The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 367: Alosia, Cosmic Wonder?

[You triggered the task [Distant Visitor]!]

[Mission introduction: When you see her first eyes, those eyes are imprinted on your mind, like a fog, like a dark well, a deep abyss, and your heart sounds -- you want to take this woman away.]

[Mission Requirement: Rescue her from the slave market, bring her with you for 6 days, consider the mission complete]

[Reward: 180w experience, an unknown reward]

“Is this mission introduction to writing love adventure games?!” Han was depressed with goosebumps and powerless to spit.

Just a glance triggers the task. This woman is definitely not easy. He has not seen this person in his previous life. He has no impression at all. Perhaps no player has found her before. She belongs to a hidden character that has not been exposed.

Han Xiao wondered, “What's so special about her? ”

"The projector shows that her body structure is not an ordinary cosmic race, and that her body contains the blood of some ancient creature. No matching file can be found. It is unclear what race she is mixed with. After the energy detector test, her body's energy response far exceeds that of normal creatures. The level fluctuates constantly. At the lowest, it is at least the level of C-superpower. At the highest, it even breaks through level B...”

“Why is such a powerful psychic under your control?” Han Xiaowei, referring to women's shackles and self-destructing collars, "those things can't kill a Class B superpower. ”

Hollard's fingers mocked the jewellery ring, grinning: “Of course, we can't control the stronger than C, but she won't use the energy in her body, she won't be able to fight, and she volunteered to stay here. ”

Han Xiao was stunned.

“Her memory is problematic, she can't remember most of her experiences, she just remembers the language, but her intellectual level is not a baby, she is very intelligent, she can have conversation...”

“So she's a memory loser? ”

“Ha ha, not as simple as memory loss.” Hollard pointed to the head, "the average amnesiac generates panic and curiosity about her identity and the environment in which she is located, yet her thinking activity is strange, and she does not explore who she is, why she is here, what curiosity and impulse she is going to do, nor panic because she has no memory, like a half-dream awake person, who is comfortable here, without the idea of pursuing memory. Her lifestyle is very special. She doesn't seem to have instincts or desires, she doesn't need to eat, she doesn't need to excrete, what a special individual. ”

Han Xiao's eyes flashed. The stranger this woman was, the bigger the secret, the more curious he was, "What was her name? ”

“I gave her a name, Arohia Cisorama Donniers…" The name was a full fifty or sixty words, and Hollad's mouth bared for a while before he finished, saying: "… I usually call her Arohia. ”

Han Xiaojiang's eyes twitched, poisonous, nothing to name so long, you ate too much to support it!

Or is it that you, the black heart merchant of the slave trade, own the legendary soul of the second in gold?!

The experience of this unexpected task is quite impressive. There is also an unknown reward. The reward is somewhat proportional to the difficulty. Han Xiao decided to give it a try. Since it cannot be robbed, then buy it with money. Han Xiao asked: “How much did she sell? ”

Hollard hung up the merchant's smile, “It's not expensive, it's only 300,000 Inar. ”

“Goodbye. ”

Han Xiao had no expression on his face and turned around and left.

Learn from me to rob money, right? Why do traitors suffer?

Hollard hurried to catch up and shouted, "You can bargain if it's expensive. How about 200,000... 100,000? Fifty grand? ”

Han Xiao looked suspicious and dropped the discount by a factor of thirty. Where is this happening? There must be demons in the so-called anomalies. There must be weirdness. He was alert when he thought of the six-day period in the mission request.

Thinking about it, Han Xiao temporarily threw the task aside and continued his own questioning. "It's about the same price, but I want to buy other rare slaves. Don't you have anything else? ”

Holliday snorted, grinning and laughing. “Ha ha, you're in luck. I'm going to add a rare shipment here recently, so you can check it out again. ”

Han Xiao's mind moved. This new shipment should be the Silver Spirit. Fortunately, it was not delivered, and the mercenaries had a chance to implement the hustle removal plan.

“That's great! I'll come back and buy that Arohia with me.” Han Xiao was delighted and expressed his sincerity in purchasing. However, he did not pay the money. He was ready to leave. Hollywood was helpless and could only let his brother send Han Xiao away.

Hollywood was the only one left in the underground jail corridor, leaving his mouth open, muttering: “I'm sure you don't want to buy Arohia if you say something then.”

Alosia had been locked up here since he took over the slave market, and the previous owner told him to sell it normally without special treatment. However, it was only a few days after a client had bought Arohia, who had been taken away from him, appeared empty in the cell, frightened him, and the client's anger rushed back before he knew that Arohia would suddenly disappear after being taken away, somehow returning to the cell.

Hollard asked the previous owner before realizing that Arohia existed shortly after the establishment of Longtan Floating Island. The owner reported the situation and passed it on to the Longtan controller's ear. The random super A-level man came to take a look at it and, on the principle of "just kill what you don't understand”, killed Arohia and let her smoke out.

Yet a few days later, Arohia reappeared, as if nothing had happened, and the big man came back to kill her, repeating it more than thirty times, and finally came to the conclusion - that it was a cosmic wonder, a kind of strange phenomenon that was difficult to explain.

According to observations, only one "Arohia" will exist simultaneously, and if it dies, it will suddenly be reborn for some time, but the short-term memory of the last life will disappear and the initial amnesia will be restored. If you leave this cell, it will suddenly disappear from somewhere else, no matter what the building is, and you will return to where it is.

According to the summarised pattern, Arohia will not leave here for more than six days, whether dead or bought.

Longtan's controller was casual and threw cosmic wonders at the slave market, so the shopkeeper sold them as goods, cheating on the buyer's money, for nothing.

Hollard shook his head and looked down at Arohia's cell. Arohia, who was sitting in the corner, sometime stood in front of the window and could only see a pair of deep and peaceful eyes through the window!

Hollard was frightened and slowed down before turning around and leaving.

In the cell, Alosia's eyeballs moved with Hollard's figure.

However, it is a one-sided window with no view of the outside in the cell.


“I asked, the Silver Spirit hasn't sent it yet.” Returning to the team, Han Xiao told the intelligence, and the three leaders were impressed.

“Great, a life-saving plan can be implemented!” The time is urgent, "said Zijin leader Fassereni.“ We don't know when the wastepickers will arrive, we don't know their identities. It's best to split up and ambush them on all the main roads leading to the slave market. There is only one chance, no one suspicious can be missed, and they must be rescued before the Silver Spirit prisoners can be sold into the market. ”

Several people finalized the division of labour between ambushes, which stretched from the docks to the slave market and were staffed with mercenaries on every street and junction.

Based on the distance from the slave market, the ambush line can be roughly divided from the map into four layers, the first being the furthest, the starting pier and the fourth the closest to the slave market, right around the market.

Taking into account that black stars are not as fearless of criminals as they are, Han Xiao was assigned to the third floor, which is slightly safer than the docks where criminals are clustered, while the last level of defense is under the responsibility of Goya's team.

After a simple disguise, each team ambushed to their respective positions and waited for the rabbit.