The Last Days

Chapter 124

"Is this an antibody?" Li Ye looked at a group of small, black needles that were about the size and shape of those suspected viruses, but they were white unknown objects.

Only seeing this group of white objects with less than one-tenth of the black needles rushed to the black objects of the virus as soon as they appeared.Then quickly decompose those black objects.

After the decomposition, the two become a kind of transparent liquid or gas, and then these things are dispersed on the surrounding normal cell bodies and are quickly absorbed.

And the cells that absorbed these transparent objects have obviously increased in volume and looked even more powerful.And even if it was invaded by black needles.It can last a long time before being damaged by infection!

"Are these transparent things the real reason for my upgrade? Decomposing or synthesizing the virus variants? After that, it strengthened the strength of my body's cells and turned me into a superman?"

After seeing the scene around him, Li Ye thought that since Gong's last upgrade, wouldn't it be possible to succeed only after being infected with a virus?

And isn't this change happening right now that can reasonably explain those reasons?

Li Ye didn't know if his guess was right, but at least he was sure that he had guessed the right direction. As for the specifics, he was not a scientist and couldn't understand it.

But Li Ye still feels vague about his future.

Although the white objects that can deal with the virus are powerful, as long as the virus is entangled, they are dead, and the decomposed objects can also strengthen those normal cells.

But the most critical problem is that these white objects are too few!Pitiful few!Moreover, unlike viruses, these objects can infect normal cells to reproduce quickly and strengthen themselves.Use some less for white objects!

"No! This can only delay the time for me to become a zombie at most, and sooner or later I will be completely infected!" Li Ye could see clearly that the decomposition speed of white objects could not keep up with the black virus at all!

The current situation is that although the white object effectively alleviates the virus's damage to the cells, it is only alleviating!It is not to prevent or drive away!

"A little bit more! A little bit more! Fuck, why don't these white objects directly use cells to reproduce like viruses! They are so stupid! Xiao Li Ye was anxious and started to talk nonsense.

In fact, Li Ye thought he was stupid. What's the use of shouting in a hurry?Could the white object obey Li Ye's instructions because of this?

But what is strange and surprising is that those who are originally rigid will only sect and decompose viruses.Then the white object that released the object that strengthened the cell body suddenly changed its actions.

Only the white objects suddenly gave up on the virus, all attached to the normal cells around them, and entered directly.

Under Li Ye's expectant eyes, the cells that were entered by the white objects suddenly exploded, and then countless white objects appeared from inside, quickly rushing towards the viruses that crazily infect the cell bodies because they were temporarily suppressed by the white objects.

The 96th chapter of the body can live

"After a detour for more than 20 minutes by car, Tu Zhong solved a few waves of small groups of flying corpses blocking the road. The three cars finally came to the door of a small hospital in a small town.

"Wait! You can't rush in like this. We don't know if there are zombies in the hospital. Watanabe Yoshihiro stopped the poison island who wanted to rush into the hospital with Li Ye in a coma.

"But the injury of filial piety." Toshishima Shoko is not an unreasonable person, unlike Rei Miyamoto.She knows how to control her emotions, and Watanabe Yoshihiro is right. For an unknown place, blindly entering will not only harm her but also other people.

Especially this is a hospital!The initial outbreak of the virus was in major hospitals around the world.Although this small hospital is too large to reach the scale of a general hospital.It can't be the initial outbreak location.

But think about the state that the injured and infected people must go to the hospital the first time.The hospital can be said to be this one now.One of the most dangerous buildings in the last days!

Young Master Komuro’s body is very strong. Watanabe Yoshihiro is also very worried about Li Ye’s safety. After seeing Li Ye’s condition, he breathed a sigh of relief. “There is no great life-threatening for the time being. It’s unbelievable that such a big wound is so fast The bleeding stopped, but I don’t know how long Master Xiaoshi can resist the virus.”

Dao Xiazi heard this and looked at Li Ye in his arms.Sure enough, the huge wound in the abdomen was no longer bleeding as it did at the beginning. Although it still looked terrifying, at least the blood had stopped."Uchida-kun, I, Hashimoto, and the three of your men will go in and investigate first. You and the rest of you stay here to protect them." Watanabe Yoshihiro decided to search beforehand to enter.

"Okay, let me here in Uchida Hood. Since we escaped from the supermarket with Watanabe Yoshihiro together, the relationship has changed a lot, knowing that it is not time to carry it inside.

"Hashimoto, you, you and you, come in with me!" Watanabe Yoshihiro ordered his only subordinate, Hashimoto, and three other members of the guard team and slowly entered the whole hospital on guard. .

During the whole waiting process, everyone was in fear, for fear that zombies would suddenly appear or the hospital would be unsafe.All the people were silent, no one spoke, they were listening carefully to the movement in the hospital, whether there were gunshots.

Uchida Kato and three subordinates circled around the poison island Yuzi and Li Ye, while the 30-odd citizens over there were maintained by Nan Lixiang, Ding Yun and Ishida Ken.

"Slam! Ping! Array".Several clear shots came from the hospital.Let the group of citizens commotion.Fortunately, Nan Lixiang was very experienced, so he pressed it down.

"Did something happen?" Dudao asked in astonishment, the Uchida Kazuren who was standing aside.She could see it clearly, except for the man who led the team in, this is the biggest official.

"It's okay, the gunfire is not very intensive, indicating that they did not encounter too many problems. It should have only solved some zombies who were alone, Miss Toxin Island, don't worry." Uchida masked a sigh after listening carefully for a while. Others also squeezed a cold sweat when they heard the gunshot suddenly.

Sure enough, about ten minutes later, Watanabe Yoshihiro and the five others appeared from the entrance of the hospital. There were no wounds except for some blood stains on some parts of the body.

"It's safe inside. Several zombies have been resolved. You can enter Watanabe Yoshihiro and gesture toward this side.

See it is safe.Poison Island Astonished Zi didn't need other people's help at all, and he hugged Li Ye and walked quickly towards the hospital.

"We only found a working operating room in this hospital. Let's go here." Watanabe Yoshihiro had already searched for all available operating rooms during the search just now.

Following the lead of Watanabe Yoshihiro, he finally came to an operating room. When he entered, he saw only surgical equipment scattered on the floor and blood ulcers everywhere. It seems that something must have happened here before.

"Can surgery be done in such an environment? It does not meet the requirements at all, and these equipment must be contaminated."Astonished Zi glanced at the surroundings and frowned.

"No way, the whole hospital can still be used here, and the other operating rooms have been abandoned. As for the equipment, there are some new sterilized ones in the cabinets, and there is no way for other problems. Watanabe Yihong also knew that the environment was too bad, but now it is a special situation, so he can barely use it.

"Well, anyway, the worst situation has already happened. Who of you can perform the operation?" Astonished Zi knew that time was waiting for no one and must hurry.

"I can, I am a surgeon."A citizen of the bus stood up, in his thirties, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, looking very gentle, like a teacher.

"you are?.

"My name is Hayao Yoshida, and a man named Yoshida who used to be the director of surgery at the bed-owner city general hospital is skilled in preparing for the start of the operation.

"I stay, I was originally in charge of medical work, I will be an assistant Uchida's subordinate, usually as a guard

"I still need two people to help." Yoshida continued to order two members of the guard team and drove the others out of the operating room, including the poison island Surprise who had originally refused to leave.

But astonishment didn't go away, waiting at the door.At the same time, Watanabe Yoshihiro and Uchida Kato also stood at the door waiting for the first news.

"This police officer, they will be responsible for you, and my people will be responsible for guarding everywhere in the hospital. I don't want people here to make any trouble. If it happens, we will shoot directly!" The subordinates went to the hospital to defend several entrances and exits. Although the zombies around here have been cleared, it is still necessary to prevent problems before they occur.

"I know, if you don't tell me, I understand. If they don't listen to the command, they don't need your person to shoot. I will just destroy him!" Nan Lixiang is not an ordinary good-tempered policeman, knowing that this is a time for heavy punishment in troubled times.

"Sergeant Nan Rika, how can you say such a thing? This is not something a Japanese glorious and honorable policeman can say!" Sure enough, he has a sense of justice, or his head is stupid.The more stubborn Asami Nakaoka couldn't pass it.

"My level is higher than you, so I'm the master here, you just listen to me obediently, and stay there!" Nan Rika is not a bird in the net Mami, as a senior police department, she is still concave, the captain level she is on the whole bed The main city also only needs to listen to the orders of the director and a limited number of people.

And China Open Mami is just a small traffic policeman, no birds at all.

"But!" China Open Mami still wanted to explain.

"No, but this is an order!" But Nan Lixiang didn't say anything to her, and interrupted directly.Still speaking in the tone of a superior, Nan Rika knew that only commands were the most effective against such a person.

"Yes" Sure enough, although China Net Mami was dissatisfied, she had already been poisoned by the police officer's school and she could only resolutely execute the orders of her superiors.Go to the side to arrange those citizens.

Fortunately, Ding Yun and Ishida Jian helped.This group of cities soon settled down a bit.But this is also temporary.Once there is any danger, I don't know if I can follow the command and run around.

And when the people outside acted separately, the operation also started in the operating room. Yoshida is a surgeon with more than ten years of experience. It is not only his ability to climb into the position of the director of surgery when he is just over 35. The wife of the dean's daughter and the means of flattering, and that hand is not the best in the world.But it is definitely a surgical technique that the entire bed owner can count on.

He, Yoshida, is one of the best scalpels recognized by the owner city!

"This kid's body is really strong. Such a serious wound stopped bleeding so quickly, and he also started to repair itself, which is more than ten times faster than normal!" Yoshida was surprised at Li Ye's body while performing the operation.

In less than an hour, the wound on the abdomen healed by almost a quarter.And Yoshida found that several broken internal organs in the abdomen showed signs of recovery, which is really amazing!