The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00173 # Comprehensive Crossover

# Overall, San Francisco (8)

Two days after the briefing. Commander Sierra called for winter.

It was only a matter of time before the General's meeting.

I was prepared. Chadwick was ready to die in a patriotic carriage, but I guess winter wasn't easy to miss. He may have been testing the boy officer with a plan from the start.

Or a separate partner to attend the meeting. I didn't even know that winter existed. He thinks he's the only one in America. However, it was likely to be a general greeting postponed by the tone and situation. Otherwise, you won't be able to help winter.

Commander Sierra Roo asks while thinking.

“Is it offensive? ”

Winter shakes its head.

“No, you said you'd check your skills before. I was waiting for when. There's no reason to be offended. ”

At this point, it was a dedicated passenger ship for the barracks. This is where Kurt Lee's verification will take place. We don't know how yet, but the general's favorable attitude was no different than before.

“The men I've seen aren't necessarily like that. There were some winds that I wanted you to trust without giving me any evidence. It's their own ego. ”

The General gives a twisted smile.

“By the way, this is what they say in the Christian Bible. Blessed are those who do not see and believe. ”

Winter was positive.

“I remember it was the Gospel of John. ”

Even if it wasn't an intellectual correction, it was oral. From the mouths of fanatics who deviate from their original meaning. Faith as a means of escape.

“Oh, my God. This is a surprise.... No, there's nothing strange about a country that grew up in. Are you a follower of Jesus? ”

On the other hand, in front of a cautious general, winter immediately denied.

“No. I went to church briefly as a child, but I always wanted to fill my hungry stomach. A little faith died on the battlefield. If there was a god who loved man, there would be no war. ”

It was a predetermined setting for Kurt Lee. One word that adds a short space here.

“But I still want to believe it these days. ”

“To ask for salvation from the absolute? ”

“No, I'm not that weak. And it would be funny to wish you could go to heaven after killing so many people. ”


“I wish I had someone to blame. It's a horrible world. Wouldn't it be comforting if there was a scourge in all of this? ”

Then the general laughed out loud.

“It's different, it's different. I wish my men were half as good as you. ”

And take a deep breath.

“Oh Doomi or Pacific Paradise, all sorts of socialites thrive in a dizzy world. I didn't think the same thing would happen again after the big leagues. It's really annoying to have to deal with every day. Individuals in the People's Army must have been the best talent……. Humanity's intellect and philosophy must have been so weak. ”

No, let's pretend you didn't hear this. The face of the general that winter saw was stained with the deepest emotion I had ever seen. Winter understood that feeling for ten minutes. I thought I was used to worrying and coping with the Winter Alliance.

As a country with strong communism, faith in philosophy was more than belief in religion.

Even though civilian faith and superstition were universal, it was a realm of tradition and culture.

“Weakness is not a sin. But there's a limit to how much someone else can take responsibility for them. ”

That limit was also the limit of man. It was a wall to climb over.

A depressing smile came to mind at the mouth of the sympathetic general.

“Depending on how far that limit goes, a man and his companion are divided. If you abandon them because of their difficulties, I will become one of them. I will guard my fence. Crazy, sick, my men, my people. ”

It was a strong personality even though it was crooked.

“What exam will I take today? ”

The general is ahead.

“Follow me.”

The escorts escorted the General and the Winter Soldiers, as instructed in advance.

The atmosphere changed as the layers changed. Dry air with a slight odor sensitivity. There's blood everywhere. There are spears in each room. Long howls coming from somewhere. Thanks to the automated analysis of these clues, Winter was able to recognize the myriad of punishments, tortures, and acts of cruelty that took place here.

Immediately, an open space appeared. I can see the sky. The ceiling was originally covered by a glass window, but the structure seemed to have been completely removed since many of the places were broken.

This square was guarding the elements of the armed forces. One of the executives who was sitting in the prepared seat jumps up. The son of a Sierra Navy commander, Tan Guo Chuen, was a Middle Church. After saluting Mother with stealing, I give my regards to winter.

“This guy! Long time no see! How have you been? ”

Winter brings a smile back to a happy face.

“Thanks to your concern, nothing happened. How's Central Church? I heard you've been feeling a lot since you got back. ”

The young Middle Church was embarrassed.

“Maybe it was more of a mental illness than a body. More for his men's funerals. ”

The general who was watching pointed out:

“Tanguryeong Middle School. It's not a private time. Return to your seat."


The embarrassment of young officers becomes darker in other ways. However, Mother's attitude towards her son was ice and hard as steel. I feel that the construction division is stricter than having eyes to see.

Winter looked at the center of the square. The cage was surrounded. You spread a thick glass in the direction of the officers. It was bulletproof glass, just as it looked.

Sierra Leone said.

“Those are the larvae prepared for the test. ”

Winter is upon us.

“I'm not a pleasure killer. ”

The way the general tried to test Kurt Lee did not require an explanation. The victims were tied in chains welded to the deck. A heavy chain that won't break even if shot with a gun constrains their actions. is the allowable sinusoidal line about one metre back and forth.

In front of them were various fully decomposed firearms.

You can't even lay a weapon in front of your eyes because of the snipers who are pointing at them.

The only table without firearms and men is probably where winter will go.

“I don't want my escort to be a murderer, either. ”

The general's words led to a calm voice.

“Hey, you see that guy with half brown and half black hair? ”

In the direction she pointed, there was a former officer who looked awkward. He said he was a former job because the rank was torn apart. There was a slight difference from conquering a soldier, allowing him to guess his old identity.

Seeing that my head was soaked, I must have been relatively rich until recently. Dye wasn't so precious in San Francisco's freighter-filled waterfront, but it wasn't for everyone. It was more about the atmosphere of the organization than the rarity of the supplies.

“He raped five women and two men. It wasn't lust in the back. It was a prank. He suffered a visceral rupture and died. It's garbage. ”

“…… Is that right? ”

“I've committed countless other crimes, but I've been inferior to my brother, the severity of the breach. I've had to endure taking care of my people, but why would I watch you run around like a thunderbird after all this time? ”

The shortwave was short for the communist youth group. It has a strong standing position within the fierce Communist Party. Quickly going through the socio-cultural background provided by Chinese in the area of expertise, winter looked at the rest of the sinners.

The general noticed a shift in his gaze and released cynical poison in succession.

“The curly-haired bastard next door had no fear of selling heroin. It was just a relay station to bring it in from a foreign country, but how dare you sell drugs and opium in this country? I made a commitment one day to put on some weight myself. ”

He was a general obsessed with his fence and revealed a strange patriotism, but Winter felt worthy enough. Heroin Ingredients are poppy. It is like opium, and there will not be more shameful events in the history of China than the opium war. It was also why the PRC was exposed to the drug crisis.

‘What was I really thinking? ’

It's not so thoughtless. I had to see that I was severely lacking in reality. Wealth and power were the forces that kept people from being human. It was unfortunate that he didn't even know he was getting unhappy. I feel happy, but I just stay away from real happiness.

Given the intense contempt the general has expressed, it doesn't seem false.

There was still a terrible statement.

“That crazy bitch over there boiled the fetus for her own good. And a middle-aged man with a shaved head in the back took a bribe and made fun of the supplies. What would have happened if there was fake food in the long-term voyage? At last, the soldiers almost died as a group. And the responsibility rests solely with the producer and the vendor. That's not funny. ”

The man she was touching was one of the coldest of the victims. He glanced over here, focusing on the pistol parts that unfolded in front of me. He realized what opportunities he would be given. In his head, the complete disassembly of the pistol would be repeated countless times.

“I understand your frustration. Soldiers are not murderers. War is a tragedy invented by jackasses, but someone has to fight. It is the honor and pride of the soldier that is responsible for the stupidity of the government and the people with their lives. ”

The general said it again.

“They deserve to die in the first place. We won't make it out of here alive without you killing us. Rather, it's because of you that we have a chance. ”

“I see what you mean. ”

“I beg your pardon again. Please don't feel bad about this test. ”

“I'm satisfied with this level of special treatment from the general. However.”


“I have a question for you. ”

General Sierra was curious at the end of winter.


“Before you ask, I want you to know that there's no malice in the questions I'm about to ask. I just want to know a little more about you. ”

“Since I've asked for your understanding, you can ask for mine. But you want to know me? ”

The general waited for a question with an interesting tone.

The question of winter was a little unsuitable for Kurt Lee. I also heard the blame for not being careful.

However, it is awkward to fold the story from here. Winter finally opens its mouth.

“Are you different from them? ”

Commander Sierra frowns.

“What does that mean? ”

Winter sent out a gift from the watch she still carries. The elaborately engaged precious metals sparkled surprisingly colorfully even in dim light. It was something the CIA was struggling with to examine. Art that is hard to dismantle without craftsmanship.

“I heard you bought this for 64 million RMB. That wasn't all the money. ”

“Of course. My wealth was more than that. ”

After a short rest, the commander greets you.

“Is there any uncleanness in my livestock?" ”

“That's right.”

The General's expression relaxes in front of the swift winter.

“That wasn't a difficult question. Thank goodness."

The words of winter supplemented my intentions.

“There are times when money is someone's life in this world. Have you ever taken someone else's food? ”

Then a faint laugh came from Commander Sierra Roo.

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# Q&A

Q. Erin's bard: @ If it were small, would you have included something about the history of the Korean Peninsula and its history as mainland history in China...? I don't think that's necessary.

A. I was reminded of the part of me that emphasized loyalty as a same neutralized people, but when I heard the word, I thought there might be someone who would be promoted by ethnic sentiment, so I decided to be sharp.

Q. Sexually Explicit Devil F: I've been to @ hospital and my friend is fortunate to find it early and can be cured if he gets dizzy. And I'm infecting my friends with this novel. I already saved one from Annie, Japan.

A. No, wait. Infected with this novel? This novel is a disease. It's infected. That's too much.

Q. Kurofai: Most of you won't be able to live with yourself if you get this far because @ novel is sad. But if the novel gets sad, the reality might look happy.

A. prescription...? In fact, I think the starter shop is better off in terms of completeness, but it's not that I don't like the new plan.