# Disconnect

Anne had never seen winter smile like that before. A clear, clear laugh like playing a physical instrument. Anne's pure joy toward herself made her heart pound. I was lightly shocked at the same time. Everyone has their own atmosphere. Winter was a very distinct man. Since the calm seemed to accompany any emotion, it was quite surprising to Anne that the vibrancy of winter's emotions poured out.

The tension that had been a long time has melted away like a lie.

“I was scared.”

The harsh, powerful winter hugged Anne.

“It was very, very scary. I'm afraid you're already wrong.... ”

This voice trembled further and further back, a sigh of relief close to her ears, and perhaps the fragility of the unfamiliar winter rushed through Anne's heart without cause. The sweet dig paralyzes the mind. Reality has gone haywire. A situation where the sane mind would have been less ashamed. Up until now, the troops guarding the winter felt embarrassed to see the two of them, but Anne had no choice but to pay attention to their gaze. I didn't want to care. Winter was the only time in the world.

“Me too."

I was going to say I was worried a lot, but winter fell into my arms.

“Wait, winter? ”

On her knees, as if dragged down, she gained weight, and later realized something was wrong. His hands are warmly wet in front of him. In the faint emergency light, the indistinguishable color becomes clear when you meet the afternoon leaning against the open door. It was wet blood in the sun.

Anne, whose skull was covered, peeled off the winter and looked around frantically.

“Winter or winter? Are you hurt? Are you hurt? ”

“Ah……. ”

The shaken winter smiles dazed.

“Don't worry. Wounded, but not dead. ”

“How, how can I not worry! I'm bleeding! I'm bleeding so much! ”

“I know, exactly, my body. I just went a little overboard on the way here. I was exhausted, but I didn't ruin my life. A little rest, and then we can move again. ”

However, shortness of breath frightens Anne even more.

“Somebody! Somebody help me! ”

Winter tried to reassure her with a look of embarrassment, even though it was hard.

“Calm down. It's okay... ”

But there was no convincing. Anne sounds like a lie to reassure the rest before she dies.

As a result, it was as winter said, but she acted like a madman until winter was transferred to the hospital.

Seven hours after that.

Ann, who was sitting next to the bed, was just looking down at the face of the barely sleeping winter. It was time for her to rest for tomorrow, but for her, it was a time of rest. Everything alive in winter made her happy. If you look and enjoy being in the same space, everything else disappears to the other side of your senses. Wonderful. I wonder if people like people that much. The past, which I was sure I could not like more, was now a funny time. There was no limit to my love heart.

‘I shouldn't have done this. ’

Bite your lips and make yourself a tree. A lot of people died. Among them was Agent Serrano, a servant and colleague. They should be drowned in the sorrow of their loss. But I can't do that. I felt happy no matter how much I pulled the strings of reason. It doesn't last long even if it brings grief again.

Moments later, Anne found herself listening to the sounds of winter breath and sighed.

“I feel so helpless too.... ”

Murmuring, sweeping away winter's hair. This was a delight that touched my fingertips. The whole spirit is drawn to winter. I couldn't resist. With a deep sigh, Anne bowed to her heart again.

Knock, knock.

The knock awakens Anne's consciousness. It was Ernest Dean, the FBI Director, who quietly opened the door. Even in this situation, he frowned when he saw Anne awake.

“Oh, my God. Gibson, have you been up all night? ”

“All night?”

Anne looks out the window, embarrassed. The morning sun shining through the gap is unexpected.

“When did this time……. ”

Unconsciously touches the neck. My muscles froze. I forgot the time that flowed, and I was only watching the winter, forgetting my neck. Nevertheless, I am even more embarrassed because my mind is clear.


Director Dean looks stunning.

“I knew it, but you really do care about the Commander in the middle of winter. ”

“I'm sorry."

Anne blushed to her neck. Half were ashamed and half were guilty. Dean shakes his head as his expression steadily reveals itself.

“Nothing to be sorry about. You've been through hell, too. ”

Winter never wakes up. It was a small conversation, but it was also surprising for Anne to know her usual sensitivity. It wasn't that bad.

“Anyway, can I talk to you for a second? ”

Anne stood up to the Director's request. I wondered why the Director of Normal Day came to the hospital when he was at the headquarters, the White House, or the operations site.

The Director asks you to enter the break room.

“Callahan said Superintendent Gibson was out for five hours. You have no idea what happened in between? ”

“Yes, I'm sorry. ”

“You don't have to be sorry. Your nominal duty is to escort the commander in the middle of winter. I wonder if you were prepared for an ambush. ”

“ ……. ”

“Dammit. I shouldn't have said that again. Maybe we should fix his habits quickly. ”

After grumbling, the Director turns on the TV. Most channels have organized emergency programs since the coup was suppressed, so it was news on the screen, of course. The problem is the content. FBI Director's got the back.

“Perfect timing. ”

Today at 00: 40 a.m., Article 25 of the Amendment Act came into force. As a result, Vice President Sunders will be acting on behalf of President McMillen until he regains consciousness.

Anne opened her eyes wide.

“What is this noise? The White House wasn't exposed to any attacks? ”

“I did.”

“But why do you think the president


Anne has lost her words to Director Dean. The remainder of the description followed.

“He collapsed during a postmortem meeting. The announcement was postponed until dawn. We'd better wrap this up and let them know. There were fears that the calm chaos would be greater in the darkness, and there wouldn't have been few people who would react like you. ”

It meant that it was easy to be doubtful. The president's history is unlikely, but his downfall was too elaborate.

Anne who was silent asked.

“Are you serious?”

“I don't know. Not bad, but I can't be sure. ”

“ ……. ”

“You're very unlucky, Mr. President. At the end of the term, I don't know what this is about. No, should I say bad luck is great? Mogelons, nukes, and now coups... Haha!”

The Bureau of Investigation bursts into laughter because it's ridiculous.

“I'm here because the President is going to move to this hospital, and it's been very difficult to protect many places with 100% reliable personnel. Would I look at the scene myself if I didn't? ”

“I see.”

“Stay with me. The mission is intact, but the risk is different as long as this place becomes an eagle nest. I want you to cooperate as best you can with the Secret Service. ”

The eagle was the President's call sign used in the escort operation.

“I understand.”

Anne raises her chin and answers in a floating position. Director pounds his shoulder.


“Is there anything else? ”

“Not really. I was resting, so I wanted to see my face before I got up. There aren't many agents like you. I know you're here, but I can't find you anywhere. Whether he's alive or dead.”

With a solemn face, Anne knows that she is a director. It was a little teasing with sincerity. Anne bows her head. It was to hide my shame. Director shrugs.

“On the other hand, I wanted to check in with one of the commanders. ”

“The doctor says it's fine. No fatal injuries. ”

“That's a relief. The citizens are worried. A president, a commander, and two heroes all at once. The atmosphere is very important. It's nothing. It's everything. ”

“ ……. ”

The short static subsides. In the meantime, there have been reports of rebellion on TV. Therefore, the story of winter was also mentioned naturally. Director's got a new one.

“It was amazing. ”

“What do you mean? ”

“Commander in the middle of winter. Hmm, full names are still hard to pronounce. ”

Precise pronunciation for difficult words. This was usually a gesture of kindness or reverence for winter.

“I looked at the reports. Gibson, there's something you should know. ”

Before winter fell asleep, Anne checked quite a bit of information. I know what happened in winter yesterday. Above all, it was a story I heard from myself. Of course, Anne's heart cried even more when she heard the story. How hard they worked to save themselves.

“It was a war machine. ”

“ …… ”

“To be honest, the authenticity was suspicious at first, but the names of the honorary medalists on the report list are densely packed... …. There's a lot of other evidence to back that up. It's not hard to believe that you are the best contributor to the suppression of the Rebellion. Capturing one of the monsters, Clarissa Chadwick, is also a midwinter commander. ”

After talking so far, the director changed his tone.

“Yes. Tell the commander this. ”

“Like what?"

“I'd leave it to your conscience, but torture at the Convention Center is not an option. If you deny the charges, the Bureau will take care of the rest. ”

“…… Why? ”

“Honor medals are hard to award to a public with a flaw in honor. ”

I understand. How to cover up sad things with happy things. If it was the first Trinity Medal of Honor since the founding nation, it would be enough to distract the citizens for a short while along with the known Winter Medal of Honor. The atmosphere is important, according to the Director. Sometimes it's meaningless, but in times like these, there's a momentary atmosphere that can be everything.

Anne, who was thinking about it, said.

“He probably won't accept it. ”


To Anne staring down, the director says again.

“Convince me you're better than me. ”

“I am”

“Well, there's nothing you can do about it. ”

Even though the tone was light, the order was an order. Anne shuts up, not trying to say anything. If there's nothing else to say, the Bureau of Investigation looks at the watch.

“Tsk. It's been 10 minutes. ”

“Are you leaving?”

“You know, the more popular I get at times like this, I liked it better before the director. I was the only one complaining about my part-time job. ”

I don't think so. Anne smiled once as a courtesy.

After the Director left, Anne stayed in the rec room a little longer. I wanted to watch the news. I still have time until my shift. It was better to use your position as an FBI agent just to get information, but broadcasting was better for understanding the overall atmosphere of society. In that sense, the Bureau of Investigation also turned on the news channel very well.

I'm going to watch for a while, but I have an interview with an FBI maneuver. A member who would have received the merchant's permission in advance has testified to the engagement in front of the Hotel Mandarin Oriental.

The most impressive part was also talking about winter.

"There were snipers, but they disappeared.

Briefly disappearing and reminiscent of the day. I thought it was strange that the south side, filled with heavy gunfire, was suddenly silent while acting in secret. I remember being nervous about sudden changes. I don't know if the toxins are involved.

I didn't know it was winter.

Necrotoxin, brought into the hotel by traitors, was found sealed in containers. Edgar Kramer had a large stake in what it was not used for. If he had not resisted, the peaks of the targeted Manpower would have eventually become driven cannibals.

It is not for the traitors to judge who does not deserve to live. It's the law of the United States! I am going to defend the Constitution of the United States! Why won't you fight them?

It was Kramer's speech.

‘It's going to be popular. ’

Anne predicted the future. If you think the weaponized toxins of the traitors originated in the Greek island exposé, Kramer can never be free from the debate of responsibility. However, as long as true patriots were involved in the revolt, there was also plenty of possibility that information about toxins could have been obtained by other routes.

Rather, Kramer himself got a big positive image this time.

I hear the voice of a news anchor.

There is an ongoing dedication of President McMillen and the citizens of Washington in front of the White House, praying for the recovery of the colonel in the winter. As a citizen of one person, I also pray that God's grace may be with both of them.

The screen illuminated a myriad of crowds. Fewer offerings than people were due to the difficulty of finding flowers. I see people replacing flowers with snow knots. There was no racial or political difference in love for winter. I feel sorry for knowing that view will never last forever. It really was a flower that bloomed in the fall....


Anne just felt an unidentified wonder in her mind.

What was that?

For a moment, I felt like I'd missed something important, and I felt sleepy. Strange. Maybe it's because I slept at night? Anne, who had almost checked the time, bites her lips so hard.

I couldn't sleep now.

But I couldn't endure it for long. The eyelid sits heavily down.

Sleeping on a chair, she sees a beautiful starlight in her dreams.