The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1455 - Destroy and Destroy

The Star Alliance also has individual great powers, but compared to the three major civilizations, their top warriors are too few in number and too weak, and with Han Xiao's skills, he is able to run rampant here with no fear and no solution.

In addition, the virtual network of the entire Star Alliance region was under the surveillance of Han Xiao, a super divine mechanic, and it was impossible to hide the whereabouts of the senior members of the Star Alliance. Han Xiao was like a hawk pouncing on a chicken, constantly transmitting and flashing, precisely intercepting the refuge fleets of the senior members of the Star Alliance.

Within a few days, the leaders of the forty-six civilizations of the Star League and many of their top executives all became Han Xiao's prisoners, and were basically wiped out in one fell swoop.

Some civilizations had a good system and continued to maintain the relocation plan through the chain of command at the grassroots level, while others were quite decisive, with some taking over the vacant positions at the top, but many more were in varying degrees of chaos.

The information about the World Tree and the three major civilizations was a secret of the Star Alliance's top brass, and the public and junior officers knew nothing about it. They did not know the significance of the World Tree fleet, nor did they have the strong fear of the World Tree civilization that the Star Alliance's top brass had cultivated over the years from the war reports. Therefore, when the top management of each civilization disappeared, many civilizations fiercely fought back, as if they were newborn calves not afraid of tigers.

However, due to the collective vacancy at the top, internal secrets were leaked out under the influence of certain forces, and soon the word spread among the Star Alliance's grassroots, and most of them understood the source of the disaster, and learned about the horror of the World Tree civilization and the current situation that the World Tree was at war with three major civilizations.

As for the Star Alliance's top management's operation to fish in troubled waters and set themselves ablaze, it was instead under Han Xiao's control, and was not announced, but remained a secret.

Because the mechanism of the World Tree is too terrifying, it has suddenly demoralized most of the civilizational resistance of many civilizations.

What completely destroyed the will of the Star Alliance civilizations to fight back was the invasion of another armed force, and this time, it was the three major civilization armies that were supposed to fight the World Tree as shown in the news. And you became an attacker too!

The morale of the Star Alliance has collapsed. Faced with the attack of two cosmic civilizations, the Alliance no longer has the courage to resist and can only flee in panic.

The entire Star Alliance's war situation is sliding into the abyss with lightning speed. All the resistance forces are paralyzed, and are being destroyed by the three major civilizations and the World Tree.

In fact, if the Star Alliance could unite all its forces, at least at the cosmic level, it wouldn't be so bad, and it could still resist for a while. However, the suddenness of the incident, coupled with the fact that there were too many internal differences in their positions, made it impossible for them to form an effective counterattack front ...... Today, the Star Alliance is in the same situation as the three major civilizations that were raided by the World Tree in a previous life, but the situation is even worse, and they were taken by surprise.

If the Star Alliance had been given some time, they might have been able to recover from the chaos after their heavy losses and form various scattered civil resistance forces, but now they have no chance.


All the top executives of the Star Alliance civilizations captured by Han Xiao were not executed, nor were they immediately devoured and transformed by the World Tree, but they were held in the same cage without physical torture.

But there was a virtual screen suspended in the cage, broadcasting around the clock the tragic situation of their civilizations under the World Tree offensive, making all the Star Alliance executives unable to rest peacefully and suffering psychological torment, and everyone was emaciated.

Every day, watching the destruction of the Star Alliance by the World Tree fleet, everyone was filled with anger and resentment, fear and despair, and fear and despair.

When the screen showed that the three major civilizations had also attacked the Star Alliance, all the imprisoned Star Alliance executives were confused and their minds were blank.

They thought the World Tree was a two-front war, but they didn't expect the three major civilizations to attack them.

"Why would the three major civilizations invade our territory together with the World Tree civilization, aren't they still at war?!"

The haggard-faced head of the Star Alliance spoke hoarsely, with unconcealed shock and puzzlement.

"Have they stopped making peace? No, how is this possible! They should never stop. The World Tree cannot coexist with any civilization, can it? Someone was incredulous and muttered to himself.

Severinus opened his blue bloodshot eyes and hissed, "There is only one possibility, and that is that the three civilizations have been devoured and transformed by the World Tree, and have become slaves of the World Tree, having lost their freedom ...... In other words, their civilizations have been destroyed! Ahahahaha ...... wooooooo ......"

He said, "Savinis has an ugly, neurotic expression, like crying or laughing, with an inexplicable cruelty and pleasure.

Among all the Star Alliance civilizations that have been attacked, the Lor civilization is the worst, being targeted by the World Tree and the three major civilizations, and Severnes has been watching the tragic scenes that the group has experienced every day. In his eyes ...... he is facing imminent destruction, but at least the three major civilizations are gone, and his revenge has been successful, and he has dragged his enemies for generations to die together, destroying the prosperous world of the three major civilizations.

On hearing this, everyone nodded silently, agreeing in their hearts that the three major civilizations had become vassals of the World Tree civilization.

But unlike Savinis, the other Star Alliance executives had no joy, only a deepening fear.

Originally, one World Tree civilization was enough to destroy the Star Alliance, but now the other side had "absorbed" the strength of the three civilizations and completed the reinforcement, which was equivalent to two cosmic-level civilizations attacking each other.

No matter how they thought about it, they all felt that the Star Alliance had no possibility of survival, and their hearts were completely desperate and numbed, almost like zombies.


Just at this moment, the cage door opened, and everyone turned their heads to see a figure walking in against the light of the corridor outside, revealing an expressionless face, which was Han Xiao.

"Gentlemen, have you been living comfortably for a while?"

Han Xiao opened his mouth, his tone emotionless.

"Black Star!"

The crowd subconsciously shrank back a bit, looking terrified.

The only one who didn't retreat was Severinus, who nervously took a few steps forward, grinned fiercely, and stretched out his hands as if trying to grab Han Xiao's shoulders.


No sooner had he taken a few steps than an invisible force swirled around him, sending him flying away and slamming him against the prison wall.

But as if he did not feel any pain at all, he laughed like a madman, and laughed so hard that he seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

"Hahaha - Black Star! You three civilizations have been defeated and have become slaves of the World Tree, and we will also become members of the World Tree, we and you are just equals. Haha ...... cough ...... haha-"

The executives of the Star Alliance who were present at the meeting looked at the crazy-looking Savinis and remained silent, with only decrepitude on their faces, and even when they looked at Han Xiao, there was no lack of pity in their eyes.

Although they were basically destined to end up as members of the World Tree and did not seem to die, losing themselves was no different from death in their eyes.

Seeing this scene, Han Xiao knew what they were thinking, and instead of taking it personally, he shook his head and lost his smile.

"Do you think that the three civilizations have become slaves of the World Tree? Reasonable deduction, interesting speculation ...... unfortunately is a completely wrong conclusion."

Without waiting for the crowd's reaction, he raised his palm, and a pocket-sized world tree immediately appeared in his palm, dripping and spinning, emitting an astonishingly high pressure that shook the crowd to the point where they went limp and couldn't stand, collapsing to the ground one by one.

"Our war has come to an end, but you guessed the wrong winner, the World Tree was captured by me, and has now become my cosmic treasure, in other words ...... I am the master of the World Tree civilization."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, the maniacal hoarse laughter of Severnes stopped abruptly, like a screaming chicken whose throat had been pinched.

He stared at Han Xiao with wide eyes.

"Impossible! I don't believe it! It is clearly stated in the intelligence that the World Tree civilization had the upper hand and almost destroyed ......".

"Oh? You said that the group of monitors you left behind in the barren universe belt sent back information?"

Without waiting for Savinis to finish, Henshaw interrupted him with a toothy smile and a playful tone.

"Those war reports, I had them made up, cool enough, right?"

As the words fell, as if the mute button had been pressed, Savinis's anger froze on his face, and the others stared.

The room was suddenly silent.

Han Xiao blinked his eyes and slowly said, "Your sleepers, who we have long been aware of, have been transformed into servants of the World Tree, and have been sending you false information to make you think that we are still in the middle of a war, when in fact, we have already resolved the World Tree more than a year ago, and all you have seen is a deliberately fabricated illusion by us. "

At this moment, everyone's face was instantly brilliant.

Thinking about the surprise of seeing the "battle report" every time for more than a year, everyone's mood was as unpleasant as eating incense.

--It turned out that they had been giggling at the false information fabricated by others, feeling complacent and proud of it, and being played by others.

At this moment, the crowd could not wait to rip off their own faces and throw them to a place where they would never be seen again.

At the same time, an even deeper despair rose in the hearts of the people, knowing that this was a mixed doubles, the people completely lost any hope, their faces were incomparably gloomy, and they knew that the Star Alliance was finished.

Seeing this, Han Xiao shook his head.

In fact, he felt that the Star Alliance was quite unlucky, even if this group of people did not fish in troubled waters and backstab the three major civilizations, when he defeated the World Tree, he would still use the information state alert network to cover all the star areas within the territory, so that the Star Alliance still has nowhere to hide, and will also be exposed.

When the time comes, the Star Alliance will still be under the attention and vigilance of the three major civilizations, and the outcome will not be any better ...... So the moment the Star Alliance sends their sleepers to probe the interstellar society, their outcome is almost doomed.

The head of the Star Alliance clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, "What exactly do you want to do to us if you don't devour us?"

Han Xiao swept a glance at them and said, "I need your cooperation. As you can see, we are fully capable of destroying all civilizations in the Star Alliance, but I am giving your group a chance to stop resisting, choose to submit, and become our subordinates ...... Only then will we give you the right to continue! ."

"You could have just devoured us, why bother!" The head of the Star League was furious.

"I like it." Han Xiao raised his eyebrows, paused, scanned the crowd, and continued, "Think about it, you only have one chance ......"

At that moment, Severinus suddenly roared and interrupted him.

"We will never give up our freedom to become vassals of the World Tree! You'll never enslave ......"

But before he could finish his sentence, Han Xiao snapped his fingers, and a mechanical particle flew out into the air, forming a sealing mechanical closure device that directly covered the lower half of Savnis' face, blocking his roar back into his chest.

Han Xiao withdrew his gaze, his face unruffled, and said, "It seems that he has made his choice, he will not be executed before the destruction of the Lore civilization, and will be here to see the results of his choice ...... Everyone, it's your turn, because I was just interrupted, I repeat, the destruction of the three civilizations! You do not bother to reject me, you do not even have a chance to reproduce under the jurisdiction of the World Tree, destroy or perpetuate, think carefully before you speak."

The faces of the people were clouded with uncertainty, and they were in an endless tangle.

They knew it was an example to others, but it still worked. They wanted to gamble and say they would never be slaves, but when they looked at the horrible faces of the people on the virtual screen, they felt the weight on their shoulders getting heavier and heavier, making it impossible for them to say anything at all.

At this moment, mechanical particles flowed out from under Han Xiao's robe and transformed into a fixed capsule, locking up Savnis and making him unable to move, causing the crowd to cast a pitying look at him.

"There is no need to rush, you have plenty of time, you can hesitate as much as you want before our fleet wipes out your civilization, and you are not the ones dying in battle anyway."

Han Xiao threw down these words, turned his head and walked away under the fearful and unwilling gaze of the crowd.

The cell door closed behind him, isolating the muffled sounds of Severnes' constant struggle.

Han Xiao kept his footsteps moving, but the officers of the three civilizations were already waiting at the door, and hurriedly followed him.

"Your Excellency Black Star, you've worked hard." Tiny nodded and said.

"It's just a hand up, I'll leave the rest to you."

Han Xiao waved his hand.

He had already helped to such an extent that the Star Alliance had lost the power to resist, leaving the rest of the work to the three civilizations.

With the World Tree Civilization working together, he didn't need to do anything anymore. The three major civilizations could still handle this simple finishing work.

'I didn't expect it to be solved so smoothly ...... A civilization that stepped onto the threshold of the universe, it only took this much time to easily disintegrate, my power has actually swelled to this level.'

Han Xiao secretly lamented in his heart, then strode away.