The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 336: Mechanical Hotbeds!

Han Xiao frowned, “What's wrong with that? My credit score is up to standard. ”

Martin turned away and said, "What I want is a soldier's bodyguard. Your resumes are all a routine job at the Jubilee hub. It's a bunch of cleaners. Are you really mercenaries? ”

Han Xiao frowned, "What do you mean? ”

“It means you didn't meet my recruitment requirements.” Martin was impatient to wave, although he was stingy and refused to give him a high salary, but it didn't affect his picky appetite, wanting to pull generals out of the midget, paying the least amount of money to hire the best mercenaries, the Nile personality has always been the same, cheap and likes to take advantage. Although the Black Star Mercenaries' strength assessment averaged C, the résumé made him doubt the actual combat power. If unreliable mercenaries were recruited, the team would be in danger and useless.

The mercenaries around them mocked Martin and stood up for his peers.

“It's only 400 Inar, and you're still picking. ”

“Haven't you heard of every penny? ”

“Oh, Nile. ”

Han Xiaotoothache, hey, what's all this fuss about eating melon mercenaries? How do you feel like you're not helping him at all, but making up the knife?!

Martin turned his eyes and pressed the price as if: "I can only give 200 Inar per person for a résumé like yours. ”

“Goodbye. ”

Han Xiao turned his head and was too lazy to peel. Martin's attitude made him defame his belly. Being squeezed was never the style of a Korean mechanic. This trip was quick or not to make money. Anyway, there were so many opportunities, there was no need to hang him on a crooked neck tree.

Open the mercenary interface and find directly the application list of the Suneers, with several employment tasks, all about the same incident.

The Sunil homeland was destroyed by the dark stars and, with the help of Godola, moved to another naturally scenic forest planet, renamed Sunil.

Sunil is home to a large number of native beasts, most of the time very gentle, yet the Sunil planet contains mind-contaminating ore, and every few years beasts from all over the planet enter an indescribable period of mania, shocking the new home of the Sunil people. At this point, Sunil fighters who are on the run will return to their homes, guard their homes, and recruit a large number of mercenaries to help.

It was a tragic race, originally a planet-level civilization, struggling to develop, but suddenly attacked by the dark stars, suffered the scourge of extinction, was almost powerless, the dark stars' warships covered the ground, countless cities were bombed by lasers and missiles, turned into flames of fire, devoured screams and cries, and even despair fell into nothingness, a completely one-sided massacre.

Dark stars and Godola are the dead enemy, very active in the Gatora galaxy, grasping the weakness of Godola as an order camp, one attack on the planet of the Gatora Bailiwick, forcing Godola to rescue low-level civilizations that are in distress, thus depleting the resources of the Gatora civilization. If the Gatora civilization sees no saving, the jurisdiction of the Gatora galaxy becomes unstable.

Dark stars are evil camps, attacking low-level civilizations has long been in violation of the Pancosmic Treaty of Contact of Civilizations, but the broken rings are a marginal place, and every time you finish a single order, the dark stars disappear and remain hidden for a long time, avoiding the crusade of other civilizations, like a terrible shadow, which has always swept over the Garden galaxy.

By the time the Ghodora fleet had made the transition, the surface of the Sunil home planet had become a scorched earth with lava streams, earth divisions, ecosystems had collapsed, less than 10 percent of the people left to survive, protected by Ghodora, and survivor technology had been cut off, until now all technology had not been restored. The refugees were resettled on Sunir, and even the initial city was built with the help of Godora, which settled for several years before discovering the beast riots.

At this time, the relocation is very troublesome. The last time Ghodora was for humanitarian relief. If the Ghodora civilization were to be asked again to help the interstellar relocation, many Suneers felt that this represented a complete ethnic affiliation with Ghodora, which was psychologically unacceptable, so they stuck to the status quo, resisted the animal disaster and forced themselves to live.

The goal of these missions was to recruit manpower to guard their homes during the recent wild beast riots, but the danger layers of the missions were progressive, with the most dangerous and even unapplied for, with the easiest task criterion being 120 credit points.

Han Xiao could only choose the easiest task. He submitted the team application and quickly received a reply, which passed smoothly.

[Mercenary Assignment - [Guard Morihara City]]

[Mission introduction: The Suneers have been hit by a new round of "scourge" and you have been hired to protect Morihara City.]

[Mission Requirement: Guard Morihara]

[Failure condition: Morihara City fails]

[Failure Penalty: Credit Point-60]

[Reward: 50w experience, 1800 inar, +34 credit points, +3 regional visibility]

[Task starts in 12 days]

The Suneers call the catastrophe “vicious", and Morihara City is now home to the Suneers.

This is just an ordinary hiring assignment, not the whole goal of Han Shaw, who accepts hiring in order to first have a reasonable identity to come into contact with the Sunil, whose dramatic assignment needs to be triggered by himself.

As one of the members, the player also received a mercenary group hire task, and Han Xiao issued a camp task that rewarded the camp contribution after the hire was completed, which seemed to be a double reward, giving the player a sense of earned money.

For the first time, the Black Star Mercenary Corps was hired to fight, and everyone was eager to try.

Han Xiao waved his hand.

“Let's go. ”


Three days later, a pedestrian took a direct flight to Sunil, overlooking a cosmic view of a green forest planet surrounded by white clouds.

Shaking suddenly, the ship entered the atmosphere, the surface gradually magnified in the field of view, the ship followed the directions of the route and swept, the forest sea retreated in the line of sight, Han Xiao looked out through the starboard window, a plain appeared in the contiguous forest, a city stood above the plain, this is the new Sunil hometown of Morihara.

As the ship dropped its capsule, Han Xiao's pedestrians felt a slight loss of weight, followed by a shock in the foot and landed smoothly.


As the hatch slid open, there was a stretch of military base outside, and Han Xiao stepped out of the hatch door and saw a team of Sunil soldiers wearing heavy soldier armor patrolling and stationing.

[Sunil - defensive soldier armor], as the name suggests, soldier combat armor worn by ordinary humane Sunil soldiers, presented in silver grey, the armor plate is extremely thick, can resist the firing of speedy artillery, after wearing it, the whole person seems to have swelled a few rounds, the soldier armor weighs nearly a ton, equipped with a separate power device, equipped with large-calibre depleted uranium defensive machine gun, shoulder cellular rocket, melee wrist saw and other weapons.

The Suneers are purely technological civilizations, and the technological civilization has reached a certain level. It is inevitable that a single armoured branch will be ordered. Different technological civilizations have their own armoured styles. The Suneers' single armoured soldiers are divided into soldier ranks, sergeant ranks, and are divided into defensive, surprise, reconnaissance and other models.

In fact, Han Xiao knew that the Sunil soldier had a stronger “general" rank, but his homeland was destroyed and manufacturing technology was lost.

In addition to armoured technology, there is a mechanical weapon, tank carriers and several small, interstellar warships in the distance.

Lin Langlang mechanical, Han Xiao Xiao Xiao felt great enjoyment, mood excitement, bias-tech type of civilization is the best hotbed in the mechanical system, which is why he tried to contact the Sunil people, the mechanical level of the Sunil people can give him a lot of help, there are too many benefits.

Han Xiao's favorite Sunil sub-occupation, which is related to machinery, is a rare sub-occupation that can be linked to his own autonomous occupation! For Han Xiao, this is one of the best options for completing the transition requirements.

Players marveled at the scene, and Han Xiao introduced the sad history of the Sunil people on the boat. They thought it was a difficult civilization. The painting should be very depressing and backward, but they didn't expect it to be this iron and steel scene.

Push punch--

Heavy metal footsteps sounded, an armored soldier approached, his armor was clearly better than that of an ordinary soldier, and he painted a war totem mixed with red and white, a set of sergeant-grade armor. The nearby Suneer was clearly an officer with a cold, hard face and pure military character.

“I am Captain Neville of the B12, and I have received your information, Black Star, that you are one thousand four hundred and thirty-two arriving mercenaries, and I welcome your Black Star mercenary regiment on behalf of the Suneers. The scourge has not yet begun. Please follow me. I will take you to the mercenary rest area, where you will be assigned the task. ”