The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1419 - Super Star Cluster's Eggache, Version Update

Han Xiao shook his head and put away the vision of [Information State Erase].

The ability to draw this wave wasn't bad, and the Tree God was directly airborne in his heart in the third place on the good guys list, with the second place being the Sprout Chief.

And the first position only belonged to the old wheat head, unshakeable, forever dropping God.

"Speaking of which, the Tree God still has a lot of good things on him, it would be nice if he could draw a few more times ...... But the World Tree shouldn't be able to use this trick on me easily anymore, it doesn't feel like the chances are very good."

Han Xiao stroked his chin and chanted under his breath.

This time drawing ability, he also saw a part of the Tree God's bottom from the options, where [Tree King Crown - Liberation] confirmed his suspicions that the Tree God was indeed the product of the combination of the major tree kings, and was suspected to have a huge consumption, and after he fought off the Tree God himself, the possibility of the other party using this move against him was not high.

"But judging from the current situation, the three major civilizations have already turned passive into active, and now they are the ones sitting on pins and needles."

Han Xiao smiled in his heart.

The current situation was great, so much more comfortable than in his previous life, mostly from his efforts - the entire interstellar society was all about me in C okay!

At that moment, a sheet of black flame appeared in front of it, quickly condensing into a projection of the Oathkeeper's mind.

"Your Excellency Black Star, the three major civilizations are cleaning up the battlefield, our Covenant Organization has taken the opportunity to withdraw without too much interaction, what are your instructions for the next step."

Han Xiao had a look and saw the oath-taker's low-browed appearance, and couldn't help but laugh, "Your attitude has become fast, are you afraid after seeing my heroic posture?"

"...... "The swearer's eyes drew back and he did not speak.

Admitting it was impossible to admit it was impossible for the rest of his life.

Han Xiao saw that he didn't answer and tsked, "Don't be so formal, I still like your untamed appearance."

"...... Don't joke about it."

"Alright, alright, no more jokes." Han Xiao laughed, then straightened his face and intoned, "The Holy Covenant has been exposed to the world this time, but I don't intend to let you guys out ...... cough, I mean out of the mountains. In short, you continue to return to the shadows, you don't need to actively participate in the battle without my call, and you don't want to have too much interaction with the three major civilizations, all contact is best relayed through me."

"What about the Society's side of the story? They will definitely ask when this group of revivals appeared, and if you keep hiding it, you might make them suspicious ...... "Oathkeeper.

"You don't have to worry about that, I will make certain explanations under the premise of concealing the specifics of the Covenant."

Han Xiao waved his hand.

"Alright." The oath-taker nodded.

"Right, one more thing, the Covenant members can keep their hands to themselves, but those of you who are in the secondary dimensions have to contribute your technology, such as dimensional exile bombs, air turbulence waves, and so on, to be used in the war."

"Okay, all as you wish."

The Oath Keeper had been worn out by Han Xiao and agreed with a grim expression.


At the same time, the Super Star Cluster Alliance was holding a meeting, and the many participating civilization leaders had complex expressions, both happy and sad.

"The three major civilizations have repelled the World Tree's secondary dimensional invasion ...... It's fierce."

"If this trend continues, the three major civilizations can steadily stop the enemy outside the boundaries of the explored universe, and the situation will not be chaotic."

"In that case, we can't carry out our plans ......"

Many civilizational leaders didn't know what to say.

The Super Star Cluster Alliance had planned that while the three major civilizations were fighting with the World Tree Civilization, they would take advantage of the three major civilizations' lack of time to leave the explored universe with their entire civilization and escape from the three major civilizations' dominion.

But now, it seemed that where the three major civilizations were in a bitter war, they were clearly a stable batch alright!

All blame the Black Star guy for being too aggressive and not giving them a chance to start their plan!

"Alas, the plan to leave the already explored universe is one of the few opportunities we have to gain free space to grow, so keep watching and hope the world tree can be reliable."

The Star Arc leader sighed in frustration, a bit of a ballsy sigh.

This plan was very important to the Super Star Cluster Alliance, and even if the current situation was unfavorable, they wouldn't give it up easily, but depression was inevitable.

At this moment, a civilization leader narrowed his eyes and whispered, "Maybe we can help the World Tree ......"

Before he could finish, however, the Star Arc Leader glared past him and snapped, "Don't drag us if you want to die! If we're found out, we're dead!"

He simply couldn't believe that someone would even make such a death-defying proposal, wasn't he tired of living?

Even if they wished for the World Tree to stir up the war, they could only silently cheer the World Tree and passively wait for the situation to change, how could they give substantial help, would that not be collaborating with the enemy!

Speaking of this, the Star Arc Leader was furious - you World Tree behaved so well, I thought you could beat the shit out of the three civilizations, but you couldn't even get past the Black Star.

And this is how you invade?

That's ridiculous!


A few days later, the shallow dimensional victory soon spread throughout the interstellar society, driven by the three major civilizations, and although it was at Han Xiao's request and did not emphasize the fact that he and the Tree God had fought against the Super God, it still caused widespread excitement among the interstellar population.

Originally seeing the news start with the invasion of the World Tree from a secondary dimension, most interstellar citizens were fearful and panicked, and continuing to see the three major civilizations successfully repel the enemy, this was a relief and excitement, and even more confidence in the three major civilizations to win the war.

Because they felt that the safety of staying in the explored universe had greatly increased, the level of unrest on the various asylum planets had also decreased dramatically, and many interstellar citizens had settled down, the frequency of marches had decreased, and the number of people sneaking away had also decreased, making it more convenient to centralize management.

And this time the sudden emergence of the Covenant Recovery, in the propaganda became an important contributor to the Ding Ding war, but after the fight left, never communicated with the three civilizations, acting very mysteriously, causing the interstellar citizen's intense curiosity.

On the internet, many Star Citizens recognized some of them as historically famous Super A's based on the Venn deck of cards.

So all the seedlings pointed to the black star that mastered the sanctuary revival, and countless Star Citizens enthusiastically played with their brains, and various versions of the speculation circulated in the network.

Super A-class association main star, conference hall.

Many Super A-classes gathered together, staring at Han Xiao on the main seat with all their seven mouths.

"Black Star, you have to give us an explanation, what is the origin of that group of revivals?"

"Exactly! It's too bad that you've been hiding it from us."

"It has to have something to do with you, and if you say you don't know, I'll ignore you for a month!"

Most of the people who pursued the question were the current era's Super A's, while Baigel, the know-it-alls and subsequent revivals, did not speak up and watched the show from the sidelines.

"Ahem, that ......" Kesurye raised his hand slightly and coughed, "Actually, I know a little bit about this matter."

As the words trailed off, the eyes of the crowd sharpened and gathered on him.

No way, when Black Star first showdown Sanctuary revived, you knew about it beforehand, how come you know about it now and you're helping Black Star hide it from us.

In the past, looking at your thick eyebrows and big eyes, people thought you were senior, so they chose you to be the vice president, but now it seems that you have completely transformed into the shape of Black Star, right!

A side of Ceraon envy and jealousy, we are all vice-presidents, how come you are the only one who knows so many secrets, and I'm just like a simpleton in the dark? You're just treating me like I'm for show!

Damn, I can be a henchman, too, and I want to wear the same pants as Blackstar!

Han Xiao was surprised, though, and turned his head to look at Kesuye, "When did you know?"

"I guess."

Kesuye smiled apologetically.

During the training period, Henshaw had entered the Sanctuary once, allowing the Oathkeeper to approach Kesuye.

Although the oath-taker didn't reveal the situation of the Covenant, Kesuye had a preconceived notion that the oath-taker was Han Xiao's secret subordinate, and deduced from this that Han Xiao might be hiding a group of revivals, so Kesuye wasn't surprised that the Covenant was now born.

With a little thought, Han Xiao figured out where Kesuye knew from and didn't mind, turning to look around at the crowd and smiling.

"I was planning to explain this to you all, back then when the three major civilizations clashed with the Association, I purposely had a group of recoverers hide and form a special group, if something happened to us, we still had a way out and a means to counter the enemy, so don't blame me for hiding it.

What happened later, as you know, the World Tree suddenly invaded, and we went on strike with the three major civilizations to make peace and fight the enemy together, so this card was kept until not long ago, when the secondary dimensional front was in danger, and I sent them out to support us."

Everyone nodded, accepting the statement with no comment.

But the sun hunter grinned widely and asked, "If they were exposed, why didn't they join the association?"

Han Xiao smiled, "This involves our course of development afterwards, in my vision, a portion of the Super A class should form an organization in the dark, one light and one dark with the Association, keeping watch over each other, and then stay in the dark unless they encounter something big. These mysterious revivals were the first members I had my eye on, and they were not all following orders and were themselves thinking of retreating, so this task suited them well.

I intend to keep the system as a place to retire to Super-A, and when everything settles down, if anyone gets tired of the strife and politics, they have every option to retire from this organization and resume their status in the wild."

As the words trailed off, the crowd's eyes flickered, catching Han Xiao's subtext and couldn't help but take a deep look at him.

It seemed that Black Star was promoted to the super divine level and was no longer satisfied with the form of the association, and when the war was over, it was 80% going to take advantage of the official status recognized by the three major civilizations to do something big ......

'War really is a catalyst for ambition ......'

Many of the Super A's had this sentiment floating in their hearts.

But from a personal point of view, they did not reject it, and it was good for them as a collective that Black Star, the leader, was aggressive.

"That's fine with me."

"So are we."

"Still, you had the foresight."

The crowd agreed, coming in lightly with a rainbow fart.

Han Xiao smiled and was about to speak when suddenly, the panel vibrated.

Slightly startled, he quietly opened the panel and took a glance at the prompt.

[Version 5.5 open!]

[Data being acquired at ...... data acquisition complete!]

[Players' forum opens]

[Welcome to Star Ocean, Version 5.5 - [Black Star Age - Territorial War]]

"Oh yo, this little update is finally over?"

Han Xiao came to his senses.

The player had gone offline more than a decade ago to update a small version, and he didn't expect the lovely leeks to return so coincidentally at this time.

Han Xiao wasn't happy for too long, though, before his attention was drawn to the change in the version's name.

"Territorial War?"

Han Xiao's eyes narrowed.

According to his experience, the nodes of version updates were usually on the eve of some big event that drastically changed.

Now that the three civilizations were in a good situation and the World Tree fell into passivity, but the version was named like this, it made him feel that something was not simple.

"Who does this version of the name refer to, the Territorial War, are we overthrowing the World Tree, or is the World Tree attacking the entire territory of the three major civilizations like it did in its previous life? They are now stopped outside the border of the Shining World, is there still such a chance ...... Well, it's better to check before it's too late."

Han Xiao's mind calculated and his eyes flickered.