"Zila" roasted the sour skin meat again, accompanied by the scent of barbecue.

The "guliufeng" on the torture stand couldn't say a word of pain, and he could only cry wailing without stop.

Mrs. Murong looked at his miserable appearance, but was in a happy mood, and laughed: "Shameless bastard, don't you just charm Linfeng by this face? Now I ruin your face, look at you, you mean What other areas will people use to confuse my son! Hahaha..."

"Guliufeng" on the torture stand apparently heard Mrs. Murong's words, and a shocked expression appeared on his face.

He looked down at himself and frantically struck his hands, only to find that he couldn't move at all.

Whether it is on the face or the lower body, there are pains from the heart and lungs.

But the most painful and terrible thing is that his mother stood in front of him but could not recognize him, but called him "Murong Liufeng"!

"Gu Liufeng" opened his mouth wide and snarled with his throat, "Mother, it's me, I'm Linfeng, I'm your son, help... help--!"

However, because his face was scalded by a soldering iron and even his mouth was red and swollen, what he said was ambiguous, and Mrs. Murong could not understand what he was talking about.

Seeing him so yelling and screaming with fear in his eyes, he felt very happy, and he took off the hairpins on his head, and stabbed at his face, "Ha ha ha... little bastard, what kind of thing are you, but a cheap man?" The rotten goods produced by a mad woman are even more qualified than my son and dare to seduce my son!"

"Bah! You are just like your mother, deserve to be trampled on your feet for the rest of your life! Cheesy, trash, dog mongrel..."

This stabbing hairpin did not hurt the life of the warrior, but a face was soon marked by her blood and flesh. That fear and pain could never be compared with ordinary punishment.

Murong Linfeng was crying for mercy from the beginning, and finally became dying, even his voice could not be heard.

Mrs. Murong panted and gritted her teeth at the "guliufeng" on the torture stand. Thinking of the humiliation that the mother and son had brought to her a few years ago, she wished to tear this little animal.

It's a pity that the Murong family wanted to keep this little beast and that bitch alive, so that she could never be relieved of this bad breath.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Mrs. Murong hurried to a corner of the torture room, and then opened the upper organ with a grin.

Soon, a wooden box about half a person tall appeared in a corner.

In that wooden box, a woman with a disheveled hair curled up.

I saw her covered with red fruit, and there were scars all over her body, and the scars were stacked one after another, and the old and the new alternated. Obviously, the torture she suffered never stopped.

What makes Suxi most horrified is that such a living person about six meters tall is kept in a box only one meter tall day and night, curled up and unable to stretch. What kind of torture is this?

Upon seeing this person, Suxi clearly felt Gu Liufeng's tightness around him, and his eyes became red as blood.

If it wasn't for Suxi, he almost rushed out desperately.

Mrs. Murong grabbed the woman's hair, dragged her out, and dragged it in front of "Gu Liufeng" like a rubbish.

The guard next to him was full of embarrassment and panic, and whispered next to her: "Ma'am, the lord said, you can't let this man out without his orders. You do this..."