The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 980 Settlement

“Didn't you let them go long ago, how did they show up here, who let them come back!?! ”

The Kunder leader stood up and was furious.

At this moment, all the senior members of this audience were unable to sit down, panicked and found that things were completely out of control.

The Immigration Fleet was the last hope of the Kunders, and it was their soft ribs that dared to wage war on the land, which sent all the tribes away, and at this time saw the return of the tribes that should not have appeared, and all the higher echelons panicked.

Nutrition -

At this point, the conference table suddenly automatically popped up with a virtual screen, flashing with white noise, and finally a figure appeared in the uniform of an imperial high-ranking officer.

The sight of all of the Kunde high echelons at the venue was drawn to the scene and stunned.

The shadow stood negatively, audacious, with an old but powerful voice, slowly opening:

“To introduce myself, I am Tarlokov, the Red Empire Marshal of Exploration, and it was me who fought with you during this time. ”

Seeing this scene, everyone in the room understood.

They thought the enemy had just listened to their intelligence, and now it seems more than a leak. The enemy is able to initiate communications at will and probably has control of all their networks.

This is the worst case scenario, when people's brains are blank.

Tarlokov swept a glance at the Kunde leader, his face fluttering, “All your intelligence is under our control, we have already cut off your command from the outside world, and all the reports you have received during this period are forgeries, in fact, your troops have been completely extinct.

Without unrealistic hope, we have already seen through your scorched-earth plan, completed the final interception a few days ago, and you no longer have the rebellious armed forces. ”

This shrimp pig's heart directly broke the conviction of most of the Kundes present, one stuck in a wooden chicken, paralyzed on a chair.

“You, you…” the Kunde leader trembled violently.

Tarlokov's eyes didn't blink, faintly: “Now, on behalf of the Red Empire, I give you an ultimatum that our long-range Psychic weapon has been deployed and locked into your immigration fleet. I give you five minutes to think about it and choose to resist... extermination! Trying to contact the immigration fleet... extermination! Break quantum network links... extermination! No reply for more than five minutes... extermination! As long as you choose to surrender and unload all weapons, we promise not to open fire, and your fate is in your hands. ”

His tone was as calm as going out to buy groceries in the morning, wiping out a race, and for a senior imperial commander of his stature, his eyes could not even blink.

But in the upper ears of the Kunders, every word carries a bloody cruelty.

Another goal of the Empire's clandestine return to the Kunder's immigration fleet is to disintegrate the Kunder core fleet, which has been the empire's experience for many years when the entire race survival is leveraged at the other end of the scale.

Compared to the exploratory history, the three civilizations now do not massacre defenceless civilians, otherwise they will not be given the opportunity to choose, and the underlying gases of networking stem from the strength of the crushing civilization.

When the ultimatum was issued, Tarlokov's figure disappeared and the image turned into a five-minute countdown.

“It's over, it's all over! ”

“You shouldn't have fought in the first place! Look what we did!! ”

As time passes, most of the top management here collapses into despair.

It is not that the people have not considered the situation they are facing, but that before the slaughter knife truly falls, there is more or less fortune in everyone's heart.

In front of a chaotic conference room, a high-powered high-ranking man lost his cool and all faded. Watching this scene, the Kunder leader sat silently in his seat, slowing down: “There is no hope, surrender. ”

“Do you know how to surrender now? What are you doing here?” Normally, the leaders of the God-fearing have gone out, pointing at him and shouting, "If it weren't for your stupidity and radicalism, would we have fallen to this point?! ”

“Exactly! If we don't start a war and run away, where will we go to despair? ”

“You're right, it's all because of your mistakes! You are the ancient sinner of the community! ”

The Kunder leader laughed sarcastically at the outpouring of anger at himself by the executives who had more or less kissed their asses.

Escapers are always the smartest.

Not only do you want to arch your home, but you also have to go far on your own so as not to cause trouble for the invaders and be generous.

The whole family is forced out of their homes, everyone is just as confused and panicked. If they do not flee the war, the dignity of the community will be broken and will not be reconstructed... If we can kill enough enemies, or sacrifice enough soldiers, perhaps we can get the community out of this depraved loser mentality, stir up the impetus of the same enemy, usher in a new golden age, unfortunately...

Eventually, he didn't say anything.


The war ended with the surrender of the Kunders, which lasted no longer than three or four months, from its beginning to its end.

Compared to previous generations, the Red Empire more than doubled the time it took to end the war.

The root cause of this change is Han Xiao's contribution - two important reasons why providing the coordinates saves the Empire the energy to find the enemy's home base and controls the enemy's quantum network to crush the enemy at the intelligence level, dramatically accelerating the war process.

The dramatic change was remarkable. In the record of previous life, the Kunders caused a lot of trouble to the Empire. Now, with the help of Han Xiao, the Kunders did not cause any trouble to the Empire. They could not turn over a little wind wave. They were rubbed to the ground by the Empire from the beginning to the end, and there was nothing to help them.

The Empire took over the rest of the Kunder fleet and transported everyone home.

And the Han mechanic, far away from the nest touching the fish, also received a synchronous prompt from the panel.

[[Shining World-Kunde War] Done!]

[Mission Evaluation: Perfect]

[You get 45e experience, random reward x4, Red Empire contribution +7500, legend +1]

[Legend of the Constellations (Light Dust Constellations): Kunder Battle Merit - You participated in the battle between the Imperial Exploration Army and the constellation-level indigenous civilization of the Kunder and made an outstanding contribution]

[[Annihilator of Civilization] Milestone Begins]

[Milestone Activation Requirements: Participate in three large-scale intergalactic warfare missions (galaxy level and above) related to the survival of civilizations and help your side successfully defeat your opponents. The mission evaluation must not be less than "excellent”. Current progress: 13]

[Tallokov +30, Ulanrill +5, Tenny Amenlos +10...]

[Copy Generated: [Kunde War]]

“It's finally over, it's still quite efficient.” Han Xiao's eyes moved.

Although he did not fight himself this time, intelligence help also mixed a perfect level of mission evaluation.

The reward is good. Although the experience gained is not comparable to the BOSS task of looking for Super A level play, after all, the player is basically unable to do the Super A level challenge task. The experience of 45e is very profitable even for the later version of the player. Han Xiao does not pick food. Anyway, this time he is mainly touching fish, the reward is basically for nothing, he is happy with how much.

4 random rewards, Sukei is a good thing, continue to save, wait for a good Chenjie opening practice ten times.

Han Xiao estimates that the contribution of the 7,500 point Empire, which is very rich and Kunde is only an indigenous civilization and is not a threat to the Empire, is partly due to his sharing of information on space-time shearing techniques.

Although one's ultimate knowledge has been learned, the contribution of the Empire remains useful, either in exchange for scarce resources or for military support. Moreover, if one day there is a Super A level willing to remain in the Corps, you may have to spend your time redeeming the ultimate knowledge of other systems.

Ultimate knowledge is held by the monopoly of higher civilizations, for no specific reason, super A level is generally not allowed to exchange the ultimate knowledge of other systems, and the contribution is not enough - using the ultimate knowledge to attract talent to their own forces is tantamount to robbing the business of advanced civilizations, they do not accept, so there is an acquiescence between super A level allies, and they basically do not teach each other the ultimate knowledge.

Only super A-level cadres have the exchange authority. Of course, there are few such exceptions. After all, most super A-level cadres are reluctant to give in.

The milestone of "The Annihilator of Civilization", Han Xiao is a memorable one. In the explored universe, galactic and above civilizations are protected by the Peace Treaty. There will be virtually no war of extermination. Generally, only the players who disrupt the evil camp will have the opportunity to activate this milestone.

Works great, wearing the [Civilization Destroyer] Milestone, +6% damage of all types, +25% spatter range of attack, and comes with its own deterrent halo.

However, this milestone is also costly and requires participation in, and even initiative to provoke, a war of life and death among galactic civilizations. Opportunities are very rare, and there is a great chance of later being subjected to a more vigorous search.

Being in an orderly camp, this milestone is even less likely to be achieved, but the advantage is that you will not be wanted and bring legitimacy to the evil.

No political assets, which Han Xiao expected. The Kunders are still a little poorly weighed, and annihilation is not important enough for the Empire, but it's a wave of high echelons of the Empire.

In addition to the Old Tower and the Führer, a large number of future imperial names, including Tiny's, have more or less added some sense of goodwill, which is a reward for fighting side by side.

The final copy [Kunde War], like secret wars and budding, is a series that can cut out each of these battles to form a separate copy crystal.

Because the Kunders are a group of younger brothers, only large fleet fights are weighted as difficulty, so the challenge level will not be high, but the reward will not be low, just to fertilize the players.

After counting the harvest, he closed the panel and breathed out.

Perfect mechanical sensation, space-time shearing, mission reward, this time the harvest is very rich, the Kunders are the only obstacle, after solving them, the second phase of exploration can get back on track, smoothly carried out... Han Xiao sincerely.

As a result of his involvement, the Kunders changed their results.

In previous generations, the Kunde immigration fleet was given enough time to move, ran too far, and the Kunde army was cushioned, not as surprisingly as it is now.

Without understanding the map, the empire was delayed for a long time by the strategy of the Kunder territories, which gave the Kunders more time to study the empire's methods of warfare, which led to the Kunders not being kept in the dark when the empire infiltrated the Kunder chain of command, but to discover doubts and introduce the war into more troublesome games, which were highly defiant.

So the Red Empire did not choose to persuade them to surrender, but simply to destroy the Kunders.

The discovery of infiltration, coupled with the multiplication of road distances to give more response time, led to the successful escape of a part of the immigration fleet, which, unlike today, was almost wiped out by the Empire.

But that's not a good thing, and the next thing Han Xiao doesn't know is that the new home chosen by the Kunders is still within the radiant world - after all, they don't have a star domain concept. With exploration and development, the Empire discovered the new home of the Kunders, by which time the Empire had valued space-time shearing technology, and raised the knife to kill and destroy the mouth, the new home of the Kunders became dust in the universe and was secretly executed.

And now, fate has come to a new fork.

Han Xiao touched his chin, entered the quantum network field of view, and remotely projected toward the lighthouse star, intending to see what the Empire was going to do with the Kunders this time.


The Lighthouse Commander's Office, two shadows sitting one at a time, stands in Tallokov, sitting in a remote projection of Ulanrill.

At the end of the war, the Empire captured a large quantity of Kunde shrimp, and now it needs to worry about the follow-up, killing or feeding, and it needs the Führer and a group of high-ranking people to come up with an idea.

Tarlokov is reporting to Ulanrill at this time, concluding with a reference to the issue of prisoners.

“… escort troops are expected to arrive at Beacon Star in seven days, Your Eminence, what do we do with these people? ”

Ulanrill stacked his hands together and held his white chin, sighing: “The top has already negotiated, some are in favour of eradicating the grass, exterminating it, some believe that it needs to be cultivated and rehabilitated, no final decision has yet been made, do you have any suggestions? ”

Tarlokov squeezed his mandibular mustache, “The war went smoothly. Since the enemy chose to surrender, I don't think it was necessary to carry out a senseless killing. We could choose a few planets in the Empire to settle them, take strict care of them, temporarily deny them access to the star community, and then carry out cultural transformations for generations.

If the result is good, it is not that it cannot be transformed into our subordinate civilization, and then their access to the star community will be lifted. ”

During the war, he killed decisively. No matter how many enemies he killed, he would not blink his eyes. After winning, he did not kill.

Ulanrill shrugged, "In that case, we need to differentiate their minds and their leaders to do something. ”

“Yes, I am preparing to remotely interrogate their chief… By the way, our people did a comprehensive examination of the Kunder high level and found that their mental state was somewhat abnormal, seemingly influenced by the spiritual subduction, amplifying the nervous area of their brain that controls anger and impulse. ”

There was a cold light in Ulanrill's eyes.

“Oh, again, the good things that superstar civilizations do, not only pack up and throw away technology, but also let go of the spiritual dive, otherwise the other side may not be so radical... who is most affected by the spiritual dive, is their leader? ”

“Well, you're wrong, Kunde leaders are the least exposed to external influences. ”

Ulanrill was dumb and powerless to shake his head, “That's interesting, is it a logical difference between different species...”


At that point, the stationary comms on the table rang, and Tarlokov pressed forward and the secretary sounded inside.

“Commander-in-Chief, Blackstar is online, whether to access his remote projection. ”

“How come this is the time?” Tarlokov muttered and shook his head: “I'm debriefing the Führer to make him wait online for a while...”

At this point, Ulanrill waved, "No, let him in, not the outsiders. ”


Since the Führer doesn't mind, Tarlokov doesn't mind.

Soon, Han Xiao's remote projection also appeared in the room and saw Ulan Riel at first sight.

“Your Eminence, you're here. ”

“Black Star, I hear you've contributed to this war. Well done.” Ulanrill nodded with comfort.

“I just did a little insignificant work. ”

Han Xiao Huanqian glanced at the two people, “What are you talking about? ”

“Nothing, I was just discussing what to do with the Kunders, nothing happened for now...”

Ulanrill simply repeats what he just said and asks, “Black Star, do you have any suggestions? ”

“I have no problem with that, and I'm here to ask the Empire what to do with it. ”

Han Xiao frowned.

“No opinion is also an opinion. ”

Ulanrill squinted and didn't say anything.

She turned to Tallokov to continue the debriefing, indicating that she did not mind Han Xiao listening.

After listening to the debriefing, Ulanrill encouraged two people to say a few words, which led him to go to Japan.

Send the Führer away, Tarlokov turns to Han Xiao and reveals a smile.

“I'm going to interrogate the Quinde executives, just in time for you to come, together? ”

“Well, I'm busy. ”

Han Xiao scratched his chin, half joking: “But since you invited me, I'd barely go with him. ”

He was interested in the end-of-pocket leaders and felt that it might trigger special tasks, like the previous Dark Star leaders.