The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 670: Children's Homecoming

Since the target of the enemy is himself, Han Xiao feels that the other party should have measures to confirm his return, the most likely is to put an eyeliner in Black Star City. The people of Sea Blue Star are unlikely to discover the enemy's trail, play with a surface civilization as simple as eating and drinking water with the ability of the natural disaster class... provided, of course, that the surface civilization did not die to study the phantom energy.

With funding from the Star Consortium, Sea Blue Star is moving towards the age of the stars. In a few years, it may be possible to build a stable vehicle for interstellar travel, colonize other unmanned planets, and have more ruling planets… Yet now, Sea Blue Star still belongs to the sphere of surface civilization, in the vast universe of power, it is just a small, uninvited , little resistance to the natural disaster class.

Officials who come to greet us are all green names, but they do not represent the enemy's red name, but Han Xiao will not rely entirely on the panel's discernment function. In previous life, there were some special abilities to ignore enemy differences, and his observation marks can also be considered this type of abilities.

Han Xiao looked normal and remained vigilant. From now on, the enemy could attack at any time.

After a short chat, Han Xiao received general information from Bennett and smiled. “I understand the situation, there is no need to give the Six Nations time to prepare, I will talk to them now. ”

Say it, without waiting for people to reply, the moving mechanical components were all over the body in the blink of an eye, forming a mountain monkey armor, spraying a blue tail flame on the back, Han Xiao lifted from the apron, burst through the sound barrier, turned into a small black dot, quickly disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

Bennett's expression relaxed and he felt much more comfortable with the black star.


With the efficiency of the interplanetary engine sailing within the planetary atmosphere, the wilderness and mountains and other landscapes retreated rapidly underneath, Han Xiao left a blue trajectory of the sky, with the planet as its axis, with an arc, even in the middle of the day, very prominent. After that, many of the inhabitants of the earth raised their heads to discover this long-lasting blue route.

Soon after, Han Xiao penetrated the clouds and stopped over the capital of Xinglong.

Looking at the familiar urban layout, Han Xiao slightly tranced, a scene in his memory flashed, as if it were just yesterday, and almost 10 years had passed, the city was where he had made his mark.

Thinking about it, Han Xiao did not hide his whereabouts. He landed in the streets of the city. Not far away, a group of people were demonstrating. When he saw the black star, his face showed fanatical colors. Not only was he not afraid, he shouted at Han Xiao.

“Wife, look, it's a black star! ”

“Great, please stop our government! ”

“Black Star, those officials don't mean what we mean. We're all for you. Nobody wants to fight you! ”

The crowd was disturbed and squeezed in, and there was chaos, but Han Xiao understood these civilians.

As a result of solving the alienation disaster, Han Xiao's reputation on Sea Blue Star far surpassed that of the six governments. He was almost as great as a man, and was an admirer of every inhabitant of Sea Blue Star.

“I guess that's what the people want. ”

Han Xiao felt strange and could not be said to be uncomfortable, but he did not enjoy the feeling loved by all the people. After all, this time his goal was not only to solve the trap of the hunters, but also to take the opportunity to destroy the six governments and reunify the civilization of Sea Blue Star.

‘But my reputation is so high, things are much better. ’

Han Xiao nodded darkly and didn't say hello. He flashed and quickly left. He flew over the small half of the city, and Han Xiao landed at the mouth of an alley.

Even if he didn't come back, Han Xiao came to see the mechanical repair shop where he used to work.

During the alienation disaster, the city was in turmoil. For security reasons, many people chose to leave the city and become uncertain. Lu Qian also disappeared without a connection. The store was closed for a long time, with signs of destruction everywhere.

Now, three years later, the repair shop has become even more dilapidated and no one has returned.

Han Xiao shook his head and was protected by old man Lu. Lu Qian should not have died in the disaster of alienation. Perhaps he had settled in another city and would not come back. Since people did not come to him, there was no need to disturb him himself.

After a glance at the homeland, Han Xiao left again to fly to the Dragon Corner Building where the Xinglong government is located, hit Huang Long directly, and personally went to meet Xinglong leader.

The Dragon Corner Building was remarkable, and Han Xiao quickly arrived at his destination, suspended in the middle of the sky, with a glance and a playful expression on his face.

The ground around the building cracked open, revealing a deep underground tunnel from which an armoured unit appeared, and various firearms and guns pointed at Han Xiao in the middle of the sky.

The base of the Dragon Point Building is a military base. When Han Xiao first appeared in the crowd, the Xinglong Army had been informed, because Han Xiao arrived suddenly, and Xinglong could not launch the missile without hurrying to respond.

Han Xiao's strength has long gone to the interstellar level. Armoured troops on the ground are not enough to tickle him. These fine gunpowder weapons are already a simple piece of equipment in his eyes.

Han Xiao shook his head, reached for it and grabbed it. A forked mechanical lightning burst out.

Kerala ——

Tanks and turrets on the ground were instantly sucked up by magnets, quickly broken down, turned into parts on the ground, and were all scrapped. This unit was instantly destroyed by him, leaving only the defenceless soldiers on the ground.

“The welcome ceremony wasn't warm enough. ”

Han Xiao's face was helpless, and he felt like he was crushing a new village. He was bullying his children... but it really felt good to be a vegetarian.

With his strength today, sweeping across the Six Kingdoms is as stress-free as playing.


Under the dragon horn building, Xinglong leader has been escorted by the army into the safe house and closed the thick alloy gate before he dared to relax.

The special safe house is like a super safe, extremely heavy and impossible to blow through with a missile.

“How's the armoured unit? ”

Star Dragon leaders rushed to ask military members nearby.

“The whole army has been overthrown, and the Black Star has just lifted its hand. ”

“How could he be so strong!” Star Dragon Leader takes a sip of cool air.

The voice went down and the safe house door burst out of nowhere.


The spectacular energy flashed, claiming that a safe house capable of carrying hard missiles was instantly blown out of a hole, Han Xiaochang drove straight in and walked in. Through the hole, the people in the room could see Han Xiao backwards and countless soldiers, lying on the ground screaming.

Han Xiaozheng refused to be interested in massacres. He defeated the soldiers who came to intercept him at will. He controlled his way and barely killed him. This was as difficult as a normal person going to fight mosquitoes and demanding that they should not be killed.

“Good to see you again.” Han Xiao looked at Xinglong leader.

“You, how could you come in!” The star dragon leader looked horrified.


Han Xiao snorted, frowned and noticed the abnormality.

Reasonably, the leaders of the Six Kingdoms knew all too well about his strength to suspect that he would not be able to break through the safe house, yet the shock of the Star Dragon leaders did not seem to be false.

Han Xiao shrugged his eyes and punched him into the safe house wall beside him.

Boom Boom Boom -

The whole safe house shocked, and everyone in the house couldn't stand steadily, all fell to the ground and suffered minor injuries.

The panel immediately received a lot of combat information, and Han Xiao immediately opened the panel and looked at it.

Everyone here ranks far below him and the attributes are endless at a glance.

The status bar for all senior officials in the house, including the Star Dragon Leader, is attached to an unusual state.

[[Memory tampering]: This person's memory has been tampered with, there is a deviation in perception of the world, 2 days and 13 hours remaining]

“It turns out...”

Han Xiao suddenly, all the questions are clear, so that's why the Six Kingdoms counterwatered.

This is undoubtedly the handwriting of the hunters, who do not know what memories the enemy instilled in the leaders of the Six Kingdoms, seem to have forgotten his fighting power, no wonder he made childish resistance and tried to regain power from him and overthrow Bennett's forces.

A person's personality is determined by past experience, and once the memory changes, the personality will also deviate, and some mindsets or psychopaths with special skills will be able to do similar things, inevitably among the enemies.

This means is ineffective for the strong, the stronger the superpower, the more resilient the mind is. However, the contact of Neptune with the superpower system is only a few decades, and the strongest is not Class C. In front of the natural disaster class, it is still the weak rubbed randomly.

Memory changes are more hidden, and it is difficult for other professions to find out at once what these officials have been doing, apart from psychics with mental abilities.

But not Han Xiao.

“The enemy probably thought I was a mechanic and couldn't find their means. ”

Han Xiao smiled.

Since enemies have the means to tamper with their memories, it makes little sense to deal with these officials, who can change their memories anyway.

Han Xiao suddenly moved in his heart and had an idea.

“This capability must be carried out at close range, it cannot be too far away, the state of this group of officials is only two and a half days away, when the enemy in the dark will surely appear quietly and tamper with their memories again… hey, I will be able to grasp the vine and find their place. ”

Han Xiao's eyebrows stretched, threw an observation mark directly at Xinglong leader, and then pretended not to know about the memory tampering, making “should” some performance, intimidating Xinglong leader, making him stop declaring war.

Officials present forgot Han Xiao's fighting power and were “frightened" by him. Under the threat of Han Xiao, he served softly and issued an order on the spot, while releasing all arrested officials.

Han Xiao saw the acquaintance Gu Hui, but only swept a glance and did not mean to say hello to Gu Hui. Now the enemy is hiding in the dark, not in the old time.

After supervising the Xinglong leader to complete the order, Han Xiao turned around and left the capital of Xinglong.

The Starling Dragon Leader and other officials just thought it was incredible, so that's it? They thought they were dead.

Fortunately, the arrested officials, including Gu Hui, were lucky that Han Xiao did not hurt the killer. This gentle treatment clearly gave them a chance.

Because of this wrong decision, Gu Hui and a number of officials were determined to impeach the current leader and not allow such lunatics to continue to lead the country.


Han Xiao then visited the remaining five countries to complete the physical persuasion.

His observation marker had only five marker slots, and the marker he had thrown at Larky had been strangled by Austin to complete his mission.

In advance, Han Xiao was not stingy, changed all the objects of the markers, threw them to the leaders of five countries, then returned to Black Star City and waited for the harvest of the observation markers, which required patience like fishing.

What surprised him was that the dark enemy had not attacked him during that period, did not know what to wait for, and might be observing himself?

After all, with Albert's forecasts, the enemy may have been cautious in ascertaining if he had really fallen into a trap.

A few hours later, the six countries simultaneously revoked the declaration of war and countless people hailed it with joy.

Yet it was not over, and just a day later, everyone was stunned by the six-country molestation.

Yesterday, the declaration of war was lifted, and today, six countries launched intercontinental missiles directly into Black Star City!

As if the compromise the day before was just to get a chance to breathe.

Most of the missiles were intercepted by air, and the Black Star City intergalactic shield blocked a small number of missiles from leakage, with no casualties. Yet all of Black Star City left anger at the Six Disloyal States.

Even the people of the six countries dare not believe all of this.

Are our government officials really crazy?

Didn't you die? We're not gonna stop until the black stars do it?

What about the cuts?

Han Xiao is not angry at all. In this situation, it is clear that the enemy once again tampered with the memory of the leaders of the Six Kingdoms. The political struggle of terrestrial civilization is no different in the eyes of a natural disaster class than a child staying home.

But the advantage is that without him waiting for two days, the observation marker reaps the reward.

By spying, an enemy emerged.

“These guys are finally showing up. ”

Han Xiao's eyes squinted.


Every other day, Gu Hui, who had not yet had time to act, was put in a cell.

The second time he went to jail, he didn't get angry, he just felt like he was crying.

What the hell is this?

The leader thinks that the country's biggest problem is children staying at home, come as you please?!

Gu Hui was naturally unaware that the memories of those high-ranking officials had been tampered with, and he was completely silent about his former colleagues, and he was heartbroken:

- You spicy are real cows!