The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 59 Player's B-Level Task

There are plenty of jobs in the west, the recruitment service at the checkpoint can join the Starling Dragon Army, some dark forces in the slums of District 8 are recruiting workers, only men, fully expose discrimination against women in the workplace, there are countless daily tasks in various shops on the street, perhaps walking on the street to grab a passers-by can trigger the everyday tasks of “looking for missing wallets” and "catching tree kittens”, as well as various shops recruiting part-time jobs to earn money, confirming the end-of-the-moon inference that the new map contains countless opportunities.

Of course, Xidu is an advanced map after all, many places are not open to junior newcomers. When the three of them also hit the wall, Jiangyu struck Xidu College and was rejected. It was very depressing. Flash fried rice went to the first district and was shot out by the sentry, almost sacrificing a virgin.

The next day, the long end of the moon, Jiangyu Fall and Flash fried rice opted to join the conscription, joined the Xinglong army, became a soldier, finally unlocked the fighting profession [recruit], not happy to do various training tasks, the camp affiliation became more accurate, from “Xinglong country” to “Xinglong army”, and the identity changed to [Private].

Tomorrow Moon did not finally forget the solo mad sword, a few people in the car made friends. Tomorrow Moon finally kindly informed the mad sword in the newsletter that the mad sword could join the army, but the mad sword wrath sword spread a few sentences and hung up the newsletter, so that Tomorrow Moon finally became a bit depressed, thought that the mad sword was not interested, shaking his head no longer cared.

Tomorrow moon eventually did not know, the mad sword did not even see the opportunity he had. He was holding Han Xiao's big fat leg in his heart and was so happy to die.

In order to carefully test all aspects of the release task, Han Xiao continued to release all kinds of strange tasks against the mad sword, including “kick ten passers-by's ass”, "take off the patrol cop's pants”, “golden chicken independent little swan spin for five minutes”, “shout up your ass three times and stand still” and so on...

After testing, Han Xiao finally determined that as long as his reward amount meets the difficulty criteria, he can publish any content of the task without limitation.

The sword is furious but desperate to die. These tasks are full of bad taste exposure, which makes him increasingly frightened of Han Xiao. When he is watched by Han Xiao alone, he will feel a cold air rush from his crotch to his head.

But Han Xiao gave several times more experience than the novice task. For experience, the mad sword himself broke the purity of the temperament, and obeyed.

Why do I have tears in my eyes? It's a complaint of despair in this tasty world.

The reward of abandoning the game allowed him to quickly upgrade, learn various basic skills from Han Xiao, and contribute an experience to Han Xiao.

Although the internal test was unexpected by Han Xiao, it had no effect on the big picture. Compared to the population of the planet, the internal test players distributed throughout the planet were just a poppy. The players wanted to influence the pattern of the novice planet. At least it took a short time for the internal test to grow. The internal test was only 12 days, and nothing could be done.

A small group of abnormal cyclones in the sea, after constant accumulation, become storms that sweep the world.

Inner test players are poor haha and don't have much oil and water on them, but in the long run players are the biggest consumers.

Han Xiao controlled the task experience, more than the novice task, but much more limited, to help Razor Sword grow slightly, this is his layout, Razor Sword relies on his task and equipment purchased from him, should have a bright performance when no one grows up, even if Razor Sword wants to keep a low profile, his club won't agree, will definitely promote, so as to spark other players curiosity about the Razor Sword, so as to expand his potential customer base, then shake his arms, make active contact, rave experience and banknotes will flood him. Rage sword wants to monopolize his own careful thoughts, Han Xiao is also very clear, but does not think of it, human nature.

Time passes.


[Metric countdown: 126 days, 11 hours, 32 minutes]

In addition to his experience in manufacturing high fuel ammunition brushing and leisure time, Han Xiao is used to browse the Players' Forum.

The Player Forum is an authoritative platform for players to communicate. It is usually used to waste time while swinging stalls and waiting for resurrection. Now only the inner test players are posting inside.

“The women of Sea Blue Star Rayland are so beautiful! ”

“Ask the player team to challenge the Huang Shama Bandit, location: Long Singer - Fallen Dragon Valley, coordinates...”

“Palleton Magic Floating City view captured. ”

“Randomly turned into a tentacle, asking how to change race, online, etc! ”

“Shit, I want to trade with you, I want to be a tentacle! ”

Posts are generally about asking for help and sharing information, and some guilds show team progress to raise the profile.

More than a dozen novice planets, including magical civilizations, ancient civilizations, science-fiction civilizations, martial arts civilizations, religious civilizations, etc., are multi-ethnic and socially diverse.

The most popular is Frost Winter Star, the land of the Vacant Demons, one of the extinguished Legion strongholds, where most of the players are not human.

Although their philosophy of "extinguishing the spark of civilization" makes sense, Han Xiao still has a subtle sense of egg pain every time he sees the name of extinguishing the Legion.

Suddenly a new post appeared and was instantly pinned to his attention.

“First B-level mission! ”

Han Xiao shouted, he remembered that the first B-level task appeared after the public test, how it was possible for someone to come into contact with this level of task.

Han Xiao curiously went in and saw a bunch of players beneath to discuss irrigation frantically.

“Liar, I haven't even seen a D-level mission. ”

“Upstairs SB, the posts have pictures and the truth! ”

“It's definitely P's, otherwise how come it's just the name of the task and not the content of the task? ”

“Are you kidding me? ”

“It must be very difficult. We haven't even had a new season. How can we do that? ”

“The publisher is the Congregation of the Divine Nation, and the people are the elite, there may be a way. ”

“What planet is this? ”

“Smile on the heads of the dogs. ”

“I'm sorry, my fortune has come out. ”

Han Xiao smiled and remembered. He carefully read the responses on a dozen pages before going to the content.

The post contained only a screenshot of the name of the task, and that screenshot instantly caught Han Xiao's eye.

“Class B Task: [Investigation Zero]. ”

Han Xiaoli immediately thought of the budding organization, and then looked at the author, the officially certified ID, the Divine Guild.

“Temple Club Guild? ”

Temple Club, a huge door in the professional circle, has been out of countless great gods, has its own industrial chain, Han Xiao once had a relationship with them, previously accepted a list of vendettas, blasted the Divine Guild several times, put his body into various shameful posture screenshots, sent to the forum paid to watch, the title follows the style of WC shock "shock! Why does the president of the Divine Clan... a woman sees tears and a man sees silence!”, took a quick sum of money and was chased down by the entire Divine Church for a month.

“I miss killing players so much...” Han Xiao exclaimed, turning to the mad sword.

The sword was all stiff, and Han Xiao's eyes were full of malice. He was scared to even move. He stood there like a wooden man, sweating his forehead.

Han Xiao shook his head and thought.

In previous life, the Order of the Divine Nation joined the budding camp, which is one of the largest players' guilds on the side of the budding camp, and seems to be the same now.

Even a group of endoscopic players were able to receive the task of investigating him. It appeared that Bud was determined to kill him. Han Xiao's eyes flashed, slightly chilling.

For today's players, trying to bypass the ears and eyes of the thirteenth inning and find Han Xiao who can hang them, it is difficult to break through the sky, no wonder it is classified as a B task. Only by relying on the strength of numbers can there be a glimmer of opportunity.

But the Congregation of the Divine Nation seems to have no shortage of men.

Suddenly, Han Xiao knew the next target, and it was time to choose which budding base.


The Congregation of the Divine Communion has 15 quotas, which fully explains what is called the privileged class. The president and vice president personally took part of the core group of experts into the internal test. After discussion, they expressed their propensity for science and technology in a systematic questionnaire.

They thought very simply, since the backdrop of the Star Sea was the cosmic star, that technology must be the main melody, and out of this choice, the Order of the Divine Nation was assigned to the Sea Blue Star, and quickly collected the money to buy the map.

The Chairman, Jupiter, after deliberate consideration, chose the budding organization as an early camp, just around the town of Crowland, where they were born, there was a budding base.

Jupiter feels that budding tissue should be the strongest camp, hostile to all countries on the planet, and can still exist safely, and the power should be unpredictable. As for NPC camp philosophy who is right, it's none of their business. Only people with advanced cyberaddiction will care about the death and survival of a group of NPCs, all of which need to be treated by Yang technology.

The fact did not disappoint the Divine Church either. After joining the budding camp, he was taken to a new scene called the Dark Crow Valley Base, officially becoming a junior member of the budding organization and receiving a large number of training tasks.

The biggest surprise was the B-level mission [Survey Zero]. Even the Divine Guild did not expect such a huge reward. The reward made them feel amazed.

The task tip is very brief, just to know that Mission Target Zero is in Starling Dragon, the rest of the clues are unknown.

At this time, the Congregation of the Divine Nation is meeting intensively to discuss how to accomplish this task.

Jupiter sighed: “This is the first B-level mission that doesn't seem to require battle. With our current rank, it is possible to accomplish it. The rewards are extremely rich and will put us ahead of all players, and we can suppress other guilds in the future, depending on whether or not we can seize this opportunity! ”

“All we know is that Zero is in the star dragon, the range is so big, the probability of finding a needle in the ocean is too small, and we don't have much time for an internal test, so to complete this task, we can only hope for a public test, before we do this, we should conduct a preliminary survey.” Core member Poseidon said.

The people nodded, the people spoke, and an idea was put forward.

Jupiter likes to dig up hidden elements and ponders: "Mission hints obscure that budding and zero are hostile relationships, if we capture and even kill zero alive, is there an extra reward? ”

“It makes sense, it's an old pig. ”

“I'm afraid that's A-level difficulty.” Poseidon is not optimistic.

“There are no impossible tasks to accomplish, but shortcuts have not been found.” Jupiter knocked on the conference table, "a week after the internal test, during which other senators were asked to work out a way to continue the mission, which would be a breakthrough in the wilderness. ”

Vice President Shiva said proudly: "By the time the test is done, we have the Guild's resources to support us. If even we can't do this, no one will be able to do it. ”

“You're right.” Jupiter nods.

Poseidon suggested, "With the help of other players, it's much faster than finding our own. ”

Jupiter glanced, "Makes sense, publishes the face of Zero, gives him a reward, and we give him money as long as we contribute valuable clues. ”

The Temple Club is a luxurious gateway with a generous fortune.

ps: Thank you to bookmate160822152201168!

ps: Thank you Blue 29204;, Lonely... Okay, Hawk Leaf, Book Friend 150530203340910, Reading is good for physical and mental health, Peak Son Says, Burning Dragon, Starring is good, Food Making, Loving, Getting Intoxicated ~ reward!