The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 7 009 Do you believe me?

Knowing that he was here, the director also came to see him specifically during the day.

Lu Man was asked again, and he suddenly jumped here again.

"Lucy wanted to win the heroine's role in the director's new drama, and she made an appointment with the director in the room. Knowing what the director meant, she wanted to replace me when it came to the end. I didn't do it and was taken by her when she disputed her The table lamp was dizzy, and the director was also inadvertently injured by her. "Lu Man explained briefly.

"It turns out so." Han Zhuo nodded sharply.

Lu Man was surprised to find that he did not have any doubts about her in his eyes.

He actually believed her.

"Do you believe me?" Lu Man asked in surprise.

"Why don't you believe it?" Han Zhuoli seemed to think this question was absurd, as if to believe she was justified.

"Why?" Lu Man forgot that he was still held in his arms at this time, leaving only the impact of his trust in his heart.

The two of them were obviously strangers. The first time I met today, he didn't know anything at all, so he believed her.

At the beginning, even her biological father didn't believe her.

Han Zhuoli, who had just met, even believed her without hesitation!

"There is no reason why, I know you are telling the truth." Han Zhuoli said.

This cannot be explained, only because of the ability of his head.

The heads of the eight major families all have their own abilities, and the next head of the family is also served by someone who has awakened their abilities.

In each generation, only one person can awaken the ability of the owner.

Therefore, as long as he is awakened, he must be the owner of the next generation.

And Han Zhuoli's ability to be a homeowner is able to discern lies.

When a person speaks in front of him, he instinctively knows whether he is telling the truth or falsehood.Not being able to know what the other person is thinking, but simply being able to discern when the other person is speaking.

There are very few people who know the abilities of the heads of the eight generations of the head of the family. Only those whom they trust know, and they will not speak out at will.

Otherwise, special abilities will also become fatal weaknesses.

It is easy to be used by those who are interested, and come up with ways to restrain or use it.

Lu Man's eyes were a little hot. No one except her mother gave her such trust in her life.

After divorcing from her parents, Xia Qingyang entered the Lu's house, she would have no father.

Lu Qiyuan no longer believed her, Xia Qingyang said, Lu Qi said, he believed.

But it was her who was bullied, and she was framed. But Lu Qiyuan never believed, reprimanded her, punished her, let her learn more from Lu Qi, let her not bully Xia Qingyang, let her respect her stepmother.

For a long time, she had not heard anyone say to trust her.

The person who said this was actually Han Zhuoli who had nothing to do with her.

Oh, that's really funny.

Even a stranger can believe her words, but her loved ones do not believe her boyfriend who knows the truth but would rather help the real murderer to frame her.

She had failed in her last life.

Han Zhuoli's trust made her heart warm, and a strange look rose. The skin that was attached to him had never been hotter than before, and the heart skipped quickly and died.

At this moment, the ringing of the mobile phone suddenly sounded and suddenly pulled Lu Man out of this strange appearance.

"Don't answer the phone?" Han Zhuoli said so, but her hands were very irregular.

Lu Man was so distracted just now that he didn't notice it. Looking down at this moment, Han Zhuoli's hand didn't know when he moved it to her chest.