The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 931: Troubleshooting

Colin Group is a local enterprise that breaks star rings. It is well-known for its livelihood through more than a dozen businesses such as resource extraction, logistics transportation and processing materials production. Although it does not reach the rank of a large consortium, it is also an interstellar enterprise listed in the star domain. It has a cooperative relationship with many galactic civilizations and a large number of star civilizations. At the same time, it is also a partner in the Black Star Legion, providing business channels for the Legion.

These commercial groups work with the Black Star Legion, on the one hand for the sake of evolutionary squares and on the other for the local influence of the Black Star Legion, in the name of the Black Star Legion collaborators, which can bring many conveniences to the operations of their own groups.

For example, many local civilizations are Legion collaborators, both sides share the same background, they are psychologically more like friends on a boat, so they take care of more or less, and business organizations that do not work with Legion lose money, making it increasingly difficult to get orders. In the past, there was the concept of a consortium of interests, and many commercial organizations were reluctant to lag behind and cooperate with the Legion, which was the prototype of a network of interests that the Black Star Legion had operated for several years in shattered rings.

Colin Group is the first company to work with the Black Star Legion. For several years, the performance has been growing and the prospects are wide, but at this moment, in the conference room of Colin Group headquarters, all corporate executives gather with shareholders, and most people's faces are frowned upon and the atmosphere is heavy.

Colin Düller, the current leader of the group, sat in the first place with a very ugly face and a repressive tone of anger.

“Hebrew, Cedar and Lutheran civilizations have terminated their cooperation with us, not only by withdrawing the right to exploit the planet we purchased, but also by cancelling long-term orders for the supply of materials. I was negotiating with the Wissers before, and if I could get a Wissers order, the group would get a new business area, and the negotiations would have come to an end, and I had no idea the Wissers had suddenly overturned the previous terms and worked with others, and we are in a terrible situation. ”

A senior sighed: "Yeah, a lot of the heads of civilized departments who used to be happy working with us are now cut off. This is not normal, there must be competitors behind the scenes making small moves...”

“Huh, I know who it is.” Colin snorted, angry: “A while ago, the Infinite Consortium contacted me to say that they wanted to acquire Colin Group, which I rejected, and they made all the recent moves of the group. ”

“What, is this really happening?! ”

“Why didn't I know the Infinite Consortium contacted us? ”

A lot of people were surprised to find out about this situation, and some of the higher echelons were silent to look at it, obviously already known.

Colin was angry, "I've heard that Infinite Consortium has been acquiring broken star rings for some time now, and the unsuccessful groups have been more or less repressed. I've heard that Infinite Consortium decided to go into broken star rings on a large scale because of the development of sparkling worlds. They were prepared to invest massively in building factories in Hebrew and Said Lu civilizations. It must have been a deal behind them that caused them to terminate their cooperation with us, and the opponent who closed the Withers' order was a company that was acquired by Infinite Consortium during this time, and it was all about them. ”

At this point, the second largest shareholder of the group, who did not deal with Colin, smiled and said:

“In addition to this, several other important cooperatives have stopped doing business with us, several civilizations have stopped approving our loans, dozens of middle-level backbones have been excavated, resigned and left behind job gaps, and now there are problems in the operation of the group… Until now, our business has shrunk by more than 30%, the price of the group's shares has plummeted, as I said, we should not refuse the unlimited consortium, which is one of the largest consortia in the entire universe, it is nothing wrong to become a sub-brand of their company. ”

Rumor has it, Colin's face is iron blue.

He also knows that unlimited consortia have no comparable influence, financial power, or brand effects, and that if they could work with unlimited consortia, some partners would not hesitate to abandon them as a local enterprise simply because unlimited consortia bring greater benefits.

The more Colin wanted to breathe, he slammed the table with a bang, and the black raised bone on his hand stabbed the table leaving a light pit, biting his teeth.

“Don't even think about it, Colin Group is my heart and I will not accept the acquisition of Infinite Consortium! ”

“Then how do you solve the problem now, if you can't, the group will eventually collapse, all of you are shareholders, you want to gamble to defeat the whole group, ask us first.” The two shareholders looked cynical.

Colin frowned and shook his head after a moment of silence. “I just can't...”

The two shareholders stood up, took out a document and photographed it on the table. “If there is no way, then sign the share acquisition. ”

Colin's face changed, staring at the two shareholders, “The Infinite Consortium has bought you?! ”

“Buy? I'm just thinking about the future of the group. ”

The two shareholders laughed and then looked around at the top of the table or shocked or calm, giving a look.

Another major shareholder, Shenzhen Guild, also stood up and persuaded: "Colin, promise the infinite consortium, we have difficulty countering the big consortium of the universe class, and the acquisition price is good, maybe after joining the infinite consortium, our business can be further developed with their support. ”

It's like a signal, and a lot of people here are talking about it.

“You, you…” Colin glared shockingly. He didn't understand anything. The talkers had basically been bought by the infinite consortium. The shares of these people together were enough to kick him out of the game.

Unconsciously, the decision-making layer has been infiltrated like this!

The rest of the volatile executives also moved intently, staring at Colin with a hopeful eye.

Colin was so gloomy, he bit his teeth off, "If I didn't say yes, were you going to empty me? ”

"It depends on whether your decision is sensible or not, and if your decision will take the group to the abyss, we will have to save ourselves. ”

Colin stared at the takeover book on the table, biting his teeth dead and measuring for a long time, without saying a word, he grabbed the takeover book and scrutinized it. Finally, he silently signed the agreement.

“Pfft, pfft...”

Then suddenly a round of applause sounded, the door opened, one person clapped and walked in, with a confident smile at the corner of his mouth.

“Wise choice. ”

Colin frowned. Before he asked, the two shareholders took the lead in introducing him.

“This is Mr. Madik, a senior member of the Infinite Consortium. ”

“Oh, it turns out you bought my people.” Colin is sarcastic.

“Oh, don't be so hostile to me, Colin Group is a consortium company in the future, we are all colleagues. ”

Madik smiled and waved, "I'm here to tell you that the original decision-making structure will not change on a massive scale, and you are still the senior backbone of the group. ”

People are different, they don't talk, some people are happy, some people don't think so.

Madik glanced, faintly: "But we need to reorient our business, and I need you to stop working with the Black Star Corps immediately. ”

“Why?” Colin wondered.

What does this have to do with the Black Star Legion? Why abandon such a good partner?

“Oh, our infinite consortium has signed agreements for cooperative development with the war field, which is ready to emulate the Black Star Legion and create its own coalition of interests, so many organizations are required to join. Every company we acquire will have to reinvest in the war field, providing them with their own channels and expanding their business. ”

Madik's smile was faint.

Colin's eyebrows wrinkled and suddenly his color changed and his eyes flashed with suspicion.

He also attended a black star gathering some time ago and met Solokin, but Solokin invested in the field of war, and in turn, as a collaborator against the Black Star Legion, as a broken star ring native, with all this in mind, Colin came up with a bold conjecture:

—— No… the Infinite Consortium is not simply trying to enter the Broken Star Ring, ostensibly acquiring our companies, but they really want to deal with the target, maybe the Black Star Legion!

We may just be caught in the wind!


Colin Group is just one example, during this period there are also a number of broken star ring local enterprises that have been acquired or controlled, some of which have been directly beaten by the ability of the money, enjoyed joining the infinite consortium, and the executives exited with the money happily.

There are also many means of unlimited consortia for companies that do not respond.

For example, to differentiate between senior decision-makers, integrate small shareholders into large shareholders, make malicious acquisitions, or buy some important cadres, or invest in a factory to bring civilization together, indirectly obstruct the business of some enterprises, and use the consortium's own quality products to directly grab market share, the production technology and product quality of unlimited consortia are higher, and there are also iron pole supporters with brand effects throughout the universe, or directly use financial manipulation against listed enterprises, etc. … the unlimited consortium is experienced, has dozens of combo boxes, a round down, many companies can't sustain it.

Even if we do not compromise, we will sooner or later be suppressed to death, and then we will suffer even more from the acquisition.

Infinite consortia cannot directly shake the magnitude of the Black Star Legion, but only gradually erode it. For some small and medium-sized enterprises in the star domain, this cosmic, top-level consortium across the stars is a giant crocodile that cannot be countered at all, not an adversary of the same dimension.

These local businesses have money, how can an unlimited consortium... is especially rich!

With this operation, an infinite consortium brewing for several months, through the acquisition of many local businesses, suddenly has many business channels, strongly plugged into the broken star ring market, standing firm and attracting widespread attention and vigilance.

At the same time, the War Realm and the Infinite Consortium issued a public announcement announcing the joint development of the two countries. The War Realm stated that they would expand their business and transform their power in an aspiration to become a diverse coalition of interests… Although not explicitly stated, those who broke the rings of the stars knew that the Black Star Legion was the target of this emulation in the War Realm.

“The infinite consortium and the war field work together in depth?! ”

Legion headquarters, the Office of the Chief of Staff, Sylvia looked forward to the report, and her face was full of colour.

“Sir, in the field of war, this is to rob us of our business. Conflicts of interest have arisen on both sides, and organizations that have been acquired by unlimited consortia have ended their cooperation with us and moved to join the war.” The secretary next to him shook his head and said that his tone was somewhat worrying.

“They don't want to evolve squares anymore?” Sylvia frowned.

“I don't know… but these are private organizations that have been acquired, and their demand for evolutionary blocks may not be so great. ”

Sylvia nodded.

Indeed, those private organizations and civilizations are different, and even if evolutionary quotas are needed, these years have largely been bought up, and the cooperation that stays is primarily for the benefit of the influence of the consortium, which is now bought and can only act on the will of an infinite consortium.

Normal commercial competition is the power, the power, the influence, cannot be used in force, and the war field itself is also super A-level power, the equivalent level, the same as the imperial allies, the infinite consortium used it as a shield, which is difficult to do.

The teacher is right, the Infinite Consortium is not comfortable.

Sylvia snorted and took a closer look at the report.

Infinite consortia, although energetic, cannot fight all the enterprises of the entire star domain on their own. Those civilized forces need not say that it is impossible to abandon the cooperation of the evolutionary blocks. Infinite consortia can only start with private organizations, and the acquisition is also expensive. Larger organizations are temporarily untargeted.

The Infinite Consortium is a strong past Jianglong, but even if it is stronger, its energy is limited. At present, it is only dealing with a small number of enterprises, and it has stabilized its heels in the market of the stars, even if it wants to acquire more organizations, it needs to step by step.

So far, although the Black Star Corps has lost some of its business channels, it is still far below the level of injuries, only peripheral businesses have been affected, and core businesses such as evolutionary blocks, sparkling world development, and resource planetary exploitation remain stable as Laki.

But this trend… has to be prevented.

The infinite consortium's investment in the field of war is a hassle, and if the war realm rises enough to defy the Black Star Legion Chamber, the number of Legion collaborators will decrease and the size of the representative Legion will shrink, which will constrain the Legion's pace of development and affect the blueprint set by the Legion Leader, with serious consequences.

With that in mind, Sylvia looked serious and took out the communicator.

“I have to inform the teacher immediately. ”