, who was full of rewards, and Zhang Yihe, who was completely relieved of worries, left the No. 57 Hall, joined Ou Yuan, who was waiting outside, and drove back together.

Qiu Xu saw Zhang Yihe staring at himself, and said with a chuckle: "Today's list, you also have merit."

"I'll give you a commission of 300,000 yuan, how?"

Zhang Yihe shook his head and said, "I originally asked you to help. I should be the one who benefits you. How can I still want your commission?"

"I'm just curious, this year, did you take some elixir, why did you suddenly become so smart?"

Qiu Xu grinned and said: "Without him, I just found the right direction and found a path suitable for my development."

Zhang Yihe bit his lip and hummed softly, "It seems that it is the same thing, but I don't believe it."

"Forget it..."

She smiled again and said: "You have become unique, and I have a lot of benefits."

"Tonight, I can finally get a good night's sleep."

Having said this, Zhang Yihe stretched his waist deliberately, let the windbreaker slip off, straightened his chest, and swayed his waist.

Qiu Xu stretched out his hand to put the windbreaker on her, and exclaimed with concern: "It's almost winter. Be careful of catching a cold."

Zhang Yihe snorted heavily, but he wrapped the windbreaker tightly with his hands...