The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00177 # Comprehensive Cross

# Overall, San Francisco (11)

“Welcome aboard, Comrade Tan Guecheng. And comrade Kurt Lee. ”

The captain of the Naval Bridge class greeted the two arriving at Cheonan Castle. His name is Wani. He is also one of the officers involved in the examination of the work. The courtesy of Navich was restrained. It was thin and opaque, making it difficult to obscure the authenticity.

Wani Bridge is ahead of the bridge. Winter captured as many landscapes as possible beside the snow. I never thought I'd get on this ship.

“Understand that Operation Intelligence Center is a bit of a mess. The current turbulence is heavily burdened. The mission doesn't come naturally, it comes down to too much. ”

The bridge that kicked his tongue said this, he didn't seem to like the situation on his stomach.

I understand that, too. There were a lot of hypotheses that were not original equipment. Due to the lack of consideration for human companionship, some operators were often intertwined with instruments.

A laptop screen connected to the console by one of the crew was quite unfamiliar to the winter. It was because of the difference between a typical PC and an operating system. Agent Kowalski, CIA communications officer, told me it was developed to reduce the possibility of hacking. Her words were closer to a pranky self-indulgence.

“Is the commander not coming? ”

When winter came, Tan Guo nodded.

“Your mother is in a separate command post. As soon as the bridge is cut off, the landing operation will commence. We have to at least secure the runway before it gets dark. That way we'll have more to say to the other generals tomorrow. Your mother should be watching the same screen as us by now. ”

I felt no tension in my voice. I don't think she's in any danger.

Central Church's screen was in the middle of a busy information room. It was a big screen that must have been on a freighter somewhere. The shore is part of a fleet that watches from high ground. In the enlarged video, I saw something that looked like an airplane. Overall, it looks crude and rough.

“It's a self-destruct drone. ”

Tan Guechen's words melted with anticipation and repentance.

“We made it to the test flight a few months ago, but we haven't been able to complete it yet because we don't have the navigation equipment we need for unmanned vehicles. But if you dismantle the armor or the ammunition, it's the end of the world. ”

Bullet is a Chinese expression of a guided bullet, a missile. The Chinese Navy was desperate to save existing equipment. I don't know if the missiles will be enough in my yard. Maybe one of these days, the worst thing that can happen is you're gonna have to fight the United States Navy. That is what the Apostle Paul meant.

“Amazing. That really flies. ”

Tan Guo Tseng was about to reply to the bold words of the winter, but Wani Bridge was inadvertently interrupted.

“I couldn't afford to test it. We're running out of resources and schedules. If it fails, Admiral Sierra's disappointment won't be enough. Soon, everyone will know that our luck is with the Admiral. ”

The last words of the Wan Bridge were meaningful. Winter leans in. It must be an indication of a faction-wide relationship. Face, fate, and silver are the three goddesses that rule the Chinese people. That was the moment I thought of again. It was also a sentence that would work better in the world view of the end.

The shortage of schedules is due to the general's meeting.

I opened my mouth and closed it without a sound, and it was a bit frustrating. I have something to say, but I can't stand it. In the background, Wani Bridge was also a senior. I can't stand up to my superiors because they disagree with me.

But I thought you said there was a chance of success. ’

The story Oliver Talbot shared when he reinforced winter makeup. The black-skinned tactical intelligence analyst was looking positively at Sierra Leone's attempt. Below, what he actually said.

“It's not just my opinion. Regardless of their combat strength, the Chinese military's human resources are very high. It was a country with more military experience than the United States. Now, the Navy has a lot of technologists, so it shouldn't be weird to have a soldier who specializes in aerodynamics or an officer who specializes in aerodynamics. At Langley, we see half the success rate. ”

Langley, Virginia, was the location of CIA headquarters.

“When I saw the picture, I felt very unstable. ”

Agent Talbot shrugs and laughs in question raised by winter.

“The shape is not surprisingly important to me. It was a famous aircraft engineer at Lockheed Martin. If you control your posture with a computer, the Statue of Liberty will be able to do complex combat flights, even if you want to send a 225-ton goddess up into the sky first thing you need to do is build an engine. ”

Lockheed Martin is a U.S. military contractor specializing in aircraft construction. Technology is world-class. The words that came out of there were not to be taken lightly, even joking. It will contain enough possibilities.

“In China half a century ago, blacksmiths built and flew supersonic fighters. We can look forward to it. ”

Talbot's expectations were serious. Not only was Talbot's personal interest, but it was also the expectation of the Central Intelligence Agency. If Commander Sierra Roo presides over the gathering, the intelligence agency will also be comfortable.

The results will soon come to light.

During the final inspection before launching, winter looked the other way. There were many small videos. It looks like it collects almost all radio waves. Given the ability of the celestial star, it was not strange.

One of them catches my eye. It was propaganda footage from the Russians. A subtitle was made to wipe out an estimated 7 million species of infections from the sea ice machine. It was winter when I had not yet acquired Russian, but I continued to subtitle in multiple languages, including English and Korean.

‘It's absurd. ’

They intend to gather the survivors and arm them. Tan Guo chook, who was chasing the winter gaze.

“I envy the Russians. You can still fight for your country. ”

“Is that true? ”

“Well, isn't that a lot of convictions? They're going to need American support. ”

The red subtitles highlighted Russia's and the United States' ties. We fought together against the plague, just like we fought together against the Hoarders.

At least the propaganda was a sure victory. An army in orbital vehicles massacred the elusive mutants in the mud. The monsters never pursued human maneuverability. Every step I take goes deeper and deeper.

Twice a year, when the ice melts, the land of Russia turns into a dreadful mud ditch. It was called Rasputicha.

Russia chose a toxic place where it attracted and bound mutants during the winter. How many sacrifices you had to make to do that.

‘The emergence of special variants is also ambiguous. ’

Winter considered the ice machine to be short. As time is needed for the mutants to adapt. Monsters that specialize in underwater activities like Melville can only emerge because rivers and oceans are always there. It only took a month for the mud to dry up.

Even if a monster specializing in crabs comes out, it's a problem. For the remainder of the period, it would not be a normal variant.

The Russians made it through last year safely thanks to this environment. A mutant group from another region must have been naturally blocked. Again, winter recalled the last apocalypse.

“Look, Lee. You're taking off.”

Tan Guo turned the attention of this winter.

Loaded with heavy bombs made of vaginal charge, unmanned vehicles began to rise in turn. Every time the gas went off the rails, it was bumpy and dangerous. However, the horizontal, vertical control wings moved fine and restored the balance of heavy gases.

The mirrored cameras were flying high. A reconnaissance UAV site that I would have had from the beginning.

The number of explosives was twelve in total. Four points for each leg.

“If I hit one of them, it'll work.... ”

It was a long shot of anxiety. The fist that repeats the grip and stretch is wet with sweat.

Winter understood him. You've been patient, and you can't hide it anymore.

Keep an eye on the screen. It wasn't a good day. Because I couldn't pick a day. Sometimes strong winds blew in the fog. An airplane that loses focus every time.


Sounds like someone's sad. The engine of one of the gases has stopped for some reason. The propeller stops moving. The gas draws a sharp downward curve…….

* Bang! * Gurgle!

A huge explosion has occurred. A bomb designed to destroy the bridge in a single blow. The circular atmosphere blows a block away. The whole house was impressive. Living mutants shredded among the scattering debris. Their yellow eyes look up at the sky. A wingless crash. The handgesture just before falling seems to be gripping the wind.

Phew. Phew. I can hear it with my own eyes.

A few more phases were then dropped. Enough to redistribute the number towards each leg.

“Please…… ”

A desperate voice next to me. Hold hands firmly. To whom do they pray?

A short and long time passed.

“Fine! Just go! ”

Tan Guo shouted.

The first gas to reach the target point initiated a vertical glide. The cracked fog changes in a faint trajectory at the tip of the wing. It feels like lightning is falling, just as slow speed has been a lie. Incredible flashes and thunder that follow. Glug! The volume is too high, and the speakers squeal.

After that, another bomb drops. The puffy smoke flashes, and you shake violently.

“What about the bridge? Has it collapsed? ”

This time it was Wani Bridge. This is also the same as losing your calm.

However, the smoke did not clear easily. The moment the defeat is unclear. In between, the other two legs burst apart. Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk.

“Comrade Captain! Target one is down! ”

A brief shout boils over an officer's report.

“Target two and three are also completely destroyed! Operation is a success!”

My head thumps. Winter tries not to frown. The bridge turned into a happy crucible was too noisy. Shimmy, shimmy body. I hugged Winter regardless of the posture of Tan Guo Chuen.

It's time to make yourself happy. As Kurt Lee smiles, Winter gives him a celebration.

“Congratulations. With this... Commander Sierra's dream has become more real." ”

“Of course! This is how it's going to be! I don't have much time left in my life! Hahaha!”

A cry of unfiltered hope. Tan Guo Xing looked like a stranger in winter. Stranger faces, stranger voices. At this rate, how desperate I've been.

‘Hope makes people this different. ’

It was a new feeling. I've seen a lot of it before, but I rarely get to live like this. It was like a familiar word suddenly felt unfamiliar.

Winter reminded me of unread messages. A cry from audiences from all over the world. There were very few cases where winter followed their demands. No, I haven't read it in a while. It was painful to see people obsessed with pleasure at that time because there was no other hope.

I'm tired of just looking at it.

They'll be different in an instant with one good shot. So far, I was confident that winter would come when I experienced countless armies facing despair.

However, the physical reality, the world of life, is cruel enough not to allow even a handful of hope. Maybe it's because everyone agreed to postpone all the pleasures of life. The boy thought he was alone, but he didn't think he was wrong.

‘It's meaningless. ’

Winter when I close my eyes for a while. I tried to get rid of my sudden and persistent thoughts.

Dead body. The thought of not being able to act was just giving birth to helplessness.

“Please take care of her. ”

When I opened my eyes, I saw the face of Tang Guo Cheng who was seriously stiffened. He holds the hand of winter.

“You are the hope of the Chinese. I'd say it's not one person's life yet. I'll protect you.I 'll only trust you. ”

Winter looked into Tan Guo Cheng's eyes quietly.

It was the end of the world, the Winter Alliance, and all the endings that had been experienced, and it was really like this.

The center screen has changed. It was an indication of the progress of the landing operation.

Changshan is impressive. He holds a long spear in front of the civilians who have been trained, and an army and vehicles armed with various firearms are inserted into the rubble.

Closed airports, fairly effective way in open areas.

Seeing that, winter felt like it was only a matter of time before I stayed as Kurt Lee.

‘Tomorrow will be the turning point. ’

I want to go back to the story I made up. It had been in the heart of winter since before, but it was suddenly a strong impulse.

And then the day changed.

Artwork Reviews

# Overall

It'll be over in a couple of coins. It's time for Operation AI to resume. It's hard to write every time he comes out, but I'm already worried.

# Statue of Liberty

Flying the Statue of Liberty was published in Popular Science in the United States. The original text is:

We could get the Statue of Liberty to do barrel rolls with the onboard computers that achieved aerodynamic capability by executing thousand of tiny electrohydraulic adjustments every second to an airplane's control surface.

# Q&A

Q. Crysis2: If you don't have anything to recommend from @ Joara, you'll be ranked # 1 in the Ossuary. He's always enjoying himself.

A. Thank you. We'll try to keep you entertained in the future.

Q. Erin's bard: @ winter have you no feelings about executing yourself? I don't think winter was just a positive thing.

A. There was something evil that I thought was necessary. It's one thing to deal with an assassin who had a rusty knife at the beginning of a novel. I don't like it, but this is my limit. So that's kind of how you take it.

Q. Kaif: I sent you 27 coupons of raw materials. Can you eat candy with this? Be compassionate and sweet.

A. Twenty-seven candies will not only buy you candy, but also candy for you as a gift from the love room.

Well, I'd love some. I used to love it when I was a kid. Where would I live now?

Q. Iron Bully: How much coffee do you drink per day? Do you have anything to eat to control your condition?

A. I didn't drink coffee until I used the Ossuary. Nowadays, I often drink one glass at a time.

They eat a lot of baccas instead. I've been trying not to eat because of my health lately, but at the end of last year, I think I drank one bottle a day. Sometimes two bottles.