The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 854 Statistics and Harvest, Leading the Mechanic

“This time the spiritual sect laid down a blood book, squeezing out a lot of my cards...”

Let the mechanical assistant take out dozens of premium nutritional ointments from the refrigerator, stack them on the table, Han Xiao grabbed a tube, bite them open with his teeth, fill them into his stomach, they were disintegrated and absorbed as soon as they entered the stomach, they didn't even have a taste. There was a great battle just now, the wounds recovered quickly, but the physical drain was dramatic, and the boiling blood only cooled down. Each cell transmitted a hungry desire to the brain through a neural signal. Eating some nutritional ointment just accelerated physical recovery.

The most dangerous phase has passed, but Han Xiaoxin knows that the battle is not over. The spiritual sect descends from the sky through the high-dimensional Apocalypse transmitter of the Glorious Federation, but when it returns, it is necessary to truthfully cross the universe on a spaceship. With the nature of the Empire, it is impossible to let the six super A-class of the spiritual sect swing home... Oh, it is five.

So when the little bullies arrive, the characters change, and it's their turn to hunt down Sagman and others. It's not that easy to spark hundreds of millions of imperial armies around the world, surrounded by pursuits, and this group of spiritual sects want to evacuate successfully.

Even if they escaped from the shining world, the broken rings are still waiting for them. There are three main battalions of the Kront Tibon, the war field, and the Black Star Legion. With such a gift, Han Xiao is not stingy. He has made up his mind to activate all the forces of the Black Star Legion and send a gift to the wrong network of broken rings.

Han Xiao looked at the panel and counted the damage caused to him this time by the spiritual sect.

During the experience and punishment period, he lost a lot of experience. Even in the eyes of Han Xiao, he couldn't help but be distressed by this number. 40% of the additional loss, nearly half more. As a simple person, he did not like to waste it. These additional loss experiences can get a lot of potential points if you upgrade your drawing skills.

In terms of character cards, Leonard, Aurora, and Emmers all ran out of character cards, and the Anotheism and Hebrew character cards were all only one time left. These were powerful enough tools to be used as base cards, especially the Anotheism's [super silence] character card, which is the Anotheism's GStar, one less time, which means that the base cards against Anotheism are a little less.

Besides, the heathen is the winner of this attack, because the actions of the spiritual sect forced him to meet the needs of the heathen, forced the heathen to withdraw from the battlefield with a yang plot, and was moistened by evolutionary energy, the heathen will become more difficult to deal with, maybe to touch his so-called "higher level” threshold, which, under each other, influenced his plan to deal with the heathen, the plan was disrupted, eventually some annoyance.

“But the mission of this incident, which rewarded at least three unknown people cards, plus two blank people cards and a skill upgrade card that I randomly awarded, made up for some losses.” Han Xiao shook his head.

Mechanical forces have also lost a lot of money, and a large number of mechanical fighters have died. It takes time to replenish them. Mechanical life is good, because Han Xiao deliberately prevented them from participating in Super Class A direct combat, so there are few casualties.

Compared to other mechanical units, there is greater potential for growing mechanical life. It is a pity to destroy it in this crushed battle. After all, it is a small life that he has worked so hard to sow. For this reason, he has also experienced many feelings of kidney failure. Gun ash is enough for mechanical units to play.

The battle started in a sense because of Han Xiao. If there was a super A class and he died, the Empire would certainly be dissatisfied, but fortunately, with Austin's help, people were just injured, not killed, and Han Xiao could explain.

It's not all bad to owe Austin a big favor. Sometimes you owe someone a favor, but you can get closer.

Austin was originally neutral. After this war, he provoked the spiritual sect. It was difficult for him to continue watching the wall and get caught up in the mud. Although he did not wash his ass and immediately turn to the Empire, after this incident spread, all the forces of the universe branded him as God, and he could no longer keep a low profile.

Han Xiao couldn't help but think of Cisco, his face slightly weird.

“With that said, Austin became close to the Empire, Ames and I were allies, half of the Empire's friends, Heber was more of an Empire, plus me, five super A-level broken star rings, all four of them related to the Empire... I'm afraid Cisco will have to clamp his tail to become a man after the broken star ring. ”

Cisco is targeted, and the Star Eyes clan will be under more pressure, but will not be subjected to military reprisals by the Empire. Since entering the era of peace, when the world has been connected, citizens of higher civilizations have opened their eyes and taken more positions, so in terms of social evaluation, powerful civilizations have gradually lost the legitimacy of atrocities against weaker civilizations and citizens' absolute support for their own civilizations in exploring periods of war.

Nowadays, cosmic civilizations are at best fighting each other, or even picking superstar-class civilizations as adversaries, rarely employing military overthrows against relatively weak civilizations - unless the dominance of the three is questioned and challenged - and the Pan Space Civilization Contact Treaty is something that, for the three civilizations, only allows state officials to set fire to the lights, but they are unwilling, if not necessary, to undermine the authority of the contract.

Thinking about it, Han Xiao opened the task bar and checked out the tasks that had shown [Done] status, until he touched Verding, he did not have the Base Gas Clearing Reward.

[[Cause & Effect] Completed!]

[Given your performance, you get 450e experience, random rewards x3, [Character Coming Card - "Photon” Sagman], [Character Coming Card - "Star Eyes” Cisco], [Character Coming Card - Anotheism]]

[Character Comes to Card - "Photon” Sagman: [Photoparticle Flow · Infiltration] - Releases powerful photoparticle rays with high penetration, bursting and burning damage. Photovoltaic energy will cause constant damage, and comes with [Energy Interference] and [Energy Suppression] status on the target. When the enemy uses energy attacks, it will have effects such as decreased power, increased consumption, and decreased hit rate. Maximum usage: 05]

[Character Comes to Card - "Star Eyes” Cisco: [Mental Power · Wall of Mind] - After the reduction of mental resistance, the actual damage value is reduced by 85%, immunizing all psychotropic control skills. If the attacker is an ideologist, it will determine the intellectual and mystical properties of both parties. If one of these properties is higher than the attacker, it will rebound 45% of the theoretical damage. If both attributes are higher than the attacker, it will rebound 90% of the theoretical damage. If both attributes are lower than the attacker, it will not rebound. Maximum usage: 03]

[Character Coming Card - Anotheism: [Anotheism · Replication] - Duplicate the target's Anotheism Gene through close contact to obtain a one-time Character Card from the other party, which requires the target to be an Anotheism to take effect. Maximum Usage: 03]

Defeat the Spiritualist fleet and get the highest reward of experience. In Han Xiao's estimation, all three character cards worked well. This time, no luck was found in the infidel's [psychic silence], but [the infidelity/duplication] also worked well, equivalent to three blank character cards aimed only at the infidel. The infidel's ability to smoke all messed up, and this is already the spirit of Verding.

[You get 1 point of legend]

[Legend of the Universe: Enemy of the Spirit - Faced with despair, you fight back, turn the situation around, repel the fierce spiritual sect, and even capture a super A-level opponent alive, your name will accompany this battle to the full universe and become a memorable legend!]

“Enemy of the Spirit, the highest level of cosmic legend… looks like this will become a new nickname.” Han Xiao's eyes flashed.

Every super A class has a series of nicknames, representing the legendary things they once did. Han Xiao now has nicknames such as "Indestructible Body”, “Indestructible Black Star”, “Black Star Legion Leader” and so on. When this battle comes out, I'm afraid the star citizens in the universe will give him an additional "Enemy of the Spirit” tag.

The spiritual sect was aggressive, trying to put him to death, and he sealed his cosmic treasure and grabbed each other's super A-level power. So far, the beams tied on both sides deeper.

The significance of capturing a super A level alive is remarkable. Herber was only going to fight himself to get similar results. Unfortunately, he didn't succeed, but he was one step ahead of Herber to get such results. In this way, his deterrent power in the universe will be completely different and he will be given a higher status... I always feel that Bumper will be envious.

Speaking of which, Heber was rushing back for help, Han Xiao couldn't help laughing twice when he thought about the look that Heber might have.

The panel toolbar also contains information generated by a copy of "Shining World - Battle of the Lighthouse Star", which involved a total of eleven Super-A players. Apart from war, this rarely occurs, enough to shock the entire universe. Although it occurs in Shining World and has not yet been released to the outside world, it is foreseeable that the news will be a deep water bomb that will detonate the entire universe.

With such great influence, it's not surprising to generate a copy, but unfortunately, with the intensity and level of the battle, the role of this copy is limited to providing players with a chance to meet and abuse each other.

Opening the Properties panel, Han Xiao took a closer look at the post-260 attributes:

[Total rating: 260]

[Main occupation: Mechanical Faculty]

[Race: Black Star]

[Properties: Power 3247, Agility 3980, Endurance 5889, Intelligence 8489, Mystery 2950, Charm 1163, Luck 1]

[Free attribute point: 0]

[Potential point: 33]

[HP: 3,854,550]

[Health: 3,521,025]

[Gas: 82120 [Lv17]]

[LV17 Gas Bonus: Power +1206, Agility +1488, Endurance +1890, Intelligence +2345, Mystery +1123, Max Health +311520, Mechanical Affinity +1632%]

[Energy level: 49975]

[Rank: S (Ultra A)]

[S-Class Bonus: Extra +50 Endurance Bonus, +25% All Resistance, +25% Max Attribute, +15% Remaining Attribute, gaining an extra 750 Free Attribute Points, 50 Potential Points]

[This seems to be a super A-level mechanic who insists on a characteristic shieldism]

“Almost 50,000 energy level...” Han Xiao touched his chin. He remembered that when he reached Super A level, the energy level seemed to be more than 43,000. He later practiced [Herber Star Furnace Exercise], Ultimate Knowledge [Mechanical Life Spark], and the energy level increased a lot.

Especially the upper limit of energy, Herber's exercise method gave him more than 16,000 energy. When he reached the upper level A, his upper limit of energy was only 50,000, and now reached 80,000. From the Lv15 energy level to Lv17, he gained two new attribute bonuses. The higher the energy level, the more attributes each increase brings, the higher the bonus.

[Radiation energy absorption] He has also not been wasted, Lin Lin always added some attributes.

“The next step in the racial sublimation is level 300, the upper limit of the dominant mechanic is also level 40, the same is level 300 to transfer, then only the advanced task of level 280 in the middle will card me. ”

Han Xiao pondered.

The upper limit for [Emperor Mechanic] is Lv35, while the upper limit for the new stage [Dominant Mechanic] is Lv5.

The Apostles, Emperors, and Dominants, during the [Dominant Mechanic] phase, combine the advantages of the first two and are further strengthened.

The same skills and expertise in the virtual technology category were enhanced as in the previous two transitions, which resulted in an increase of 60%!

There are four new capabilities directly available:

Expertise [Mechanical Dominance], Mechanical Affinity +300%, Virtual Invasion and Defense Efficiency +200%, and the nature of the mechanical force has changed somewhat. At the same time, it will also invest * * in the consciousness of God, acquire the so-called “dominance qualification”, the introduction is not clear, just that this is the prerequisite for some new skills of the dominant mechanic.

Skill [Dominant Mechanical Affinity], Familiar Mechanical Affinity Skill Series, one level higher than “Imperial Level”, to +190% full Mechanical Affinity.

Skill [Apostolic Creation], the effect is similar to [Emperor's Gift], it is also aimed at a single mechanical target with special amplification, but the effect varies considerably. [Emperor's Gift] is to use the same target up to three times, and does not limit the number of targets, while [Apostolic Creation] is different, the effect is to use the mechanical force containing the so-called “power of dominance” to transform a mechanical warrior into an "Apostolic weapon” under the throne of dominance.

The performance boost is extremely scary, basically turning a normal unit directly into a small BOSS unit, with a better foundation and the possibility of turning into a larger BOSS unit.

With such a horrible bonus effect, [Apostolic Generation] limits the maximum number of Apostolic weapons, rising to the full level to possess 12 Apostolic weapons at the same time. Their dominance can be easily retrieved, their quotas can be replaced, and the number of 12 Apostolic weapons can be maintained at all times… This skill can also be increased by various skill levels, each time the upper limit is exceeded, a new Apostolic Weapons quota can be obtained.

The last skill [Domination Coming], this is a skill used for remote unit combat. By dominating the special mechanical power of the mechanic, it projects its own will, spirit and power onto a mechanical soldier, turning this mechanical soldier into a similar being, and can share a considerable amount of the attributes, skills and expertise of the body, as if the dominant body came down and possessed super A-level fighting power.

It means that Han Xiao sits at home and, in addition to providing mechanical support for remote troops through the quantum no-range transmission channel, can also select a small brother to use this technique, fight in person, and the limit is to use only one target at the same time.

Skill descriptions also indicate a chance to form soul connectivity if you frequently use [Dominance Coming] for the same goal.

“These four abilities are reliable, especially [the reign comes]...”

Han Xiaozhu turned his eyes and secretly said: “After today's battle, the number of people who come to me in trouble should become less. My battle style may start to focus on remote combat. This skill should be very helpful to me. ”

Summarizing the loss and reward, Han Xiao received a call from Tarlokov stating that the Ulanrill Führer wanted to speak to him personally.

Even the super-A allies did not want to see the head of the empire, and Ulanrill's attempt to communicate with herself was clearly a surprise to her.

Moreover, there were a number of issues that needed to be resolved, and the task of hunting down Sagman et al.

“Got it, I'll wait for her online. ”

Han Xiao took out the communicator, his mind was full of activity, generating various speculations, silently waiting for the call to be forwarded.

The most tempting thing is to get a substantial reward. Ulanrill won't refuse to do this because he fought so hard to gain new knowledge of the Empire.