The disciples outside waited for so long, accumulating fire, but they did not dare to vent. They had to be careful: "This is the case. Dr. Wen recommended an instructor to Elder Yu. Elder Yu gave all outsiders The tutors used to discuss it."

Upon hearing this, Mei Shuhai immediately said: "What is Wen Jiaquan doing? Isn't the outside mentor already enough?"

The outside disciple laughed and said, "It is said that the person recommended by Dr. Wen was the doctor who helped Mrs. Bai Shao deliver the baby a few days ago, and the mother and child were safe. Dr. Wen highly praised the doctor's medical skills..."

As soon as Mei Shuhai heard this, his heart suddenly froze, and his face became a little ugly.

He put the tea bowl in his hand and said in a deep voice: "Go, take me to the meeting room."

When Mei Shuhai arrived, the people in the entire meeting room had already waited half an hour, holding the fire in his stomach, but no one dared to show it.Who made Mei Shuhai's status higher than them!

When Elder Yu saw that everyone was here, he cleared his throat and said, "This is the case. Dr. Wen strongly recommended to me a candidate for an outside mentor yesterday. This candidate is very special, and I don't know whether I should agree or not. , So I would like to hear your opinions."

Several mentors heard about who this person was before they came, and looking at Dr. Wen was a bit complicated and admired.

But more people asked curiously.

Dr. Wen explained with a smile: "I believe everyone still remembers that Mrs. Bai Shao was diagnosed at the beginning, and finally it was diagnosed that Mrs. Bai was pregnant with a stillbirth."

As soon as this remark came out, the other tutors had not responded. Mei Shuhai said loudly: "Dr. Wen, we know that you were diagnosed for the sake of Mrs. Bai Shao, so I diagnosed it as stillbirth. I believe as long as you go with the Bai family Explain, they will definitely understand."

Dr. Wen gave Mei Shuhai a meaningful look, and said lightly: "Dr. Mei please rest assured that someone Wen will do things one by one, and if the Bai family pursues it, this responsibility will be borne by the next one."

Mei Shuhai heard a long sigh of relief, and his heart was full of shame.

In fact, no one knows that the first person who diagnosed the fetus in Mrs. Bai's belly as a stillborn was him Mei Shuhai.

At that time, the Bai family and his wife came to see Dr. Wen, but he thought that the Bai family was powerful and it was good for him to climb, so he took the initiative to go to the doctor.Unexpectedly, after being diagnosed with stillbirth, Mrs. Bai Shao hysteria came.

Mei Shuhai was terrified. He quickly threw the hot potato back to Dr. Wen, and told him that if he wanted Mrs. Bai Shao to survive, the child should be beaten down as soon as possible.

Dr. Wen's original diagnosis was that the child still had a first-line life, but after listening to Mei Shuhai's words, she thought that giving birth to a child would kill Mrs. Bai Shao, so she made a diagnosis of abortion.

Later I heard that Mrs. Bai Shao gave birth safely, and Mei Shuhai was almost scared.And Dr. Wen's speech in Qingyun Realm is a quack doctor's fault diagnosis, which makes him frightened, fearing that his reputation will be corrupted.

It was not until several days later that he saw that Dr. Wen had never refuted the incident, and he was relieved.

However, Dr. Wen continued: "The mentor I recommend today is Dr. Xi Yuexi who gave birth to Mrs. Bai Shao's child safely."

With that said, he briefly introduced the concept of surgical operation that he understood from Xi Yue.