The Long-awaited Mr Han

468 You Give Me Another Chance, I Change

Teacher Chen suddenly choked nervously and was speechless.

Principal Liu's face was even darker, but he didn't expect it to be said by him!

If this is the case, then such a person cannot stay!

This is harming students!

Principal Liu has decided that she ca n’t change her position, let her go to the girls ’dormitory.

Although she couldn't keep herself up, she offered to resign.

Principal Liu dialed Secretary Li ’s internal telephone, “Secretary Li, you called the instructor of the senior performance class.”

Since Teacher Chen is no longer available, Principal Liu has no plans to keep her until the end of the semester.

Otherwise, looking back for trouble, this is to find trouble for the school.

It ’s a lesson to see what the drama academy is stunned now!

President Liu now asks about the current situation of the Academy of Drama whenever the mood is bad.

Teacher Chen has not given up, if she really manages the dormitory, she will be over.

"Principal Liu, please give me another chance." Teacher Chen begged. "I have some shortcomings, I will definitely change it. I may be stereotyped. I am too dogmatic about the school's rules and regulations. I have a chance, I change. "

Principal Liu was too lazy to speak, and waited for the senior class instructor to come over.

"Lu Man." Teacher Chen shouted, and now he can still take care of his face and make a smile. "This time I did something wrong. I ... I have some deficiencies in this regard, I don't know how to work around. You forgive the teacher This time, will it work? "

Lu Man did not intend to cause trouble for himself.

Whether President Liu's punishment against Teacher Chen was genuine or fake, Lu Man could tell.

President Liu really doesn't plan to keep Mrs. Chen anymore.

Not just for her, but for more students who come to the film school.

The first time I saw President Liu, I thought he was too slick.

But now it is found that the principal Liu is really thinking about the students.

Lu Man felt warm in his heart, and naturally he would not confront Headmaster Liu, so he said lightly: "Who said you will not be flexible? When facing Zhang Xiaoying, I think you are very flexible."

Teacher Chen:"……"

The headmaster was more amused at the thought of this.

Which one won't work around?

This is stepping down and holding high!

It was her self-righteousness that drove down.

Lu Man does not know how many times higher than Zhang Xiaoying!

Teacher Chen even offended Lu Man for Zhang Xiaoying. The principal wiped his sweat and thought secretly in his heart. Fortunately, he responded quickly and handled it in a timely manner.

Fortunately, Lu Man still trusted him, knowing to come to him, otherwise he didn't know how he was killed.

At this time, the office door was knocked again, "Principal, Teacher Liang is here."

Secretary Li asked Teacher Liang to come in. Teacher Liang still did not know what was going on. Seeing that the atmosphere in the office was a bit dull and depressed, her heart also raised.

"Teacher Liang, please sit down." Principal Liu said, leaving Secretary Li to stay in the office.

"Principal, you came to me for--" Teacher Liang asked fidgetingly.

"Oh, don't be nervous, it's a good thing." Principal Liu smiled, "Mr. Liang, you are now a tutor in the senior performance class. According to our school's rotation system, you will have a performance class with freshman next year."

Teacher Liang had a headache when he thought about this, and he had to do it. Others came here like this, but he still felt that the next year would be depressing enough.

Freshman is the most difficult to bring.

"Now there are not many things in the senior class. The students have gone out to film, and few people stayed." Principal Liu said, "So you help the tutor of Mrs. Chen's class, and you will follow them directly in the coming year. Class, you do n’t have to take the freshman class, how?