The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 978: There's No Way Out (Thank God I'm Actually Grandpa Deng's Allied Leader 100,000 Rewards!

Han Xiao's intelligence opened up the fog of war for the Empire, and a group of Empire names on the front line would thunder and launch a blatant attack, allowing the war to sweep the Kunde lands in just one month.

Each regiment split up to intercept the main Kunder fleet on standby in different positions, staged a brutal slaughter in the sky, and the warship array propelled forward and swept across the stars.

Under the roaring gunfire of the Empire, the Kunders were overwhelmed and defeated, damaging a large number of major battleships.

In one galaxy, an Imperial Legion was engaged in an exchange of fire with the main Kunder fleet, and the enemy had been defeated and was being mercilessly slaughtered, and a Kunder warship had been fired through by Psychic artillery and turned into fireworks in the universe.

The main enemy ship has been surrounded by regiments, with countless Imperial fleet guns pointing all around it, and if anything changes, it will be fired upon, not killed, because it wants to capture the commander of the enemy fleet alive.

From the array of empires, a small spacecraft was flown with imperial officers preparing to take over the main ship.

The enemy ship removed its shield, which appeared to indicate a surrender and a small spacecraft approached smoothly, embedded in the opponent's main ship's interface, proportional in size, like a sesame and a grape.


The air valve sounded, the landing passage hatch of the main ship opened, and a pale-skinned Imperial officer stepped into the enemy's main ship, exactly Goethe.

The deputy officers next to the Imperial Officers have a variety of functions, some of them resembling private secretaries, some of whom work part-time in dangerous combat, and Goethe belongs to the latter.

Three floors outside the front, surrounded by a large number of Kunder soldiers, were all tightly armed and showed strong hostility.

Goethe glanced and ignored him, reaching out and adjusting the universal star translator in his ear, slowly opening:

“Who's the commander, stand up. ”

The Kunder crowd suddenly rioted, and a tall skinny shrimp in uniform came out, and it was the commander of the fleet who spoke softly, “Invader, how do you know our language? ”

The two sides have been at war and have not exchanged information. For this group of Kunder officers, it is the first time they have had face-to-face communication with the invaders. It is surprising that Goethe can speak their language.

“It's just a little bit of technology.” The Gordon tone is calm.

Han Xiao gave the Empire the full set of information, which naturally contains language, without the need for imperial decoding, and can be easily communicated by directly importing the language into the Interstellar Translator.

Commander Kunde did not ask, "Please stop killing my countrymen, we have lost the war. ”

“Yes, as long as you surrender and give me command of the fleet, we will stop the attack.” Gaude faint.

“Okay, come with me. ”

Commander Kunde turned around and led the way. The soldiers around him gave way to a passageway. Goethe swept a glance and flashed a scene around the corner of his mouth. He followed with great strides.

Walking along the corridor, turning a corner, the atmosphere was silent and no one spoke.

He walked for a while, and suddenly, Goethe smiled softly, slowly:

“Take us around for so long. Are your traps ready? Don't make me wait too long. ”

As soon as this was said, Commander Kunde, who was at the forefront, suddenly stopped, turned back and looked surprised.


But if he finds out, why are you still so calm?

Though uncovered, he was unable to change his decision, and Commander Kunder's tone suddenly became obscure.

“Slaughtering my troops, you want me to surrender? Dream on! ”

The voice had just fallen and a violent vibration had come from under his feet. Goethe looked down, and the metal deck had swelled rapidly and bulged, opening the gap in the lane, and the crack revealed an eye-catching blue light.

“Set up primitive Psychic energy on your boat, plan to blow yourself up in the morning...”

Goethe's words were only halfway through, and huge sonic waves blasted all over the ship.


The next moment, Psychic energy sprays out and instantly devours the bodies of everyone, including Commander Goethe and Commander Kunde, filling every inch of space!

At the same time, the outside Imperial fleet discovered an anomaly, only to see the surrounded enemy main ship explode from the inside out, blasting into an expanding primitive phantom group, rapidly attacking the surrounding area, approaching the Imperial encirclement, Commander Kunde is holding the idea of pulling these Imperial fleets to accompany the burial and blatantly explode!

In the distant command ship, the imperial commander in charge of the regiment hummed coldly.

“It's a self-destruct, Psychic Disposal Team. Do it! ”

Orders were issued to surround the innermost circle of the Imperial Battleship, the bows of which revealed a circular device, vibrating slightly, resonating, forming an invisible transparent shield, completely enclosing the original Psychic Energies, with a noticeable distortion of space.

The Imperial Fleet has long been ready to respond to the Psychic Self-Explosion, a special device that deals exclusively with Psychic Pollution. It needs to work with each other to wrap up the Psychic Corps, which is still very small and easy to handle.

The expansion of this primitive group began to slow down, expanding outward, slowly shrinking inward.

The whole process lasted for tens of minutes, and this primitive phantom group gradually changed from the size of a main ship to a sphere two or three metres in diameter, still compressing rapidly.

The most conventional way to combat Psychic Pollution is to compress its volume with special equipment, increase its energy density, transform it into a Psychic seed, and then accommodate it with a special device for stabilizing Psychic energy. This method is relatively clean, with few side effects. The only problem is that it takes longer, and when the Psychic energy expands to a certain extent, it is not easy to deal with.

At this point, a figure drifted out of the Psychic Corps, and Heron was Goethe, not only undamaged, not even messed up his hair, but even held Commander Kunder, who was still alive and dancing.

The entire ship was devoured by the assimilation of primitive Psychic Energy, and only two people were alive.

“You, you...” Commander Kunde stared at Goethe with horror.

He was prepared to die, to die with his enemies, but at this moment he cannot believe what he has just seen.

Goethe glanced at him, slapped him, knocked him unconscious, and then extended his other palm and falsely grasped at the Phantom.


There are foggy traces of Psychic energy flowing around, and in the blink of an eye, this primitive Psychic group turns into a grain-sized light spot that shines bright blue light.

This is a freshly formed Psychic seed, like a blue gem, that falls between Goethe's fingers and stains his fingers and face blue.

Holding an unstable super energy source in his hand, Goethe calmed his face and glanced slightly, then turned his hand out of the spherical receptacle and stuffed the Psychic Seed in.

He then made a gesture to the Imperial Fleet, asking his colleagues to turn off the compressed Psychic Governance Unit, and then returned to the command ship with Commander Kunder and the Psychic Seeds to meet his superiors.

“Well done, I will personally record this achievement for you. ”

The Imperial General greeted Goethe personally and photographed Goethe's shoulder with comfort. It was precisely Goethe's ability that he chose to let Goethe board the ship.

Primitive Psychic Energy is extremely hegemonic, and even Super A level can sustain high levels of damage, but it always has unlimited possibilities, and very few Psychic can keep users alive in the original Psychic Energy.

Goethe's intelligence is one of them, and it means something very special.

Prior to Goethe, the whole universe was merely speculating about the existence of this super-hazardous alien, but there was never a real case… And Goethe, perhaps the first owner of the alien discovered since antiquity, at least had the ability to be the closest to this super-hazardous alien.

He was ostensibly just an imperial military superpower who had just entered the natural disaster class, but because of the special nature of the superpower, he had received high-level attention and was on the list of high-profile superpowers, who the Empire viewed as a super A-level seed to cultivate, giving him high hopes.

Hearing his boss's praise, Goethe was not surprised by his petition, smiled slightly, stopped standing aside, his eyes fluttered, and no one knew what he was thinking.


The Empire is simultaneously on multiple fronts and blossoms.

The Kunde army festival collapsed, and the empire's sudden all-out offensive broke their feet.

“Gentlemen, we are losing this war. ”

In the upper conference room of the Kunder command ship, the Kunder leader held the table and looked cold at the upper level.

“Defeat is what we expected, but the process is out of control.” A high-ranking officer spoke softly, "our main fleet, hiding in different positions, was precisely hit by the enemy, with heavy casualties, something strange, and the enemy seemed to have our coordinates. ”

The Kunde battle plan was to slowly lure the enemy deeper, introduce the Red Empire into the heart of the land, and then conceal the main fleet from the outside to storm each other's stargate, cutting off the enemy's back as far as possible, and then wipe the land with as many enemies as possible with the scorched earth plan.

However, the precise strikes of the Red Empire have disrupted the Kunder strategy and made them think more about the horrors, and their intelligence seems to have been leaked.

“We cannot now judge whether the enemy has positioned our hidden main fleet with special observation, or whether it has our internal intelligence, which in the former case would have been better, but in the latter case, our situation would have been dire, and the enemy would have probably insighted into our scorched-earth plan and even mastered the coordinates of all forces, including us.” Someone is restless.

The Kunder leader: "In any case, we have the worst plan, we are not mature enough with applied quantum network technology, and the enemy technology is better than ours, and perhaps we should give up this convenient communication technology for a while. ”

“In that case, we are even more passive...”

“Stop it, now that the big picture has gone, it's time to evacuate and hope for the scorched earth plan.” The only question is whether the enemy has insight into the scorched earth program, and if so, we need to remedy it, "the Kunder leader said. ”

“How? ”

“Troops implementing the scorched earth program have been on the move for a long time, and even if the enemy has the coordinates, it will take some time to catch up, so just cut off their link to the command, shut down the quantum network, and cut off all information from the outside world, so that the enemy loses their coordinates again. ”

The shrimp nodded.

This is a way to turn the Scorched Earth Program Force into a blind and deaf fleet of ghosts.

Some have questioned, "Now that the enemy knows what we intend to do, he will be ready to deal with it. Even if he does not know that we are burying the coordinates of the original Psychic energy, he will be able to observe the location of the Psychic energy outbreak and quickly cure it. In this way, the effects of the scorched earth program will be greatly discounted and will be eliminated by the enemy first. ”

“Yes, our strategy has failed to some extent.” The Kunder leader is chopped to pieces, "but we need to spare the enemy as little resources as possible and, in any case, give the enemy a certain amount of loss. ”

There is no objection at this high level.

There was no objection from the audience, and the Kunder leaders opened the virtual screen in the conference room, entered their permissions, and opened a confidential interface, which monitored the location and status of all the scorched earth planning units in real time.

At this point, the interface showed that all troops were on their way to their destinations normally, without any attacks, as if everything were normal.

Confirming that the scorched earth program is functioning properly and has not been sabotaged by the enemy, everyone is relieved... this is the only backhand they can count on right now.

Everyone contacted the executives of the scorched earth program on the spot and quickly communicated, and the other person's figure appeared on the virtual screen.

“The executives have orders to change the target location where the Psychic energy is buried, cut off the quantum network links, shut down all information channels, and report back to us when the mission is completed, okay? ”

“Got it. ”

Two sentences were ordered, and the Kunder leader hung up.

After dozens of seconds, real-time surveillance of the scorched earth units on the virtual screen went dark after dark, and soon all links were broken.

“It's not the best way, but it's at least safer.” See, a high-ranking man can't help but sigh.

The Kunde leader nodded and looked around at the crowd, silently saying:

“Now that we have been deployed, we can begin to evacuate, and remember to take all the psychic prisoners we have captured. ”

Now that the situation is over, the Kunders have decided to recall their forces and disperse their withdrawal.

And in the previous battles, they weren't nothing, they did catch a handful of superpowers, regarded as important experimental materials, intending to take them with them and take them back for research.


Meanwhile, one of the borders of the Kunder Nation, a scorched-earth planning force, is under attack by the Imperial Fleet.

A Kunde battleship has been picked up and Imperial Superpowers are clearing the enemy's soldiers everywhere.

The captain sealed the door to the command room and eagerly sent communications applications to the command office again and again, but all the rocks sank and nothing happened.

“What the hell is going on, the senior level still doesn't answer the emergency communication?! ”

The captain was furious.

At this point, a brisk cold light broke through the alloy door of the command room and swept past the captain's body.


“Gah!” the captain screamed, pounding on the ground, blue blood spilled out, only half breath left.

An Imperial officer with an alloy knife walked in, glanced at the communication call on the virtual screen, and looked at the captain's unhappy eyes. He smiled and turned off the communication.

“Don't bother, you won't be able to contact your own people. ”

Rumor has it, the captain suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Are you...”


The dazzling knife flashed, and a huge shrimp head took off, and blood splattered on the cabin wall, like an awkward abstract painting.

Put away your weapon, the Imperial officer turns around and leaves without explaining his plan to the enemy, a mandatory lesson for the Imperial Army.

In fact, Han Xiao transmitted more than just intelligence, the saying is that he sent Buddha to the west. Since he decided to help, he handed over the loophole program he left in the Kunde quantum network to the Empire, under their control, to further improve the task evaluation.

In this way, the entire Kunder chain of command is completely reduced to an imperial toy, irresistible and can only be wantonly manipulated into eighteen general positions.

All the images seen by the Kunder command, including the target audience, were imperially created illusions.

They thought that orders had been given to the Focused Soil Program units, which had in fact said nothing and had not received any command at all.

At the same time, all information connections between these forces and the Command are under the control of the Empire, which intercepts all information and blocks channels of communication between the two sides, as if two deaf people were shouting and hearing the ghost.

The Kunders were completely deaf and blind, and the Command thought the situation was going according to plan. It was just a hallucination that the Empire had caused them, paralyzed as the brain's chain of command, and the troops outside could not call for help, but were gradually being eroded by the Empire.

Without the support of the star community, the Kunders are a limping star-class civilization, and quantum network technology is really bad and completely unscathed in front of Han Xiao. Han Xiao would not be able to control each other's quantum networks so easily if he were to have explored the authentic star-class civilization of the universe.

The existence of a virtual mechanic is a strategic weapon in intelligence, and Han Xiao is the peak super-A level, and has recently gained a [sense of perfection]. The role in the war is irreplaceable for the other four super-energy systems.

Enough to let the enemy die without knowing how.


In a starry sky far from the land, carrying an immigrant fleet of all Kunde civilians, God turned his back and moved in the direction he came.

And there's nothing on the star chart, and the people on the boat don't know they're coming back.

The Empire is not used to letting its enemies go and has set up a complete network.

There is no escape for the Kunders.