"Wow, here's all the herbs? Wow, they're all crushed! Wow, Kampei!

"Oh. Have my share properly prepared. Inspiring."

Mariella and her master each raise their exclamation in an alchemy workshop set up in the basement of the Labyrinth Crusader Army Base.

The Labyrinth Crusader base also leads to the underground water supply, making the base's basement and the second tier of the labyrinth a secret passage that does not donate slime paved with Daisies fiber. Of course, it's just unpaved, and it leads to the entire underground large water supply, so until Mariella came up with her name, it was something the Black Iron Transport brought in potions through here.

The Labyrinth Crusaders maintained the widest basement near the entrance and exit of the underground water supply as a temporary workshop for Mariella. At the warehouse where the emergency food was originally stored, the shelves where the food was packed are now packed with large quantities of treated herbs, and there are a number of stamped wooden barrels in the corner of the room for temporary storage.

In the center of the room, there is a table with a long, but not beautiful, building, and a wooden box and barrel on the side.

It's a landscape factory, but it's well cleaned, and most importantly, the amount of herbs is so massive that I don't think it's for a few days. It would be good to prepare it in a few days from the meeting.

"Let us carry the herbs and barrels, alchemists. Everyone has made a pledge to never pry or divulge information about you. We are all requested to follow your instructions."

The three Labyrinth Crusaders youngsters who were waiting in their rooms. Soldiers with no more than two armies are chosen because they were recruited as miscellaneous personnel, but young people of good character are chosen. You're taking into account Mariela and her master, or you're paying attention to distributing women to one of the three.

"Well, Mariela, I left the potion to you. Uh, you there. Young people with creepy heads. You're going to have to ask for me."

Confirming that the request was fulfilled, the master lowered his back somewhere long enough to invite a cute looking chestnut haired young man by his side..., and when he removed the liquor bottle from the crate or barrel beside the table, he quickly filled it out.

Master said it was "for me". The called young man, though slightly drawn, is exaggerating.

"No, that unfamiliar feeling, it's nice to be new. Put the label on to show when you make an argument. Oh, you shouldn't hit the glass. Hehe, I'll let your sister tell you."

The master is in a good mood. She looks like an old woman, but she's an old man perfectly.

Elsewhere in Siege's worries, Mariella manages her master's alcohol volume properly and only lets her drink one bottle a day. Still, my master prefers Mariella to be oblivious to alcohol, because she only chooses alcoholic drinks that are strong enough to say whiskey and brandy, so even if it's one bottle, it's not a small amount. Mariela is in a terrible mood for the ugliness of her master, who empties his cup of tears against a young soldier at the base of the Labyrinth Crusade, as she is not usually allowed to drink. It's kind of very embarrassing that such a nasty adult is a master.

"Master, Psyte. I'll make a potion and take you home. Excuse me, Culrique from there to there, bring it all. Oh, back off a little bit, open the mouth of the bag.

When this happens, do your best to make a potion and take the bottle away from your master. Ask the two remaining soldiers to arrange a large bag of medicinal herbs.

Smelting Space

Mariella builds a vertical oval smelting space with a greater capacity than a bath barrel. Although this basement is large, I can't build any larger spaces with shelves and barrels and masters in the way. Still, it must be a size out of common sense, but Mariella, who doesn't know "normal size," fills "Shizuku of Life" inside, regardless. Eye-watching soldiers, as light and glowing water gushes out into the space where nothing is supposed to be. Shizuku Shizuku emits light without losing its pale glow even when combined with water.

"Please put the herb inside. Ah, there's" smelting space ", so a little more from the top. Yes, the more - the more. Arrange the barrels there when you're done."

Two soldiers who follow Mariella's instructions and go with the medicinal herbs.

Pharmacodynamic Extraction

Extraction of the primary potion is normal in the case of small amounts. Shake and mix cocktails in an enclosed Smelting Space. The ingredients melt out in a short amount of time when the stirring energy is greater than steering the drink to dissolve sugar.

However, mixing the bath bucket size "smelting space" is a story that is both spatially and magically impossible, so if the amount is high, move the solvent, or "Shizuku of Life". The effect of the Alchemy Skill Pharmaceutical Extraction is to make the ingredients more soluble from the herb, and the way the Smelting Space moves by shaking mixing and scratching is largely due to the image of the skill user.

This time Mariella thought of putting a stick with a number of stirring feathers in the middle of the container and turning it around and mixing the liquid inside. It's one of those stirring containers I made with the pharmacists.

The shape of the stirring feather is the point and it turns the liquid inside to swirl up and down. The pharmacists and magician engineers gave me a hot valve that I layered many prototypes to make this stirred feather. I don't even remember the shape of the blades, but I do remember the movement of the mixed liquid well. With that image, I mix the water and herbs of Shizukuishi of Life. Come on, come on. with stronger water flow.

Mix large amounts of liquid. Although the "smelting space" that hits the container needs a lot of strength, the shape of the ellipse is resistant to pressure from the inside, and it is so easy that it cannot be compared considering that hot glass has been made.

Mariella scratches the water with the "Shizuku of Life" that squirts like a jerk. When I look at you and your master, I say, "Oh! This is a decade of Otale! For now, here it is. On the rock." What is it? Mariella's smell is also meant to increase hardness.

Once the Pharmacodynamic Extraction is complete, the residue separation separates the herbs. This can also be filtered for lower potions. It's a way to filter paper into a funnel and pour mixed liquids from the top. Although it is easy to reproduce, the separation speed slows down once some build-up occurs.

(You just have to put pressure on it)

Seal the Smelting Space and move the membrane of the filter from the bottom to the top so that the herb is raised from the bottom of the container. This is also made of magic like Smelting Space, so you can adjust the size of the container to fit the size. Move the transparent filter as it filters (through) the clear container from below to above. It's the first mysterious sight I'll try from the two soldiers who support Mariella.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Hmm, nooo! All the time, the filtration surface lifts up to the top of the space as Mariella follows in the motion of raising her hand. It's a dynamic move that I can't imagine from Mariella, who always tries and mixes with Chimichi in a space-saving way. The powerful movement makes it look like the herb is squeezed together in small pieces.

"Oh. By using your strength, alchemy works."

Two soldiers whining like impressed.

"Hmm, there's no point in posing. Somehow."

Mariella laughs and gives it back. The two soldiers keep their mouths slightly open, look at Mariella, and look at the master.

(You're this disciple for that teacher...)

I know you think that, but Mariela doesn't even notice. I felt a little better when I moved my body. Sometimes it might be fun to use magic in a wasted mood and smell it.

And then "concentrate, fix the drug effect".

Drain the pressure while warming the inside of the smelting space to such an extent that the drug effect does not fly. Although the temperature is much lower than the water boils, bubbles gush out of the inside like boiling water and the amount goes down more and more. And at the end of the day, if you fix the drug effect, it's done.

The quantity is high but the intrusion is a primary potion. It eats magic for mass creation, but the creation itself is no big deal. I quickly finish smelting and pour potion into the barrel.

When I looked at my master, one bottle of wine was already empty.

(Grunts. Master, the pace is fast!

A drunken master is involved in trying to get a trickle-headed soldier to drink. I'm at work.

"Next! Get the rest of Bromomintera and Daisies over here, and Currique over here, please!

I got the hang of it. I don't have a problem with large quantities. If this happens, it's simultaneous. Are you going to give your master any more booze?

Two soldiers running around holding a tense Mariella and a herbal bag and a barrel. I can't get away with being tangled up by my master even though I'm looking at this one to see if the soldier with the creeping head also wants to help or run away from my master.

(Wait, Mr. Ticklehead. I'll bring my master home soon!

Completely misplaced, Mariela finally captured her master in a fluttering foothold when she created the Lower Demon Removal Potion and Lower Potion at incredible speed.

"Mariela, that's amazing. I never thought it would end so fast! You've grown!

"Ugh, geez..."

Mariella takes a subtle distance from her master as she waves away her master's hand, which reaches out to her head. Except for Transcription. I'd love for you to compliment me, but I'd like to ask you to spare me the Transcription. After so much tension and smell, the master has emptied three liquor bottles. I'm in a perfect mood.

"Well, see you tomorrow. Mitchell, is that you? Come back tomorrow!

Good thing Mariella distance herself, the master took Mariella back to the 'Wood Leak Day' when she removed all two bottles of alcohol from the crate.

(Fuck yeah. Tomorrow, I'll reduce my master's liquor!

A miserable defeat. It was a perfect defeat today. The master's drinking pace is too fast, but he can't keep losing. I have to have a reflection by myself when I get home. The absence of General Staff (Zeke) is regrettable.

Mariella is in a good mood to walk through the underground water supply and pulls the master's hand, which is about to fall into the ditch.

Keep flowing through the groundwater! I don't think so, but I'm talking about this master. I'll definitely be back safe, and there 'll just be more work for Mariella for the laundry of her soggy clothes.

But even if the master drinks too much, he doesn't wash his face and sleeps around it, he does a strenuous way of stripping and scattering clothes like the right and left of his socks are falling at the end of the house, and he brushes them against the sloppiness. Even Zeke's absence and heavy sharing of household chores do not allow him to be scattered from the cleaned up end.

Plus, tangled liquor.

He managed to return safely to the "Wood Leak Day," but the master, who was able to do so even though the sun was still high, began to get tangled up in Nielenberg.

"Sensei is a wrinkle (wrinkle) between the eyebrows. Tanima, Tanima. Ass deco?"

Master reaching between Nielenberg's eyebrows laughing at the shards.

Behaving fearlessly, the soldiers of the Labyrinth Crusader Army who are attached to the guard named Examination on the "Leaky Day" swoop. Nielenberg is strictly ordered from around Weishardt to never be rude to his master, even though it deepens the wrinkles between his brows.

"Aren't you drinking too much from daytime," the adult responded.

With such Nielenberg patience, the master took out Yang Zhi and said, "Ugh!" and hung up one shot.

"Look, Marieller! Yang Zhi caught between the eyebrows of Sensei -! Wow, let go of my hand and I won't fall!

and an oak shaggy. Psychedelic.

"Master? You're saying you shouldn't bother people, right? I'm telling you, right?

"No, Mariella, I'm frightened."

"Frightening, it's not! We need to put on some water and get back to sanity right now. No rice!

The master was taken to the bathroom by an angry Mariella, who was thrown into the water bath and finally returned to Silaf. Killeen Mariella threw her master into the water bath with her clothes on, so she ended up with more laundry.

(Drunk Master, it takes a hand!

Two hundred years ago, there were occasional days when the master did not return, but where did he do all that was inconvenient?

"Please add more soldiers to help you tomorrow!

Mariella makes a request for an increase via Nielenberg who knows the circumstances. If we had more manpower to carry the herbs off the shelves and into the Smelting Space or pack them in barrels, we would be able to complete the potion in a shorter time.

(Tomorrow, because I won't intoxicate my master!

Mariella, who is firmly determined.

As Mariella requested, the next day you, Mitchell with a creepy head + four soldiers were deployed. Although the three herbs for the lower grades had just decreased in quantity, materials and tools for the advanced potions were prepared for that purpose.

"Marieller, one for advanced."

"Well, master, please use this tiny cup"

"The vessel is smaller, don't think the pace will drop."

"That's my line."

A laughing mentor. It's a mentor-to-mentor confrontation of the cause.

"Come on, Mitchell, have a drink. Oh, you're cute too. Do it for your sister over here."

Masters who quickly entered the luxury mode. Mitchell, you look enlightened on the second day. [M]

Muggles. Mariella glanced at her master and did everything she could to create the potion until the magic ran out or nearly died today.