The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 443: Handsome Makes Your Heart Beat Faster

These spiritual tower law-enforcers have long been trained, and in the face of the strong, they have used the safest course of action. The three shells were not bombarded into the phoenix, but into the air. The three shells collided with each other and suddenly a strong energy storm erupted.

Despite her armor, Phoenix was stripped of her shape by the powerful energy shock. Three armours burst quickly, while emptying, and three soul cannons blasted wildly at her at the expense of energy. How dare they keep half of it in the face of an armorer! And the law enforcement just headed up has called for backup, and they just need a little backup.

Tang Dynasty Lin, they only saw the strength of these law-enforcers. Before in Tiandou City, I'm afraid it would be really difficult if they hadn't led the law-enforcers away from the beginning and prevented them from cooperating with each other.

These three armors work very well together, and the soul cannon erupts wildly, forming a crossfire, seamless coverage. Even if Phoenix is strong, her main fighting power is still on the martial soul gourd, the armor has just been practiced, the cooperation between the martial soul and the armor is still imperfect, and the time has been really suppressed.

This is a good opportunity, if Don Dandelin wants to let him go, he's not Dandelin anymore. He turned around with his buddies and shouted, "Be careful, don't get blown up. Let's get out of here. Uncle Law Enforcer, come on! ”

Xie encountered the fastest, like a green smoke, and parked directly in a soul guide car not far away. Others quickly got in the car, even Xu Kazhi became smart at this time.

At the bottom of the throttle, the soul guides the car to make a thrilling burst, instantly speeding up and running.

At this time, the attention of the three law-enforcement officers was all on Phoenix. The sound of the soul cannon was much louder than that of the car. They didn't even notice that the six Tang Danglin had run away. On the other hand, Phoenix's eyes are full of energy, and they are also not found.

Don't need to say that Xie Mei has crossed the street around the alley to speed up the car.

“We hit the iron plate, we're in bad luck. Didn't you say the number of armorers is extremely small? Why did we choose an armorer?” There are no tears on Xu Xiaoyi's face.

Tang Dynasty Lin smiled bitterly: “Looks like we're going to have to change our methods. This method is too uncertain and offensive. That's not a good idea! If we continue like this, we are presumably listed as the most unpopular people in the Spiritual Tower. ”

"'That's not true,' said Ancient Moon. 'There's me. ”

Thanks for the sigh: "Boss, you're getting better and better, this act! Excellent.”

Tang Mailin was not angry: “You think I want to! With the strength of the armorer, a few armors must have done nothing to her. If we did not say that, once we were captured in the Spirit Tower, we would necessarily have taken a long time if we could finally find a way out. Try to apologize later. ”

Heavenly Spirit Passes the Spirit Tower.

“Pfft!” Feng clapped on the metal table in front of her, "Now you've got it figured out. Those little bastards are just liars, aren't they the ones who attacked me? ”

Looking at the surveillance screen, several law-enforcement officers were unable to speak.

Feng had finally rushed out of the surroundings of the three armors before, and found that Tang Mailin had disappeared. He went after them in anger. At that time, the law enforcement reinforcements had arrived, and three purple armors had come directly to surround him.

The armorer was strong, but there was no way to face the six armors. She can do it, but then she'll be sitting down today! So she chose to go directly and was brought back to watch the video.

“I'm sorry, Miss Phoenix, but your identity has already been investigated. It was really embarrassing before, and we didn't expect these kids to be so cunning when they were little. ”

"'So what are you waiting for?" said Xi-feng. Go get' em. ”

Law enforcement for the first middle-aged man is somewhat embarrassing: “I'm afraid not. We say that the spiritual tower, although superior in status, is not, after all, a federal law enforcement agency, and it is easy to reach the bottom line of the federal government if people are sent to search for them. It would be very detrimental to us. We have informed the Government of this situation, and it is up to them to pursue it. And, frankly, we have limited evidence of this, and most importantly, you have not suffered any damage. Even if they were captured, there was no way to punish them. At best, they were provocative, even if they were kept away from law enforcement agencies for a few days. ”

Phoenix just calmed down a little, yeah! I don't have any injuries myself, it's really hard to convict. They said that they should be true when they were 13 or 4 years old. Under the age of 18, they would be protected by the Law on the Protection of Minors. I'm afraid it would be difficult to arrest them. In the end, they just asked parents to pay a small fine and bring them back to strict discipline.

Those little things, they suck!

“Miss Phoenix, you're relieved. We apologize for that first.” Several law-enforcement agents stood up at the same time and bowed slightly to her.

“'Forget it,' said Xi-feng. Don't ever let me meet them again. Nothing's wrong with me leaving. ”

The law-enforcers have been sending her out of the Spirit Spirit Spirit Tower, as an armorer, and joined the armorer of the Spirit Spirit Spirit Spirit Spirit Tower. The law-enforcers still have great respect for her. Perhaps one day, this will be their top boss!

Out of the spiritual tower, Phoenix looked around and tried to find their figure, but there was still a little shadow!

At this moment, her gaze suddenly paused, falling in one direction.

It was a man who looked about his age, had a long body and was dressed in white. His clothes were retro, white robes, and his hair was scattered behind his head. There's a cool, refreshing smell all over you.

Phoenix Wu Soul is a fire property, and her temper has something to do with this. When she saw the man, she suddenly realized that the fire in her heart had somehow dropped.

That's awesome! She subconsciously swallowed a sip of saliva, and no girl liked handsome men. Especially with this body and good looks. Moreover, just at a glance, Phoenix was surprised to find that she could not see through the person's cultivation. But surely, it must be a soul master.

The spiritualist whose strength is still above me? It seems to be an ice property. As a Fire Properties Sorcerer, her feelings about Ice Properties are most evident.

He, he came towards me? Phoenix's heart rate began to accelerate.

At first she was a little uncertain, but soon she found out that the man was coming straight in her direction, not fast, but very stable. His eyes then turned to her.

What clear eyes! So handsome! From the other person's eyes, Phoenix quickly saw her reflection, but she quickly realized that her image didn't seem very good. The clothes and hair were a little messy when we did it earlier.

A little panicked to sort it out, and although she felt she was doing it as little as possible, she still had some burning on her face.

“Hello.” The chill sounded. When Phoenix stopped, her heart beat and her voice sounded so beautiful. Although it was a little cold, it was a drill!

“Hello, you!” Phoenix looked at the handsome guy nearby and his voice trembled a little at a time.

“My name is Dance Long Sky.” The man in white nodded at her.

“Oh, my name is Phoenix.” She subconsciously named herself.

“I'm really sorry. Those kids today are my disciples. They are taking a test, the final exam of the college. That's why they're looking everywhere, no offense. I apologize on their behalf.” The dancer bowed down slightly, paying tribute to Phoenix.

“Oh, oh, it's okay.” Phoenix's heart beat accelerated, but the next moment, her heart suddenly paused, her pupils suddenly contracted and her voice rose eight degrees, "what did you say? How many... are your apprentices? ”

“Yes.” Dance Long Lane.

Feng's breathing became impatient, “Did you teach them to attack me somehow? ”

The dancing sky is still so cold, "although not, but I'm their teacher, and you can't help blaming me. ”

“You…” Xifeng suddenly realized that she could not say some angry words.

The dancer nodded at her again, "Apologies again, goodbye.” He turned around and left.

“Hello!” cried Phoenix.

The dancer stopped and turned back, “What else? ”

"'One apology is over,' said Xi-feng. ”

"What else do you want? ”

(Guess what Phoenix wants, ^_^)