The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00017 The Little Prince of the Charnel House

# High Risk High Return (4), Paso Robles

Winter looked at the billboard hanging in the hallway. There was blood on the notice. Shorts or skirts had to cover more than half of their thighs, so they were unreadable below. It looks like someone grabbed it with a bloody hand. Each time I collected these clues, Insights updated the likelihood of distributing survivors within the school. I checked the teacher's picture, name, and approximate student capital.

“This is pretty unusual for a school mark. ”

Jin-seok said that he saw the school sign. A black concentric circle with a red background. A beast roaring inside was drawn. The speckled pattern makes it look like a leopard.

Hearing the expression of Jinsuk, the heavyweight tilts his head.

“Is that unusual? Mark was a tiger at Korea University. ”

“Well……. ”

I was old enough, and the bottom was natural for Jinsuk. I thought I was getting to know him a little bit, but then I let him talk to my brother.

“Hard to find any survivors in this building. ”

There were definitely one or two infectious varieties in each classroom. Though not precise, it seemed to have come from outside. There are no signs of students.

“There are so many buildings... Let's split up and search. ”

A confident offer of authenticity. Winter shakes her head. It's the worst way down. We should be able to dramatically reduce the search time. But it's dangerous. If the victim shows up, he will be penalized for his promises as a leader. Accepting the proposal would be expected to please the individual, but it was not a position to hang out.

When searching alone, the group is worried about their battle fatigue. It's not just the battle that counts. Whenever I'm in danger or in fear, I rise. Of course it's scary to move alone.

He was neither extraordinary nor important, and there was no reason to accept it.

“It's too dangerous. I think it's better to go to the restaurant or the gym first. ”


“It's great for gatherings. Restaurants are better with stocked groceries. ”


Yura and I accepted it without a doubt. His expression was slightly pale. I ignored it as if I hadn't seen it. Winter found the school handbook and pinpointed it.

“The gym is a little closer than the restaurant. ”

On the building layout, either side had to go through the outdoors. You have to go out to the back of the building for the lecture and cross the coat. The school itself is open everywhere. There may be threats on the front that have not been identified.

"I'll take the lead. Mr. Jin-seok to the left, Mr. Yura to the right, Mr. Jeong to the rear. ”

The glass door on your coat is a mess. Invasion of five mutant subjects. Kyaaaaa! Those bastards are screaming at the end of the Audible Realm. Immediately, three Automation Kits burst into flames. Sequence of absenteeism, crucifixion, and Jura. Blood and flesh will burst. Mutants become raggedy slugs. Extremely wasted.

Winter throws the unused Jungle Road out of your hands. You must be angry. Thinking about it, I decided it wasn't the right time yet. Turn and speak calmly.

“I understand your anxiety. But keep your eyes peeled. They might be ambushed.”

The group coughs almost simultaneously. The match makes your face blusher. There was a change in the level of goodwill that was meaningless There is an uplift thanks to not being angry. There was no constant correction. "The unchanging mind" doesn't happen that easily. Downward is inevitably a hesitant heart. I don't want to be nagged by a child. Is that enough? Pride was not a rational emotion.

I stepped out the door. Again, there were infectious variants. You react like an animal and rush in like a monster. Winter decided to take care of it alone. A pistol in one hand, a jungle in the other. Reaching the top of the Specialist Realm, several shots blow their heads off and project themselves to concentrate their attention. It's the lowest level of intelligence. I couldn't save many advantages just by running.

Qajik. The sound of a rotating blade snapping his neck. I took my strength off my wrist and turned around. Shy knives. Lift your whole body and cut off the next one, then slash your foot with a steady reflex at the end of two turns. Another one gets decapitated.

Before I could retrieve the upward blade, a new one came along. Caught. Ugly face in a breathable distance. A pair of small copper bullets burst into two eyes and run through the brain beyond. Fluffy. Lean on the boy, a mutant that slides down. There was dilute blood in the eyes and nose.

I warned you earlier, but there is no progress. Only they don't shoot. This time, the group heads forward. When I met my eyes, I hurriedly turned my gaze in each direction. After a moment of silence, Yura cries out in a faint voice.

“I'm sorry."

Winter will not be angry again. Rather, it is time to be encouraged. Operation AI's automated response to unconscious and unconscious thinking affirmed the boy's judgment.

AI Tip (Insight Grade 8): Early skill levels increase rapidly in an oppressive and violent atmosphere. However, other side effects are more likely to occur and the skill level of the review varies. For community leaders, these trends can also be developed into community traits. This makes it possible to acquire rapid technology instead of reducing the health of the community.

In other words, the question was: Will you take the late penalty and focus on growing your members, or will you take the early penalty and secure a healthy community?

Either way, the weight accumulated by the usual behavior is affected. It was why I paid attention to a small word.

After informing the viewers about this, winter made a soft smile. It was difficult for a boy who grew up cold. It was worth practicing.

“Don't be sorry. I know you're trying. ”

Minor appreciation calibration notification. How many are there? Winter leads the group.

The gym was petrified. It doesn't look right, but it looks like it only lifted the stone from the outside. It's still hard to see. How to look credible for runaways.

Something smelled like bad poop somewhere. The human remains, too.

The front door was an ordinary glass door, but it was sealed with a barricade with a stack of desks and bases.

“If there are any survivors here. ”

Everyone agrees.

“Because one or two people have never made this obstacle. ”

It was the oldest horse.

“Should I clean it up?”

“No, it's noisy. It's going to take a lot of strength, and I'm worried about wasting time. Above all, it will be a hassle for us to go in and rebuild. We better see if there's another way in. Emergency exit... ”

I did. I followed the noise and found it easily. The infected mutants were clumping together. The noise of the first one knocking would have drawn more. Unlike the front door, there was no scratch on the steel. It's just noise. It was red. A blood spatter from the hands of the beaters. How much you struck, the broken bones appear to be on the outside.

“That's a lot. ”

The boy's words did not turn down his voice. The group falls asleep. The crowd grunts and groans.

“Hey! Voice! Voice!”

It was so urgent. Winter reassured him.

“It's okay. It's so noisy. Can you hear me?" ”

“Eh……. ”

From what I hear, yes. Haaaaah. It's funny how three people sigh at the same time. After a soft smile, winter draws the pistol. Beretta M92.An official American pistol with the highest quantity, it can be given to refugee volunteers without undue effort. That was the setup. I don't get into the holster with the silencer on, usually with it in my waist.

I want you to have your own holster.

“Let's go like before. Blow your head off with your aim. I'll take care of the one who doesn't die. You might want to aim behind the temples or behind the ears. You don't have to rush, so think of it as a practical exercise. Jin-seok, watch the rear. ”

Winter raises your right hand to shoulder height with a pistol. With my left hand, I grip it as if it were underneath a grip. Palm Supported pose is called Palm Supported Grip.

This pose receives reactions with only one hand. So if you pull the speaker, the accuracy is low. But there are advantages. Single shot shoots well with arms extended straight.

This pose is made to cope with the group's mistakes. It's a quick change in attitude, even if the situation changes.

The three who noticed each other pulled the trigger without anyone noticing.

Low, blunt gunfire.

The heads of things that were once human were shattered. If the bullet hits the temple precisely, the eye may burst or fall completely out of shock. One of the dogs awkwardly survived. Eyeballs hanging from nerves. Yura shrunk and became nauseous. Winter shoots. The bullet plunges into the socket of the eyeball. Don't be silly. His head twists. My body is following me. I'm going down. There are only a few left after that. It was fully organized by the mid-fire.

Yura raised her head, spitting a few times without vomiting. It's a dark expression.Isn 't it more like self-loathing than the horrific appearance of the mutant you just saw? Hate for yourself for being disappointed.

The boy who grew up noticing it from childhood, it was easy to guess. Almost sure of your judgment and ask as kindly as you can.

“Are you all right?"

“I'm sorry. I always let you down.... If I had known this would happen, I wouldn't have followed you... ”

“Everyone can be immature. The important thing is, once you're good, you don't waste your skills. Come on, get up. ”

I grabbed my hand and told her what was left of winter.

“Yura is good enough with courage. You volunteered for this kind of danger. Be confident.”

“… I'm ashamed. ”

I never say what I'm ashamed of. It's not a bad feeling. You must be ashamed to see winter because you are constantly comforted.

However, it was an unfair face. Yura seems to think he's causing trouble in many ways. If Yura looks at those eyes, she seems to be returning to vain. A true stare in the winter. I stubbornly face you for a long time. I can feel it coming. But I finally turn my head first.

It could be the lungs right now. Yura's potential may not be compatible with the battle. However, even if she later ended up in a non-combat area within the community, a combat-experienced spirit could be helpful. Given that community members exchanged psychological effects through interactions, current efforts were never worthless.

Winter recalled a story.

When predators roam around in the human lifetime, they say they mixed a few goats when grazing sheep. When a predator attacks, the sheep scatter to all directions. Not a goat. If you put a goat between a flock, the flock clumps around the goat. It's hard for predators to hit when you're in a swarm. The clever wolf who knows this said he killed the goat when he attacked the flock. A true story involving a wolf called Robo, also known as the King of Columbo, in New Mexico, USA.

In other words, Yura could be the goat among the flocks. It would be best if you were a fighter, but I didn't mind if you didn't.

Paused. The viewer's message was flooding with complaints about Yura. Eat her and throw her away! "There are many harsh words in the expression. Winter explained its intentions. Viewers thought it was frustrating, but it still made sense. Winter that releases the stops and proceeds.

Winter came out without any gaps. After roughly clearing the wide body, I tapped the bloody door three times, three times long, and three times short. It was clearly an artificial interval, even if it was outdoor, and it was a signal that a common sense listened to. It means SOS with Morse code.

I'm not asking you to save me. Just to let you know that this is a person. If we acquire the whole body, sign knowledge, etc. we can tap with other signals, but not necessarily. It was a waste of experience.

After repeating a few times, the expected response came back.

“Bar, who's out there? ”

“I received a radio saying that the teachers and students were trapped.... ”

“Oh, God. Thank you!”

The door opened with a cold voice.