The Legendary Mechanic

Chapter 1202: The Resurrection and Sound of the Holy Place

Super Energy Safety Department, Warehouse 001 Screening Office.

The long tracks began to spin, and a hexagonal mechanical device came in from the drop port, looking like a small shield.

Soon, the device was transported into a transparent safe in the centre of the room, with multiple functions such as space stabilization anchorage, electromagnetic interference, biochemical disinfection, explosion carrying, high temperature carrying, etc.

Two staff members stood in front of the safe and operated a virtual screen to view the material.

“This is an item from the Leighton Galaxy Division, unknown use, no replacement number, item code is C57003A, temporarily transferred to the warehouse at Headquarters. Um, with the authority orders of the senior members of Starfleet, it has been inspected and approved by the Supervisor Intelligent, and the procedures are complete. Note requires that this item need not be carefully tested...”

After checking the permissions and procedures correctly, the two staff members performed only one basic test to confirm that the item was not a hazardous explosive or a high-energy polymer and then proceeded to operate on the main control screen, placing the item in an empty warehouse and pressing the confirm button.


The next moment, the four smart robotic arms stick out of the wall, clamping the safe, putting it in the punch port on the wall, and the internal cargo pipeline runs quickly to get the safe to its destination.

The freight pipeline network is all over the warehouse, with simple magnetic hovering tracks, white lights every other section, and safe-deposit boxes are transported at high speeds, like shuttles in white light.

The warehouse of the Super Energy Security Department is huge, divided into multiple areas, with each item's warehouse set up separately and side-by-side, and isolated from the outside world with high-intensity transparent materials, which look like some kind of high-tech prison. Each warehouse has a booth with a booth pedestal connected to the freight pipeline network that delivers collections directly, and no doors need to be opened for access.

Moreover, at all times in the warehouse, the operation of devices such as space stabilization anchors, magic jammers, automatic defensive weapons, full-function detectors, etc. is maintained. As long as there is any movement, it will be detected.

Soon after, the booth of an empty warehouse suddenly opened and the safe was transported here, where the "throne” lay still.


On the other hand, Psychic Security is convening an ad hoc meeting.

More than a dozen persons of varying appearance sat at the table and the medals on them showed their identities, at least as deputy directors at the sacramental level.

Since the loss of Han Xiao and Kesuyeh a few months ago, the Psychic Security Department has recruited more men to form a task force, with 19 strong men, including the original Milton three, this time a total of five to senior Psychics and a luxurious lineup.

Not only to capture the two men, but more importantly to figure out why the target can block the detection of the positioning star map, so the Superpower Security Department has spared no effort to organize a large number of masters and want to be sure.

“… months have passed since no trace of the Black Star and the Gram was found, and the two disappeared as if they had evaporated. Sooner or later, a catastrophe will ensue if such extremely dangerous elements continue to be allowed to move freely outside! ”

A departmental senior voiced dissatisfaction, knocking on the table, and deliberately glancing at Milton.

Milton looked gloomy.

When he led the team, he lost track of the target, and the blame naturally fell on him.

He felt that he was just following the code. How could he know that the target could get rid of the locking of the positioning star map? He could only carry a bite of the unjust pot and had been looking forward to grabbing Han Xiao and the two of them with shame.

However, several months later, the task force had not made much progress, and Milton had become the object of dissatisfaction, complaining that he had not seized the opportunity at the time, that he had a heart to rebut, but that he was silent and had to be angry with his own children.


Just as everyone was discussing it, a communication application came in, but it was a call from a department leader.

A virtual screen pops up on the conference table, and the head of the department sighs:

“Gentlemen, just now, the effect of the positioning star map has been restored, and we have once again locked the coordinates of Black Star and Gramoxone for an unknown reason, but in any case, this is the only clue we have had in a few months, so be careful and make sure to get people back. ”

“Got it! Let's go now! ”

When the voice fell, Milton stood up and couldn't wait to see his face. He just wanted to bring Han Xiao and the two of them to justice immediately and make up for it.

And this time, even if he has the advantage of crushing, he decides to act steadily, with the advantage of positioning the star map, to ambush the target in advance on the necessary path, and beat the other party in no time, just to be sure.


Somewhere in space, a small spacecraft maintained a low-warp transition, with Han Xiao, Kesuye and Jess sitting in the cockpit.

“We've been disarming the concealer for so long, why hasn't the chaser come yet?” Kessouye looked at the star chart and asked.

Han Xiao glanced at him and said, “I think it was an ambush. With the last lesson, if the enemy is not completely sure, they will not attack us. ”

“The last time there were nine people, I didn't know how many were coming. ”

“Why not less than twelve? A little insurance, maybe fifteen?” Han Xiao speculated.

At this point, Jess slowed down: “Between eighteen and twenty, five of them should be senior, and I understand their mode of action. ”

“Shh, so many people...” Han Xiao mumbled.

Jess couldn't help but say:

“Even after your cosmic iterations, unless your higher civilizations are cleansed regularly, there will only be many more than us, and even if they die, they will not disappear easily at the information state level, so cleansing is of limited utility...”

Rumor has it that Han Xiao's heart moved and suddenly thought of the Covenant Organization.

“Are you saying that superpowers that reach level A can be resurrected in some way, like sanctuaries? ”

Jess glanced at him and nodded.

“What the Holy See highlights is information that can optimize the universe, such as new cosmic treasures, advanced technologies developed by civilizations, and breakthroughs in personal power belong to this valuable message. Once an individual reaches the Holy Grade… that is, Super A in your mouth, you will be the focus of attention and focus of the Holy Grade.

And every sacramental level is unique in the universe, and your projections at the information state level can also be transformed and branded in the sanctuary when your life level is elevated. Death is not your end, the information state allows you to achieve another form of immortality. If someone else succeeds in establishing contact with the sanctuary, he can resurrect a dead sanctuary superpower by means of a medium containing a sanctuary-level biological information, and then by means of information state interference, disturbance, projection, etc., to reshape the body and soul with the sanctuary. ”

Rumor has it, Han Xiao is secretly surprised.

It was his understanding that Super A was a watershed, and that reaching that level would allow data to be backed up in the Holy See, even if the day hiccups, there would be an opportunity to revive it in the future, which was also the goal of the Covenant Organization.

“Nearly 10,000 Super Class A people here, some of them must have come this way. ”

“Some?” Jess shook her head, "More than 80 percent were resurrected through the holy shrine, some more than once! ”

“Speak carefully.” Han Xiao is quite interested, such information is not available online and is confidential.

“It is simple, because the goal of the resurrection of the sanctuary is chosen by future generations, that the resurrection of higher civilizations is necessarily aimed at those allies who are lined up and obedient. And some will join higher civilizations or other powerful forces to work hard in exchange for this recovery agreement in the future. In contrast, the uncertainty of arranging a post-apocalyptic recovery is too great, and the Holy Place is not so easy to communicate. Once it fails, it will be completely destroyed. After all, the few willing to risk it will become extinct over time, and basically everyone will choose a reliable higher civilization as the object of cooperation...”

“So that's it. ”

Han Xiao was sudden.

No wonder Xingliang's security is so good. Super A is so good. It turns out that most of them are good babies recovered after screening. As for the pricks, no one is willing to help them recover and die.

In order to continue the recovery, most of the super A levels here are buried with ambition.

Moreover, higher civilizations are constantly reviving their own systems and allies of irons. Over time, only more and more powerful people will fall under them, and control of the universe will naturally gradually increase.

Under the influence of various factors, fewer and fewer people are involved.

With that in mind, a noun suddenly popped into his mind.

‘Why does it sound a bit like a sealed list...’

Han Xiao's mind moved slightly.

Now the three civilizations have not come into contact with the Holy Place, but when they reach this point, will the future of Super-A become like this? This form of balance is formed between individuals and groups.

Han Xiao couldn't help but ask: "Is there any limit to the resurrection of the Holy Place? ”

“Limitations, of course, and a lot. ”

Jess Bass:

“One is that only creatures of the sacramental level and above can be resuscitated through the sanctuary, that the weak superpowers are ineligible, and that you can also understand the superA level as a resuscitation permit.

Secondly, the paradox of personality. We generally believe that subjective consciousness is the criterion for distinguishing between individuals. For example, there are two people, whether physical or memory, who are identical. However, as long as their subjective consciousness is separate, they are considered to be two different individuals. Although the strong man of the Sacred Resurrection inherited memories before his death, whether or not he was an original individual has always been the subject of controversy. If subjectivity changes, then this form of resurrection will be marked with quotes, more like cloning.

Third, individuals who are resurrected through the sanctuary will randomly lose some of their abilities, which seems to be related to their own strength. The level of life affects the intensity of the information state. The stronger you are, the more complete your abilities will be when the sanctuary is resuscitated, but the more frequent the resuscitation, the more serious the loss of information will be.

Fourthly, the resurrection of the sanctuary is the only thing that exists. There can only be one you in the universe at the same time. If you do not die, the resurrection of the sanctuary is null and void and will not be replicated.

Fifth is the inability to cross iterations, only to revive the same iteration of individuals, first of all the lack of media, and secondly some kind of limitation that I don't understand. I even suspect that the resurrection of the Holy Place is not the original capacity of the Holy Place, but the ultimate plan that once went through an iteration of a great restart, the ultimate mutation for this form… because of the indestructible nature of the Holy Place, including ours, many iterative civilizations have used the Holy Place as a breakthrough, and no one knows how much function the Holy Place has mutated. ”

Listen, Han Xiao kept these secrets in his heart.

In some ways, Super A seems to have the same qualities as the player and can continue to recover.

So mastering a sanctuary is like mastering most of the super A-level veins?

‘It always feels strange that the knowledge has grown again, so that some time later can ask the swearer to prove it. ’

Han Xiao said.


At this point, the hull shook, suddenly exiting the transition state, and the alarm sounded abruptly.

“Whoo-hoo - alarm! Alarm! Space stabilization anchor detected, transition has been forced to terminate! Unknown energy source is fast approaching, please avoid it! ”

The radar shows that nineteen super A-level energy sources are surrounded in all directions.

“Looks like you're right. Nineteen people.” Han Xiao picked the eyebrows.

“Normal operation.” Jess didn't mean it.

The three of them looked out the window and saw acquaintances such as Milton at a glance, only that the ship had fallen into a space trap and could not escape.

At this point, Milton's powerful voice sounded on the wide area channel.

“Black Star! Kirk! Just grab it and save yourself some dignity! ”

“Call me Empty Lord! ”

Kessuyeh is angry.

Han Xiao opened the hatch door and the three flew out together, in the center of the encirclement, and a strong sense of compression came from all sides.

“Hmm? Another partner? ”

When I saw Jess, Milton frowned, but loosened up.

In his view, the prey had lost its way.

He was confident that the operation would take place with nineteen men, and there was no chance that they would fail.

After several months of pursuit, we can finally apprehend these wanted criminals today!

“Abandon resistance immediately and come back with us to Super Power Security for questioning to clarify your approach to shielding the positioning of the star map, and gain a leniency. ”

Milton Zhengbamboo was in his chest, did not panic, did not rush into psychological warfare, intending to weaken the target's desire for resistance.

Han Xiao means a long smile, the tone is unknown:

“Don't bother yourselves, let's go. ”

Word, Milton frowned and looked confused.

“What are you talking about… man?! ”

Before the end of the conversation, a set of armor suddenly unfolded, wrapped around the body of three people, the light flashed and disappeared.

At the next moment, all nineteen agents of Tiger's vision were stunned.

Where did he go?

We set up space stabilization anchors and transmission jammers. How did these people escape?!

Milton stunned for two seconds, then became furious and blushed.

I can't believe these people ran away again!

Shame on you!

He immediately pulled out the comms and looked at the real-time coordinates shared with the positioning star map, intending to lock the location of Han Xiao before the three of them could block the positioning star map again.

However, the moment I saw the coordinates clearly, Milton's angry expression suddenly became alarmed and unbelievable.

The other coordinates, of course, are Super Power Security headquarters!

Is this… surrender?

Bullshit, I don't care what you think!

Their target is HQ?!

“Are these people crazy?! ”

Milton was furious and horrified.

He can't understand why these people are so bold.