Appearing in front of him is a whole number of ten Sipin Elixir... eighty full!!

How can this be?!How can there be 80 tablets of Sipin Elixir in one furnace?!Twenty are already the limit!

"How come there are so many?!" As if to respond to Master Yuehua's thoughts, other doctors' screams quickly came to his ears.

"This... this must have seven or eighty pills?"

On the side, Puxi listened to their screams, but couldn't help but breathe out slowly.

The refining of the waste residue into a panacea is indeed flawed. Not only can the number of the panacea be reduced by half, but the quality of this furnace panacea is still some distance away from the superb panacea, at most than the egg refining. The Chinese medicine is slightly better.

The physicians on the city wall were stunned one by one, looking at Suxi's eyes as if they were looking at a monster.

If they were told before today that someone could re-smelt the waste residue from alchemy into a panacea, they would never believe it?If you tell them that someone can make eighty-four elaborate remedies in a panacea, they won't believe it even if they are killed.

However, the fact that it is bright now is in front of us.

Every move of Xiyue was done under their eyelids, and there could never be any possibility of cheating.

This makes these doctors in Yongan City no longer dare to look down upon this young doctor, who is only 16 or seven years old, and even everyone's eyes have a respectful meaning.

Instead of taking care of them, Suxi took three pills of medicine and came to Zhuge Xiaotian with a quiet voice: "Take these three pills of medicine and meditate for half an hour, you will never be afraid of the sun again. , There will be no desire to suck blood and eat raw meat."

Zhuge Xiaotian held out his erythema's hands that had not faded, shivered and received the medicine. It took a long time to say: "Xi Shen doctor, what is this medicine? I took it, really... can I really be a normal person? ?"

Zhuge Xiaotian's voice shivered slightly.

He had clearly remembered the scene where he had just gone crazy on the wall and turned into a vampire monster.

And this scene fell in the eyes of everyone in Yongan City, and they were regarded as horrible and ugly monsters.

Now even the guard on the city wall, from time to time, glanced at him and hurried away, his expression full of fear and disgust.

Zhu Ge Xiaotian thought at the time that his life was over, even if he cured the disease in the future, the people of Yong'an City could no longer treat him as a normal person.

When everyone saw him, he would think of his disgusting and horrifying scene like a monster.

However, at the moment of his despair, the teenager named Xi Yue gave him the only chance.

Zhuge Xiaotian felt that his ears were still echoing. Now when Xiyue diagnosed and treated him, he said gently in his ears: "No need to worry, they are afraid you hate you because of unknown and fear. Just It proved to them that what you are suffering from is only a disease that everyone can suffer from and can be cured. They will naturally treat you as a normal person."

The silence and despair in Zhuge Xiaotian's eyes, because this short paragraph of words, was again ignited by hope.

So in the scene that just happened, he all waited quietly, waiting for the beautiful boy in front of him to turn him into a real normal person.

Suxi frowned and said: "This medicine was researched by myself in combination with the vampire disease. I never thought of naming it, but because its main medicine is Yunzhizhi, then call it Yundandan."