Xiyue squinted at him, confidently proud of the inexplicable corner of his eyebrows, "Who are you asking? Don't you know that my second shadow ambassador is a god-level Xuanmu?"

"What? Xuanmu? Is that Xuanmu I know?"

"God-level?! Can God-level sign the Yingyou Envoy Contract?"

Speaking of Xuan Mu, Xi Yue couldn't help but frown slightly. In fact, after returning from the Dark Lord Venerable's house, she tried to activate the Yingyou contract to summon Xuan Mu, but Xuan Mu didn't react.

This made her feel a little worried, Xuan Mu should just be unable to come over something?Isn’t it trouble?

Wei Chengyuan and Jin Zeyu were able to become envoys of Xiyueying, which really made the people in the third class of water doctors both envious and jealous.

However, apart from the three classes of hydrologists except Jun Hongbo, Yun Wenjing, and Bai Ruohuan, the others are far from practicing, and it is impossible to break through the empty period in a short time.

Oops, but the shadow ambassador who became the mentor of Xi Yue, I really envy!

Speaking of Jun Hongbo and three people, Xi Yue couldn't help but ask: "How about the three of them? Isn't the injury better?"

This question made everyone's voice a little lower.

Finally, Meng Zisu said carefully: "Mister Xiyue, in fact, three of them are already good. But now I have no face to see you, because this matter was originally caused by them, but their family members are still so persecuted. You. They feel ashamed."

Xi Yue smiled: "The family is the family, they are them, can I still anger them?"

"That, in fact, now they are kneeling outside the Valley of the Goddess." Meng Zisu looked at Xi Yue's face and continued, "In addition to them, there are people from the Jun family and the Bai family, they said, they will come to pay you a penalty, I hope you can forgive them."

Xi Yue stunned, "Jun and Bai?"

"Yes! This time there are many big families and Zongmen involved in the Tianyi Valley massacre. There are more than a dozen of the top in all walks of life. I think that apart from Shenyue Palace, other families and Zongmen probably participated. Although they are not like Inviting the Moon Palace is so insidious and vicious, and directly goes to the killer, but there are many calculations behind it."

Wei Chengyuan sneered. "That day in the Valley of Heavenly Medicine, Mr. Yue Ze's little man released the image to let everyone know that you are not a demon. He is wronging you. But these families are probably used to it. , So I went directly one by one without saying that I would like to apologize to you or make compensation. The only people who know to come to remedy are Bai and Jun."

Many of the students in the third class of Water Physician bowed their heads in shame.

Because these families who have clearly wronged the mentor of Xiyue but did not know to apologize, there are many of them.

Xi Yue smiled indifferently, "I said, the family is the family, you are you, I don't know which family lineage you come from, only that you are the students of my Xi Yue. You fought for my blood, and even fate They almost lost it, what are you ashamed of?"

This remark made the students in Class 3 of the Water Physician all smile one by one, and the original shameful shame completely dissipated at this time.

That's right, the family is the family, they are them, and the tutor Xiyue never angers them!

Jin Zeyu added: "The Bai family apologized to Bai Yingfan, and of course the boy Bai Ruohuan. The Jun family is the new owner Jun Tianyang. It is said that the Bai family and the Jun family participated in the siege of the Tianyi Valley this time. The elders and the head of the family were deprived of their rights no matter what they did, and some were delisted and some were put in jail. The handling was very decisive."