The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 700 Rosaline Composite Fat

“Interesting, the first time someone opened their eyes to praise me for lying.” Rosalyn pulled the corner of her mouth, barely squeezed out a smile and covered up the panic in her heart.

“You can disguise yourself with ambition, but you can't fool everyone, you create Protestantism, you tamper with people's beliefs, not because of ambition, you have no intention.” Han Xiao smiled.

Han Xiao had limited knowledge of Rosalyn in front of him, but in previous life, in the Silver Revolutionary Army version, the players collected a lot of Rosalyn's information. After Han Xiao recognized Rosalyn, he recalled this information. A significant part of it was Rosalyn's past experience. She had told others about what she had done. Although she had not told the players where she was from, she had mentioned what she had done and what motivated her.

According to this information, Han Xiao knew that Rosalyn's real motive was not really about ambition, but about manipulating faith for the sake of power. Han Xiao knew more about herself than Rosalyn.

Those who can be the backbone of the Silver Revolutionary Army have, in addition to their special abilities, a disturbing mind and unique aspirations.

Rosalyn was the first person to see through her disguise. She hurried to hold on to the consternation in her heart and stabilize her mind with vigilance and vigilance again. This has been her habit for many years. She secretly said: “Black Star has only seen me twice. He must have plotted to say these things somehow... He must have deliberately exaggerated, how could he have known my thoughts...”

The real motive for building sects and gathering beliefs had always been her deepest secret, and Rosalyn had never told anyone else that she didn't think black stars could guess.

Leonard turned his back on Han Xiao and looked suspicious. Is there anything else going on with his sister?

“Your ability to implicitly transform a person's mental appearance is not intense and cannot fully manipulate others as you wish, but you can inculcate them with a variety of ideas. ”

Han Xiao had a bamboo appearance on his chest, slowly said: “Thoughts are invisible, but it's like manipulating puppet lines, affecting all aspects of an individual. His loyalty or rebellion, his enthusiasm or hypocrisy, his cheerfulness or gloom, much depends on the thought, but the same environment creates different people, also because of the thought. ”

He said, referring to Rosalyn, who was strong and calm, smiled lightly, "You have given them new ideas through your ability to be highly contagious. In the eyes of your home regime, your thoughts are viruses, but in my view, your thoughts are seeds, seeds that can reverse the thousands of development of the entire nation. ”

“You…” Rosaline's color changed dramatically.

Without waiting for her to react, Han Xiao went on and on.

“The ethnic individuality of a civilization, which depends partly on nature and partly on traditional ideas that flow from ancient times to the present, which cannot be manipulated by future generations, will change autonomously at all stages of the historical process, and finally, these historical legacies of thought, eventually dissolved in the veins of this race, become their spiritual backbone. History occurs only once, a race does not have a second chance of choosing… It can even be said that there is no chance of choosing at all, from a macroscopic point of view, what kind of culture, what personality, almost randomly, this civilization's race has found in infinite variables the result that is not necessarily the best solution, of course perhaps there is no optimal solution at all. ”

“I call you a reformer because I know that you are building sects in your homeland not for power, but to reform your race.” Han Xiao smiled, “To be honest, I admire your aspirations a little. It is not which regime you want to reform, not which system. What you want to reform is the cultural ideology and spiritual pursuit of the entire ethnic group, thus changing the spiritual background of race! ”

The news was like a hurricane, Leonard was struck, his mouth was open, and he stared at Rosalyn, and if Han Xiao was telling the truth, his sister's handwriting was incredibly big.

Rosaline was struck like a thunder, stuck like a wooden chicken, with an incredible face.

Han Xiao smiled darkly. These were the motives of Lautherine herself in her previous life, and now she is using them to ignore the Lord, and the effect is so good as to explode the shed.

After a pause, he continued: "Reforming the system and reforming the regime are no longer than changing the spiritual underpinnings of the entire race. Many of the problems are human problems. Character determines destiny. In the absence of external influence, the law also applies to a civilization. ”

“History has been stereotyped, and a civilization has had little chance to proactively change its personality background in the course of development, and your behavior, through ability and religion, is to implant new ideas into communities and give them the opportunity to change, which is your 'racial transformation plan’. ”

Han Xiao touched his chin, "Well, but, well, you're just an individual in this group. In the eyes of others, you don't have the right to reverse everyone's ideas. Everyone has long been branded a historical tradition as they grow up. You can't shock the deep-rooted traditions that have been around for centuries, so you become heretic and a sinner. ”

In his opinion, Rosalyn's behavior, she was running to be a saint!

Han Xiao couldn't help but spit in the dark, Rosaline - denying history, denying the inherited national spirit, you are a vain person, the thought is too dangerous, there is really nothing wrong with locking you up.

But this woman's thoughts are not wrong... Han Xiaozhu turned his eyes, assuming that there is no old Kong old Meng in the history of his previous life, without Confucian doctrine, the thoughts inherited by future generations will be different, and the logic of being a human being will change somewhat.

“And the easiest way to change the spiritual appearance of a community is by religion and school, so you choose to build sects, get together in faith, and dive into silence to change people's personality background, which is your real motive.” Han Xiaorao stared at Rosaline. “Don't know if I'm right? ”

Rosaline shook her back, took a deep breath and looked at Han Xiao with incredible complexity.

“You're right.” Lothalin's tone was low, and there was no sign of disrespect at all. At this time, Han Xiao saw from her that he belonged to a sectarian pope.

She looked into Han Xiao's eyes and couldn't help but hide her eyes. Sigh: “I was not very noble. I and Leonard's parents died in a political procession. The Cecilian civilization let me down again and again before I wanted to change something... You're right, I really don't have the power to change the spiritual background of the entire community, they don't have to need me, but if no one does something extraordinary under pressure, nothing will change. I founded the denomination for many years, but it just changed the character of a small group of people. Through doctrine and intelligence, I let them positively move up, let them grasp the present, make them better. As long as the denomination continues once and for all, even without my abilities in the future, these ideas will become deeper and deeper into the hearts and minds, unfortunately causing a rebound..."

After so many years of suffering, Rosalyn was deeply alert to anyone, poisonous and cynical was her protective disguise, because too many people were scamming me, too many people were trying to use her, and she was determined not to open her heart to anyone, even if she suffered from misunderstandings.

But now, for the first time, Rosalyn reveals herself to outsiders.

She stared at Han Xiao and raised complex emotions in her heart, both stunned and relieved, and a hint of pleasure in encountering her acquaintance. These were her deepest secrets, she never told anyone else, but Black Star made it so easy to see through and tell her true thoughts. Rosaline also met someone who knew herself so much for the first time, almost making her faint.

Leonard looked at Rosalyn unbelievably, looking up and down, seemed to wonder if her sister had been wrapped up, and he could hardly imagine Rosalyn's ambition to be so ambitious, which was to be shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

See Rosaline admits that Han Xiao is dark and excited.

This fertilization method is as good as it used to be, that's how the former Silver Revolutionary Army ignored her!

“Sneeze! ”

On Sea Blue, Bennett suddenly sneezed.

After Rosaline had finished, the room was quiet and a few people spoke for a moment. Han Xiao knocked on the table and spoke voluntarily.

“So what are your plans in the future, Cecilis? You can't go back. Now you're a purple crystal prisoner. I bailed you out. You can't run around. ”

Rosalyn sniffed and glanced back at Leonard, smiling softly, "I see, with all that said, you still want to keep me. ”

“You're a personal talent. I like talent. ”

Han Xiao naturally doesn't have to deny it.

“Since my brother works at your place, even if you want to use me, you won't go too far. Well, you saved me by using your relationship. I owe you a favor. My brother is my brother. I won't use him to repay your favor, and I don't have much fighting power. I'm sure he's not your big opponent...”

Rosalyn stretched out a lazy waist and resumed her cynical attitude. She blinked at Han Xiao, deliberately revealing her obscurity. “Since I can't escape, then I don't have a choice, I'll lend you my body as a tool. Use it casually. You're welcome. ”


Han Xiao did not move his voice, nodded his head, but his heart was dark-bellied defamation--dead arrogant and pretending, such a big +80 red heart good feeling, can't you see, honestly, are you grateful to die, will you die!

The biggest problem was finalized. Han Xiao asked Leonard to take Rosalyn to rest, eat something to supplement her nutrition, and spent many years in detention. Rosalyn was very weak and in desperate need of recovery.

After the two of them left, Han Xiao stayed in the lobby alone, tapped his fingers on the couch and pondered how to play the role of Rosaline, a special talent.

Rosalyn's ability is ideally suited for ideological construction. He thinks it can be used to strengthen the corporate culture of the Black Star Legion, cultivate slogans such as "Let the light of the Black Star shine through the galaxy” and “May the Black Star rise as usual”. There are also specialized talents in the field of war for ideological civilization construction.

“So Rosalyn can play the role of political commissioner? ”

Han Xiao touched his lips with excitement.

Use spiritual construction to make leeks thrive...

This is a powerful compound fat!

“Moreover, her abilities are special, and in the future the Silver Revolutionary Army may follow her as usual, and it is not possible for me to retain this ambition forever, so that if she remains a key member of the Silver Revolutionary Army, as in previous generations, she may be able to bond well with them and not become an enemy. ”

The Silver Revolutionary Army can be a major version of the mainline, and it is naturally very powerful. Han Xiao doesn't want to join them at all to create the opposite of the three major cosmic civilizations, but he doesn't want to fight them.

Perhaps through Rosalyn, we can spot the Silver Revolutionary Army before it's too late, and then we can respond early.

Han Xiao pondered over it and thought there was nothing wrong with the idea, then opened the panel.

In the task list, the [Reformer] task has long been completed, rewards and things have been received, and a molded Leonard character drop card is in the panel.

[Character Comes to Car - Leonard: [Perfect Mechanical Sense] - Total Mechanical Affinity x1.4, which acts directly on the total value; When using Mechanical Plus Mechanical, this mechanical quality temporarily improves by 1-2 order, up to a maximum of rare pink quality; All mechanical system active skills, with an actual effect of +4 by default, can break the upper limit of the level, lasting 16 hours, using the upper limit 03- In your senses, each machine, is a world of ecological balance]

“It lasts three times, 16 hours at a time, but it seems that this type of card effect also takes into account the cycle of making machines, which can be used both to fight and to make. ”

Han Xiao was quite satisfied. With the effect of this character card, there is basically nothing wrong with building an orange suit. Just finish the drawing task and get the silver inheritance drawings.

After looking at the effect again, Han Xiao became more and more envious of Leonard.

I really want to get authentic [Perfect Mechanical Sensation] expertise...

Oh, we're not the same!


After rescuing Rosalyn, Han Xiao split up with Leonard to take Rosalyn back to headquarters and set her up, while he drove the ship away from the Colton Constellation to the location of the drawing mission.

Neither Blackstar Corps affairs, Verna nor Lothaline are as important as their transfer tasks, to improve their strength in order to maintain the current foundation. With the dawn of completion of the transfer tasks, Han Xiao let go of the other work in hand and concentrate on changing jobs.

Just as Han Xiao left the Colton Constellation, his eyes were staring closely at his whereabouts in the dark he could not see.