The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 375: Reputation Based, Business in Integrity

Han Xiao shrugged his eyes and stared at Hollywood for a long time. He shook his head: “I won't help you convince them. Keep the money. ”

Hollard had an accident, “Why? ”

“There are rules.” Han Xiao was a mercenary to make money, but since he had done so, he would follow the rules of the industry, value credibility, betray his employer as the worst violation, and he would not help Hollard pit his employer.

“Aren't you a mercenary for money? Fifteen people can sell 3 million Inar, even if you can only get 10%, it will take you a long time to make huge money. For your colleagues' sake, I am willing to share some profits with you to make up for the failure of your mercenary rescue, you do not appreciate?” Hollard didn't think so.

“I'm sorry, my creed is credibility based, honest business. ”

Han Xiao didn't move, it was a lot of money, but he just didn't want to follow Hollywood's intentions, or abide by his reputation, and he was hired by the Silver Spirit, not for money, but to compress the advanced knowledge of technology.

And whether the Silver Spirit compromises or not, if it's paying the ransom, what do you want the mercenaries to do? He won't get paid.

Hollard spat, "Whatever, I'll negotiate with your employer myself. ”

Han Xiao took out the transmitter, contacted the employer, the face of the Silver Spirit appeared on the screen, the employer saw Han Xiao, a little surprised, thought about it for half a day before remembering that Han Xiao was also their mercenary, and wondered: “How did you contact me, Tianhuan's people? By the way, where are you now? When are you coming back? ”

Han Xiao shook his head, “There were some accidents, we were intercepted, the rescue target was sent to the slave market, thanks to a great deal of credit, the people of Tianhuan, Blade, Zijin were all arrested, now I am in charge of this task, I found the slave market director, he wants to negotiate with you. ”

“Oh, I have your people…” Hollade trimmed his clothes and Slowly repeated his terms.

The Silver Spirit employer was furious.

“Too expensive! We can't accept this price! ”

“Sorry, you don't have the right to bargain with me.” Hollywood is a strong man in his hands. He is confident that the Silver Spirit will not abandon his people. Three million Inar is a lot, but the Silver Spirit is very strong. If he wants to collect money and bleed, he can barely take it out.

“… we need to talk.” The Silver Spirit's employer bites his teeth and refuses categorically.

“Contact me when you are ready, but time is limited and a lot of big customers miss your people, you are not the only buyers.” Hollard threatened a gesture of pride in his chest.

Han Xiao put away the communicator, no expression on his face, pushed the door straight away, Hollywood waved a warm goodbye, but did not move in his seat.

As he stepped out of the door, a man in a mask was about to walk in, and the two of them rubbed past him. At this moment, it seemed to slow down. Han Xiao's sweat suddenly stood up and his eyebrows felt a needle prick, as if there was a knife tip hanging in front of him.

The time flow rate seemed to slow down, the moment they rubbed themselves, the two people looked at each other subconsciously, their eyes collided with their eyes, as if two sharp blades were striking, shining a cold light, making the surrounding environment grey, only the other side of each other's eyes, the images were like ratings, silence.

The next second, the color and sound broke through the moment, like the glasses were shattered and the two of them were safe and sound, rubbing past.

After taking a few steps, Han Xiao looked back and his eyes moved slightly. His rank is high and his perception is sharp. If he comes in close contact with a strong person, he will have a vigilant intuition. The masked man brings him a strong sense of danger, not just strength. The masked man's own temperament carries a countless brazenness of killing, and his perception is strong enough to detect this detail.

He had a hunch that the masked man was also here for the Silver Spirit.

“I don't know who it is...”

Han Xiao shook his head, set aside his meditations and contacted his employer alone.

The Silver Spirit employer didn't have a good airway: “How did you get caught again when you rescued someone? This is your fault! What should we do now, really pay?! ”

Han Xiao responded with a few words: “Don't rush to compromise yet. Since the prisoner is temporarily safe, I'll think of another way. ”

“… well, remember that their safety must be protected as a matter of priority. ”

Hang up the comm, Han Xiao grabbed his hair and had some headaches.

“This can't be done, all the prisoners are in Hollywood's hands. I'm a member of Longtan now, and I can't rob him. Um... There's only one way to get Hollywood unconditionally off the hook, go to the top of the line, convince the housekeeper Jenny, even to convince Ames..." He suddenly has some ideas, a vibration, and rushes away to think about the plan.

Meanwhile, the mask man who just walked past was ash, and he also found Holland, indicating his intention to buy the Silver Spirit.

“How much can you pay?” Hollade asked.

“Fifty-one thousand. ”

Hollard shook his head and lacked interest.

Ashes frowned, “This price is almost half the market price, how can you be so small? ”

“There's a big customer bidding more.” Hollywood said.

“Seventy thousand.” Ashes sink to raise the price.

Hollard still shook his head.

“Up to 100,000. ”

“Still not enough. ”

“Then how much do you want.” Ashes are patient.

Hollander hey hey smile, "That big customer has come up with a price of 210,000 people, of course, the deal hasn't been settled yet, but... if you can bid more than 200,000, huh, that's hard to say...”

“Got it, I'll go back and think about it. ”

Ashes nodded calmly, leaving the slave market and returning to their foundations.

“Captain, how was the deal?” The contingent member asked.

The ashes took off their masks and calmed down: “Change of plans, we rob people. ”

Dark stars are not inexpensive, the problem is not worth it, and even if you agree to this price, maybe the traitor will use the so-called "big customer bid again” as an excuse to raise the price again and turn it into a bid.

What is Dark Star? We're a bunch of bad guys! If you are good enough to make a big mistake, is there still a professional ethic as an evil man?!


Far away from the Feynman galaxy, an intense dispute broke out over the planet where the Silver Spirit employer had set foot.

“The other side's bidding. What are we waiting for? Collect the money now! ”

“Wait, things are strange. Could it be that mercenaries have united the slave masters to pit our money? The broken rings are all greedy and barbaric people, and we have to guard against that possibility.” Some foxes speculate.

“Anyway, security is a priority, the three major mercenary groups Tianhuan, Blade and Purple Gold have failed. How can the small mercenary group called Black Star be reliable? If they risk their lives to accomplish their mission, they will put the prisoners in danger. Let's pay! ”

“What if they take the money or don't let people go?” Some are worried.

The crowd quarreled for a while, and finally, the captain was more steady and decided, "They failed last time because of force majeure. I would like to believe it again. Anyway, let the Black Star Mercenaries try it out. If it doesn't work, he will definitely give us an accurate answer. Paying for it is the last option. ”


A team of players drove an aircraft and circled an area.

The divorce was in the aircraft, and he avoided the sight of the crowd, whispered out the beads, and measured them carefully.

“What the hell is this...” Mumbled the song: “The item description says to give it to a special person to get rewarded, but didn't prompt who the special person is, do I have to trigger it myself...”

Experienced in song divorce games, this type of event-triggered task prop without a clear hint typically requires initiatives to show items to different NPCs, and if you find a person who reacts differently, it is basically a “special person”.

“Let's do this.” Shadowed away from the song.