"Nine deaths and one life, I was shocked step by step." Xi Yue summed up briefly, but she couldn't help but see the beautiful pair of peach blossom eyes, "I once fell into a fantasy dream in the ancient realm of Yuankong. I met a little boy in here..."

Speaking of which, she paused and did not continue.

Wei Zixi asked with a light smile: "He looks like me?"

Who knew that Xiyue shook his head, "I felt like it at first, but later found out it was not."

The little boy in the illusion is strong, forbearing, and kind, far more than ordinary children, but his eyes have always been clear and clear.

"I don't know if it's a dream or reality. If he can survive. Wei Zixi..."

Xi Yue gently called out the child's name, feeling a little sad and a little bit missing in her heart.

Although it was just a dream, in that dream, she accompanied the little boy for several years, watching him grow up, watching him suffering, forbearance and simple satisfaction.In Xi Yue's heart, the little boy was already like her brother.

Xi Yue couldn't calm her mind so much that she didn't find out that when the teenager beside her said "Wei Zixi", her pupils suddenly shrank and she breathed quickly.

What Xiyue wanted to say, suddenly felt dizzy in his head, and his eyelids seemed to be heavy.

As soon as her body softened, she fell down, and she instantly lost consciousness.

But instead of falling to the ground, she was caught by a pair of slender, jade-like hands and hugged horizontally before falling.

Wei Zixi looked at her for a while before letting her sit under the largest iron core in the yard.

The leaves are rusty, the moon is quiet, and the shadows of trees are scattered on the ground, like a silver brilliance.

Wei Zixi didn't do anything, just pillowed on Xi Yue's lap, with a shallow smile on the corner of his mouth, and closed his eyes.

In the night came a man's low magnetic, full of gentle and joyful voice.

"Sister, long time no see."

"This is what I always wanted to do in my dreams, but you always disappear after a short appearance, just like the illusory dream can't be caught anyway. But not in the future, I will You are imprisoned next to me, so you never have the chance to disappear again."


When Xiyue woke up the next day, she found herself already sleeping in her bed.

But she couldn't remember how she fell asleep last night.

Encountering the unknown at the door of the room, the kid said seriously: "I still wanted to tell Xi Yue what I did during this time, but you didn't wait for me to say that I fell asleep at the beginning, I had to hug you into the house."

Xi Yue looked stunned. Was she really tired to the point where she fell asleep after listening to someone?

impossible?When will your vigilance be so bad?

She looked at the unknown suspiciously, but she couldn't see the slightest flaw in the face of that enchanted girl, so she had to stop.

What's more, the award ceremony of the Warrior Experience Contest is about to begin, and she has no time to worry about the unknown.

On Shengyuan Square, a dense crowd had already gathered.

Most of them are visiting warriors and monks.

In the center of the square, in a huge circular area, stood the players participating in the competition.

When the people in Xiyue and the third class of water doctors came to the square, almost half of the players had already arrived.

As soon as they appeared, they immediately attracted everyone's attention, and everyone kept whispering.