The King of Explosion

Chapter 84: Super Self-Healing

You can search for "The Explosion of Ten Thousand Realms Tianwang Sou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Li Ming, I don't know, what country are you designing a biochemical weapon, but this supervisor is very interested!" The blond supervisor smiled, guarded carefully by two mercenaries holding explosion-proof shields, holding an intercom in his hand. , Said to Li Ming: "Catch it with your hands! You are already surrounded, you can't escape!"

"The director, I don't want to kill you!"

"You who are alive are more valuable for research than you who are dead!"

"Really, if you want to catch me, it depends on whether you have this ability?" Li Mingyun said.

The blond director raised his brows and said, "So ignorant of current affairs!"

"Then you go to die!"

"It seems that only one mutilated corpse can be obtained!" The blond director shook his head and boldly ordered: "Kill him!"


In the square of the government building, among the trees and bushes, thirty or so heavily armed mercenaries armed with assault rifles sprang up, killing Li Ming from all directions.

"Order received!"

"Confirm the goal!"

"Fire and shoot!" The mercenary squad on the square suddenly opened fire on Li Ming.

"Da da da!"

A bunch of bullets, suddenly like raindrops, rushed towards Li Ming.

Li Ming's eyes narrowed, and the corners of his mouth showed disdain. There was no fear of rifle bullets. Li Ming was not afraid to see and hear. The color suddenly turned on, like a stroll in the courtyard, avoiding a large number of bullets. It is really impossible to avoid, the arm covering the arm is raised, just like The shield directly resists.


The blond director's eyes brightened, looking at Li Ming who was dodge quickly, and slapped his lips in admiration: "The ability to predict danger far beyond ordinary people, and the ability to dodge magical skills. His arms seem to be extremely hard and he is not afraid of rifle bullets. It is incredible. masterpiece!"


"Much better than the tracker and Alice!!"

"It's a pity, completely suppressed by firepower, I still have to die under random shooting!" Director Blond shook his head and said with emotion.


Below, Li Ming avoided a ball of rifle bullets and suddenly raised the assault rifle in his hand.

See and hear color perception.

All of the mercenaries within 100 meters around him were all perceived in Li Ming's field of vision.

"Da da da!"

The assault rifle in Li Ming's hand also fired, like an arc, shooting outwards.




Suddenly, more than 30 mercenaries snorted suddenly, blood shot on the forehead, and a piece of it fell over instantly, and the gunfire stopped.

The blond director on the tall building suddenly became stiff, and said in shock: "How is this possible?"

"What a precise shooting ability!"

"The shooting can be done, the gun is deadly!"

The blond director stared in a daze at the figures of elite mercenaries falling to the street continuously, in a daze.

"Sir, be careful!" The mercenary on the side suddenly shouted, and then an explosion-proof shield stood in front.


Immediately, sparks shot up on the explosion-proof shield.

Below, Li Ming killed about thirty mercenaries, rushed towards the building with a silent step, raised his hand and fired at the blond director.

Director Blond took two steps backwards and ordered: "Let the other ten assault teams fire!"

Suddenly, assault squad mercenaries armed with rifles all over the building fired at Li Ming. Li Ming ran all the way, all the bullets chasing him and the sparks from shooting all ate ashes behind Li Ming’s ass. .

Li Ming rolled and jumped and shot continuously.

From time to time, mercenaries were shot and fell to the ground.

Obviously Li Ming is the only one, but he suppresses nearly two hundred elite mercenaries, and even has a slight advantage.

"too frightening!"

"This is a monster!"

"Hurry up, get on the explosion-proof shield!" The mercenaries immediately changed their formations and cooperated in pairs.

The light assault rifle in Li Ming's hand naturally cannot break the explosion-proof shield. It can only kill the opponent's gunman at the moment of the opponent's counterattack. The difficulty is greatly increased, and the killing efficiency is suddenly greatly reduced.

With the help of explosion-proof shields and professional military skills, the mercenaries could barely compete with Li Ming.Euyue Book

On one side, there are many people, and they cooperate with each other tacitly; on the other side, the quality of individual soldiers is against the sky, and with the help of seeing, hearing, and armed, they can also fight back sharply in the rain of bullets.

The blond director looked at Li Ming below, and his blue eyes were surprised: "This Li Ming is really more and more surprising!"

"One person is comparable to 300 elite mercenaries!"

"If the company can find out the reasons for Li Ming's physical changes, it will not be able to form an invincible army. The Sun Umbrella Company will be able to become the overlord of the earth!" The blond director looked frantically.

Charles was sitting in a wheelchair and looked at the scene of the rush below with shock.

The blond director squinted his eyes and said to the walkie-talkie: "It's beyond my imagination. It seems that if you didn't prepare in advance, you might not be able to get this Li Ming!"

"Sniper Squadron, come on!"

"Received, sir!"

Suddenly, ten mercenaries holding Barrett on the top of the government building showed their heads. From the dark angles on the top floor, a fierce sniper aimed at Li Ming below.


A loud sound, like a muffled thunder.

Suddenly resounded.

Li Ming, who was facing the gun, suddenly rang the alarm bell in his heart.

"not good!"


The orange light flickered under Li Ming's feet, and suddenly rushed up.

on the ground.

It turned out that at the place where Li Ming was staying, on the concrete floor, five holes with the size of a washbasin suddenly appeared.



Li Ming's heart was shocked. The mercenary in the parasol actually had a heavy sniper rifle Barrett. A deadly threat suddenly appeared in Li Ming's heart.

"Yue step!"

Li Ming leaped in the air and jumped up two meters again.


Three arm-sized bullets with a hot aura were hidden between Li Ming's electric light and flint.

Li Mingzheng exhaled.



One up and down, two deadly sniper bullets whizzed out.

"and also!"

Li Ming was full of unwillingness. He was in the air and couldn't turn around, so he could barely avoid the vital points.

"Fully armed!"

Li Ming's whole body was suddenly dark.


Li Ming screamed, one of his thighs suddenly burst, stained blood splashed, and a fist-sized blood hole was penetrated on his left shoulder. The stained blood flowed across, and the armed color was useless. Li Ming's shoulder was directly blasted through by Barrett.

Suddenly, Li Mingzai fell to the ground, miserable.

"Stop shooting!" the supervisor exclaimed excitedly.

Suddenly, the firepower of a group of mercenaries stopped.

Li Ming was seriously injured at this moment.

"Damn, there are ten Barretts, the sun umbrella really looks at me!"

"This is over, one leg is broken, the speed is greatly reduced, and it is even more difficult to avoid sniper shooting!" Li Ming felt awe-inspiring.


Li Ming suddenly looked at his leg, and the dark red granulation on the leg grew rapidly, and a bunch of granulation grew rapidly in the blood hole on his shoulder.

"This is the tyrant's super self-healing ability?"

Li Ming felt that his physical strength was consumed rapidly.

However, the holes in the feet and chest are healing rapidly.

Li Ming's heart moved, but he used his life to return to suppress the super strong self-healing ability in his body. Some granulation in his chest blocked the wound, not bleeding, Li Ming was lying on the ground like a serious injury, gasping for air.