The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1190 Advanced

More than half a month passed, as Milton's battle was dusty and the heat of the professional leagues, which were still in the lead-up period, rapidly climbed. Most players prefer to focus on new activities, with analytical posts on the strengths of professional players in major clubs starting to brush frequently on the forums and teams starting to advocate for mobilization.

But Han Xiao didn't pay attention to all of this, and as soon as he got the Empire's golden drawings, he threw everything to Sylvia and focused on it.

Because it was the first time that this drawing was made, Han Da technician drummed it for half a month, after many failures, accumulated a lot of proficiency, this made a gold quality finished product, finally got a point of divine degeneration.

“Finally! ”

In the retrofit room, Han Xiao's face was hard to hide. He threw away the golden equipment that had just come out of the oven. He couldn't wait to open the panel and use the divine transformation point.

[[Divine Transformation · Machinery] has reached Stage 10]

[Unknown changes in your level of life]

[You have a new understanding of machinery, +15% chance of developing exclusive expertise, [All Things Simulation] Skill Development]

[You perceive part of the power of the path of transformation - [Unknown Expertise]]

[You get [First Holy Place] Skill Piece x1]

“Well, you're right, there are five stages to a level.” Han Xiao nodded darkly.

When the divine transformation reached the fifth level, the same hint appeared, and this time a [First Holy Place] fragment was obtained.

He looked at the effects of phase 10, ranging from [Apostolic Mechanic] to [Divine Mechanic] stage with mechanical skill level +3, with an additional total mechanical affinity and boost factor of 1.2x, ability strength of +40%, attack power boost factor of 1.3x, shield strength boost factor of 1.3x, mechanical creation core power of +60%, output power of +30% … basically a reprint of phase 5, but with some improvement.

“As in Phase V, this wave is also against the increase in combat power, which is good... eh, what is this? ”

Han Xiao swept his eyes, suddenly he shouted, and found that the progress behind the ability name had changed, it should have been [10?], and now it's [1015].

“The question mark has changed… So the highest level of divine transformation is fifteen? It seems that only a certain level can see this limit. ”

He took a closer look at it and found that there was more to it than that: the number of points of change in demand from the tenth to the eleventh floors rose to six, and unexpected tips were given.

[Your [Divine Transformation · Machinery] has reached Stage 10]

[You trigger the Transformation Request, and you can deduct the cost of 1 Divine Transformation Points for each completed Request]

[1. Reach level 345]

[2. Understanding an exclusive expertise]

[3. Develop a golden drawing yourself]

“Does the transformation above the tenth level require not only points, but also hard conditions? It's a bit like an advanced task, I don't know if the checkout card is useful.” Han Xiaoxin read slightly.

Though he was somewhat surprised by the evolution of divinity, at this moment he had no idea of experimentation. He turned to his mechanical assistant to clean up the workshop and then moved directly with the Emperor to a deserted planet where beacons were buried early in the morning.


As the gaze turned in front of him, he was already in a desolate underground canyon, and looking up, the cliff continued to stretch, forming a line of heavenly field of view.

This is a planet in the heart of the Black Star Legion, where he chose to advance without causing too much movement.

Han Xiao stashed the Mechanical Squad's “throne” here, then took out the Evolution Square and activated it.


The dark evolutionary energy dissipated, and Han Xiao led it into the body, and the tidal pain erupted suddenly, creating a black cocoon outside the body.

On the panel, evolutionary tiles work like a waterfall to brush the screen, Han Xiaomei suffers the pain of evolution, looking forward to the hint.

[You used evolutionary blocks (gold quality)!]

[You get a permanent special amplification - [Gene Optimization - Evolution Block]!]

[Detecting species... Your current species is: [Black Star Nation]]

[Your genetic structure is being optimized…]

[Successfully optimized for the first time, your potential qualification improved… detected that you triggered this layer optimization, and you got attribute complements: Power +0, Agility +0, Endurance +1, Intelligence +2, Mystery +0, Charm +0, Energy +3]

[Your energy level is higher than LV0, second optimization judgment is successful, your potential qualification is improved... detect that you triggered this layer optimization, you get attribute complements: Power +1, Agility +1, Endurance +2, Intelligence +3, Mystery +0, Charm +0, Energy +4]


[Your energy level is higher than LV24, 26th optimization judgment is successful, your potential qualification is improved, you get attribute complement: Power +85, Agility +90, Endurance +113, Intelligence +148, Mystery +76, Charm +60, Energy +560]

During this time, he took the time to contact the constellation star intake method, and the day before yesterday he had reached the 24th floor of the energy boundary, mentioning the first level.

When the evolutionary block was first used, his energy level reached LV14, triggered before the 1st to 16th levels of genetic optimization, and reuse was far less effective than before. But layer 17 to layer 26 optimization is the first trigger, and the effect is normal.

Calculated, strength and agility increased by about 700, endurance increased by almost 900, intelligence increased by more than 1,100, mystery and charm looked more than 500, together providing about 4,500 attribute points, while strength increased by about 4,000.

“The results are good and the increase is greater than when used for the first time, mainly the higher the level of boost. ”

Han Xiaowang tipped back, suddenly slightly stunned.

[You get 26 layers of genetic optimization and the cost of upgrading +40% for 26 months]

[You meet special conditions: have an exclusive racial gift and get over twenty levels of genetic optimization]

[You trigger special effects]

[Your attribute complement +30% at the next racial sublimation, with an extra boost to the exclusive racial gift effect]

[Gene Optimization Ends]

The black cocoon cracks and the evolutionary energy retrieves itself into the evolutionary block.

The pain caused by genetic optimization faded slowly. Han Xiao's nerves are now extremely tough. This pain can't even distract him. He looks at the hints on the panel and can't help but show joy on his face.

He also thought that evolutionary blocks had 10 extra layers only for the first time, that the extra effect of the twentieth layer was not expected by him, that no player had triggered it in previous life, and that nobody had such a high energy level.

“The last time it was an extra opportunity for racial sublimation, this time it was a perfect addition to the attributes of the sublimation. ”

Han Xiao's eyes were bright.

By the time of the 300 level sublimation, an evolutionary option has emerged for this level by the Void God, meaning that this 340 level sublimation will touch the peak of the Void Route, and there will probably be an evolutionary direction to unlock the Genetic Restrictor!

He was rather surprised that the racial sublimation of the genetic restrictor was far more complete than the general evolution.

“Good things come together! Stay with Verdin whenever you have time! ”

Han Xiao was excited.

Take a deep breath, he calms down his emotions, closes the evolutionary cube, and his face gets serious.

He solemnly chose to settle looking at Level 340 Advanced Tasks showing “Completed” status.



Boom, boom, boom!

[Level 340 Advanced Task Completed!]

[Advanced Success!]

[Base Endurance Bonus +120! 1 Endurance = 690 HP = 700 HP]

[On the path of evolution, you take another step forward]

[Your race detected is: [Black Star Race] (Exclusive Race, cannot be changed)]

[Five matching evolutionary directions are being randomly drawn… are being drawn… are being drawn!]

[Please select two of the following five races to acquire one talent each]

[1. [St. Carmel]]

[2. [Void Spirit (Human Form)]]

[3. [Insider]]

[4. [Ancestor of the Void · New (Human Form)]]

[5. [Void worms]]

“What the hell are these two? ”

Han Xiao endured dramatic changes in his body, showing confusion.

Of the five options, he hadn't heard the names of the St. Carmel and the inner star, checked the database, and it wasn't recorded.

“At this evolutionary level, something new has finally appeared that I haven't seen. ”

Han Xiao was somewhat curious, but the void route came here, naturally it didn't mean to be changed. The two options didn't know what the power was, and he didn't intend to risk it.

As for the worm, he knows that it is a symbiotic life born in the dimension of the void. It is an important part of the natural circulation system of the dimension. Usually, it feeds on the energy of the void and the turbulence of space, forming a solid excrement, and is one of the sources of the material of the dimension of the void.

Vulnerable gods and Vulnerable ancestors are the pinnacle of the evolutionary path of the void, both have the effect of removing the genetic limiter, and Han Xiao has no hesitation. He chose these two races directly and chose one talent from each.

[You get a new talent [Genetic Restrictor Unlocked]!]

[You get a new talent [Void Power]]

[[Genetic Restrictor Release]: Your body strength can break through species limits, greatly liberate potential, will get huge attribute complements, and there is a chance to improve related attributes when performing daily activities]

[[Void Power]: You can manipulate the Void Dimension to some extent (including but not limited to: leveraging the Void Energy to strengthen yourself, extracting the Void Dimension at high speeds, converting the Void Energy into energy, summoning the Void Dimension to descend...)]

“The power of the void… Khusuyyah absolutely has this power, otherwise his energy recovery speed will not be so terrible…”

Han Xiao nodded darkly, this ability is one of the most valuable gifts in it, equivalent to obtaining part of the operating privileges of the void dimension.

He looked down, picked evolution, and the talent of the Black Star Nation grew.

[Your exclusive Black Star gift [Mechanical Genius] Improves Effectiveness]

[[Mechanical Genius]: Total Mechanical Affinity 1.28x changed to 1.38x, Mechanical Creation Performance Bonus +44% increased to 54%, All Mechanical Skill Grades +1 effect remained unchanged]


[Your exclusive Black Star gift [Mechanical Genius] Improves Effectiveness]

[[Mechanical Genius]: Total Mechanical Affinity 1.38x becomes 1.48x, Mechanical Creation Performance Bonus 54% rises to 64%, all Mechanical Skills Grades +2]

[Vital hierarchy, molecular integrity, organ structure strengthening, metabolic changes...]

[Black Star Potential is improved, you get Complete Attributes: Power +410, Agility +384, Endurance +561, Intelligence +901, Mystery +659, Charm +347, Energy +10000, Power Realm Bonus Attribute Change]

[[Genetic Restrictor Release] Effective, based on your current level of life, racial potential and current attributes, you get additional attribute complements: Power +1876, Agility +1670, Endurance +2348, Intelligence +3971, Mystery +1350, Charm +966, Energy +23400]


[Your Attribute Completion Effect +30%, Power +685, Agility +616, Endurance +872, Intelligence +1491, Mystery +602, Charm +393, Energy +10020]

“Holy shit, is it hot?! ”

Han Xiao's pupils shrunk and couldn't help but burst into his native language.

This time the attribute complement is his biggest wave to date, taking into account the boost of the evolutionary block, this wave provides all the attribute points that seem to be around 2w!

At this time, the energy bursting from inside the body became more and more unstable, and Han Xiao's entire population emitted an eye-catching light, as if it were a star nucleus.

The surge of energy rammed across the body, as if looking for an exit, and couldn't hold it.

The next moment, he shook the tiger's body, and the energy lasered.


With Han Xiao's body at the center, the manic energy suddenly swept away.

The earth is instantly torn apart and melted into a sparkling magma ocean.

This deserted planet is like a black egg, and the next second it explodes and a round of red gold big day crushes!

At this moment, there was only one thought left in Han Xiao's mind:

“Fortunately, I didn't advance in the base camp, otherwise my family would be gone...”