The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 954: Lu Xun: Every human shield has an output heart

In the cabin lobby, many close guards or sitting or standing, eyes focused on the virtual screen in the middle. In the image, Herber was slapped into the depths of the planet by the mechanical gods, and the next moment the planet exploded. This was an ultra-definition combat video recorded by the interstellar media present at the time, which was being replayed, and the image was accompanied by sound effects.

Though this is the second time I've seen this picture, Hardaway couldn't help but shock me and mumble: “When am I going to get to this level...”

“Maybe for the rest of your life?” A close guard next door laughed badly, and this man was also a natural disaster class who joined a long time ago and was friends with Hardaway.

“With your powers, even super A, it's not likely to be as destructive.” Aurora shook her head.

Someone next to him said, “His ability can only be beaten. Maybe when he reaches Super A, he will become a favorite sandbag in Super A." ”

“Huh, you're jealous.” Heard that Hardaway groaned with dissatisfaction.

“Hey, seriously, even if you push the power limit to Super A, you don't have to beat up Mr. Blackstar, and you don't have the same variable means of attack as Mr. Blackstar... I think you're going to be the best Super A ever. ”

Hardaway thought about it, and suddenly he felt the future was dark, he couldn't lift his mind, and he lay on the couch, and everyone was salted.

“Don't worry about that.” Verdin smiled gently and reached out and pinched Hathaway's shoulder, "maybe you won't even reach Super-A. ”

Hardaway turned a white eye and didn't have a good airway: “It's you, Morning Star. Don't be a deputy commander. ”

Everyone was chatting. At this time, the hatch slid open, and everyone turned around and saw Han Xiao Dabu walking in.

“Hello, Commander! ”

A lot of people stood up hastily, offering a gift and staring at Han Xiao with a pair of hot eyes.

After watching the live broadcast of the entire battle, the black stars in everyone's mind became more powerful and mysterious. As their strength grew, so did their awe for Han Xiao.

“They're all here.” Head Han Xiao, looking at the video of the virtual screen, couldn't help but laugh, "Didn't you see it, why are you still watching the replay? ”

“It's all about looking at you more and more!” Hardaway came up and licked the dog's hot face.

Having joined the Black Star Legion only to trade, yet witnessing the potential of Black Star so many times, he is now sincerely working for Han Xiao.

After this war, it was known that the Black Star had officially become the strongest of the broken rings, and that "the strongest of the stars” was not a simple fictitious name, and that its prestige, influence and halo were difficult to estimate.

Super A defeats all the strong in the same star to get this title, and in the broken rings, black stars were formerly strong, but for the public, they were truly anonymous, and people would always compare him to the hegemonic.

Now that he is truly famous, most ordinary interstellar citizens recognize his position as "the strongest of the stars”.

Seeing a vast future, Hadawi couldn't help but hug Black Star's thighs and take the beatings of Han Xiao Ai every day.

See, Han Xiao's eyes look strange.

He remembers that Hardaway was quite forceful before joining himself, how it is now like this...

Is my personality so charming?

Shaking his head, he encouraged everyone to say a few words. Han Xiao came to Ferdin and was getting ready to go. Ferdin was like a panicked deer and jumped away.

“Wait, wait, I'm the morning star! ”

Han Xiao made a move and dropped his hand. "It's okay, don't worry, I'll wait for you to come back. ”

Morning Star hastily retracted his mind, Verdin's consciousness came back online, his temperament became like spring wind, and his face was full of helplessness.

When it was touched before, Verdin had some resistance, and now he has confessed his destiny.

After so many things, even he himself doubted whether he was really lucky...

Han Xiaole put on a front plate and left satisfied with a full-handed European spirit, feeling that he had been opened up.

Back in the room, Han Xiao couldn't wait to open the panel and choose the checkout task.

Anything that rewards a Herber character card, as if Verdin's luck had erupted, the character card's ability is [polar flow/cell hyperlysis limit], although there is only one chance to use it, but due to the mechanism of the character card, there are no sequelae.

Experience rewards are a normal criterion for super A-level BOSS missions, and two or three trillion experiences add a little bit to the drying up pool.

As for the two legends of the previous mission, this time they did not appear, indicating that the legend reward was one-time, but because of the impact of the incident, I gained an extra bit of legend.

[Legend of the Universe: The Chief Strong One of the Broken Rings - You've stood at the top of a star, and the universe will celebrate your prestige]

At first glance, this legend is what the player can't get... Han Xiao's dark vomit slot.

After you've settled these rewards, it's time for the final reward, the ability to draw!

[You get rewards: Draw one of Herber's abilities (skill expertise)]

[Tip: Herber is a martial artist and some of his extractable abilities have been automatically adjusted according to your occupation]

[Random extraction in progress… extraction complete]

[Please select one of the following five competencies as your reward:]

[1. [Furious Gas] - Skill: +110% damage, +50% consumption, 10s duration, 75s cooling]

[2. [Polar Flow - Cell Super Detachment Limit] - Skill: Unlock cell limits and squeeze your potential, you will temporarily burst into higher levels of combat for hours to days. After use, gain a “weak” state for one month, permanently increasing the level and skill upgrade costs by 7%]

[3. [Melee Killer] - Expertise: Melee attack, Melee attack speed +40%, All Melee skill levels +2]

[4. [Legendary Fixed Damage Relief] - Expertise: When suffering from any type of attack, after calculating normal resistance, fixedly reduce the actual damage by 7,500 points, and then calculate the Resistance Expertise behind the priority of remaining damage - this expertise is combined with the "Low Damage Immunity” series of Expertise, if the "Low Damage Immunity” series of Expertise, the damage fixed relief value becomes the limit of “Low Damage Immunity”]

[5. [Continuous Critical] - Skill: When you hit a target, the Critical Rate and Critical Damage increases as the number of Critical Attacks increases to a maximum of 75% Critical Rate and 350% Critical Damage, and the status lasts 5s, cooling down 80s]

After a glance, Han Xiao slightly delighted, touching Verdin was different, and a lot of good goods came out.

But the more good things, the easier it is to choose.

Han Xiao thought about removing [Furious Qi] first. This skill adds pure energy damage. Although it can also hurt people, the damage is too low, and he never uses it this way. This skill is best suited to Wudao family ex-vivo fluctuations, and adds very little to himself.

Polar Flow Cell Hyperlysis Limit is a good skill, but the after-effects are just disappointing. This is not a time-bound side effect of evolutionary blocks. Permanently increasing the cost of experience sounds like an egg ache. Although it is only 7% at a time, it can overlap indefinitely.

And the effect... I can tell from Herber that I can't beat it, I can't beat it, maybe I'll be beaten a little longer, just think about it.

This ability is of little significance to mechanics who rely less on the body. Han Xiao is more inclined to prepare more mechanical regiments before the battle than the temporary explosion, and he just got a character card with no side effects, so he can pass this skill.

[Close Killer] Best suited for martial arts and weapon fighters, although useful for themselves, is not critical.

As for [Legendary Fixed Damage Relief], this is a template specialty, although the 7500 point fixation relief doesn't look like much, but it's because it's judged from a super A-level angle. Assuming that the natural disaster class possesses this expertise, each time it is reduced by 7,500 and accumulated significantly less, at least two or three steps up the resistance level.

Getting a B or C level… basically equals not dying at the same level, and it's desperate for a player to run into this type of BOSS.

This ability, combined with the "Low Injury Immunity” series, Herber has a [Legendary Low Injury Immunity] specialty and is immune to attack systems with actual damage below 1w6, but does not mean [Legendary Fixed Injury Relief] becomes a chicken rib.

The normal rule for low-injury immunity is that injuries below the limit are immune directly, and attacks above 1w6 are not affected… With the addition of [legendary fixed damage relief], the effect becomes an attack above 1w6, and the actual damage of 1w6 is subtracted, and then the resistance expertise behind the priority is calculated… this is the result of the combination of the two, raising the limit of the reduction.

But now you can only get one of them, and the effect is a certain discount. In fact, Han Xiao would rather have [super toughness] expertise in Herber. This is Herber's most meaty secret, and the order of priority is lower, that is, Herber's injury reduction is as follows:

--First, a layer of Super Class A Physical Protection Health Relief, then a layer of Physical Resistance Relief, get the actual damage value, then subtract the 1W6 damage from the Solid Injury Relief, and finally calculate the [Super Resilience] High Relief. According to rough calculations, tens of thousands of theoretical damage will eventually be reduced to two to three digits, Hard Bond.

The last [Company Crit] is perfect for me. The number of mechanical army fires is simply unimaginable happiness. Absolutely can pull the Crit Rate to full in the shortest time, steadily increasing huge output.


Han Xiao grabbed his hair and thought about it for a while before making a choice.

[You get [Legendary Fixed Damage Relief]!]

Ruzi is right, every meat shield has an output heart, but he really wants to choose [Critical Strike]...

But it's a waste of time to draw a template specialty!

The resistance itself is not low, there is also a desperate rate of return, and another solid injury relief...

It's sour, just think about it.

I'm afraid it's going to be dark on the meat shield road, but I really want to output it! Han Xiao had an egg ache.

After finishing up the reward, Han Xiao exhaled, set his mind, closed the panel, and pondered the impact of this battle.

Acquiring the title of the strongest in the star realm helps the Black Star Corps to warm up its broken ring operations while attracting a new wave of talent.

Declining influence in the war arena does not prevent infinite consortia from investing and the other side remains their main competitor, although this can add difficulty to the expansion of the war arena and turn it into an adversary.

And the imperial side, since it did not intervene before, represents acquiescence... this time, I am afraid that Big Big Big Big will get hurt a little bit.

“Now that the construction and development of the shining world is of paramount importance, it is not expected that for a long time there will be an inventive conflict between the three civilizations, so that I have a sufficiently secure external environment to develop mechanical civilization and the Dark Spirits and proceed to build a sub-dimensional factory…”

Han Xiao shrugged, he had set the tone for decades of updates, which was to be steady and make up for his accumulation.


As the black star and the war realm departed, the spectators present also scattered. The brilliant and spiritual probes first uploaded the battle video, and shortly afterwards, the video was passed to the top. The top of the two civilizations dedicated an ad hoc meeting to this matter.

“Everybody's seen the video. Any thoughts? ”

President Badr looked around at the presbytery and senior officials present in the high-ranking conference room of the Glorious Federation and asked softly.

“Whatever the reason, Black Star's power at its peak is now a fact, and the Red Empire will welcome the fourth pillar of the strongest township, to our detriment," said Chief Speaker Old Cane, Dumb. ”

“Nice.” Another high-ranking official spoke softly, “And the black star was too young to serve the empire for a long time, he was also the most difficult virtual mechanic, not necessarily to grow to the point of Manison over time, and we were gradually losing our advantage at super A level. ”

“What I'm worried about is when the next black star will grow. ”

Someone frowned tightly, "We thought he would be silent for decades, but now it proves a wrong judgment… Every time we think he needs a long period of precipitation to continue to improve, it proves us wrong. ”

Rumor has it that everyone is a little silent.

Everyone is under pressure when they encounter an opponent like Han Xiao who breaks common sense every time.

“In that case, the strategy for evolutionary totems needs to be adjusted.” The Chief Speaker slowed down.

“Exactly.” Baddell shrugged, “I had to negotiate with the spiritual sect. ”


This high-profile engagement came to an end, but the heat of events continued to rise over the next half-month, instead of waning.

Countless interstellar media scroll and play battle footage on channels across galaxies, with a particular focus on amplifying the beatings of hegemonics.

With the spread of the media, even star citizens who were not interested in the covenant battle appreciated the “English figure” of the hegemonic, and now those who did not know the hegemonic defeat knew it all.

Super Class A was beaten, how delightful to see, and this soon became the talk of countless Star Citizens after tea meals.

In the eyes of most other stars, the Super A is a stranger, and now Herber is famous for brushing a wave of presence in a beating manner.

According to small sources, when the fighting ended, Herber went home and closed himself down, locking himself up in a room where even his men could not see him.

Things boiled down, and a special group, noticed the mechanical gods that the black stars showed.

Mechanical Theology!