The King of Explosion

Chapter 270 Yamu Tea

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"Also, it's impossible to pay it back! Just assume I haven't found it!" Li Ming played with the seal scroll. It is not time to check how many things are in the capsule box, but it is certain that at least one capsule room has been harvested .

Li Ming is not a silly person who doesn't pick up money.


Li Ming burst out of the water.

Bulma looked at Li Ming expectantly and asked, "Li Ming, have you found the capsule box?"

"No!" Li Ming said casually with a calm expression.

Bulma suddenly slumped on the ground and said depressed: "I knew I couldn't find it!"

"The river is so fast that the possibility of finding it is almost zero!"

"Damn it, fortunately the Dragon Ball Radar is hung on my neck. Now I can only hike to the nearest town to see if I can buy a portable capsule!"

Bulma looked at Li Ming and said, "Li Ming, don't worry, although the portable capsule room is lost, this lady will make a new capsule room and send it to you after returning home! I will definitely not break my promise!"

"It's okay!" Li Ming was happy, and got another capsule room. He smiled and said, "You don't need to walk!"

"Didn't I seize an RV portable capsule from Oolong?"

"You can use it now!"

Li Ming took out a red portable capsule from his arms, which was the m-model RV capsule, and threw it away.


The smoke was filled, and a two-story RV suddenly appeared on the ground.

Bulma's eyes lit up: "Haha, great!"

"I can drive a RV!"

"The caravan is equivalent to a mobile lodging building. This lady doesn't have to sleep on the street anymore. It's great!"

Li Ming was also curious about the portable capsule caravan, and then the three of them entered the caravan.

The front section of the RV is the cab, the dining table and guest bedroom are in the middle, and the master bedroom above. Li Ming threw a bunch of oolong messes out of the car, and then Bulma drove the RV.

The trio once again boarded the way to find Dragon Ball.

In the long desert.

A two-story RV dangling along the desert road.

"Bulma, will you drive a RV?"

"Why is it swaying?" Li Ming was a little depressed, and said to Bulma who was driving the RV.

Bulma looked mad and said, "Don't say it, it's the first time I drove this kind of large car. It takes some time to get used to it! Why don't you drive it?"

Li Ming glanced in the cab, a bunch of unrecognized operating keys, he shook his head suddenly, and said, "It's better for you to open it, I won't even know how to open it!"

On a hill in the distance, a blue cat is floating in the air, holding a binoculars, and looking at the RV that is coming in the distance.

"Pu'er! How do you see it clearly?" Under the blue cat, there was a handsome long-haired guy with a handsome face and sturdy eyes, asking with a bazooka on his back.

"Yamucha, you can see it clearly. It's an M-type RV portable capsule. It's a luxury car worth more than 500 million yuan!" Pu'er's eyes glowed with money and said: "The other party is definitely a fat sheep. "

"We are going to be rich."

Yamucha flicked his handsome hair with one hand, and grinned: "I actually came to the site of my desert robber Yamucha. I will accept this fat sheep." Biquge vp

"Pu'er, get ready to work." Yamucha ordered.

"Okay." Pu'er floated to the driving seat of the Assault Mouse off-road vehicle.

Yamucha jumped and jumped onto the off-road vehicle Assault, holding an anti-tank rocket launcher in one hand, full of excitement, looked at the portable RV in the distance, and said to Pu'er, "Pu'er, let's go!"

"Understand!" Pu'er clicked on the console of the off-road vehicle.

Suddenly, the assault rat let out a mechanical roar, and then whizzed toward the RV in the distance.

Li Ming was looking helplessly at Bulma driving the RV.


Li Ming narrowed his eyes and suddenly looked into the distance, seeing and hearing the color perception, an off-road vehicle was rushing directly towards the RV.

"Boom!" A rocket with a tail flame, directly towards the front left wheel of the touring car, suddenly blasted over.

"I'm going, my RV!" Li Ming's expression changed, he slapped the car door, made a silent step, rushed out of the RV, and then rushed to the rocket.

"Rocket, just add some physical strength!" Li Ming narrowed his eyes and smiled at the corner of his mouth, rushing towards the rocket.

"Boom!" There was an explosion.

Ya Mucha was holding a smoking anti-tank rocket launcher, looking at the smoke and dust ahead, grinning: "Now, the RV must stop!"

"Huh!!!" The smoke quickly dissipated.

Ya Mucha looked at a figure who was suddenly standing in front of the RV with a dazed expression, blinked, and was stunned. He glanced at the RV that had stopped unharmed, and muttered, "This guy, unexpectedly The rocket is blocked!"

"How can this be?"

Li Ming slowly retracted with one hand, and the rocket bomb only allowed Li Ming to recover a little physical strength, but the other party's attempt to destroy his RV was naturally unforgivable.

"what's going on?"

"How could it explode!" Bulma was a little embarrassed, poked her head out of the RV window, with a look of confusion, and looked at the off-road vehicle in the distance.

Ya Mucha looked surprised, looking at Bulma's cute appearance, his face was red and his nose was hot, and he said in horror: "Woman!"

"Still beautiful women! How could there be women in the desert!"

"Too unlucky!" Yamucha trembling, extremely shy, making him annoyed to shout: "Pu'er, get out!"

"Hey! Yamucha, you are afraid of women's faults, which really affects your wealth plan!" Pu'er reluctantly controlled the steering wheel and suddenly hit, and then the entire Charge Mouse off-road vehicle made a sharp turn and evacuated away.

Bulma looked dumbfounded, looking at the fast off-road vehicle that fled in an instant.

"Is that the robber who robbed just now?"

"What a fast off-road vehicle is definitely improved, at least five times faster than ordinary off-road vehicles!" Bulma said with emotion.

Li Ming looked gloomy, and said to Monkey King in the car: "Wukong, protect Bulma, I will chase the robber!"

"Battered my RV and wanted to escape!"

"How can it be that simple!" Li Ming stepped in his footsteps, and "Lingbo Microsteps" was suddenly launched, turning into a pile of afterimages, and hurriedly chasing the off-road vehicle assault rat.

In the desert.

Yamucha said to Pu'er with fear: "The guy just blocked the rocket with his bare hands. He is definitely a martial artist!"

"Strength is a bit scary!"

"Fortunately, we retreat fast, and crushed the RV dozens of times at the speed of charging the Rat. They can't catch up!" Yamucha said.

Pu'er nodded and said proudly: "Of course, the assault rat transformation is my proud work of Pu'er. There is no car that can catch up with the assault rat!"