The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00335 # Shadowed Parchment (2)

# Shadowed Parchment (2)

Winter, when he deliberately made an appointment for free time, served as a reserve base commander until the arrival. The only way to get the job done before D.C. is to be diligent.

Increased administrative work has also been the reason for the decrease in external audiences in recent years. I have long since been away from their inner aumaua, but I can guess by the amount of unchecked logs I sometimes see, and the number of stars sunk into their own dark voids every day. I think it will be boring.

Winter didn't care much. Because there is really little left of the mortgage balance. Of course, while the repayment is declining, the day of repayment is slipping away, but there is only a month or two difference. If I don't die right now, I feel like I won't have to worry.

It could have been better in some ways. At the point of extinction, the reason for revealing his afterlife in the winter is gone. All I cared about was people who were desperate to dream even after their lives were unhappy.

‘Mr. Choon Jong-hoon...... Probably still watching. ’

A man who came to visit the Charnel House to see the winter. He was like a fish in a dry pool. It was hard to ignore someone who had taken a long step. It is still clear how he felt.

What happens to the guy when the relay stops?

In the same context, it was possible that there would still be someone similar among many audiences. Winter did not want to avert multiple suicides.

After a while, winter smiles bitterly. It didn't happen before my eyes, so I thought I'd try to think about it more slowly. Winter tapped into the military's security mail account. This is why there were materials and payments requested on behalf of the base command.

When I opened my inbox, there was a pile of new mail. Winter clicked on the first eye-catching document.

Elijah Campbell.

There was an unexpected corner of the major health care unit, placed at a potential turning point in the Civil War. So winter requested access to his personal information. Responses tend to return sooner than expected. For documents marked in red with a secret stamp.

However, the content was below expectations.

‘There doesn't seem to be anything special. ’

Anyone who caused enough trouble to be listed in the military personnel file would not have given up an important mission. Although the Army lacks advanced talent nowadays, there must be a replacement for a healthcare unit of doctor-class medical professionals.

The expected religious items are also simply Christianity.

Winter, when I closed the file, I clamped and thought:

When King Esther's name was mentioned, Campbell did not immediately realize who the girl was. Nevertheless, the immediate unpleasantness was a reluctance to the name Esther herself. I don't like the idea of believing in heresy named after the Bible. In other words, major Campbell's faith was likely closer to fundamentalism.

The attitude confirming Esther's death was also suspicious. Strong positives felt very intentional. At least that death has a different kind of background, or it's still alive, but it's lying for some reason. At that time, the corrected "Detection" weighed suspicion.

However, I was unable to suppress him at all. The head of the West branch of the Department of Homeland Security has already done enough.

Winter, when I closed the file with regret, I chose the next mail.

The content was also about a specific person.

Captain Markett.

This racist, a senior commander of the Bondi Camp Roberts, could not be found in Port Roberts today. Winter didn't pay much attention either. It was because they thought it was none of their business whether their forces had changed or were dispatched somewhere. I was a great man who was better off invisible. It would be awkward just to exchange salutations.

As the next outpost commander, however, winter saw his name again in unexpected places. A prosecutor from a Chinese gringo to a lifetime. The charge is rape.

The Winter mails were from the military attorney in charge of the case.

Warner A. I'm sorry to hear that Lieutenant Markert's processing was delayed. The first trial will take place in three months. You can renew your references and witness list until then. In cooperation with the military, I attach Lieutenant Markett's personnel file…….

The winter that opened the file confirmed that the level of the marker had been demoted at the beginning of the year. It was no wonder there were so many reasons for that.

‘Is this the guardhouse of the old blockade line? The punishment is strong from the job position. ’

A clear left-wing. Even a commander of the same rank used to be, he was a third-rate guard who couldn't lead his troops from the front line. The number of people who were organized in the search results was below 50% of the garden. All I do is search the convoy's checklist. He must have felt a great sense of self-esteem, but his reign had only just begun.

Though not a great event, the sentiment is strange.

You hear a knock when you open five more documents.

“Lieutenant Park Jin-seok. ”

“Come in.”

He opened the door and entered into a floating posture after a reverent salute. After reading all the documents I had seen, Winter opened her eyes and said to Jin:

“I think you know why I called you. ”

“Have you decided who will be first in command? ”

Instead of answering, winter took out the captain's rank from the drawer and placed it quietly on the desk. The breath of Jinsuk, who was watching this, was distorted. I see you empowering your chin to rule yourself. And then the eyes were filled with intense emotion. Could this have been so desperate? The winter staring quietly, I folded my hands and refined the posture calmly.

“I want to ask you one question before I promote you. ”

“…… What is it? ”

“Can you shoot a man if you have to? ”

The voice was calm, but the content was not an uncommon question. Jinsuk was naturally embarrassed.

“Why do you ask such a question…? ”

“Because I have to. ”

“Are you saying that if I become a commander, I'll be forced to kill people? ”

“Well, let's just say it could be. It's unlikely.”

Jinsuk, who was thinking about it, revises the question.

“If you don't mind, could you tell us a little bit more? ”

“It's not supposed to leak out. ”

“You know, I have a heavy mouth. ”

The winter when I was mowing, I slowly nodded.

“Yes, I do. I have to let you know if I want the right answer. Before leaving Sacramento, I heard from Commander Terrence Shredder that there may be a coup. ”

“A coup? Military uprising? ”

“It's just a possibility. because the White House and the Pentagon are not blind, and no other intelligence agencies are going to block their eyes and ears. ”

Adding clues, I couldn't relieve the deep embarrassment of authenticity. No matter how rare the odds are, it's hard to overhear the commander of the Army. Terrence Schroeder, on the other hand, was far more powerful than any of the other commanders. The lieutenant, who was about to get promoted, carefully asked again.

“What's our unit got to do with it? ”

“Unfortunately, it does. ”

“ ……. ”

“Did you already know that in October, there will be a landfill memorial in Washington, D.C.? The press calls it an improvement. The whole group of Independent troops were invited to the event. The assumption is that there is a real uprising, but that means that the most dangerous moment is at the center of the event. as a complete commanding officer. ”

Lowering the gaze of authenticity.

“That's what I'm talking about. Does that mean something to you? ”

“I had a little bit of that in mind, but I talked to Director Min, and he wasn't. ”

“…… how many people know about this? ”

“Hey, you two. And you, Lieutenant Park Jin-seok. That's it for everyone around me. ”

“You mean the lieutenant doesn't know for a reason. ”

“Yes. If you refuse to take command, then the lieutenant will know why. ”

“ ……. ”

I only heard a deep breath for a moment inside. While the static flowed, I looked at the class set with a burning thirst. He broke the silence almost a minute later.

“What did Director Min Wangi say? ”

“From the history so far, you pointed out that the actual troops moving in any rebellion were surprisingly written down. A few brigades, at best, are about a company of reinforced sizes. And it won't be different in a country as big as America. That's right. The troops stationed in the safe zone are very low density. And as I said before, the authorities are not blind either. ”

Forces that evade surveillance cannot be enlarged in scale.

‘In the first place, if you only conquer the capital, that's enough. ’

However, even with such troops, it may take time to organize the insurgency. It was difficult for the government to identify the piano in each unit. Which troops should I trust? Where's the loyalty? Where's the rebellion? Isn't there a Trojan Horse trap...?

In this regard, there was an unexpected comment by Jang-chul, not Min-won.

“Hey, I got that number from Captain Shredder. I mean, wouldn't we look at it like this? ”

He explained with an unconfident attitude.

“If only Captain Shredder had a different plan and that number was a line under surveillance by an intelligence agency……. Moreover, at the point of making the call, the insurgents would have judged that even the small commander was part of the rebellion……. That would be a waste of power to deter or restrain your troops, and the real rebels will achieve their goals more easily……. I wonder if it's possible.... ”

Min Wangi was very pleased to hear this. It was as if I saw a well-grown disciple.

“That makes sense. Apart from being Captain Shredder, I'm sure he'll be disappointed. The higher the rank, the harder it is to imitate the rebellion, but on the other hand, you were abnormally empowered as a blockade commander. There's nothing wrong with caution. ”

And he said again,

“The United States is a country with conditions that make rebellion difficult to succeed. The land is vast, and if we take D.C., the governments of each state won't stand for it. As long as we don't contain that vast military organization in a short time, the insurgents will be isolated like islands on the mainland. It's virtually impossible. But human insanity can sometimes make you run towards obvious waves. Common sense responses are often too late to be preoccupied with common sense. Aigoo, who would do something so stupid...? ”

It was also foolishness that alerted Captain Terrence Schroeder. I can't help but worry that the men behind me are too subpar.

The brief delivery of the above statement opened my mouth after hesitation.

“I will answer the first question. My answer is yes. If we have to fight, we have to fight. ”