The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1070: The Hidden Emperor's Hunting Target

Once the plan was determined to be feasible, the two men split up and joined the group.

Han Xiao is more familiar with the peak super A, just the three old irons of the Empire, the majority of the others are engaged.

Compared to more acquaintances in McNesson, he is responsible for lobbying for glow, spirit, interstellar black market, neutral peak super A status.

Since Han Xiao did not stop Manison from doing more work than the other party, he had decided to compete in other directions.

Only Han Xiao was in charge of the Empire. He sent the IDF program to Old Dragon and Condé, inviting them to share the feast, and Han Xiao did not invite the Imperial Emperor.

Thanks to the consensus reached in the Gods talks, most of the peak super A level should be happily assumed. We agree to build a super A level platform in the form of a development federation. There are also a small number of people who hesitate to worry about the reaction of the three civilizations, but overall it is going well.

Higher Civilization Direct A level is not among the leaders' invitations, wait until the development federation is completely established before issuing invitations to this group of people. After all, most of these immediate strong people put their civilizations above their personal interests. Although respectful, they are not all along the way.

Kande and Old Dragon are allies, and after agreeing to Han Xiao's invitation, they also raised concerns.

“Blackstar, your relationship with the Empire has eased a little, and now you're leading the formation of a super A-level association, and the Empire will be dissatisfied with you. ”

“No ruler wants to see a group of instability factors in the Bailiwick, but there is no way to do it. Everyone takes a different position and does not always do what they want.” Han Xiao nodded.

Condor ordered, "Be careful, Manison's goal is profit, trying to tie the Super Class A together as his bargaining chip, and you're young, don't let him take advantage of you. ”

These peak super A's actually know that McNesson intends to take advantage of them, but they didn't reject the program because they saw more long-term benefits from it.

“I know his intentions, but it would be beneficial for the Super Class A to do so, and if the vision were to be realized, it would reduce the number of classes of Super Class A self-immolation resulting from the attribution of camps.” Han Xiao, on the one hand, preserves his vitality and, on the other, intervenes as a chess player in the scourge of superpower.

“Let me tell you something…” Kant put aside his voice and lowered it: “If the super A-class association is fully formed, it can solve the problem of individual excess power on its own. Whenever the super A-class grows to a certain level, we settle internally, kill some of the guys in the non-orderly camp, and proactively balance individual to collective proportions, which is always better than the three civilizations themselves. ”

Rumor has it, Han Xiao couldn't help but look at him once more.

This is to take liquidation away from the three civilizations at the expense of ordinary super-A, thus maintaining the status of the peak super-A.

If it develops normally, there is a certain possibility that the Super-A Association will evolve into this form. When the Super-A Class is strong enough to succeed in elevating its status, the Association will take the initiative to control the number of Super-A Classes to prevent them from becoming too strong, leading to the bloodbathing of the three civilizations...

The super A-level association trimmed the branches, maintaining the super A-level number to the extent that it poses a certain threat to the three civilizations, but does not force the other party to do so, so that it can decide who to kill, how many to kill, master the initiative, the loss is naturally much smaller than that of the three civilizations.

It is estimated that there are not a small number of people in the peak super A level who have the same idea as Condor. Climbing up the wall to draw the ladder is nothing new... After all, the number of super A levels reaches a certain level and then grows down, the nature gradually tastes, for most super A levels, the risk is far greater than the gain.

Sure enough, these peak super-A levels promised to join, but each counted differently... Han Xiao shrugged and said nothing.

Overall, the pull was not volatile and soon became operational, and the forces of the many leaders cooperated to mobilize materials, intending to shine the spot in the world and build the headquarters of the Development Consortium.

It is naturally impossible to hide such a great deal of movement from other forces, and many of the leaders themselves do not want to hide it. After all, the nature of the organization is not a secret association, and the three civilizations are supposed to know it.

Of course, the news reaches the ears of the Empire.



“Blackstar, this is an inch! ”

In the Führer's office, Becorodi looked angry and slapped the table hard.

He dragged a few hard-line executives, outraged Han Xiao in front of Ulanrill, and spoke violently:

“Take a look at Black Star's recent actions, it doesn't even look at the Empire! He had just moderated his relationship with the Empire and dared to take the initiative to do this. Did he regard the goodwill of the Empire to open up evolutionary totem as weakness? ”

Ulanrill rubbed his eyebrows: “What do you think you should do? ”

Becorodi drank: "I think we have to warn Black Star that if he wants to go alone, the Empire will retract the decree to open up evolutionary totems as a knock on him. ”

Ulanrill said, “What do you think the glory and spirit would do if we canceled this decree? ”

“Humph, their two coveted evolutionary totems have been around for a long time, but it's more important to know what they're carrying. Evolutionary totems also have to stand aside on this issue, and shine and spirits never speak for the Black Star. ”

Becorodi is confident in his tone and very confident in his judgment.

Ulan Riel knocked on the table and slowly said, "You're right, but after the gods' meeting, we predicted this situation, and knocking Blackstar alone was useless, which is a big trend. ”

When she found out that Blackstar and others had the intention of integrating the super class A, she knew that the hardliners would come and get hurt.

To be perfectly sure, Ulanrill does not like to see signs of super-A coalitions either, except that the issues in this regard are sensitive and far-reaching and cannot be decided freely.

So it's impossible for her to easily retract the decree of evolutionary totem opening and knock black stars like Becorodi said.

The proposal was rejected, but Becorodi was not angry, and he had long known that the Führer would do so, only to express a hard-line attitude, pretending to hum and leave with everyone.

Ulanrill was the only one in the room who shook her head, opened the star map of the world and analyzed the situation.

Opening up the sparkling world would have impacted the original cosmic landscape, as the Empire knew. First the Superstar League, now the Super-A League, the influence is gradually emerging.

“The price of exploration and expansion is turmoil, and each class wants to redistribute the benefits…" Ulanrill sighs.


At present, the Development Consortium is still a grassroots team, with only a group of peak super-A forces in the early stages of preparation, during which negotiations with the three major civilizations are well under way, and the formal establishment will take at least a few months.

This does not require dedication, Han Xiao has plenty of free time, has been burying himself to repair, strengthen the Mechanical Corps and build new equipment.

After many failures, he finally created a golden king's robe in the workshop.

This is the second Universe Treasure Gear created by hand, [Devil] unlocks the second layer effect while giving feedback on a new Divine Transformation Points.

The second layer boost also improves the basic success rate of gold drawing manufacturing and R&D. The increase is the same as the first layer, both 2.5% and 1.2%, but the second layer adds a new attribute, increasing the rate of cosmic wonder variation by 0.2%.

Han Xiao took a look at the introduction, which is a base probability bonus for generating benign variations in the manufacturing of cosmic treasures. The treasures of the Wonderful Types of the Universe are generally stronger than normal golden gear and may have some "insoluble” ancillary capabilities.

This 1 point of Divine Transformation, Han Xiao threw into the mechanical route, [Divine Transformation · Mechanical] unlocked the third layer effect.

[Stage 3: [Apostolic Mechanic] Mechanical skill level of the following vocational stages +3, pipeline production efficiency +50%, pipeline product quality +10%, material cost -25%, additional intellectual attributes of 1500 points, 30 potential points]

“Increased the level of basic mechanical skills, increased the speed of mass production, and gave me some intellectual attributes and potential points, okay?” Han Xiao shrugged.

He has a variety of skills to convert intelligence to mechanical affinity, with 1500 points bringing about 400% of the mechanical affinity boost, while 30 Potential points can at least upgrade the ultimate knowledge of the branch.

The effect of the third tier, although a little cluttered, seems to be quite good, especially the +3 in basic mechanical skills, with considerable added value, after all, there are also many mechanical affinity skills in the lower career stages.

And the object of this wash point draws the agility attribute, because of the amount of work, the Great King's Robe is more difficult to make than the Emperor's, and the wash point range is 375 points, all converted into free attributes.

“Finally knocked this equipment out. ”

Resolve the backlog of work, Han Xiaojin is refreshed, put away the Great Emperor's robe.

Everything that needs to be built is finished, and the secondary dimension can go there.

The Shining World Super-A League for Development was still in preparation. It was not an overnight event. The three civilizations must have an intention of accountability and opposition. He could guess what the Empire was going to say and just go out and avoid the Empire's life-threatening call and hide in peace.

And Ames has been here for days, and it's not good to keep her waiting too long.


On the other side, the Red Empire border, somewhere in the constellation corridor.

This is a large interstellar military fortress, a giant space-time gate several times larger than the normal gate, lying in the middle of the base, dormant at this time, looking like an elliptical arch.

A figure hanging in front of this giant space-time door, Dietrichson, removed the Führer's SS uniform and replaced it with a special lightweight armor.

The communications channel of the helmet sends a message of respect from the base commander.

“Lord Clotty, this set of armor is specifically designed for secondary dimensional shuttles that can anchor the main cosmic coordinates, and there is a backup portable anchoring device inside, don't damage or discard it, or you may get lost in overlapping secondary dimensions...”

“Without introduction, this is not the first time I've been to a subdimension.” Cloti spoke softly.

“Okay, we're about to open the secondary portal, and the Honourable Guzar will greet you at the town outpost. ”

The voice dropped, and the giant space-time door in front of him began to start, and a bright light appeared inside the door, quickly turning into a vortex.

This is a variant of Stargate technology, specially designed to shuttle large conveyors of secondary dimensions.

Looking quietly at the start of the time gate, Clotty pulled out of the secondary dimension database built into the armor, which contained the secondary dimension profiles that the Empire had explored over the years, recording the spatial coordinates and energy frequency records.

The secondary dimension is very different from the case of the main universe, where this database is equivalent to a map and can be remotely marked with a tracking device, equivalent to a path-seeking system.

Cloty browsed the database, screened it, and quickly locked her gaze over one of the secondary dimensions, marking it silently as a target location.

This secondary dimension is called [Evil Energy Aggregation]!