And Xi Yue's votes have been teetering on the verge of elimination and not elimination.

By the end of all the vote counts, Yun Feifei glanced at the ranking version, and her votes were exactly double that of the second place.

And Xiyue... Yun Feifei squinted at the person next to him, and seemed to smile with a smile: "Xiyue, you are really lucky, you just fell to the last place, you will almost be eliminated! But, In the next round, you will have no such luck."

Xi Yue tickled the corner of her lips and said slowly: "Yeah, I don't have Miss Yun's ability. A few rotten panacea without any value can sell a thousand crystals."

"You--!!!" Yun Feifei's face twisted for a while, his face blue and white.

Liu Piaopiao and other female nuns heard beside her looked at her ugly face with a snickering expression.

Don't look at Yun Feifei's current scenery, but when Qilian Linghua was born, she lost her face.

After all, when she sold a few of her elixirs to a thousand crystals, she was still smug and proud.

In the blink of an eye, Xiyue's Qilian Linghua sold more than ten times more than hers.

How can this kind of behavior of pulling Yun Feifei's face down and stepping on it in public?

Yun Feifei gritted her teeth and said: "Okay, I think you can be arrogant for how long! When you are eliminated, admit that you are not worthy of any man in front of everyone, I think you can laugh?"

Xi Yue has not answered, the voice of Fairy Liuying has sounded with the end of the vote, "The results of the first round of the game came out, and finally the most popular is our Fairy Yunfei Fei. In addition, ranked 30 Fairies of the future name, will leave this stage for a while..."

The end of the first round of games also means that more than half of the female trainees have been eliminated.

The results of this round of competition are counted in the final popular voting final election. Yun Feifei’s votes are now 32571, while Xiyue’s votes are only 5762, which is the bottom of all female students. I want to be in the next two rounds. It is almost impossible to catch up with Yun Feifei's votes.

Looking at this number of votes, some people in the square couldn't help but cried out, "Why did Xiyue's votes so low? Obviously the Qilian Spirit Flower she made was so perfect that even the big family and the elders of Zongmen scrambled for it? "

"Cut, alchemy level is high. This is the Xuanying Fairy Contest. It is not a life-and-death hall in the spiritual realm. Anyone who looks ugly and skillful is no good."

"Who said that Xiyue was ugly?" The female practitioner who had seen Xiyue at the outer gate of Tianyi Gu retorted, "You haven't seen Xiyue's true face, why should she be ugly?"

"Why not be ugly! Anyway, I only vote for the beautiful and noble Miss Yun Feifei! She is the daughter of the god of war Yun Tianyi!"

The comments of everyone underneath came to Yun Feifei's ears, which made her look a lot better.

Fairy Liuying apparently heard these sounds too. Her eyes flickered, and suddenly Lian Bu moved to Yun Tianyi, who had been silent for a long time. The voice was clear and sweet: "Senior Yun, may I ask you for the first prize of this Xuan Ying fairy award What do you want to say about the results of the round, especially Miss Yunfeifei’s performance?"

With a brush, all eyes instantly gathered on Yun Tianyi's face.

Especially those men, all of them showed a look of excitement and reverence.

It turned out that this is the Yun Family God of War.