The King of Hell’s Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter chaos repetition problem handling (free chapter)

Those who are chaotic and repetitive in all chapters, please come over, please follow my instructions below to return to normal:

1. Enter the bookshelf;

2. Delete the favorite "Hades";

3. Then rejoin the bookshelf or collection;

4. Refresh on the bookshelf page (general mobile phone applications are sliding down on the bookshelf page)

Explain the reason for this situation. Some time ago, the platform was inspected. As for what to check, many sisters must know it. Then Azi’s article has 30 chapters. Because some words are more sensitive, they are blocked. Yes, I modified these blocked chapters this afternoon, 28 of which were reviewed, and they were released again. Without refreshing, it caused the chapters to be duplicated, as long as you delete and then re-collect Return to normal, and there will be no repeated charges.

Because there are still two chapters that need to be reviewed and are still blocked, so after these two chapters are released (try to get it tonight), you need to repeat the above operation again.

I'm so sorry to have caused so much trouble for everyone. Azi is determined to learn a lesson and never commit anymore. In the future, any meat and meat residue under the neck will not be written ~~~~~