The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 355: Frenzy! (top)

After spending about a month on Suniel, Han Xiao's pedestrians finally returned to the Jubury hub, and as soon as they returned to the hub lobby, Han Xiao's first thing was to replace the medium lounge with a large stronghold, the rent rose from 40 to 100 Inar, the space was bigger and no longer forced.

The more powerful the base of a camp, the more reliable the members feel. In fact, Han Xiao thinks the ship is the best mobile base, but a ship is too expensive to afford to cut off the player's kidneys... but the human body doesn't eat incense in the interstellar organ trading market.

Money has to be wasted, and the mechanic's view of consumption has always been that the money has been lost and returned.

This trip was very rewarding, with tens of thousands of players accounted for. It took a round of harvesting for Han Xiao to earn money to buy two advanced knowledge.

The surplus money available to professional players will inevitably be taken out to buy equipment, while the Jubilee hub has many private equipment stores open to different races of creatures, all of which are competitors.

“It is not possible to allow players to consume only with me, players have their own preferences, they cannot be deprived of their freedom, otherwise it is detrimental to the development of the camp, no one likes to be forced except shaking M, and what I sell may not satisfy all the needs...” Han Xiao Dark: “However, I also need players only part of the wealth, a lot less accumulation, and enough profit. ”

Although Han Xiao has many ways to make money, he has kept his desire to make money within reason.

He updated the list of battalion redemptions by arming three Sunil soldiers: defensive, raid and reconnaissance. The forefront required 500 battalions to be liked and then 800 inar to be redeemed.

In the new stronghold, players have discovered new goods from the camp store before they have begun to move freely.

The knife was amazed: "Is this the soldier armor you saw in Sunil? ”

Hao Tian wondered: "Yes, this is their technology. How can mercenaries redeem equipment from other forces?! ”

The crowd became curious.

As soon as the meatloaf machine moves, it puts forward a reliable view: "The mercenary corps should be a growing camp, hired for different tasks, it can update the camp store, the more tasks it accepts, the stronger the camp will be...”

People think of Merloth's joining, and the growth shown in the camp panel when he first joined Black Star, and they feel that it makes sense, and there is a surge of excitement.

Turns out their players' actions can make the camp grow!

“We may have joined a special camp!” Crazy knife excited.

Everyone is a professional player, immediately think of the advantages of the mercenary corps. If you experience the hiring of different forces, the redemption list will update some of the equipment of that force. The more tasks you go through, the richer the mercenary corps redemption options will be, so that they don't have to join other camps for equipment, just increase the likeness of the mercenary corps itself, saving too much time!

They were the first players to enter the stars. They also accepted a highly challenging selection. Is it a hidden advantage to join this camp?!

Players believe that this characteristic of the mercenary regiment is derived from Han Xiao. The main character of the plot must have a special character. Players who do it trust Han Xiao very much, as if no matter what amazing things he does, it is the image that Han Xiao has always shaped the player.

Let the player feel that the growth of the camp is “driven” by them, clearly see the growth of the camp and slowly form a sense of belonging, which is also the way he initially set out to develop. Now the player finally feels this trait, creating a sense of novelty, and his strategy achieves the desired results.

At this time, the player had money in his waist, and his wealth was huge. Immediately, a few people bought soldiers' armor. Han Xiao didn't have any objects on his hands. He needed to order them. The other players were more realistic and ready to wait for the objects to come out before observing them.

During Sunil's battle, every player looked at solo armor, but unfortunately he didn't buy a way out, and Taiko almost tried to steal one.

“After more than a month of fighting, let's take a rest for a while. ”

Han Xiao dissolved the crowd, left the stronghold and rented a mechanical retrofit room.

It took him millions of years to upgrade his armored drawings to level six before he started manufacturing. There was still a lot of material left to bring from Sea Blue Star, and only a small fraction of Sunil's armored soldiers needed to buy materials from the stars, at a cost of around 50 Inar.

The mercenary regiment has no mission at the moment, and the players can finally get around the Jubblee hub, naturally not just one place to admit consumption.

The hub center stores are plentiful, the merchandise is full, and there are many choices. During the rest of the day, everyone saw the equipment of different civilizations and bought a lot of equipment, such as more powerful guns, small machines for auxiliary functions, etc.

At the same time, people find that some mechanical stores are also selling soldier armor, which is common in the stars. Although these armor styles are significantly different from Sunil's, the technology involved is quite basic. However, the store price is much more expensive than the mercenary group's internal exchange, and the cheapest is 3,200 Inar, which is three times more expensive!

Players are worried about it. The reason for every penny goes deep. Han Xiao's armor is so cheap, would his attributes be bad?

Everyone secretly notes the armor properties of the store and prepares to compare them when mercenary corps products come out.

- Although Blackstar's equipment is pricey, when professional players have money, they always look good and bad, but not pricey.


Merloth went to the Mercenary Hall to register alone, joined the Black Star Mercenary Corps, and opened his Mercenary Corps resume:


Black Star Mercenaries

Credit points: 154

Total size: 53

Level C: 52

Level B: 1 person

Number of engagements completed: 1 (excluding low-level daily work)

Active Zone: Garden Galaxy

Curriculum vitae: [Sunil Guard Battle (Fold Out)]

Founder: Black Star - Han Xiao

Created: 2 Oct 688

Overall Rating: Small Mercenary Corps, with a certain combat capability, has a Class B Superpower member.


“It has only been more than a month since the establishment of the mercenary regiment, Black Star did not lie to me...” Merloth saw that the team had only one B level and knew that he was the strongest in the regiment, so he felt a sense of responsibility.

For the future of the community, it is important to protect Han Xiao. I hope that the leader will not choose too dangerous employment tasks.

On the other hand, Han Xiao, who was making armor in the workshop, got a panel prompt.

[Camp award line: 135,700]

[Leader LV80: +64000]

[Cadre: Merloth (B) +20000]

[Size-53: +20000]

[visibility -7: +14000]

[Legendary: Leader (3) +15%]

[Allies or enemies: none]

Sunil's friendship falls within his personal category and has not yet risen to the ranks of his allies.

Han Xiao's spirit shocked, the camp won the first cadre, took the first step, the amount increased by 20,000. Recruiting cadres is certainly a good way to quickly increase the amount.

Two days later, Han Xiao made six sets of soldier armor, and the player couldn't wait to try them on, and instantly realized the convenience.

Soldier armor is a subject that most civilizations are bound to study to a certain extent. It was originally intended to give individuals stronger physical qualities and adaptability to different environments. For the first time, players wear soldier armor, as if it opened the door to a new world.

In the stronghold, several players who bought armor were excited to manipulate the armor. The novel sense of manipulation kept several people entertained and other players curious to the side.

“How do you feel? ”

“Looking heavy, it's actually very convenient to move around with its own power structure. ”

Jiang Yu frowned slightly, clearing the cold: “A pile of goosebumps, looking so ugly. ”

For the first time, all the men played high and brushed their eyes against each other.

“You don't know shit. Mechanics are a man's romance! ”

PS: (I had a bit of a hard time the other two days, I was sleepy all day, no code words, I didn't have a chapter on file, I wrote it out and sent it right away, the update time is not accurate, I'm really sorry, sorry everyone)